Name: Samantha Parker
Nickname: Sam
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, Caring, Determined.
Appearance: A blonde fox humanoid with fangs sticking out of her mouth when, it is shut. Sharp glistening claws. Purple eyes. Brownish - blonde hair in a pony-tail with bangs on the sides of her head that goes to her cheeks. Her height goes up to Sulley's shoulders.
Clothing: Black rimmed glasses, a MU necklace, a green shirt with a jean jacket with sleeves rolled up to the elbows. A pair of grey shorts that are covered by a long skirt that goes down to the knees.
Likes: Reading, Learning, MU, Hanging out with her friends.
Dislikes: Bullies, Being bullied, Seeing her friends bullied.
P.S. Sorry, I could not think of a better monster than this.