Hope you like this story, even though I was ok that Sookie did not choose either at the end of Season 4, I felt she made a mistake, and should have realized it. This is my take on what should have happened.

As I was helping Eric and Bill down from the pile of burnt wood, the over bearing smell of their fleshing burning was making me nauseas and emotional. It was painful seeing the loves of my life in such a state. Even though I could tell they were hurting,
they tried not to complain too much. I guess they are trying to see which one could be stronger and live thru the pain. Neither one gave in, as we slowly walked to Bill's home.

I was lost in my thoughts of seeing them hurt that I barely heard Bill as he offered to retrieve some 'donors' so him and Eric could heal. My head shot up and I gave Bill a look of "what the fuck?". But he wasn't looking at me when he said it. He was
looking forward, toward the front door. Eric on the hand, looked straight at me, and gave me his famous raised eye brow look. I wasn't sure what he was thinking, but I knew I didn't want to stick around and see them feed off the more than willing
donors that most likely were very attractive females if I knew the "King" like I did. Bill liked his lady donors. So as we walked in, I stayed back close to front door. Bill quickly retrieved robes, and gave one to Eric, and then he went to the back
of the house to call on the donors. Eric then turned to me and said as quietly as he could. "Sookie we need to talk." I nodded my head but still held back.

"Yes, I want to talk, but I am not staying around to watch you and Bill feed on donors, " I said as I turned around to walk out. Eric stopped the door from opening with his right hand and then grabbed my hand with his left hand and led me to Bill's office.
He quickly shut the doors. "You are not leaving here until we talk, "said Eric with an expression on his face that he was serious. He is so demanding. I wish he could ask nicely sometimes. He then proceed to remove what left of his pants and put on
the robe.

I turned my head while he changed. "Well I am not watching you suck the neck of some sexy donor and then hear the moans of your arousal, I rather be at home watching paint dry, " was my response that wasn't as snappy of a comeback as I would have hoped.
Being around Eric sometimes made me dumb, especially after seeing him bare all before he put on the robe. He was still perfect even with his injuries.

"I need to heal, and it would be faster with real blood." Eric swayed a little with that statement as he tied the belt on the robe, I could tell he wanted to fall but kept his ground.

"Here!" As I raised my arm. "Drink from me if you need blood." I couldn't believe I offered my blood to the real Eric, but I would much rather he drinks from me than anyone else. I still felt something for him. And I felt the jealously of thinking
him take blood from another woman.

Eric then grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, but didn't take it. Instead he pulled me even closer by the collar of my jacket. I could smell him and the burnt flesh but I didn't want to move. I couldn't look at him either; I kept my eyes on the desk
of Bill' office. He then slipped my jacket off my body, and smelled my neck. I was frozen with excitement. I wanted him to bite me like in the cubby but I didn't want to show my lust for him either. He inhaled my skin, and then took his hand and moved
my face to look at him. I knew what he wanted. My permission to bite from my neck. I looked in his eyes, and nodded so slowly. That is all he needed and gently as a hungry vampire could he held me to him. His hand pushing me against him in the small
of my back, and then his fangs clicked down and he bit.

I could hear him growling into my body. My arms came up around his biceps and I held on. Those few pulls of blood were like pulling my heart through my chest. My blood was pumping rapidly. I think I moaned a few times because before I knew it. I could
feel Eric's gracious plenty between us. My lust shot up. My hands fell to his waist and moved around his back and hugged him as he sucked on my neck again. Before I realize what we were doing, he threw everything off Bill's desk and had my sitting
on the edge. His body was position between my legs, and involuntary I moved my legs around him. He had stopped sucking and was kissing my neck and working his way to my ear when Bill open the office doors.

"Sorry to interrupt but I have the donors ready, "Bill stutter out as he saw Eric and I in a passionate embrace. I felt more passion with Eric than anything I felt with Bill. I moved Eric away and jumped down. Eric had a grin on his face.

"Bill I don't need a donor, Sookie offered to heal me." Eric stated matter of fact like. He looked so smug. I wanted to wipe the grin on his face. But I wanted to go home fast. I was running for the front door.

'Sookie wait up and I will walk you home," Eric said looking right at Bill as he strolled by. My blood had already healed his chest and he was back to looking as perfect as ever.

Bill stopped him by the time we reach the front door. "Eric we have a matter to attend to tonight. The AVL is sending Nan to come speak with us about the witch incident. I need you to stay. We need to brief her on the resolution." Bill was pulling rank
on Eric and I could tell that was irritating to Eric. He turned around and spoke like a true ass hole that he could be sometimes. "Tonight Bill I think you can handle it, I am needed elsewhere." With that Eric turned behind me and out the door. But
Bill was not having it. "Eric you will come back in an hour, or I will come to you." And then Bill slammed the door.

I walked out side and turned to look at Eric. He still had the robe on and no shoes. "You going to walk me home like that?" Eric walked up and picked me up bridal style. "No I am going to fly". And we that he lifted me up and we shot up in the air.

"Eric Northman, I didn't know you could fly!" I held on to his neck for dear life as he fly the short distance to a very familiar area of grass.

As we landed softly on the ground, he proclaimed " there is many things you don't know about me Ms. Stackhouse." He still held me in his arms as he spoke.

We both looked at each other for what seemed like forever before he sit me down feet first.

"Do you remember this place?" I asked him as I walked toward a huge tree. My back facing him as I touched the tree. Too embarrassed to look at him.

"Yes I know this is the first place we made love" Eric spoke in a whisper as he followed me. He took his hand and rubbed my neck. Massaging the muscles in my neck and back as he lightly kissed the top of my head.

I turned around and his face was close to mine, I lean back into the tree. "I do care for you, you are important to me. I do feel love for you, love for the Eric that I protected in my house." I was touching his face and he kissed the inside of my hand.

"Our house" Eric said. "That is our house".

I didn't know how to respond to that. Part of me was angry that he thought that, and the other part of me liked the sound of it.

"We made a bond in that house. When we shared blood, we began a bond. It wasn't a healing blood but one shared out of our love." Eric pulled away and gave me some space to think, but I immediately wanted him back close.

"How do I know that your blood isn't make me feel this way? Like I said before my love could just be chemical." I said that thinking I wished I hadn't.

"Did you have my blood before we made love?" Eric asked looking at tree, not at me.

I thought real hard and the only time I had Eric's blood was the time I sucked the bullet out in Dallas. Then I didn't have it again until in the cubby. Eric had tasted me during tragic Russell meeting at Fangtasia. I remember how he looked before he
took my blood as if he was already sorry. Then I freely gave it to him to heal him from the sun again.

"No I guess this I only had a little bit from Dallas and that was probably gone by now."

"Do you feel like I tricked you into being with me?" Eric was still not looking at me.

"No, I knew what I was doing when were together. I know what we felt was mutual." I had tears in my eyes and glad he wasn't looking at me.

"It still is. I still love you, I think I probably knew that before the witches curse. But was trying not too. Loving you is dangerous." Eric was looking at me now, and was very serious. " I have been trying to deny my feelings for you for long time.
I don't like feeling. That is the truth." Eric had blood tears in his eyes.

I was full on crying tears. Oh this is not what I want to hear. Eric walked over to me and held my face up to see him. He had a blood tear was running down one check. "But I cannot deny it any longer. I do love you. And I would rather die loving you than
to never see you or hold you again."

Then he kissed me, like it was the last kiss I would ever receive. I kissed him back. I knew then that I never wanted to lose him. I would not be able to leave him tonight and never see him again. I did love him.

I pulled back, and spoke to his face. "Eric I do love you, but I am scared. I don't want to lose you. Trusting you, the Eric with all his memories, will be hard. But I want to try." With that, Eric was kissing me again. And he had me in his arms, and
had my hands in his hair. I never wanted to let go.

Eric laid me down on the soft grass again, then he took off his robe, and started kissing me again. I tried to speak, but he said in my ear, "no more words my lover, let our bodies talk." And I obey him without objection this time. I was so tired and
I needed Eric. The way his body felt on top of me. Even though he was cool, my flesh was hot, it was a more warmth that I could have asked for. He took off my shirt and pants without me even knowing and before I knew what he was doing he had my panties
off and his gracious plenty deep inside. It felt so right. I urge him on by squeezing his glorious ass and he called out my name many times. Soon I roll on top of him and let his hands and mouth enjoy my breasts as I rode out my passion on him. We
came with each other many times.

He spoke only this after we collapsed together. "My lover, I will never give you another reason to distrust me. As long as you are mine, I will honor you in every way." I responded by kissing Eric and saying "I love you too"

After a few minutes I jumped up. "Bill will be looking for you!" Eric laughed, "let him come find us."

"Eric, please!Bill,as rotten as he is,does not deserve to walk up on us. " Eric shrugged he shoulders.

"Come now, lets go to our house, " I said. Eric was beaming at that thought. We dressed as best we could and he flew us to the house.

"I like this flying" I said as I kissed him.

"Any time lover," responded Eric as we landed. I started up the steps, Eric sniffed hard in the air, and he grabbed my arm. "Sookie there is a wolf in the house. Stay here."

"Tara is inside" I whispered. Eric was already at the door, he vamp sped inside and all I heard then was a women's scream and gun shot.

"ERIC!" I screamed and ran inside.

thanks for reading! All reviews are welcome , and should I continue? (do you want more?) :-)