Cute Little Maid

Fine didn't like it one bit. Rein and Sophie insisted she'd get the job. Altezza and her had no interest but got dragged in.

This is how it happened...


"So...we're going to be maids for rich people?" Fine asks Rein. Rein gasps. Causing Fine to flinch like she said something wrong. "What?"

"You did not just say 'rich people'." Sophie said as well.

"They are, aren't they?" Altezza joined in.

Rein and Sophie stared at them in disbelief. Fine and Altezza exchange confuse glances.

"So...who are they?" Fine asks.

Rein takes out a magazine from her purse. "They are the most popular, hottest guys, and most successful idols!" She said without breathing. "How do you not know about them?!" Rein takes deep breaths.

"Unlike Fine and I, you two waste your time gossiping. We work and don't waste time." Altezza packs her belongings. "I have a job interview I need to attend." Her head turns to Fine. "Can you give me a ride?"

"Sure. Just let me drop something off first. What time do you have to be there?" Fine asks.

"In an hour."

"Perfect. The dropff will take 5 minutes."

"Thank you."

"No problem. I'm basically one of the people who has sense of direction."

Rein pouts. "What's that suppose to mean!? I can drive!" She said.

"I never said anything driving. Let's go Altezza."

"Wait!" Sophie said. Both girls stop. "What if I told you our job pays more than your jobs!"

"How much?" Fine asks curiously.

"Come closer!" Both girls lean in. "74 dollars an hour."

"What-!?" Rein covers their mouths. "Sh! We're in public!"

She removes her hands. "That's more than my original pay!" Fine said.

"Just what job do you have?!" Altezza questions.

Rein smirks. "Oh~ Do you really wanna know?" She asks.

"There's no way a job is that easy!"

"Come with us."

Sophie pays for their snacks and they exit the building. "We're maids of the most popular, hottest guys, and most successful idols! They're really nice!" Sophie said. "I'm Tio's personal maid!"

"And I'm Bright's!" Rein squealed. "I love him! He's so kind and charming!"

"Shade and Auler are still looking for a personal maid! They even asked us to ask our friends to sign up!"

Fine and Altezza exchange glances. "I guess it won't hurt...right?" Fine asks. Altezza shrugs. "Where do we sign up?"

"We already signed you up!"

"Eh?" The girls stare at the two smiling morons. "YOU WHAT?!"

Fine shakes Rein. "So you did it without my permission?! You already sign the paperwork?!"

"L-Let me e-explain!" Rein said. Fine let's go. "We knew you'd say yes so we went ahead!"


Altezza said, "When is the interview?"

"No interview! We already told them about you!" Sophie said.

This time she received a headlock from Altezza. "Anything else we need to know!?" She said.

"Tap out! Tap out!" Sophie kept tapping Altezza's arm. Finally she releases. "You start tomorrow at noon. You'll meet a woman in front of the gate."

Rein gives them a paper. "This is the address. Early in the morning. 5am sharp!" She said.

"Looks like you're spending the night with me Altezza." Fine sighed. "Let's go to your place to pick up some clothes."

"Thank you." Altezza said. "Now I'm going to cancel my interview."

"See you two tomorrow!" Rein said and walks away with Sophie.

So now here they are in front of a glorious mansion! They had to go to bed early and prepare their clothes for the next day.

Altezza had to wake up at 3 just to get ready. Fine woke up 30 earlier just to make breakfast. After they finished, Fine quickly got ready and searched up the address to their destination. When 4:30 came, they immediately left the apartment and went to the mansion.

Turns out they came 15 minutes early.

"Ha. New record." Fine said.

"Agreed." Altezza said. "We make a good team when it comes to this."


"Are you two Fine Kuri and Altezza Gurou?" Asked an elder woman.

"Yes. Are you the woman we're suppose to meet?"

"Yes. I'll be your instructor, Camelot. Follow me." She leads them inside the mansion and to the locker room. "This is where we dress." Early maids were dressing out. "Since you're personal maids, you'll be receiving your own lodge. This way." She opens a door. "Fine will be Shade's maid and Altezza will be Auler's. So Fine is number 1 and Altezza is 3." She opens the door. "When you're done dressing, meet me in front of the door."

"Yes ma'am. Thank you." Fine said and they entered.

When they went to their lockers and dressed out, Fine immediately felt insecure. Altezza even sensed it.

"What's wrong?" Altezza asks.

"D-Doesn't this outfit look a bit...short?" Fine said as she pulled down the skirt.

"No. But at least yours is way more cuter!"

"It's embarrassing!" Fine was turning red.

"It shows your features more and it pops out your breasts more."


"It's true! Rein will be super jealous if she saw your outfit!"

"You're absolutely right!" They flinch and turn to the door. Rein and Sophie were standing in front of the door. Rein scans her sister. "No fair! I want to wear that! Your outfit is much cuter!"

"Wanna switch?" Fine asks.

Rein sighs. "I wish! But this is our assigned outfits! We have to wear them!"

"No way!" Fine takes a feel breath. "I hope Shade isn't a pervert..." Just as she was about to put her her in a ponytail, Sophie stops her.

"Leave your hair down. You look more cuter that way." She said with a smile.

Fine didn't have the courage to say no. So she left it down.

"See you girls later." Altezza said. "Let's go Fine."

"Coming." Fine leaves the room with Altezza.

Just as Camelot said, she waited outside. She started giving them a tour and then stops in front of door and a seed weed color frame around it.

"This is Master Auler's. Remember what I said, always inform him as Master. The same goes for you Fine. Now what did you learn during our tour?"

"Respect your master and do what he wishes. Only obey him when you're needed." They both said.

"Excellent." She checks her watch. "It's about time Master Auler wakes up. He has a busy schedule today. Here it is." She hands a clipboard to Altezza. "Starting tomorrow your clipboards will be in your lockers. Always be here 5am sharp! I will not accept excuses."

"Understood. But may I ask what if I can't wait him up?" Altezza asks.

"I give you permission to do what's necessary."

"Thank you."

"Moving on." Camelot walks away. Fine walks up to Altezza.

"Good luck." She said.

"You too." Altezza smiled.

Fine dashes to catch up to Camelot. They walk side-by-side.

"Now that we're alone, there is something I need to inform you about Master Shade." Camelot said. Fine listens. "Master Shade is a hard person to serve. He's always out there doing whatever he pleases. His work is always incomplete. So be sure he does his work and always on time." She hands Fine the clipboard with Shade's schedule. "He's a difficult man to get through."

"Then...why assign him to me?" Fine asks.

"You look like you're up for the challenge. Just by looking at you and your sister, I can tell you've been through a lot. But it seemed to affect you harder." She puts her hand on Fine's shoulder. "I trust you."

Fine takes a feel breath. "Thank you Miss Camelot."

They stop in front of the door with a violet frame. "This is it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask." Camelot walks away.

"Thank you!" Fine opens the door.

The room was dark and the curtains were closed. Fine looks at the clipboard. "He's suppose to go for his morning jog at 5:30... Guess he skipped that. At 8 he's suppose to have breakfast." She checks her watch. "7:20. Better wake him up." She walks towards the curtains and opens them. The sun was barely coming up. 'Pretty view...' She thought and looks over to the bed.

There was a man sleeping and it looked like he had a lady companion next to him. 'Did they...' She shivers and walks back to the door. She turns on the light switch.

Both man and female squeezed their eyes.

"Turn off the lights Camelot... Give me 20 minutes." The man groaned.

"I'm sorry to break it to you but I'm not Camelot!" Fine said. "My name is Fine and I'll be your personal maid starting today!"

The man froze then sat up. He rubs his eyes. "Personal maid? Why the fuck do I need a maid for?" He said.

"To keep you in schedule." The woman sat up as well. She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asks tiredly.


"I should go. I have work in an hour." The woman stands up. Her named body revealed. Fine blushes at looks away. The woman had a beautiful body. It reminded Fine about her own outfit.

The woman puts on her clothes and turns to Fine. She was stunning. "Thank you for waking me. I can't afford to be late again."

"N-No problem. Have a nice day ma'am." Fine bows.

"You too." The woman leaves.

Fine looks at the man. He was half naked because his blanket was covering his waist down.

"You need to be in the dining hall in half an hour. Please get ready Master Shade." Fine said.

Shade got up from the bed. Fine blushes furiously and covers her face with the clipboard. "What? You haven't seen a naked man before?"

"No! Never!"

Shade smirks in amusement. "So you're a virgin?"

"Hurry and get ready!"

"Okay then. Joy kill." He goes to the bathroom. "I'm going to shower."

"You have 3 minutes!"

He turns to her surprise. "Why?"

"If you question me I'll make it shorter!"

"Okay, okay! Bossy much?"

As told, he showers in 3 minutes. When he came out his hair was still wet and dripping and his shirt was unbutton. "You'll catch a cold like that! Let me dry your hair!" She snatches the towel from his hands and dries his hair.

"You're pretty good at this. Did you practice before signing up?"

"My mom always dried my hair when I was little. So I learned from her. And my sister was sloppy when it came to drying her hair. She always used a blow dryer after using the shower. So I dried her hair though it took a long time because she has so much."

"Interesting. Maybe I should always come out with wet hair."

"Don't even try." She leaves the towel on his head and buttons up his shirt. "You're sloppy."

"You're bossy."

"At least I'm not a spoiled person like yourself."


Fine finished and takes the towel off his head. She puts it in the dirty bin. "Let's go."

They exit the room and head to the dining room.

Fine thought, 'This was easy. I have no idea what Camelot was talking about!'

"Well, well. You look stunning this morning." Shade said in a flirty tone. The maid blushes. "How about later we...take it to my room."

"Not so fast!" Fine grabs him behind the collar. "I'm sorry to disturb your chat but you have a bossy schedule today and you cannot afford to be late! Let's go!" She drags him by the arm.

"Usually maids don't have the courage to touch me unless they're told to."

"No matter who you are, that won't change my point of view of you. You're still human yet living as a spoiled idol! Stop taking time from the maids and start doing your work!"

"Tch. You're no fun. Maybe I should inform that to Camelot."

"Go ahead. She was the one who assigned me to you in the first place."

"Should've known..."

Fine opens the door and finds three more guys around a table. All looking surprise.

"Shade? This is rare. You're early for once." The blonde asks.

"Shut up Bright! My personal maid kept pushing me around! I couldn't have fun!" Shade complained.

"Maybe if you always stayed in schedule, I wouldn't be here." Fine said.

Shade's eye twitches in irritation. "You're starting to irritate me."

"You're starting to annoy me."




"Prevert." Now Shade just gave her a stare of irritation. "Sit down because breakfast is about to be served."

"Whatever." Shade sat next to Bright.

Fine goes through the back to the kitchen.

" two had an interesting conversation." Bright said.

"What did she mean by 'pervert'? Did you do something to her?" The boy with a pale color hair said.

"It's not my fault she was wearing such a uniform!" Shade froze as if he remembered something then sulked.

"What happened?"

"Couple weeks ago Camelot was getting my clothes ready and I was exhausted. I was complaining how I didn't have a cute maid with a hot uniform. She questioned me if I actually wanted one... I was so tired that I didn't even think twice."

"So you're the reason..." The one with green hair chuckled. "See Tio? He's always answering without thinking twice."

"Shut up Auler!"

Auler, Tio, and Bright laugh. Shade just angrily glares at them while Fine walks into the kitchen. She found her sister and friends chatting. They spot Fine and wave.

"How's Shade?" Rein asks.

"He's a pervert and flirt." Fine said. "That's at least what I learned from a distance." She sighed.

"You got a tough one..." Altezza said.

"What about you?"

"Auler's kind. He called me gorgeous and try talking to me. He's always asking for my attention."

"So you have it hard as well..."

Both girls sulk. "R-Relax you two. It'll get better so hang in there!" Rein said.

"Hopefully." Altezza said. "Let's just get over this already."

They served their masters and after that, they went their separate ways.

Rein took Bright to his fencing lessons. Sophie took Tio to the cabin to practice horseback riding. Altezza took Auler to archery lessons. And Fine took Shade to his meeting.

Their day went on like this. At least they saw the side no one else saw.

Fine constantly had to wake up Shade in different ways. She dragged him and argued with him. In ways they got along when it came to their friends or Camelot.

Rein was always being treated nicely by Bright. Even though he's the master and she's the maid, he tends to baby her sometimes when she hurts herself.

Altezza started chatting more with Auler. She even started developing feelings for him. He often told her about her beauty. He noticed things that no one else noticed.

As for Sophie, she often played with Tio. He was still 18 and attended school, so she would accompany him and wait for him. After school they go have a snack and review the schedule for the day.

It went on like this for weeks. They saw their rehearsals and previews. When they get back from meetings, they'll be exhausted.

Finally...after 7 weeks of work, they finally get to have lunch together.

"Next is vocal lessons. At least we'll see each other there!" Sophie said.

"Yay! I won't be alone with pervert master!" Fine said.

"You really don't like him...huh." Altezza said.


They sat down and began eating. It was quiet and no one even wanted to talk. Rein looks at them and begins to think.

Rein claps her idea in excitement. She gets their attention as she gets an empty cup. Instantly Fine knew what she was going to do.

"You're going to play the cup song?" Fine asks.

"Yup! It's fun!" Rein answered. "Altezza, join me! We've done this a lot of times during high school!"

Altezza just takes her cup and flips it. "Ready when you are." She said.

Rein began and Altezza followed.


I've got my ticket for the long way 'round
Two bottle whiskey for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
And I'm leaving tomorrow. What d'you say?

Sophie sings along while Rein and Altezza begin humming along:

When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my walk
You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

They cups continue on. Fine glances at Sophie to continue. So it was a solo with the cups:

I've got my ticket for the long way 'round
The one with the prettiest of views
It's got mountains, it's got rivers
It's got sights to give you shivers
But it sure would be prettier with you

Again. With the sing along and humming:

When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my walk
You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You're sure gonna miss me when I'm gone

This time Fine sang alone and Rein was the only one playing with the cup:

When I'm gone, when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my walk
You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

The maids around them started clapping. The girls smile at each other.

Meanwhile outside the lunchroom, the boys saw the whole thing. They backed up and began walking away.

"They were incredible! Don't you think so too?!" Tio asks excitedly.

"This is my first time seeing Altezza smile like that! She looks like an angel!" Auler said.

"Rein looked like she was having fun! Maybe next time I'll take her on a date!" Bright said.

"How about we give them a treat?" Shade asks. They all give them questioning looks. "I've seen the way all of you state at each other. Don't you think it's time to give them what they want?"

"I'm still underage...but I really do like Sophie. She's sweet and caring. Kinda like my big sis except Sophie can be an airhead. But that's what I love about her." Tio said.

"Altezza always glows when it comes to dancing and jewelry. She always knows what to say to keep me from getting distracted. She's cute when she blushes and she has that charm that makes you want to kiss her." Auler said.

"Rein is very kind. She always supports me and cheers me up! She's beautiful, talented, and working her best. I love her smile the most! I could stare at her smile for ages!" Bright said.

Shade looks at the boys in amusement. He thinks about Fine as the guys were talking about their maids. 'Fine is...' He remembers her smile. 'An angel. Even though she's a pain, she manages to comfort me in my dark times. Her innocence is pure that it makes other men want to grab her. I wanna protect her and keep her to myself. Her words and strength encouraged me to do my best. She's my cute little maid. And my best friend.'

After rehearsal, Fine escorted Shade to the break room and stood next to him as he sits down.

"Fine?" Shade said.

"Yes?" Fine said as she checks the schedule.

"Sit next to me."

Fine almost drops the clipboard and stares at Shade. "W-What for?"

"I'm tired and you're comfortable. Your laps always manage to make me sleep."

"Alright then. Only for 10 minutes!" Fine sits next to him. Shade falls on his side and relaxes his head on her lap. Fine strokes his hair as he slowly closes his eyes. "Master Shade?"

"I told you to call me Shade when we're alone."

"R-Right." Fine clears her throat. "Shade... I've been wondering for some time now. And I've been meaning to ask who that woman was when we first met."

"Valerie? What about her?"

"She's so beautiful and she has a figure. Couple days ago I received a call from her, telling me to tell you why you've left her. She still loves you."

Shade leaves his eyes half open. "I didn't love her. It wouldn't be fair if I dated her when only she loved me. I just want her to find someone who'll give her all the love she wants that I can't. Besides... I love someone else."

Fine's heart skips a beat. "Who is it?"

Shade gets up and looks over to Fine. "You really want to know?"

"Y-Yes." Shade cups her cheek. Fine blushes and stares at Shade with wide eyes.

"She's been with me for 7 weeks already. Even though she's a pain in the ass, she's also someone very dear to me. I couldn't help but fall in love with her because...she's always kept up with me."


"Fine." He leans to her. Fine closes her eyes. "I love-"

"SHADE! THE DIRECTOR IS REQUESTING US!" Auler said through the speaker.

Fine backs away. Her face deeply blushed. "Way to kill the moment." Shade said. "I'll be back."


Though...they didn't continue where they left off because work kept stacking up...






To be continue! Mwahahaha!

But I will continue.