Hi! You, yes you! Thanks for reading my fanfic! I really hope you like it and reviews are always welcomed. Although please consider that this is my first fanfic ever soooo, yeah.

Hetalia doesn't belong to me! It belongs to Hima-papa!


Chapter 1: A Little bird

The school bell rang and all the students rose from their seats to head home. I just sat at the back of the class-room, looking out of the window. It was starting to snow and little snowflakes started descending from the sky. I stuffed my notebook inside my bag and decided to leave.

As I walked down the halls, I could see groups of people chatting.

'That must be nice… Talking with friends'

I reached my locker and took out the books I'd need the day after. As I headed to the door I tried to avoid running into people. You see, I´m hardly even noticed, so this leads to a lot of bumping. And when people do notice me, they always end up confusing me for my brother, Alfred. He is my twin and I always see him surrounded by tons of friends, unlike me, who is always alone. I don't mind it as much as before though. You could say I've gotten used to it, but I recon it would be nice to have at least someone to talk to at school. Although, now that I think about it, it would be difficult to find a person that could stand how incredibly shy I am. That and the fact I'm not really interesting.

I often stay after class drawing flowers in the art-room. That always helps to calm me when I feel stressed or sad. Papa says I always draw different flowers depending on my mood. Sometimes, I go play ice hockey in the ring at school, but never entered the school's team. I tried, but they forgot about me and I couldn't enter. Ok, back to reality. I was mid-way to the door, but I decided to go and draw a little bit. I glanced at my watch.

'Yeah, I have some time. Not that they would even notice anyway…'

With that thought, I turned around the corner. Mostly everyone had left already so I took the chance to look out of the window in the hall. Everything was covered by a thin, new white layer of snow. I smiled at the scenery.

'So beautiful. So pure. So… yellow?'

I readjusted my red framed glasses and tried to focus my sight onto what seemed to be a little yellow ball laying in the snow.

"Oh god, is that a bird?" I realized.

When that tiny thing attempted to jump, it was confirmed. It was a little bird, a canary by the looks of it. The poor thing must be freezing out there! I dashed to the nearest door. I couldn't just leave it there! It could die or end up severely injured!

Once I was outside, I ran to the spot I had seen the bird at. Finding it struggling to fly three feet away from me, I approached it and picked it up. It's big, dark eyes looked in fear at my violet ones.

''Shh, it's ok, I won't hurt you.'' I cooed. That's when I noticed he, or at least I think it's a he, was shivering.

''You poor thing, you're way to cold.'' I said to myself as I cupped him with my globed hand. The bird cheeped weakly at me. I gently placed him in the inside pocket of my jacket to keep it warm, making sure not to harm him. I just hope I'm not too late.

I went inside the school and grabbed my bag, which I had thrown aside, and headed to the bus stop, knowing Alfred must have gone home without me again. I sighed.

'I sometimes can't believe we are actual brothers… we have almost nothing in common yet, people always mistake me for him. Heck, once a guy punched me because that idiot decided to prank him.'

I shook my head. This was not the time to think about that. Quickening my pace, I managed to catch the last bus home. Luckily it wasn't packed, seeing as pretty much everyone had returned by now. I went to the warmest seat at the back, the one on top of the motor engine and sat down. I spread my legs a little and placed the little bird in between them, cupping it again with my hands to give it extra warmth. He had stopped shaking and now seemed to be getting warmer.

I sighed in relief and retrieved my hands, letting one to pet the cute animal I had saved from freezing. I turned my head to look out the window and saw a girl sleeping soundly at my side. She had a lot of note-books and a pencil clutched firmly in her hand. I could see a little bit of an earphone between her strands of hair, but I had to get off the bus so I left her and scooped the bird.

I got off at my stop and half walked, half run back home. Reaching my two-story house, I unlocked the door and rushed to my room. It seems Papa Francis was still at work and Arthur didn't see me enter. Alfred must be out with some friends.

''There you go, all snuggled up and comfy!'' I said as I tucked the bird inside my home-made nest of blankets on my bed. The bird cheeped happily and seemed to go to sleep. Deciding I needed a nap too, I laid out next to him and pulled my stuffed polar bear close to my chest. It had been a gift from my Mama.

'Mama… I miss you… I hope you're doing good up there.'

With the memory of her radiant smile, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

EH MEH GED I CAN'T BELIEVE IM FINALLY PUBLISHING THIS! Ok, first of all, thanks to anyone who read the story! :D I hope you liked it and plan to stay through it all! It will start kind of with short chapters but then I will introduce Gilbo and Mattie's back-story so bear with me -w-'''

Anyway, thanks again!

Chau Chau!

Spread the Love and KILL ALL THE TITANS! ^J^