Author's Note: Thanks for sticking with this story and I'm glad that you all liked it. This is the last chapter of this story as of now, unless I decide later to add an epilogue. But we will see. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it and hopefully soon I will have another story for you all to read. I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year.. Love Sher.

Chapter 19


I woke up feeling nauseous and I hoped it would pass quickly. I didn't want to be sick during our wedding. I took a quick shower while everyone was still asleep, and then I got dressed. I went downstairs and had some crackers and ginger ale. I didn't want to eat anything since we were going to Esme's in a little bit.

I sat in my chair and thought back over the last night. I'm glad Edward was happy about the baby and we are both looking forward to telling Angelia today. She'll be over the moon excited, since she asked for a baby brother or sister.

My quiet time was interrupted by everyone getting up and I knew it would be time to leave soon. My nerves were kicking up as well as feeling sick.

"Hey Bella," Rose said as she came in and sat down next to me.

"Morning," I said as I took a sip of my ginger ale.

"Feeling sick?"

"Just a bit."

"Hopefully this stage passes fast," she murmured as I watched her eat a saltine cracker.

"Rose, is there something you want to tell me?" I asked arching an eyebrow at her.

"There is but I don't want to take any spotlight from your day."

I waved my hand in the air and told her to tell me.

"Emmett and I are going to have a baby too."

"Wow, Emmett a father. That's going to be interesting. Congratulations," I said with a smile.

"Thanks, it was quite the shock. I wasn't sure how he'd take it, but this pregnancy has brought out a new side of him. A more mature Emmett, if that's even possible."

"How far along are you?"

"About fourteen weeks," she said softly.

"Just a bit ahead of me, I think I'm about seven or eight weeks along. But we'll find out more when I make an appointment after our honeymoon."

"How did Edward take the news?" she asked before the other girls came down the stairs.

"Really well, he was very happy."

"I knew he would be."

"Hey starting the party without us? How rude it that," Leah said.

"No, just chatting," I said as I ate another cracker.

"Looks like a fun party, crackers and ginger ale all around," Alice said looking at both of us. "Does that mean there's a little Emmett on the way too?"

"Yes, I wasn't going to say anything since it's Bella's special day but we are also expecting."

After everyone congratulated Rose, we headed over to Esme's.

"I'm excited, I get to plan two baby showers now," Alice exclaimed as Leah drove.

"Oh brother," I murmured. "So when is there going to be a little Jasper or Alice to join the baby party?"

"I'm not sure. We haven't really had the baby talk yet."

"Don't you think you should, you're not getting any younger, Ali," Rose said.

"I know it. Maybe soon I'll talk to him, once he hears that Emmett is going to be a father too. It might make him see that it's time," she said wistfully.

"It might," I said as Leah pulled into the driveway and we all got out.

We walked slowly up the stairs and knocked on the door.

Carlisle opened the door with a smile, "Hello Ladies, Esme and Angelia have a light breakfast set up for you in the kitchen," he said with a smile so much like Edward's.

I smiled as I walked slowly inside and we made our way to the kitchen.

Once inside, Esme came directly towards me. "Bella, are you feeling okay? You look a bit flushed."

"I'm fine, just a bit nauseous," I said as Angelia hurried over to me.

"Nauseous? Is there a reason for that?"

"I'm pregnant," I blurted out.

She squealed sounding so much like Alice it was scary.

"Let me get you some ginger tea and have a seat. It will settle everything down," she said as she went to the cabinet muttering about glowing and stuff. Carlisle came in and said he was leaving to pick up the guys and he'd be back shortly.

I sent a quick text to Edward letting him know his mom knew about the baby and that he could tell his dad.

We sat down and Angelia came over to me and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you, mommy."

"I missed you too, sweetheart. Were you good for grandma?" I asked.

"Of course, I was an angel. I get to wear my pretty dress today?" she asked.

"Yes, today is the very special day."

"I know, you and daddy get married today."

"Do you understand what that means?" I asked. She's very smart for her age, so I just wanted to see what her answer would be.

"It means that we'll all have the same name now. We will all be Cullens."

"That's right and one day, we will add to our family"

"Soon, mommy?"

"Perhaps. Will you be okay with that?"

"Oh yes, I want a baby sister or brother. I already told you and daddy that," she said with a smile so much like her father's.

I nodded as Esme put a plate of food in front of me and the smell was making the nausea worse.

I smiled back at her as I picked up my fork and nibbled at the fruit. Hoping that this feeling of nausea passes soon. I watched as everyone talked and Angelia laughed at something Alice said to her.

"You too funny, Auntie Alice," she said in her excited voice.

I loved watching her with people she loved and I couldn't wait to tell her about the baby.

Once we were finished we headed up stairs to start getting ready. I quickly ran into the bathroom and threw up.

"Mommy," I heard from the doorway as I lifted my head up.

"It's okay, sweetie. Mommy's tummy is just nervous. I'll be okay."

"But you throwed up again?"

"I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute. Why don't you let Grandma and Alice help you with your dress?"

"Okay," she sighed as she left the bathroom.

I got up and brushed my teeth and ran the brush through my hair.

I went out into the bedroom and heard Angelia talking to someone on the phone, who I figured was Edward.

I smiled as I looked at her, "Angelia."

She looked up, "Mommy's here now, I have to go and get my pretty dress on now," she told her daddy.

I motioned for her to let me talk to him.

She smiled back at me and told Edward that she loved him and that I wanted to talk to him.

I took the phone from her and watched as she ran to her Grandma.

"Hey sorry about that," I told him softly.

"No worries, I'm sure she'll understand once we tell her about the baby. Are you feeling okay? No cold feet?" he asked.

"I'm good. Your mom has been a godsend with her ginger tea and shortbread cookies. I feel like all I've done is eat this morning. By the way, I have no cold feet, you?"

"Nope, mine are toasty warm. Even though a bit of panic seized my heart as I saw mom's number on my phone."

"I bet. She was worried when she saw me throwing up, but I think you helped her understand a bit better," I said with a smile as I watched Angelia twirling around in her dress and I couldn't stop the little sob that came from me. My baby girl looked so grown up. "She looks so beautiful in her dress. So grown up."

"I'm sure both my girls look beautiful," he said and I'm sure he's smiling. His voice sounded happy.

"I hope so, this little one is making my stomach do somersaults at the moment and I hope it subsides so I can make it down the aisle without tossing my cookies literally."

We both laughed softly.

"I'm sure you'll do fine."

"Thanks, I'll see you soon," I told him softly.

We hung up and it was time for me to get dressed.

"Let's get you ready, Bella," Alice said as she held my dress in her arms.

I smiled as I got up and walked towards them, ready to take this next step with Edward. We are right where we are supposed to be, probably where we should've have been before, but I guess it wasn't time then.

I slipped into my dress as the photographer clicked a few pictures and I slipped on my low heels, even though Alice wanted me to wear higher ones. I told her that I'd do better in the lower ones especially with the morning sickness that seemed to pop up whenever it felt like it.

She relented thankfully.

I stood before the mirror and smiled at my appearance, the dress fit perfectly and my face glowed with happiness.

Esme came over and helped me adjust the veil, "You look beautiful, sweetheart."

"Thanks," I said softly. "I wish my dad could be here."

"I know you do, I'm sure he's looking down on you and smiling. He was always so proud of you."

I nodded.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. I could hear the click of the camera as the photographer captured that moment.

"I'd like a copy of that picture, Bella for the mantle," she murmured as I nodded.

"Thank you for always being the mother I needed during my pregnancy with Angelia. I know how hard it was not to tell Edward about it when he called those few times and now thinking back about it, I can see how wrong I was about not wanting him to know. It was stupid and I'm sorry I had you not tell him."

"No more apologies about that, it's in the past and we all made the choices we did. I understood why you did it and I know that Edward does too now. He's grown up so much and he had to earn your trust back. Which he did, and you two are stronger now than ever. So perhaps that time was needed for him to grow up and learn some things about who he is and what he was to become. You both have matured so much since high school, and now here we are."

I couldn't help the tears that formed in my eyes, "That was so profound. I can see where Edward gets his ways from."

"I think he gets it from both me and Carlisle. You should hear some of his speeches," she said with a wink. "I think the boys have arrived. Are you ready?"

"Yes," I said with a smile. I couldn't wait to marry Edward and start our lives together as husband and wife.

"Mommy, Daddy is here," Angelia said as she ran in the room.

"I know, sweetie. Are you ready to see him?" I asked.

"Yes, I want to show him my dress."

"Okay, but remember we need to be respectful and quiet until after the ceremony. The minister has to talk first and then we can talk to daddy later," I told her as I bent down to her.

"I remember. The sminister has to marry you and then I can talk too."

I nodded as I leaned in and gave her a hug, "I love you sweetie."

"I know, Mommy. I love you too, and Daddy, and Grandma and Papa Car, and Uncle Emmy and Rose and Leah and Alice and Jasper and ..."

"Okay, we need to go or Daddy is going to come looking for us."

She nodded as I stood up.

"Ready Bella?" Alice asked.

"As I'll ever be," I said as Carlisle knocked on the door.

"Hey," he said. "We have an anxious groom waiting at the altar. Are we ready?"

I nodded.

"You look beautiful, Bella," he said as he came over and kissed my cheek before taking my arm.

"Thank you, Dad," I said softly as I looked up at him, it was the first time that I have ever called him that. I could see the tears glistening in his eyes as he looked at me.

"Your welcome," he said with a smile. "Let's go get you two married."

We stood at the top of the stairs with Alice, Leah, Rose and Angelia all waiting for the music to start. Once it did I felt my nerves fluttering and I my hands shook. I don't know why I'm suddenly so nerves. This is what I wanted.

"It'll be fine, Bella. Edward is just as nervous. I even threatened to tie his hands together, to keep him from running them through his hair.

I couldn't help but giggle at that image.

He smiled down at me as we watched Angelia follow the others and then once they were down the stairs, we heard the music change and we knew it was time.

Carlisle looked down at me and I nodded as we started down the stairs slowly.

Once we reached the patio doors, they were opened for us by Jacob. The music changed and you could hear people standing up. I strained my neck looking for Edward. I saw him move to the center of the aisle and I smiled at him. He returned my smile as I started walking towards him, it was as if I couldn't get there fast enough.

It didn't matter that everyone was looking at me, or the my stomach was full of butterflies. I just wanted to get down the aisle to stand with Edward and join our lives together.

When I got to the end of the aisle, Carlisle placed my hand in Edward's and he kissed my cheek before he went to sit next to Esme. The minister nodded and everyone sat down as he began to speak about how important marriage is and what makes a marriage work, and he referenced several passages in the Bible about love and how it is the strongest emotion that one can have. He further explained about how he's talked to both us and listened as we each shared our hearts and he said he has never seen a couple as young as we are be so in tune with each other.

Once we was finished, he had us repeat our vows. It didn't take us long to tie ourselves to each other and Emmett gave Edward the rings with a smile. We exchanged rings and soon I heard the minister tell us that Edward could kiss me. I couldn't help but smile as Edward leaned in and brushed his lips over mine.

"I love you," he said as he pulled back from me.

"I love you too," I said as I pulled him back to me and we kissed deeply. Everything seemed to fade away, just me and Edward remained, kissing as if we were alone. I threaded my fingers into his hair as we heard the faint sounds of clapping and then the loud boisterous voice of Emmett.

"Get a room," he said loudly.

We broke apart and I hid my face in Edward's chest as the minister addressed our guests, "May I be the first to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen."

We walked back down the aisle as everyone clapped. Alice ushered us over to the front of the tent so that we could be ready to receive our guests, and then we will have pictures and finally sit down to eat. I hope all of this doesn't take long, because I am getting hungry.

"Mommy, Daddy," Angelia called from her spot.

I smiled and waved at her as our guests came and greeted us. Edward smiled and held me close to his side. I smiled and hugged our friends and finally it was time to take pictures.

"Are you feeling okay, love?" Edward asked as we posed.

"I think someone is hungry," I said softly as I placed my hand on my tummy.

He nodded and smiled as he motioned Alice over to us.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's time for us to go in and eat, Bella is tired and hungry."

"Okay, we can do more pictures later. Let's make our way into the tent."

We walked behind everyone and I was so glad that we'd be sitting soon. It may be early in my pregnancy but I'm tired. Thankfully Alice didn't throw too much of a fit.

As we walked in, everyone clapped and tapped on their glasses. I hated that tradition. Edward leaned in and kissed me ever so softly. We walked to our table and he helped me sit down.

"I'll go make your plate, love. Is there anything in particular you want?" he asked.

"Whatever is fine, I'm not too picky," I said softly as I reached for my water glass and took a sip as I watched Edward walk to the buffett.

It didn't take him long to come back with both our plates. I looked to see that Angelia was with Esme and already eating.

"Thank you," I said as he set my plate down.

"Your welcome, I hoped I got you things you like."

"You did. You take such good care of us."

"I am going to try my best, baby," he said as he looked into my eyes.

"You do, Edward," I said softly as I leaned in and kissed his cheek and we heard everyone at our table cooing aww.

I just rolled my eyes at our wedding party, especially Emmett. He was always such a jokester and it will be interesting to see him as a father. Edward took to it easily, but there was never a doubt in my mind that he wouldn't, he was always such a caring person. Emmett on the other hand, he has always been a bit immature but hopefully he'll make it.

We ate and talked quietly, before the dj announced it was time for our first dance and I was nervous, but I knew Edward would be holding me in his arms as the song we chose together played around us.

He stood up and held out his hand to me, and I placed mine in his as I stood up and we slowly made our way out to the small dance floor as the beginning strains of the song, I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz started to play. Edward slowly swayed us to the music as he held me close, singing parts of the song in my ear. It was the perfect song for us.

We thought of so many songs that could have been our first dance, but we finally chose this one because it embodied so much that we wanted to convey to each other.

I smiled up at him as we watched others join us on the dance floor as our song ended and the next one began.

We looked over to see Angelia dancing with Seth and Emmett dancing with Rosalie. It was great to see all our friends together and happy. Carlisle came over to us and asked to dance with me and Edward went to dance with his mom.

After the dance, Angelia walked over to us and we took her hands and headed to the gazebo to talk to Angelia. I sat down and Edward lifted Angelia onto his lap as she bit on her bottom lip. She did that when she felt nervous or scared.

"Everything is okay, sweetheart," I said as I pulled her lip from her teeth. "Daddy and I just want to tell you something important."

"What is it?" she asked.

"Mommy is having a baby. What do you think of that, sweet girl?" Edward asked.

She looked up at him, with a crooked grin, "It's awesome. I wanted a baby sister or brother," she said as she hopped off his lap.

She stood before me and leaned into my stomach and softly kissed it. We looked up as we saw a camera flash go off.

"Mom," Edward said with a grin.

"That was the sweetest thing ever, and Alice is looking for you both for cake."

I groaned, I was so ready to just go home and be with my family.

"Tell her we'll be there in a few minutes," I said as I looked down at Angelia, who was whispering to the baby.

"Hi baby, I'm your big sister and I love you."

I couldn't help the tears that fell down my cheeks. I had everything I always wanted right here. I never thought that we'd get here after Edward left, but here we are together forever.