Chapter 2
Tuesday, I was back to stalking my prey. Keeping an eye on Twilight and the other girl was tricky. While I wanted to be certain no harm came to Twilight, or no one else tried to steal her, I also needed to find a way to get at this girl. Of course, Twilight usually stayed in her lab, so it was unlikely she would be hurt by anyone. I decided that I would watch her until she got to her lab, and once she was there, I would move on to see what I could do about the girl.
The girl was named Lucky Drop. She was a taller girl, or at least taller than me. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. On her uniform, she proudly wore a pin that looked like a question mark. It was a symbol of her skill at quizzes. A lot of the better students wore such pins that displayed their abilities. Even Twilight had a pin, but she never wore it. Then again, Twilight was considered to be the number 1 student at the time, a title she rightfully deserved.
However, Lucky Drop's high status would make it more difficult to take her out. I needed to find a way to break her, to make everyone hate her, to make her wish she had never crossed paths with me. I needed to not just kill her, but maybe... Yes, I could hurt her beyond measure by doing more than just killing her. I would break her, destroy her mind, kill her very soul. I would leave her as only a shell of her former self. Well, that wouldn't be too difficult to do. After all, I simply needed to be "good friends" with her. Then I would destroy her.
"Hello," I spoke with timidly as I stood near Lucky Drop. We were in the cafeteria at lunch time.
"Can I help you?" Lucky Drop asked as she looked up at me.
"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that...well..." I looked down, pretending to act meek and shy. This was the persona I used most of the time to hide my true self. "I haven't got many friends, and my family keeps bothering me about it. They keep telling me 'Go make friends, Ayano. You need them.' So, I thought... maybe we could try being friends?"
Lucky Drop scoffed. "I've already got friends. Besides, you seem like you'd just cause me trouble."
"H-how could I cause you trouble?"
"You can barely look at me when you talk to me. Also, you talk quietly. I'm going to guess you're one of those 'goody-two-shoes-shy' types. I'm not interested in someone like that."
Not interested, huh? Than why are you interested in my girl? Those were my thoughts, anyway. I could feel myself getting angry. Just being around her made me angry. Still, I had lived my life hiding my lack of emotions so far, so I had no problem hiding my anger.
"I'm sorry... I just wanted to be friends..."
"Yeah, well, you can get lost. I don't need pathetic friends like you."
Pathetic, huh? I could show you how 'pathetic' I am after I cut your face up with a knife! I wanted to do that so badly. It would give me a great thrill to do that, but I decided against it, at least for now. I would need to find another way to befriend her.
Well, I suppose there was the option of changing my persona, but I had a reputation as the shy, quiet girl. It made life easier. Changing my persona so suddenly would seem odd, and likely would hurt my reputation.
I watched Lucky Drop sit down with a couple of girls. One was about as tall as Lucky Drop, but also had a much larger bust. She had blue hair and amber eyes. The other was shorter, but not by much. She had blue hair with stripes of purple in them along with blue eyes. She also wasn't much bigger than me in bust size.
Maybe the trick wasn't to befriend her after all. You see, my plan was that I'd befriend her, then invite her to my house. Once there, I'd tie her up in my basement and torture her everyday until she broke. Unfortunately, befriending her was not as easy as I had thought. It was time to take some extra measures.
I kept an eye on Lucky Drop the rest of the day. I followed her carefully when we weren't in class. For the most part, she spent her time either with her friends or in class, but she did make one minor slip-up in the end.
At the end of the day, as everyone was heading home, I watched Lucky Drop. She made her way to one of the after school clubs. I found it interesting that she went towards the science club. In fact, it made even more sense when I saw that Twilight was now running the science club.
Stupid bitch, she's just there because Twilight was in it. She probably doesn't even like science. I was sure of that, because Lucky Drop didn't even seem to pay attention during it. She just stared at Twilight with hopeful eyes. That made my blood boil as I growled at her from outside the club room.
This bitch was going to learn not to mess with me and my Twilight. I reached into my backpack to see what I had. I had a couple different types of knives, some varying drugs, even a poison or two. I thought of all the ways I could eliminate Lucky Drop, but none were particularly satisfying to me. I wanted to hurt her beyond measure. Simply killing her wasn't enough for me.
"This is boring," someone commented, and I looked back into the club. There was a girl with red hair and pigtails. Her eyes were blue, and she was chewing gum.
"O-oh... is it?" Twilight asked nervously.
"Science is boring," the girl spoke.
"Then why did you join the science club?" Twilight asked.
"Cause my grades are bad so I have to do extracurricular activity to fix them."
"But why join this club? Why not one you'd actually like?"
"Cause I don't like anything here? I just picked a random club."
"O-oh... I see..." Twilight gave a nervous chuckle and turned away. "Well, I guess I can't really force you to like it, but if you're going to use this to get your grades up, you'll still have to pay attention."
The girl's eyes went wide. "Why? Are there going to be tests or something? I just joined for the extra points. I didn't think I'd actually have to work."
"Why do you think it's called 'extracurricular activity' if you aren't going to have to be active?" That was Lucky Drop who said that. "We're all here because we either need the extra work like you, or we're actually interested in thus kind of stuff, like Twilight. If you don't want to work, go find a different activity to boost your grades."
The girl stared at Lucky Drop in shock. After a moment, she spoke up. "Fine! I didn't like this club anyway." She got up from her seat and started walking towards the door. I quickly hid as she stormed out.
"Thanks for sticking up for the club," Twilight spoke a moment later.
"No problem," Lucky Drop smiled. "I like this club and the people in it. We didn't need her ruining that."
I saw Twilight blush before she returned to talking about science. I growled. That bitch was getting too close to Twilight. I bet she had even set that whole thing up just to impress her. I needed to do something about Lucky Drop, and soon. I turned to look down the hall where the other student had gone. I smirked as a certainly evil plan came to mind.
I rushed down the hall until I came close to the girl from the club. I slipped out one of my knives, snuck up brhind her, then grabbed her, putting the knife to her throat. "Squeel and you die." The girl became speechless with shock and terror. This was exhilarating to me. Thus rush of pleasure from this was great. "Come with me."
I took the girl to a room where I bound and gagged her. I then pushed her into a large instrument case. "Just stay here for me. I'll be back to get you soon. And if you make any noise, or you tell anyone about this if they find you, I will slice out your throat." I smiled and winked at her, then shut the case and locked it. I made sure that the case had an air hole in it before leaving.
I waited a few hours for everyone to leave the school. When it became dark, I returned to where I had stashed my student. I opened the case to be certain she was still there. "You've stayed quiet, I hope." The girl nodded fervently. "Good. Now just stay quiet. I'll get you somewhere nice and safe." I shut the case again, then began pulling it along. It had wheels, which made it easy to pull it. I took the case all the way back to my house.
I then opened it and pulled the girl out of it. I pushed her down the stairs to my basement, then picked her back up and stuck her into a wooden chair that had been sitting down there for a long time. I bound her to it, then pulled off the gag.
"What are you doing?" the girl asked with fear in her voice.
"I just brought you somewhere safe, that's all. Here you won't have to worry about your grades at school or anything." I tore part of her uniform.
"W-what are you going to do with me?"
"You'll see." I grabbed her shirt and tore it right off of her. Her chest exposed, I couldn't help myself. I needed to feel her. I grabbed her chest and she screamed. "Don't worry, it'll all be over soon. You will be the tool of my revenge."