Ed was sitting on top of the RV, smoking a cigarrette.

"I think I'm gon beat muh wife" he said in his hick voice then got off of the RV and commenced his search for Carol. But before he got far, he ran into Rick.

"Ed." Rick said with a slight nod. "Where you off to in such a hurry? You know it's your turn to be on lookout."

"I don't give a damn bout no lookout. I'm goin to beat muh wife." Ed spat.

A furious scowl spread across Rick's face as he whipped out his Python and struck Ed across the temple with it. Ed yelped and fell to the ground as Rick got on top of him and started hammering him with the butt of the pistol. After two minutes of bashing his head in, Rick finally got off of him and spoke.

"You're lucky the world's ended, otherwise I would put your worthless ass behind bars."

Rick then walked off without another word, leaving Ed coughing and spitting up blood.