Lalli looked at the paper. This was his moment, this was his only opportunity to get it out. Because he needed to get it out, he couldn't let it weight him down. His hand trembled slightly as he lifted the pen and put it to the paper.

I love you.

Could he really start it like that?

All those days you held me warm, your strong arms around me.

He took a sip out of the coke bottle on the desk. What was he even doing?

My arms around you, under you, within you.

He had no idea how to express his feelings. Couldn't he just summon a lynx and have it tell them?

I want you to stay with me.

I want you to stay with me forever.

Did he really?

I wish you didn't have him. I know he needs you too, but I need you more. I need your warmth, I need your protection, I need your company. You understand me.

He had listened to too many of Tuuri's romance novels. He'd have to tell her to stop reading them to him.

I know you belong to Emil, my beloved jacket, but please don't ever leave me again.

A result of a writing session in the SSSS-chat, where the prompt was "A love confession and a coke bottle". So that's why Lalli's having a bottle of coke eventhough he really shouldn't be able to!