Hello all, and welcome back. Thanks to everyone for the continued support. Constructive criticism always appreciated. Anyways, without further ado, on to the story. Enjoy.

Weiss gazed at the girl in front of her with an eyebrow cocked and arms crossed. The other girl shrugged, drawing a sigh from Weiss.

"Well, this sure sounds like a fine mess you've managed to make," Weiss stated. The blonde shrugged.

"Kind of," she agreed, and Weiss sighed again.

"So what are you going to do about it?" Yang blinked at the question.

"What do you mean?" she asked. If Weiss eyebrow could have gone any further upwards, it would have.

"Well, you don't sound particularly happy about how things are now, so what are you going to do about it?" That earned her another shrug.

"I don't know if there's anything I can do." Weiss rolled her eyes at Yang.

"So you're just going to do nothing?" Yang didn't respond, prompting the heiress to growl in frustration. "Rragh! What's wrong with you? You're always a person of action, except now when it actually matters!" Yang rolled her eyes at the seething heiress.

"Remind me why you care so much again?" Weiss' anger lever dipped noticeably, drawing an inquisitive look from the blonde.

"Because you're my teammate, and my friend." Yang opened her mouth to interrupt, but Weiss slapped her hand over the blonde's mouth. "Not this again. I'm going to consider you my friend, even if you don't consider me yours." Yang closed her mouth again and Weiss removed her hand. "And seeing as I consider you a friend, I don't want... I don't want you and Ruby to end up like me and my sister..." She fell silent, and Yang raised an eyebrow.

"What happened between you and your sister?" she asked, and Weiss shook her head.

"We don't talk. But that's not important right now," she replied after a deep breath. "What matters is making sure you do your part to fix your relationship with her while there's still a relationship to be fixed." Yang frowned.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" she asked. Weiss rolled her eyes.

"That's up to you." Yang sighed at that.

"That's helpful." the blonde replied. Weiss rolled her eyes yet again before going silent for a few moments.

"Are there any significant dates coming up soon?" Weiss asked. "I know her birthday isn't for a while, but is there anything else?" Yang thought for a moment.

"There's one." she stated simply. Weiss cocked an eyebrow.

"What is it?" she asked. Yang merely turned on her heel and began walking away. "Yang?" The blond stopped for a moment.

"It's a family thing." she answered before leaving Weiss alone in the middle of the hallway.

Blake observed the girl across the table from her while calmly sipping her tea. The cafe was nearly empty, meaning that only the occasional murmur from one of the few other patrons made it to their secluded corner booth. The object of the faunus' observation was currently munching away on a few chocolate chip cookies, but seemed to lack her usual ravenous appetite for the baked good. Blake placed her mug back on the table and cleared her throat. Ruby looked up from her triple chocolate mocha and gazed at her curiously.

"Is everything alright?" she asked. Ruby blinked once but nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she replied. "Why do you ask?" Blake fixed her with a serious gaze.

"You've seemed kind of off the past couple of days," Blake explained. "I just want to make sure Yang's not harassing you when I'm not looking." Ruby shook her head.

"Nope. Yang's been leaving me alone for the most part." Blake raised an eyebrow.

"For the most part? What do you mean by that?" she queried, and Ruby shook her head again.

"Nothing, I just mean she only talks to me when she has to. Like, for team stuff." Ruby explained, and Blake sighed.

"Okay. Let me know if she gives you a hard time." Ruby nodded. The pair was silent for a few moments before Blake spoke up again. "So what's actually the problem?" Ruby looked up from her cookies.

"What do you mean?" she asked popping another cookie into her mouth. Blake cocked her eyebrow.

"Well, you still have cookies on your plate after twenty minutes, so that's one indicator," she stated, pointing at the plate that still had a couple cookies on it. "Besides that, you've been more quiet overall, and less... well, energetic." Ruby glanced at the cookie in her hand and seemed to be seriously mulling something over in her head. After a moment, she nodded slightly.

"Okay, there is one thing, but it's nothing bad," she said, putting the cookie back on the plate. "This week is the anniversary of when my mom passed away." Blake's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh, I see," she replied quietly. "I'm sorry for prying, I was being nosy." Ruby shook her head.

"It's okay, you were just looking out for me." She smiled slightly. "I'll be going out to her grave tomorrow, so I probably won't be feeling up to hanging out." Blake nodded.

"That's completely fine," Blake replied. "Take as much alone time as you need. I need study for the next test in Oobleck's class anyway." Ruby nodded.

The pair finished up their drinks and snacks and headed back to Beacon, the sun barely starting to set as the airship touched down at the Beacon landing pad. The duo disembarked and were silent as they made their way back to the dorm room. When Blake opened the door, she was surprised to see Yang, who was sitting on Ruby's bed and immediately glanced up from her scroll. Blake's surprise quickly turned to suspicion.

"Hello Yang," she greeted coolly. "Where's Weiss?" The blonde shrugged at her after hopping off the bed.

"Probably studying or something," she replied before turning to Ruby. "Hey, uh, can I talk to you about something real quick?" Ruby immediately became nervous.

"About what?" Blake asked, eyes narrowing. Yang glanced back at her.

"Family stuff," she replied simply. Blake was about to protest when she was interrupted by Ruby.

"Is it about tomorrow?" Ruby asked. Her sister nodded after a moment. "What is it?" Yang glanced pointedly at Blake. "She knows already." Yang fell silent for a moment, before taking a deep breath.

"Do you..." she hesitated. "Would you mind if I came with you tomorrow? I'll give you a ride there on Bumblebee." Blake's eyes widened in surprise. Ruby merely raised an eyebrow.

"Why now?" she asked. "You never come to mom's grave." Yang sighed.

"I know, that's the problem," she sighed again. "Look, if you don't want me there, that's fine, I'll just go some other time." Ruby went silent, mulling it over.

"...okay." Both of the other two girls in the room looked at the team leader in surprise. "Make sure you're up and ready to go at seven o'clock. I always go out there in the morning." Yang nodded.

"I'll be sure to set my alarm," she replied before sauntering out of the room. Blake waited a moment before turning to the shorter girl.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked, raising a questioning brow. Ruby merely shrugged.

"Not really," she admitted, "but let's see how it goes."

Ruby sat on her bed, fiddling around on her scroll while waiting for the other girl to get out of the shower. She stretched her arms and let out a short sigh before hopping off her bed once she heard the shower stop. A minute later, Yang stepped out of the bathroom, lightly towelling of her hair.

"Ready to go?" Ruby asked. Yang nodded.

"I can't blow dry my hair with Weiss and Blake still asleep, so I'll just let it air dry." Her sister nodded.

"Alright, let's head out."

The pair made the trip to Vale in silence after that, neither quite able to start a conversation. Once they touched down, a thought dawned on Ruby.

"Hey, wait, where do you even keep your motorcycle?" the younger girl asked.

"There's a vehicle storage facility nearby for students to keep their vehicles while they're at Beacon," the blonde explained. "It's basically like renting a big locker for Bumblebee." Ruby nodded as they made their way to the storage lockers. Yang approached the one labelled 37 and reached into her shirt.

"Uh, Yang?" Ruby asked, giving her sister an odd look. "What are you doing?" Yang replied by pulling a key out of her cleavage.

"Well, I need to unlock the door, and I need my key to do that," Yang stated as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Ruby rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I get that, but why can't you use, I dunno, one of the pouches on your belt?" she asked. Yang popped the lock open and pulled the door up.

"It's harder to lose it if I put it there," Yang replied with a shrug. "Plus I just feel better being able to feel it at all times. I really, REALLY don't want to lose it, seeing as I love Bumblebee about as much as you love Crescent Rose." She pulled the bike out of the garage and closed and re-locked the door, while Ruby just scoffed.

"As much as I love Crescent Rose? I doubt it." Yang shrugged again and pulled a bright yellow helmet out of the storage compartment. She flipped it around in her hands before tossing it to Ruby.

"Catch," she said quickly, and Ruby almost fumbled it. The brunette glanced at the helmet before looking back at Yang.

"Where's your helmet?" she asked, and Yang once more shrugged.

"You're holding it," she stated, hopping on the bike and patting the spot behind her. "I need to let my hair dry, I have a harder head, and you're the one that's more likely to fall off. So you take it." Ruby frowned but didn't argue, strapping the bright yellow bucket to her head and hopping on the back of the giant yellow machine.

"I sure hope you know how to ride this thing." Now it was Yang's turn to scoff.

"Please, I could ride this thing blindfolded by now."

"Don't even think about it," Ruby replied immediately, seeing the gears in Yang's head almost start to turn.

"Spoilsport," she mumbled before clearing her throat. "Alright Ruby, make sure you hold onto me. Can't have you falling off." Ruby seemed hesitant, but eventually wrapped her arms around Yang's waist. Once the blonde felt the petite arms encircle her torso and find a good grip, Yang turned the key and the machine roared to life. Ruby squeaked once in surprise before Yang cranked the acceleration and the handlebars, peeling out of the lot.

The two somehow made it to the forest in one piece, much to Ruby's surprise. Her legs were a bit wobbly as she dismounted the bike. Yang hopped off as well, and the bike straightened itself out on it's own. Ruby regarded the bike curiously while tossing her helmet back to Yang.

"What's keeping it upright?" the tech-head asked. Yang glanced up at her while stowing the helmet back into its compartment.

"I have internal stabilizers and a gyroscope built into the body," Yang replied, setting off with her sister down the path to the cliff. "A normal kickstand just wasn't good enough for my baby." Ruby allowed herself a small smile.

"Wow, I'm kind of impressed," Ruby admitted. "Did you install that yourself?" Yang nodded.

"Of course," she stated. "Only I get to work on her." She noticed Ruby giving her a surprised look. "Hey, just because I'm not as smart as you doesn't mean I'm useless. I'm good at some things. Working on and riding motorcycles, that's two things." Ruby smiled.

"That's kind of cool," Ruby replied. Yang motioned to the side, and the shorter girl notice that they'd arrived.

"You wanna go do your thing first?" Yang asked. Ruby glanced over at the headstone and nodded. Yang nodded back, and moved back to sit against one of the nearby trees, leaving Ruby to have her chat with Summer.

She caught snippets of Ruby's chatter, telling her mother about anything and everything, from her classes to her teammates, though noticeably avoiding talking about Yang. At least, not that Yang could hear. Yang almost felt herself beginning to nod off, feeling quite comfortable on the soft grass and being bathed in the sun's rays, before she felt her sister shaking her shoulder.

"Hey." Ruby greeted. "You can talk with her now, if you want." Yang nodded, standing up and stretching while Ruby snagged her spot against the sturdy oak tree. The blonde ambled over and stood awkwardly next to the headstone.

"Hey Summer," the blonde started, following Ruby's example. "It's been a while, huh? Sorry about that. I've been... I just haven't been doing so hot for... well, since you left. I'll just come right out and say it, I've kind of been a huge prick. I've been horrible to Ruby, I haven't talked to dad in... a while. I... It's been kind of rough. After you left, it felt like everything was just falling apart. My mom was gone, then you were gone. Dad shut down, my grades started slipping, and I just felt so angry and alone all the time. It got so bad I started lashing out at the people closest to me. Especially Ruby. I was angry at my mom, dad, and even you, but none of you were there. So Ruby caught the brunt of it." She took a deep breath.

"I know that's not fair, but I didn't know what to do, so I just lashed out at whoever was around me. And since Ruby was always around me, well. You can probably see where I'm going with that. I'm glad she had Blake to stick up for her." She paused. "Weiss helped too, I suppose. She's Ruby's partner. I'm sure she told you all about the little ice princess, but anyway. Blake's my partner. I heard Ruby tell you a bit about her too. She stuck up for Ruby and made me see how screwed up I was being. I guess I'm super lucky I got stuck on a team with people with some common sense." She chuckled lightly, before frowning. "I'm... I'm sorry I haven't exactly been the best big sister in the world for your baby girl, but I'm working on it. Things are going to be different from now on, I promise." She let out a long sigh, feeling a little lighter for the first time in a long time. She blinked, the put her hand to her cheek and was surprised to find it damp.

'Huh' she thought, wiping her face on the back of her hand. 'Hadn't even noticed my eyes had started leaking,' She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Ruby.

"You okay Yang?" she asked, noticing her gleaming cheeks. Yang nodded.

"Yeah, I'm.. I'm fine." she replied quickly. Ruby gave her a soft look.

"Do you... want a hug?" she asked. Yang paused for a moment, before slowly nodding.

"...sure." she answered, and felt the smaller girl's lithe arms around her torso. She reciprocated after a moment, giving Ruby a short squeeze before letting her go. "Come on, let's get back before we miss out on any of the good breakfast stuff in the cafeteria." Ruby nodded, and the two made to leave. Yang paused for a moment and turned back to the headstone behind her.

"It was good to talk."