Well, I did consider doing this story from Natsu's perspective. And the idea has been floating around in my head for a while. So here we go. This is the last part of the story.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail; I am merely exploring a possible story.

With that said, let's begin.

I Will Always Return

All around him was nothing but utter darkness.

A man with salmon-colored hair just floated in that oblivion. It didn't matter where he looked. All he saw was emptiness and blackness. His body was slowly fading into the oblivion around him, but he didn't seem to notice, nor did he even seem care.

He felt nothing. Nothing at all: physically or emotionally. He couldn't even feel the very cloths he was wearing.

All his emotions just seemed to be nonexistent. He didn't even know what emotions were anymore. All feeling he might have had before was just numb. His strength was all gone and his willpower had vanished without a trace.

All he could do was float there with a drowsy look on his face.

"Where am I?" his thoughts echoed. "And…who am I?"

A low voice seemed to answer his soundless questions from some unknown location. It sounded sick and rough, like some dying creature hanging onto life.

"Destroy," it hissed malevolently. "Destroy all in your path. Show no mercy and destroy all who oppose you, E.N.D."

"E.N.D.?" the young man's thoughts were so dreary now. "What's…E.N.D.?"

Suddenly, somewhere in the darkness, another voice faintly called out, "Natsu…"

The young man lifted his head just a bit. For some odd reason, that particular voice caused him to move, almost like it was it was a string and he was the puppet connected to it.

Why? Why did he react to that voice and not the other one? And who was this Natsu it spoke of?

"Who's there?" his thoughts whispered. "Who are you?"

The soft voice came again, as if it could hear his questions and wanted to answer. But it sounded so distant that the young man could only hear a few words.

"Natsu…Dragneel…You are…wizard of Fairy Tail…try to remember."

"Natsu? Fairy Tail?"

Those two names; they sounded so familiar.

Natsu. Was he Natsu? That was certainly what the voice kept calling him.

"Don't listen to that voice!" the vicious one interjected. "Your name is E.N.D.! Remember your mission and destroy this obstacle!"

Destroy? Destroy what? What mission?

It was then that the man began to feel something. His right hand began to feel hot, like it was on fire. At the same time, his whole body began to shiver even though he wasn't cold in the slightest. This was a horrible feeling, like he was trapped without a prayer of escape.

What was this feeling? It was awful!

"Do it!" the harsh voice demanded. "Destroy this human! Burn her to ashes!"

What human? What was this voice talking about? There was nothing around him but darkness.

At that moment, the faint voice called out again, this time a little stronger than before.

"Natsu stop, please!"

"That voice…" the man thought. "It's so familiar. Who…is that?"

As if to answer his question, the voice cried out, "Natsu, it's me, Lucy!"


Wait, Lucy!

That name! It was definitely familiar! He had heard it somewhere before, but where?! Oh, if only he could remember!

"Lu…Lucy?" his voice whispered.

Just the sound of that name seemed to bring something to life inside of the man. A strong thump within his chest vibrated throughout his whole body. At the same time, he heard a strange sound echo within the space around him. It was something like…a steady beat.

He felt and heard it over and over again. What was that?

Slowly, stiffly, he raised his right up to his chest and clutched at the place where the beating sensation was the strongest. It was as if he wanted reach inside himself and seize something there that was precious.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and flashed with realization. He remembered who he was now. He was Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail. And this Lucy…his connection to her was still hazy, but he just had the feeling knew she was someone he knew.

He snapped his head around for the source of this Lucy's voice. But all he saw was utter blackness. His senses became fully awake, and he looked down with horror as he saw his body fading away.

Now he knew why he was shivering so badly. He was afraid. This horrible feeling was fear.

The fear of vanishing forever in darkness!

This place…it was trying to devour him! In was only a matter of time until he was consumed by this darkness!

No! This couldn't be his fate! He didn't want to die like this! He had to escape! But how?! There was no way out!

Maybe this Lucy could help him!

"Lucy!" Natsu called out. "Lucy, is that really you?! Where are you?! Can you hear me?!"

"No!" the vicious voice shouted angrily. "You will not escape me! That girl is nothing to you now! I won't let her take you! You are E.N.D., a demon of Zeref! YOU WILL BECOME E.N.D. ONCE AGAIN, EVEN IF I HAVE TO KILL THIS PART OF YOU FOR THAT TO HAPPEN!"

Natsu looked around for the source of the voice, but saw no one.

And what did it mean by…

Suddenly, pain shot through Natsu. A cry of agony escaped his mouth and he curled up into a ball, shutting his eyes tightly. It was as if an invisible burning, jagged sword had just been driven into his belly and was being twisted around. He didn't feel any gapping wound, nor did he smell any blood, but the pain was unbearable. And now he was feeling himself vanishing even faster. In just a couple of seconds, there would be nothing left of him.

At this rate, he really was going to die!


Suddenly, Natsu felt as if something rammed into him and heard a girl cry out in distress. He also felt some weight press up against his chest and forehead. It also felt strangely soft and warm.

What was this sensation?

"Natsu! It's me, Lucy! I'm right here!"

Natsu's eyes snapped wide open.

Lucy! She sounded so close, like she was right in front of him!

But he still couldn't see her! Where was she?!

Her voiced called out to him again.

"Don't you remember me?! Please remember me! Just look into my eyes! We met in Hargeon and you save me! You brought me to Fairy Tail and made me part of your team!"

A memory sparked in Natsu's mind. That's right, he met a girl in a port town called Hargeon. He could see her face now. She had sun golden hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a smile that could light up room. She told him she wanted to join Fairy Tail, the wizard guild. And after he saved her from slave traders, he brought her to Fairy Tail and the two became a team.

He remembered that…he always wanted to see her smile.

She was Lucy! That girl was Lucy! He was sure of it!

"You also saved me from Phantom Lord!" Lucy's voice cried again. "You were always there for me! Whenever I lost hope or was afraid, you gave me the strength to carry on! You were also the first person to believe in me! You gave me courage when I needed it the most! Please, Natsu, you have to remember!"

Natsu grimaced. He knew what he had to do.

"I remember, Lucy!" he struggled to talk. "I remember all of it!"

"It's too late, E.N.D.!" the evil voice shouted in his mind. "Your transformation is almost complete! You cannot escape your fate! All you once knew will vanish from your memory! And so will your soul!"

Natsu scowled and forced himself to fight through the pain he was in.

"I'm not E.N.D.!" he snarled, straining to get his words out. "Not now! I'm Natsu…of Fairy Tail! And I refuse…to vanish! Just try to kill me, I'll never give in!"

Natsu began to walk forward. He wasn't sure why, something inside him was telling him to go in this direction. As he did, the voice that was holding him back slowly grew fainter. At the same time, however, the pain in his stomach was becoming stronger and was beginning to spread through his body. Once or twice he almost doubled over from the agony of it all. Whatever this spirit was, it was trying to keep him from reaching the source of Lucy's voice.

But Natsu kept fighting. He had to keep fighting no matter what. His vision kept fading in and out, but he kept walking with all the strength he could muster. He clutched at the thumping thing in his chest, feeling a strange sense of comfort just by feeling it. It also seemed to give him the willpower to keep going.

"Natsu, you have to come back!" Lucy's voice called out to him again. "I know you're in there! Please, hear my voice and fight this Curse! Please, I'm begging you!"

"I hear you, Lucy!" Natsu strained. "Keep calling! Let me know where you are!"

It was then that a small speck of light began to shine just ahead of him. It steadily grew bigger and its rays seemed to reach out towards him. A warm, hopefully feeling came from it, beckoning him to come forward and into it.

He had to reach it.

For it was from there that Lucy's voice spoke again.

"Fairy Tail needs you! Happy, Grey, Erza, Wendy, Carla, we all need you!"

With every step, Natsu's memories returned in pieces. He could see the faces of all of his friends, guild mates, and allies. He could see them all clearly now.

He had to get back to them. He just had to.

"NO!" the hideous voice raged. "YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE, E.N.D.!"

Finally, a horrible wave of excruciating pain stabbed right through Natsu. He howled in pain and fell to the ground. His whole body had gone completely numb and he couldn't move.

Unless he could reach that light, he was done for!

Desperation and terror tightened their grip around him so hard that began to shout out towards the light, hoping it could save him.


What Lucy said next was like the answer to a prayer, and her voice was stronger than before.

"I need you! I can't imagine my life without you! You're the best thing that ever happened to me! That's why I need you to stay with me! Because…I…I LOVE YOU, NATSU!"

Natsu's eyes widened in shock and the thumping thing in his chest skipped a beat when he heard those last four words.

Did Lucy say that she…

Natsu couldn't even complete that thought because a whole new wave of emotions crashed into him when he felt something press up against his lips.

What a rush.

In less time than it took to breathe, Natsu felt his strength return. The pain that was eating away at him vanished; his body had become solid again. Soon, he found he was flying towards the light.

The ugly voice that had been trying to destroy him before was howling in agony as he left it far behind. It grew fainter and fainter before disappearing altogether.

A warm, gentle glow enveloped Natsu as images began to flash in his mind.

Fairy Tail…

His friends staring at him in horror…

The destruction of the land down below…

The Lumen Historie…

Lucy trembling in fear with tears streaming down her cheeks…

And finally…Lucy kissed him.

Once again, darkness clouded Natsu's vision. But this was different than the other stuff he was trapped in. He knew he could escape this one. All he had to do was open his eyes.

Slowly, taking in a deep breath, he opened them.

Right in front of him, so close that he could see all the details in her eyes, was Lucy.

"Lucy?" Natsu's voice was shaky.

"Natsu." Lucy replied softly. "Are you okay now?"

Natsu didn't answer. He took one glance at Lucy and his heart became as heavy as stone. Her black tank top and skirt were torn and dirty, she was shivering all over, and her eyes were alit with fear. But what struck Natsu the hardest was that there were burn-marks on her forehead and hands. While they weren't severe, they still looked like they stung a lot.

That's right. He remembered now. When he was becoming E.N.D., his whole body was as hot as burning metal. And Lucy held on to him while she called out to his soul.

"I hurt her." Natsu's mind said painfully. "I never wanted to…"

"I'm…" Natsu struggled past his guilt. "I'm so sorry, Lucy. I hurt you, didn't I?"

"No, it's alright." Lucy replied, doing her best to smile. "It wasn't your fault. You weren't yourself and I know that."

Natsu was about to say something when Lucy swayed for a moment and then fell.


Natsu quickly fell to his knees and caught Lucy in his arms. He then held onto her for dear life: clutching her around her waist and back, and pressing her head up against his chest as if he wanted to press her into his heart.

He trembled uncontrollably as he thought about what he almost did. He didn't just hurt Lucy; he almost killed her. He could see himself in that heinous form of E.N.D. threatening her with a ball of fire. And seeing her terrified face when he did was the hardest blow of all.

What's worse, Natsu remembered that he took pleasure in her fear.

Just thinking of that made Natsu's stomach clenched in disgusted guilt. He felt it twist so hard that it became a physical pain.

Unable to contain this feeling, tears began to fall from his eyes. He felt ashamed to let anyone see him in such a vulnerable state, but the weight of what he almost did was too great to push away.

He couldn't forget that he almost killed Lucy; the last person he would ever want to hurt.

"What were you thinking, Loony?!" Natsu exclaimed with a terrible ache in his soul. "I…I could've killed you!"

"Yeah," Lucy replied, her voice calm and sincere, "I know you could've. But I also knew you wouldn't. You'd never hurt me."

Before Natsu could respond to that, Lucy wrapped her right arm around his neck and rested her head up against his chest, closing her eyes as she did. Natsu froze for a moment. A blush came over his cheeks as he felt her warm breath gently breeze up against his skin.

Lucy had never shown his much affection towards him before. The only time she did was when Natsu defeated Future Rogue and she hugged him from behind. But that was the only time. Other than that, she seemed afraid to get close to him in that manner.

But this was different. Lucy wasn't shying away, nor did she look uncomfortable about being so close to him like this.

She was smiling. It was a peaceful kind of smile. She looked as if she was happy to be in Natsu's arms. And by the way she was holding him, it was like she didn't want to let him go. Even after what he did, she was still smiling at him.

"Lucy, I'm sorry," was all Natsu could say. "I'm truly sorry."

Lucy opened her eyes and looked up Natsu. She then placed a hand on his cheek and wiped some of his tears away with her thumb. Her eyes were soft and kind.

This made Natsu feel even guiltier. That was forgiveness sparkling in her eyes. How could she forgive him so easily? He couldn't barely stand himself right now, so why wasn't she mad at him? She wasn't even afraid of him anymore.

"I know you are," she said in a beautifully calm voice. "But that wasn't you. That was E.N.D. taking over. You and that Demon are two different people. I don't care what anyone says, you're still Natsu to me."

Natsu stared at the young woman with astonishment. The weight in his chest was getting lighter and lighter, and he was beginning to find it easier to breath.

"And…" Lucy said, a blush beginning to come over her cheeks, "I never told you this before because…I guess I was too afraid of my own feelings. But when I thought I was going to lose you forever, I…I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I don't know if you remember what I said, but I promise you that it the truth. Natsu, I love you, with all my heart."

Natsu blinked at that statement. He did remember. He could clearly hear those words ring in his mind.

"I love you, Natsu!"

Lucy didn't just say that out of desperation or because she was drunk on terror. She really meant it. That was why she risked her life to save him from himself. And that was why she could forgive him without hesitation. And it was because of that confession of love that she was able to bring him out of that darkness.

Just knowing that was enough to lift the stone from Natsu's heart. All the guilt he had before disappeared entirely and he smiled. He then closed his eyes and his head down until his forehead touched Lucy's. He felt her wince a bit as he stung the burn on her forehead, but she didn't make any action to move away.

"I'm sort of glad you waited until now to tell me." Natsu whispered gratefully. "Cause if you hadn't, I'm not sure I would've been able to break the Curse on my own. I was lost in the darkness. I almost forgot who I was and everyone I held dear. But then I heard your voice, and it guided me back to the light. You brought me back."

Natsu moved in a little closer; his breath and Lucy's started to mingle together.

Now it was his turn to admit his feelings to Lucy. The feelings he had been harboring for a long time. And now that he knew how Lucy felt, he was ready to say them.

"Thank you, Lucy," he said. "You saved my life. And…I've got something to confess. Lucy, I love you, too."

The moment those words left his mouth, Natsu moved in and kissed Lucy on the lips. He felt her tense for a moment and became worried that she would pull away. But she immediately relaxed, brought both of her arms up and around his neck, and returned the kiss. This feeling was so strange. It was like all positive emotions were stirring around inside of Natsu in an ecstasy of joy. He had never felt anything like it before. He didn't want it to stop.

For a moment, both Natsu and Lucy's hearts, pressed up against each other, began to beat in perfect time.

This was a moment they would never forget. And it would be one they would both treasure for as long as they lived.

After what seemed like forever, the two slowly pulled away from each other. They smiled at one another as the memory lingered in their minds.

Natsu then let out a sigh and looked into Lucy's eyes. As much as he wanted to keep this moment, he knew that there was still a great danger going on.

"We still have work to do," he said. "We still have to stop Zeref and Acnologia. And there are the others. Well, as far as they know, I'm still E.N.D."

"Yes," Lucy replied. "But you don't have to be afraid. I'll be by your side the whole time."

Natsu gave a gracious nod. Even if he only had one friend beside him, that was enough to make him feel brave.

He began to stand up, supporting Lucy at the same time as she got to her feet. Once they were both standing, they looked at each other. Neither one had to speak to understand the promise that had passed between them.

We'll do this together as one!

Natsu then took Lucy's hand in his and the two ran out of the Lumen Historie Chamber.

Although Natsu knew that he would have to face his friends, he wasn't scared at all. His courage had returned and he felt like his old self again. Only now, he felt stronger in knowing that Lucy would be beside him. She had risked her life to save him once, and it was clear she was ready to do it again.

Natsu heart hammered with determination. This one was the determination to protect the most precious person in his life. He had always protected Lucy in the past, but this time was going to be different. He was going to protect her with his life, just as she fought to save his.

They would stand together no matter.

And no matter what happened, Natsu knew one thing was certain. As long Lucy was in his life, he would always return to her. She would always be his light in the darkness. She was his fire that would never extinguish.

No one could change that. Nor would they break the bond that they both shared. Not Zeref, not Acnologia, no one.

As long as they were both still alive, Natsu and Lucy would always find a way back to each other.


Good grief, I'm still amazed by how hard writing romance can be, especially if you want to keep the characters in character as much as possible. Still, I hope I did a good job.

By the way, I was listening to "I Will Always Return" from "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron" when I was writing this chapter, hence the title. It just seemed to fit with the situation that was going on. It also helped me get a feel for the story from Natsu's perspective.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this. I hope to bring you more entertainment in the future.

Have a Good Day!