"Barry?!" Caitlin yelled into the mic again, desperately hoping she would soon hear the voice of Central City's beloved superhero.

They had been hunting a meta-human whose ability they hadn't figured out yet. They knew that she was a bank robber, typical meta-human occupation, that left her victims in a strange state of confusion that they hadn't figured out yet. Oh and she was twelve.

The star labs team had gotten an alert of a bank's alarm being tripped and so of course Barry had gone in blind because had insisted that he could stop the girl using speed.

After five minutes of hearing Barry talking to the meta he had gone suddenly, worryingly silent. Caitlin called Barry's name over the mic again and looked over at Cisco who had his hands clasped nervously in front of him.

"Whatever happened can't be that bad, all the bank robbers done so far is confuse people right? Mess with their heads? Maybe Barry's just busy tying her up or something."

The monitors started beeping, startling both Caitlin and Cisco as Barry's vitals started erratically spiking and dropping before finally leveling out.

"Caitlin, his earpiece is offline! We have no way of speaking to him."

Dr Snow was becoming increasingly more worried. If Barry was hurt, as his spike in vitals suggested, they would have to get him back to the lab without clashing with the bank robber. Evading a tween criminal should be easier than it was but they just didn't know what they were dealing with. The only good side of Barry being affected by the girl was the opportunity to see what her abilities were.

Now that the com's were offline Cisco had The Flash suit's GPS tracker on the main monitor. The red marker was still on the map of central city, still in the bank until suddenly it was flicking all over the place. It looked like Barry was literally bouncing off the walls of the bank until finally it zoomed its way out of the bank and down the street.

"He's heading straight for home, to Joe's house."

The red dot stopped on the familiar point on the map and the two scientists looked at it, confused as to why their friend went home instead of coming back to the lab.

"Why is he?-" Cisco was interrupted by a phone ringing and the mechanical engineer picked it up before it rang again.

"Yeah? Joe? Okay, drive him over here then. What do you mean he doesn't want to? Okay fine we'll be there in ten minutes."

He hung up and turned to Caitlin.

"Joe says Barry hurt his hand but he doesn't want to come here so we're gonna have to go over. He also said Barry's acting weird."

Dr Snow wanted to ask questions but figured they could wait till they got to the West residence and started packing supplies.

Cisco paused before knocking on the door. There was yelling coming from inside and it was not the usual argument either.

"Barry sit down! No you cannot have ice cream, do as you're told and sit on the couch till Dr Snow gets here!"

Cisco grimaced and looked at Caitlin like maybe they should come back another time, only just managing to turn his grimace into a smile when Iris opened the door.

"Oh thank god you guys are here, come in."

Iris ushered the two inside where Joe was yelling while surrounded by a familiar looking blur making mini tornadoes around him with his super speed.

"Umm, Barry?" Caitlin put her medical kit on the couch and flinched as the tornadoes turned into a gust of wind that nearly knocked her over as the speedster came to an abrupt stop in front of her.

"Caitlin! I hurt my hand but it's gone now and I can run really fast do you wanna see?" His words came out so fast the Doctor could hardly keep up and then the lighting returned as Barry started running around the house once more.

Joe sighed and rubbed a tired hand over his face before dropping onto the couch.

"Cisco did you bring what I asked you?"

The scientist nodded and pulled out the pizza boxes he had picked up on their way. Joe took them gratefully and called to his adoptive son.

"Barry if you sit down and let Caitlin check you over you can have pizza."

The blur stopped to reveal Barry sitting cross legged on the floor with half a pizza in his hands. The kid looked out-of-his-mind happy with the deal Joe made him. Sensing that keeping The Flash still wouldn't last long, Caitlin quickly grabbed her kit and started checking him over, Cisco checking over the suit as she did.

"Dude why did you take out your earpiece?" Cisco was holding up said earpiece, unsure of why Barry had taken it off if it wasn't broken.

"It was in my ear, it felt weird, I didn't like it." The forensic scientist didn't seem to know why this would annoy Cisco as he stuck a finger in his ear and wiggled it around before grabbing another four slices of pizza.

Cisco made a face and shook his head in disbelief.

"Barry what happened at the bank?" Caitlin couldn't find anything wrong with The Flash, his speed obviously worked and there was no evidence of trauma. His vitals were normal and his cognitive abilities looked fine as did his pupil reaction so his strange behavior couldn't be attributed to a concussion or whammying by any meta-human.

The man shrugged, as he went cross-eyed trying to lick pizza sauce off his own nose.

"The bank robber was tiny and people were running around and some people were crying. I told her she had to stop but she pushed me over and then I woke up and came home. I grazed my hand, it hurt. But it's gone now. Can I have more pizza?"

Caitlin's eyebrows creased as she tried to make sense of Barry's story. Some things weren't adding up, mostly the part about a twelve year old girl pushing over the fastest man alive hard enough to knock him out, if that's what he had meant by 'waking up' before going home.

An idea started sparking at the back of the woman's mind and ignited when Iris pulled the empty pizza box from Barry's lap and started wiping him down with a cloth after he had gotten pizza sauce over his hands and face.

"Barry how old are you?" Everyone looked at Caitlin like she was being ridiculous asking such a random question but Barry only shifted the pizza boxes around looking for more food.
