I felt really bad for Annabeth after writing this chapter. :( Poor girl. Hope you enjoy it, though. I tried not to rush it, but you know how that can be. Just tell me what you think!


I clenched my pencil harder, gritting my teeth. My eyes glanced angrily around the classroom, daring anyone to look my way. I couldn't stand this much longer, stuck in this hellhole the school dare calls a classroom. Various snorts were sent my way from all directions as another soaking wet, covered in saliva, paper ball hit the back of my head. I tightly closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down, but there was no avail. I whipped my head around and glared at the offender.

"If you dare do that one more time, I swear to every god this earth has ever known that I will-"

"Miss Worthy!" I heard a voice exclaim from the front of the room.

I sighed in defeat, closing my eyes tightly.

"Caught by the teach," the attacker quietly sneered gleefully. Her lights gleamed with victory, and I shot her my best I-will-kill-you-later glare. I think I can pull that glare off better than Percy can, but that's just my opinion.

"You win this battle but the war has only just begun," I hissed. "You don't mess with Chase Worthy, mark my words."

After the unimpressed look appeared on the girl's face, I bit my lip and turned back around, looking down at my desk. The class laughed at me, of course. The world's biggest nerd, the valedictorian just so happened to get in trouble – my luck, am I right? I looked up as the teacher neared my desk, a sad look on her face. Her reddish-brown eyes looked at me with depression, her wavy dirty blonde hair that was messily thrown into a ponytail suddenly looked rather withered.

"I expect more from you, Chase. You're my star student."

"I understand, Miss Heath," I replied calmly; her warm, cookie-scented aura relaxed me somehow. "It will not happen again."

"Good," she said, satisfactory in her tone. She began walking towards the front to help someone with their stupid questions about how to solve for X.

"You're such a goody-goody," the girl scoffed from behind. "You scare away all the boys, and the girls think you're a freak. You have like, no friends!"

"I understand that, Britney," I said darkly, glaring down at my test. "I don't see why it's any of you business, though." I could frankly care less for friends right now, considering if I had friends, they'd figure out my identity then I'd have to hide from the world in an underground bunker for the rest of my life.

The Asian Barbie huffed, "This is my school, you got that Cheese? Everything that happens here is my business. I'm the queen, and you're just a peasant. You do my demands or I'll make your life a living hell."

"And how do you expect to do that?" I shot back; glancing towards the front of the room to make sure the teacher wasn't looking.

"Oh, don't test me, child," she replied slowly, as if talking to a toddler. "I have more power over this school than you might think. I got people in high places, mind you."

I wanted to retort that I did too, but I couldn't blow their covers. That could possibly put Percy's fake ID in danger, so I kept my mouth shut about them. "Why would you try to mess with me, of all people?" I asked, taking another glance at the teacher.

"I'm a master of disguise," the girl said evilly. I knew that if I looked back at the beautiful girl, her eyes would be twinkling. "I know a wig and a pair of fake eye contacts when I see one, Chase. If that even is your real name, which I doubt it is."

I visibly paled a bit, and quickly pretended to jot down some notes as the teacher looked over at me. "I don't like my hair and eye color, so I wear a wig and contacts, and I don't see how this is important?"

"I told you, I have people in high places," she said, scoffing a bit. "Do I need to remind you or is the author a bit frazzled today?"

My breath hitched, "How do you know who I am?"

"I literally just said how," the girl scowled, hitting the leg of my desk's chair. "Is there even a brain in that head? And to think, you made your character a daughter of that ugly wisdom goddess."

I ignored the ugly comment, "Explain how you know."

"Oh, it's quite simple, really," the bully sneered. "The moment I realized you wore a wig and contacts, I started doing some research and observed you as well. I saw a flash of blonde when you pushed back your hair a month ago. Noted you were a blondie, so that's all I really needed."

"Get to the point, Brit."

"Don't call me Brit," she huffed. "I did some more digging. My daddy is friends with the mayor, you know that. And the mayor had this really ugly daughter, so I gave her a makeover. That meant she owed me one, I turned in the favor, that's all. Turns out she's some genius or something and went over all the records of every person in town, just trying to find some links to this mystery Chase Worthy. Turns out the girl doesn't even exist."

I gritted my teeth, "What do I have to do to keep you quiet?"

"I don't know yet," she replied. She sounded like she was examining her nails – don't ask me how I know, I really don't. "I'll figure out something."

"Figure it out quick," I said sternly. "I'm rather impatient."

"I got my eye on you, Annie." Of course, my luck. Because she read the freaking books, she knows how much I despise that name. "A little birdie told me you walked in with the new boy today. Is he your relative or something? It's not like you're cute enough to even score the ugliest man on earth to be your boyfriend."

I had fan art made of me, making me look like a freaking super model, and FanFictions called me gorgeous. People wrote about her – or her other version I called Drew – in FanFictions, making her the nasty bully or some annoying brat who always gets what she wants. People thought way higher of Annabeth Chase, and they imagined me as beautiful. So I couldn't understand why her words hurt me so.

"His name is Drake Simmis, and he's my cousin," I replied smoothly. "He's staying with my family for a little while as his parents are vacationing in Greece. If you couldn't tell as you're really that oblivious, my family and myself adore mythology so of course they're vacationing in one of the best places on earth."

"France would have been better," Britney snorted. At least she stayed true to my word and was oblivious as hell. "Haven't seen the boy yet," she said thoughtfully, "but I bet he's as ugly as you."

I wanted to laugh – people would pair her with him in FanFiction, saying how she had a crush on him for years and became the evil girlfriend before I come in and save the day. Now, here she is, calling him ugly. It was rather ironic. "Don't insult my cousin," I settled on. "He's rather shy."

"I insult whomever I like, Anniebeth," the girl spat. "Do yourself a favor and prepare for the first wave of hell, as it's a rather big tsunami. I have you wrapped around my little finger, and you just know it. If you do me wrong, the whole school will know about your little secret. Do you know how much magazines would pay to know that one of the highest paid authors of all time who has been anonymous for years suddenly has her identity revealed? Big bucks and daddy would be quite happy with me knowing that there is a few more million in his bank account."

"What do you want from me?" I said in a hushed voice, watching the teacher from afar as she started to write things down on the whiteboard.

"Your memory must be going, Annabeth, because I already told you I haven't decided. Really, how stupid can you be?"

I wanted to tell her off, saying I'm suddenly a daughter of Athena thanks to a certain magic touch, but that would make me sound like I'm nuts. "What do you have in mind, then? You said I should prepare, after all."

"You could say I'm psychotic, I suppose. After all, I love a good torture. And you out of all people deserve one, considering the fact that you have made me one of the most hated fictional girls around the world," she growled. "It's payback time, Annie. Karma's a bitch."

I sighed, "Do your worst. You don't have proof of who I am, and I don't plan on revealing it anytime soon, Britney, or should I say Drew?"

"Keep laughing, Annabeth. I got my people and I have not come across a day where I didn't get what I wanted. I don't plan on starting now, missy. I'll be the one laughing in the end, you'll see. Watch your back, Chase."

Before I could reply yet another retort, the bell rang. She sashayed out of the room, leaving me sitting there. It gave me a moment to think before I hurried out of the classroom. Someone knows who I am, and it's the last person I'd like to know. Lovely, just lovely. If I don't hide Percy better, she'll figure out who he is and chances are she'll accidentally touched him, causing her to have charmspeak. You could say I'm just overthinking this whole mess, but quite the contrary. I'm a conspiracy theorist, and this certainly isn't one of them. Right now, I had a stupid Asian Barbie to deal with and a very intimidate possible goddess on my hands. Not my ideal situation to be in at all.

I hurried down the halls, and after reaching Percy's class, I waited for a moment as the students piled out of it. I grabbed his arm the moment I saw him and started to drag him towards his next period. "We're doomed," I said quietly, eyeing the students we passed.

He paled, "But I didn't touch 'Taylor', I swear!"

"Not who you should be worrying about," I hissed as we turned around a corner. I let go of his wrist, hugging my books to my chest. I hung my head a bit, "We got another one hot on our heels."

"I don't wear heels."

I ignored his comment. "You remember Drew, right?"

"Who couldn't remember that clown?" he cringed. "Gods, I hate that chick. And poor Jason, too. The girl follows him everywhere."

"She may or may not have been based on a my-world character," I said quickly, looking at him a bit helplessly.

Percy groaned, rubbing his skull. "You seriously need to learn of this thing called imagination sometime. It's much less of a headache."

"Well, she's on our tail," I huffed as we neared his class. "She's figured out I'm the author and we're toast if she figures out who you really are as well. The Barbie is planning on my hell right now, and I'm worried that she'll blow my cover. If the world knows who I am, I'll be teased for an eternity for having a self-character and people will follow me everywhere. I'll get trapped in some building because the fans found me, and I won't be able to leave wearing a disguise because they know I'm in there."

"It looks like you have your downfall all planned out," he raised an eyebrow, leaning against the wall next to his door. His gorgeous sea-green eyes flickered a bit.

"This isn't a time for jokes, Jac-Simmis," I sighed, biting the corner of my lip. I nervously glanced around the hall. "If my cover is blown, it won't take long for yours to be too. And if the world knows who you really are, you'll be locked up in some government 51 area and they'll do some crazy testing on you. Gods, I probably will be too and wonder how I managed to make you magically exist."

"Are you implying that you think you caused me to jump dimensions?" he rose both of his eyebrows in surprise.

"I wouldn't be surprised," I said numbly. "I can't think of any other reasons right now." The bell rang, signaling for us to split again. "Don't forget to not touch anything or anyone, kelp head. You don't know who I based whom on."

"You're saying there are more of them?" he complained.

"You write what you know," I reminded him. "But luckily for you, I ignore as many people as possible so there aren't as many people you have to watch out for as objects."

"What about pens?" he pulled out his ballpoint pen out of his pocket, frowning a bit. "Riptide apparently followed me to this dimension." He stuffed it back in his pocket, taking a side glance at a person that walked past.

"Well, all things considered, there's only one of them, so there you go. Random students aren't going to have swords."

"They're mortals," he noted. "So they can't see the sword anyway."

"But I'm apparently a daughter of a goddess now so I can," I rolled my eyes. "Just, try not to touch anything, okay?" I shoved him to the door.

"Don't count on it, Wise Girl."

I felt my cheeks redden as he said the nickname. He said it so freely, as like if it was my actual name. As if I was her. But I could never be her, even now, as a daughter of the Greek wisdom goddess. I could never be Annabeth; she was only a form of my imagination. But what would that make him?

"The probabilities of you succeeding in this task are not in my favor, Seaweed Brain," I agreed, shuffling my feet a bit. "But a girl can hope."

I walked away, my heart deflating a bit. I was falling for a boy that could never be mine, even I could see that. And it wasn't right, and it didn't feel right. He was my soul mate, but at the same time, he wasn't. And the loveable boy was going to leave me soon, and I'd never see him again. I was falling for a fictional boy, against my whim. And I knew it was just a painful road ahead, despite my protests.

If it wasn't clear, the teacher was Hestia. :) I plopped her in just in case I make a split-second decision to let her fall into the storyline as well. Glad you like the mysterious figure!

(Yes, the mysterious figure is an immortal, if you didn't notice. So many people are wondering who it is! I already know, by the way. I have the main storyline in my head right now. It's taking all of my might not to blab who it is! Oh, and the mysterious figure is a character from the original PJO/HOO stories, not an OC or a self-character. No way would I make this an over-powered story. I ain't that much of a noob at writing, guys! Come on! Let's leave those stupid ideas to "A Percabeth Life - Original Version", eh?)