Puppies need love and care

Chapter 1: Words that hurt

It was a beautiful and peaceful morning, well, as much as a house that served as home to a family like the Kise's could be, where a bubbly and extrovert personality was synonym of happy and funny times. Some would say boisterous.

The characteristic bustling of a certain blond basketball player resounded in the house, the noise came from the living room where the TV was on.

~~~ (U •́ .̫ •̀ U) ~~~

He squealed in delight as the presenter announced the beginning of the next show, a show about trips and helpful ideas to spend the summer holidays which had just begun yesterday.

Ryouta was getting excited beyond words, because he has failed many times in his attempts so that all of his friends and him could have a better relationship, it was necessary to lessen the hostility that still existed among them due to their overly competitive nature and he has tried to mend fences by coming up with ideas for bonding activities —just last week he organized a trip to the mall so everyone could get new basketball shoes, he even invited Kagamicchi and Takaocchi—.

Albeit their animosity had considerably decreased in the last few months thanks to all the games they played in the tournaments of their first year of high school, and also due to the influence of Seirin's light and shadow duo, it has yet to fully disappear.

He was lying on his side leisurely draped across the sofa, with his legs dangling from the edge and squeezing a pillow in his arms, he was still dressed in his sleeping attire which consisted of charcoal boxer briefs and a blue nightshirt that barely covered his bum, the clothes exposed his milky white, almost hairless and muscled legs; and his hair was a tangled disarray of blond locks. He'd been shrieking, happy to have found another way to hang out with his friends, even if said friends were inclined to think of his ideas as bothersome. But he wouldn't give up; every time they complained, only to eventually yield to his whims and go along with whatever he came up with.

The program had begun to talk about the best camping spots to have the funniest adventures and that did it for him, he was officially hooked on the idea.

In that instant his papa had walked down the stairs and entered the living room, and he paused the TV because he didn't want to miss the show, but first and foremost because he wanted to say good morning to his papa.

He was buttoning the cuffs of his white shirt, with a scarlet tie still undone hanging around his neck, he was probably waiting for Ryouta's mama to come down to fix it properly. He spotted him, all up and energetic first thing in the morning, and he approached the sofa and bent down to press a light kiss on his forehead.

"Good morning Ryou, isn't it too early? Why are you up already?" he said, his natural deep voice still sounded a bit raw from sleep, it was 8 in the morning "Have you eaten breakfast?" He most likely knew that Ryouta was waiting for his mama so that she prepared him his meal, as she usually did. It was odd that she hadn't come down yet.

"Mornin' papa!" the blond had twisted so he could properly greet him "Is mama awake yet?" by no means was Ryouta a lazy spoiled prince who didn't lift a finger to help around the house, he knew his way in the kitchen enough to fix himself proper and healthy meals (if not delicious), and he could also do chores, way better than most guys his age. Despite that though, he was given special treatment sometimes, and as the baby of the family he did get spoiled by the rest of them, no one could blame him for wanting to dig in his mama's exquisite food. So he was actually surprised that she hadn't started cooking yet, and more so that he didn't realize how hungry he was until his papa brought it up to his attention.

"Ryou, do you remember what will happen today?" He asked as he lifted the shirt's collar to start fixing his tie, and he sounded as if he already suspected that Ryouta had forgotten about something important. And his suspicions were right because realization hit Ryouta, he felt how his bright expression morphed into a brokenhearted one, the smile wavered on his face, because he remembered now, today his papa and mama are leaving on a business trip overseas.

He then straightened up and kneeled with his back to the TV to reach for his papa over the sofa, he hugged him by the waist and faced up to stare at him, he rested his chin in the middle of his papa's broad chest, and opened wide his eyes to make them bigger and directed a wounded look towards him and his long lashes moistened with a few crocodile tears for a greater effect.

"Papa~" Ryouta whined "I don't want you to go~"

The leader of his family only shook his head fondly, apparently amused at his antics, and raised a hand to stroke his blond locks and his face, capturing a lousy golden strand and putting it behind his ear.

"I know love. You've let us know many times of your… disagreement," more than once in fact, if Ryouta correctly recalled, and he certainly hadn't just disagreed, he had thrown a fit about it, "but you have to understand we aren't exactly thrilled to leave you alone either."

Ryouta wanted to apologize for his childish behavior, to say that he completely understood, and that he's just going to feel very lonely and miss them a lot, because not only his parents are leaving, his older sisters have things to do too and thus they aren't going to be home for a while either.

Akane nee-chan parted a few days ago, leaving hand in hand with her husband to a (in Ryouta's opinion) way too early second honeymoon aboard a Caribbean cruise. And his other sister, Jun nee-chan, had to travel with a group of her classmates to conduct a scientific investigation, she's leaving in the afternoon.

"We'll miss you so much Ryouta" the voice of his mama came from the direction of the stairs that led up to the bedrooms, she spoke before he had been able to come up with the appropriate words to voice his feelings.

His mama was standing in the entrance of the living room and she was leaning on the frame. She was above average in height, still shorter than the rest of the family, but with a compensating strong personality that when enraged, intimidated even the biggest and toughest of men (Murasakibaracchi cowered in her presence not able to forget the 2nd year of junior high sleepover fiasco. Ryouta even had his suspicions about Akashicchi behaving humbler when she was near). But she was also very kind, the soft features of her face along with his melodious honey-laced voice had managed to calm a younger Ryouta in those tumultuous nights when the possible existence of a monster under his bed hadn't let him sleep through the night. That same voice could also turn thunderous when aimed towards him and his sisters if she wanted to get them back in line.

Ryouta was highly aware of his attractive features and he thought that beauty, of a natural and bright kind, ran in the family; his sisters at some point had also been models, both for the benefits a part-time job could provide, and also for the simple enjoyment that came with it, now though, they had other occupations.

The oldest, Akane, didn't stray too far off from the entertainment industry path, she now worked full-time in the same agency Kise was signed to, but instead of modelling she was a member of the administrative staff. And Jun was now too focused with the direction to where her investigation was heading, that she just didn't have the time nor motivation to keep doing it.

It was quite obvious where all the attractive traits came from. His papa was a handsome middle aged man, tall at 6'1, broad, still fit, and with that trace of having been really athletic in his younger years. He had raven straight hair, this morning he swept it back. His eyes were an electric intense shade of blue that appeared to look through everything and everyone, Ryouta had always had trouble when he was being scrutinized by his papa's gaze, because in the end he always fessed up. Perfectly trimmed facial hair in a subtle door knocker goatee adorned his papa's chiseled face that was all hard and sharp angles.

And Ryouta's mama, had wavy blond hair that reached her middle back and framed her face of soft lines, her eyes were amber-like, she passed that down to Ryouta while her sisters inherited the blue eyes of his papa. She had fat in the right places, and that made her even prettier.

So all in all, his family was gorgeous. But they were also good people, and they were close, they all loved each other very much. Therefore, an occurrence like this was rare. Never had Ryouta stayed all by himself before.

"Oh, Dear, now I'm not so sure I want to leave Ryouta alone," she said to his papa, she crossed her arms and rested a side of her face in one hand and sighed, and with her eyes closed she added "If he gets sidetracked like this, he's sure to skip his meals…" she trailed off, her brows creasing with worry.

Ryouta expected the argument to come up time and time again until they eventually left. His mama was clearly upset with the arrangement, but her presence in the deals between them and an important abroad company was crucial for the future of their business. They could't afford to lose caste in front of a potential aid.

"He'll be fine Honey, won't you Ryou?"

He had still been hugging his papa while he mulled over their situation, and when he was addressed he brightened, once again a big grin plastered on his face. "Yes!" he said "Don't worry mama, I'll be super fine!" Ryouta was already plotting about that camping trip idea that the TV program had given him. So he wasn't as dispirited now, knowing he's going to have so much fun together with his friends.

"Ryouta, tell me what you're thinking." Said his mama, surely recognizing the mischievous spark in his eyes, she was on the right track because he was certainly up to something.

"Papa, mama, can I go to camp with my friends?" Ryouta was on edge, totally excited. He let go of his dad and started to bounce in the sofa, anxious to get a positive answer "Pretty please~?"

Both of his parents were now alternating between staring at him and at the still paused TV program, they seemed to realize that he had found another option for him and his group of friends he made back in middle school to try and get closer. And because they could talk about anything, he had told them all about their conflicts back then, they thought it was good if he wanted to spend more time with them so he could get new and happier memories, Ryouta was getting there every day, as if he had overcome the past.

They couldn't agree more that this was a great way for Ryouta to pass the time while the rest of the family was gone, so the loneliness wouldn't get too overwhelming and affect him. Besides, Ryouta's puppy eyes were no joke. One of his most effective weapons against anyone really, it made (almost) everyone to want to please him, if it didn't work he'd add a pout (another great weapon of his) or he'd cry.

"Okay son, you can go, but please let us know where you are," said his papa "I want updates of your whereabouts everyday"

"And please be careful sweetie, promise?" his mama appeared to be glad, because she replied with a smile of her own when his smile grew bigger and more genuine, so even with her doubts about leaving him alone, she nodded her approval.

"Thank you mama, papa!" He exclaimed "I'll be careful".

He stood up and hugged his parents, happy to have them. And even if he was still upset about them going away, he felt a bit better knowing he isn't going to be all by himself and isolated in his house all summer.

~~~ (U •́ .̫ •̀ U) ~~~

"Now, Ryouta, don't forget to lock the door and windows before you go to sleep, and…" Ryouta's mama was giving him instructions which he had already memorized, and he rolled his eyes because she kept repeating it at every chance she got 'geez mama'. She and Ryouta's papa were carrying the luggage to the car waiting for them outside. The chauffeur helped them load the suitcases in the truck, and then the two turned around and walked back to where he was standing accompanied by his grumpy sister. It was 9 and she had just woken up, exhausted after yet another late night working at the university, and she was currently holding a mug full of hot and strong coffee that was too bitter for Ryouta's taste.

"We'll be leaving now" his papa said, and then he went to hug them both, kissing them goodbye, followed by his mama who was even more enthusiastic, her tight embrace nearly squeezed all the air out of them, and Ryouta could only cope and accept the gesture "Jun, I want you to call us when you arrive at the inn okay?" his papa told Ryouta's sister.

She nodded, after a few seconds she said "You too dad, let us know when you land" and then to both "And be safe too."

His papa also nodded and answered "We will, now, Ryou," after his mama let him free of her embrace he told him "When you and your friends know where you're going, send me the address okay?"

"Yes papa!"

"Have fun son, and watch out for yourself" He ruffled his hair one last time before they left. To which Ryouta only squealed, moving away from the gesture.

Ryouta and his sister Jun watched as their parents got into the car, the driver closed the truck and got in, he started the engine, and then the car departed, not long after, it had already disappeared down the street.

~~~ (U •́ .̫ •̀ U) ~~~

After they saw their parents off, his sister went back inside to finish her breakfast and he too entered the house closing the door behind him. She'll be home for a bit longer, her flight is leaving at 4 o'clock, nevertheless she was the kind of person who got everything done at the last minute, so Ryouta doubted they could spend a few hours together before she had to go, surely she hadn't packed anything at all.

He wanted to watch movies, for some necessary well deserved bonding time between siblings. Jun nee-chan and he were the closest, the age difference wasn't as big as the one between him and Akane nee-chan. So it was easier for the two to hit it off more naturally. As kids they were joined by the hip, playing together, watching cartoons together, and eating together, hell, even bathing together. They slept in the same room too, until eventually the need for privacy had gotten them new room arrangements.

She protected him too, from the bullies in kindergarten, who often made fun of Ryouta and his feminine features. Older kids in the neighborhood called him girly most of the time, because he was small and what one would consider pretty and cute, and Ryouta was weak, because he'd only cry more every time they bullied him. And then Jun nee-chan would show up, a true hero in Ryouta´s eyes, she'd take care of them, and threatened to give them more hell if they picked up on her little brother one more time.

So he grew up with the idea that his sister was the strongest of all, till one day he decided he would be the one to protect not only her but his whole family. And when puberty came and hit him hard, making him a tall solid wall of potential muscle, he worked hard to develop his body, and the change was on his way (with it came the offers to model), Ryouta could then feel like he was strong enough to stop harm from getting near his family. He still tried his best to keep them from being hurt by anything or anyone (Akane nee-chan still remembered with a bit of fond irritation the embarrassing interrogation Ryouta put his husband through, much more intense than the conversation between the father and future son-in-law. The same goes for all the previous relationships each of his sisters had had).

Just as he thought, as soon as his nee-chan finished her meal, she got up and announced in a not so subtle tone that she had forgotten to pack a 'few' things, as if Ryouta could be fooled that easily. But he let it go, in fear that his sister would give him a murderous glare if he so much as dared to remind her what a klutz she was (how touchy, she didn't take his compliments pretty well). And even when his idea of watching something got shut down without even being voiced, he still couldn't bring himself to spoil his cheery mood.

Because it hadn't left his mind, the idea to go camping with everyone else was so great that it was too deep-rooted in his brain. And it was a wonder really, that his chair or even the whole table weren't vibrating with the excitement he was experimenting, energy waves rolled off him, a whole new level of excitement. Now, if only he could actually get it going. He had to plan it out meticulously, how to bring it up to his friends, because that will certainly be the hardest part. Undoubtedly they'll make a fuss, reluctant to even consider it, but he had his way with words, and if he played his card accordingly, then it will be all set in no time.

There was this urgency, a necessity-like yearning to bring them closer to one another once again. Because, thanks to all the years he had known them and what they had gone trough, Ryouta loved them, he cared fiercely about them. And they could say all they wanted and act as if they didn't, but the truth was that they did too. Despite the harsh or cold words and sometimes rough treatment, they did care. And he could tell that in their own way each miracle loved him.

They didn't know though, how deep his affection ran, they believed him shallow and easy-going. But he wasn't really like that entirely. Being in the entertainment industry taught him that it was much easier to let other people think that he was, because then it was more difficult to get hurt by words if he acted as a cheerful kind of guy. He was glad nonetheless because, as much as he felt frustrated by not being completely honest, he had amazing friends, and a few days in the woods, hanging out with everyone, with various activities to keep them entertained, will surely bring them closer than ever.

So he got to work.

~~~ (U •́ .̫ •̀ U) ~~~

Firstly he went to his bedroom, spacious and really well illuminated thanks to the big windows facing the backyard. He wasn't as messy as one would expect of a teenager, there were a few things scattered around in the floor, clothes and some sports or fashion magazines here and there, but his room was clean, most of his clothes were carefully arranged in his closet along with his shoes. His books were organized and lined in shelves, and in the dressing table he had all the skin care products he used to keep himself nice-looking.

He skipped his beauty routine though, and went straight to his desk, which had his laptop on top of it, and he booted it up, he waited and then he opened his browser. After a quick search, he found a lot of information about what to do if you were thinking of taking a camping trip. From then on it was a long time of jumping between pages, all of them about the topic, before Ryouta noticed that it was already noon.

A knock at his door startled him, and he dragged his attention away from his research reluctantly, he stood and reached for the door, he turned the knob and opened it, revealing a disgruntled sister.

"Hey Ryou, what was so entertaining that you missed me yelling from downstairs"

And if he didn't hear his sister's loud voice, then he had been really immersed in his scheming. She had already taken a bath and was prepared to leave.

"Sorry nee-chan, I was looking up tips for my camping trip" he said sheepishly "I guess I was too focused and didn't hear your melodious voice calling for my glorious presence."

"Heh you little brat, don't get too cocky" his sister responded, and then drew him into her arms, holding him by the neck and giving him a noogie.

Ryouta shrieked, he could effortlessly get away since he had gotten stronger than his sister a long time ago, but the playful banter between them was one of the best parts of being siblings. And he let her because he knew, that it was her way of saying goodbye, and also of showing him affection.

She let him go after a while, but then her joking demeanor changed into a serious expression, and times like these proved that he not only had lots of fun with his sister, she took care of him too, and like a good older sister worried about his well-being.

"I'm leaving now, Rima's here, we'll go together to the airport" she said, trying to comb the unruly locks her noogie caused and stroked his cheek "I know dad already said so, but be careful okay?" Ryouta nodded "Call me if you need anything, anything Ryou." he nodded again.

"You too nee-chan, take care and have fun" then he noticed the bags at her feet "You won't let me accompany you to the door?" he said pouting.

"It's not necessary, but thanks anyway." and she said smirking "I wouldn't want to keep you from your oh so important business"

"Don't make fun of my research nee-chan~" he whined "But okay, have fun, say hi to Rimacchi for me."

"Yes Ryou I'm going to have so much fun because I'm actually going to a resort and not to work" she said and rolled her eyes "whatever, see you in a few weeks lil bro. I'm locking the door on my way out."

"Okay, bye bye nee-chan! Work hard!" He waved, and his smile only grew bigger when his sister gave him a withering look. She struggled to fight a smile, the corners of her mouth twitched, but she turned before he could see, and walked to the stairs carrying her bags like they weighted nothing, his sister was the strongest woman of the family, and he smiled at her display of power.

When she was out of sight, he closed the door to his bedroom, and approached the window down the hallway, from there one could see the driveway, and indeed, he spotted Rima's black sedan. His sister came into view after a moment, she opened the back door of the car instead of the truck (Ryouta supposes it's already full), and when she finishes loading her luggage, she got in, taking the front seat. Minutes later the car was already in motion and leaving.

Ryou sighed, realizing that he was at last alone and that he had the whole house for himself, it ought to be a cool thing, it was for most, but he already wanted to hurry and surround himself with as much of his favorite persons as he could. That way he wouldn't feel as if he'd been abandoned. So with another sigh he turned away from the window and went to his room, where his research was waiting for him to continue it.

He distracted himself with the information he found in the internet about camping so as to not think about his too big and empty house which felt way too cold with just him in it.

~~~ (U •́ .̫ •̀ U) ~~~

About an hour later he got hungry, and following the orders of a rather grumpy and roaring stomach he went downstairs, to the kitchen, and he started to prepare something simple, he obviously was a person who took care of his body by eating healthily, image was important for a model sure, but as a sportsman he was more concerned about eating food that could fuel his body with plenty of nutriments.

"I think I'll make a Greek salad~" he was muttering to himself, and as he took out the ingredients needed for the recipe he was humming a happy tune, he proceeded then to the preparation of his meal, lost in thought as he cooked.

He was contemplating how many people could be considered reasonable to take to this kind of trip, he was planning to fit all of the people in his list into a van, or another equally capacious vehicle, thus he had to look up rental cars companies, if he wanted to convince everyone that this was not just a spur of the moment thing then he was putting a lot of consideration into this.

"Maybe Akashicchi knows someone who'll help us!" it wasn't the first time the blond talked to himself, as he discovered it was a good coping method for loneliness, this way he wouldn't ponder about sad stuff. "Ah! But maybe he'll get mad if I ask him."

He decided to leave that for later, because at the moment it was way more important for him to fill his stomach. And his food was finally done.

To avoid feeling worse by sitting at the large table in the dining room, he sat in a stool at the kitchen island, and began to eat. He was taking a bite of chicken and tomato and at the same time thinking about his fellow kiseki friends. They'd probably want to bring company.

It was easy to picture Kurokocchi asking Kagamicchi to join them because the two were inseparable these days (what with them being on the same class this year too, and of course because they were dating), but Ryouta wasn't really sure the red-head would agree. He was a softie at heart, so maybe in the end he'll surrender to his pleading, he could always cling to him until he gave in.

Well, if Kagamicchi did agree to go with them, then that brother of his would help convince a certain purple haired giant too. Yes, Ryouta could count with Himurocchi on getting lazy Murasakibaracchi to agree as well (the raven had taught the blond a few tricks in how to get a sluggish bum boyfriend to do as one asked in exchange of special rewards).

Akashicchi would probably drag a seriously frightened Chihuahua with him because obviously the Emperor didn't take no for an answer "Seriously, how did those two end up together?"

Midorimacchi will be a bit more problematic though, he will firmly deny to everyone who is (un)willing to listen that he wouldn't care less if Takaocchi wants to go with him or not. Then the raven will pretend to get mad and tell him that he wouldn't even wanted to go with him anyways and that he shouldn't think too highly of himself. The green haired giant will get upset and beg Takaocchi for forgiveness, while the other will be too busy giggling with Ryouta, because teasing Midorimacchi was one of their favorite hobbies.

It was a huge surprise to everyone when the two became friends, because he and Takaocchi hadn't interacted that much before. But when all the teams got together to paint that mural and to play some street basketball, they bonded a little over the fact that they both had someone object of their admiration, and that said individuals were both assholes. They exchanged e-mails and sometimes texted each other over silly stuff and random topics. Still, they didn't hang out beyond the occasional texts, and their relationship remained as pen pals.

It was until the second gathering of the teams, after Winter Cup, when things got serious between them. Because Takaocchi had actually gone for it and told him about his feelings for Ryouta's green haired ex-teammate, and because he took such a risky chance confiding in him, the blond felt more at ease confessing his own feelings for Aominecchi.

And so, a true friendship was formed. Because it didn't take long for the raven to figure out that the blond wasn't as joyful as he let them on. They had their fair share of arguments about that, eventually, Ryouta's walls crumbled down under his new friend's perseverance. He was the only one apart from his family and his kiseki friends who knew about his real character. It had been weird really, that in such short span of time they both got to know so much about each other, they also had come to trust each other very much. Together, they overcame their fears and confessed their feelings to their respective crushes, all while one of them cheered for the other from the sidelines.

In other words, his best friend Takaocchi was coming with him, regardless of if Midorimacchi was a brute about it or not.

Momoicchi will love to go, he was one hundred percent sure. But who will she go with is the question. He knew she has a boyfriend now (finally her passionate flame for Kurokocchi had dwindled down, a bit. It probably had something to do with all the love the blue haired boy had for his tiger).

And of course "I almost forgot, Kasamatsu-senpai!" he won't ever let his ex-captain find out he had cut him out from his plans. Even if they didn't see each other that often anymore because his senpai got into a college in Tokyo, the year they spent together brought them closer. Ryouta felt grateful for all the things Kasamatsu-senpai taught him, being his kouhai and teammate had been one of the greatest honors and pleasures the blond had had.

He hesitated in his intention to invite the raven, because his boyfriend still had issues with him and the blond being so close to each other.

Aominecchi. He was his long lasting crush, and his lover.

The boy of dark skin and amazing basketball skills who was the focus of Ryouta's admiration trough middle school. It was unexpected that they started dating and had lasted six months, because he was sure his affections were one-sided, and the day he learned that Aominecchi felt the same way about Ryouta had been one of the happiest of the his life.

It didn't come for free though, because the tanned male was still a jerk. Even though he realized he was wrong about basketball thanks to Kurokocchi and Kagamicchi, his true self was really that of an immature brat, and he could be an ass sometimes. If they fought, he would end up in tears and Aominecchi irritated, they could go for days without talking, although soon they got over it and returned to be as lovey-dovey as always.

One of the most shocking things though, was that the blue haired teen had a lot of insecurities, particularly regarding his relationship with Kasamatsu-senpai. The two collided every time they met, and when Ryouta confronted Aominecchi about it, he told him that he didn't like it when his senpai touched him. He couldn't get a straight answer yet, his boyfriend was evasive with the topic.

Ryouta had finished his meal, and he washed the dishes he used and cleaned after himself, he was drying his hands with a towel, lost in thought, because his boyfriend always dazzled him. With a dreamy sigh he took out his phone from the pocket of his nightshirt, and he stared at his wallpaper, the screen displayed a photo he took a few weeks ago. His swarthy lover was shirtless, showing off delicious muscles, tense and ripe from the effort as he had been playing a one-on-one against Kagamicchi that day. Both had decided that it was too hot to use t-shirts, and so, Kurokocchi and he couldn't help but drool, watching from where they were standing under the shadow of a tree, mesmerized with their respective boyfriends.

The sweat that dripped from Aominecchi's abs had him drooling again, memories of past encounters were gradually warming Ryouta, and he couldn't stop imagining that body, rubbing against him. The heat reached his groin when a sudden wave of arousal hit him, he could feel his underwear filling up when thoughts of his boyfriend's hot member going inside him made his own grow with flowing blood. He was thinking of sweat, and Aominecchi's face creased with pleasure, his deep voice rough from the sex, grunting his name and murmuring sweet promises, touching him everywhere with those hands of his that were calloused by all the time he spent handling basketballs.

And the blond moaned, no longer able to suppress his desire. For once he was grateful his family was away, because he was getting seriously horny, and it'd be too embarrassing if they saw him all flushed like he was. Contrary to popular belief, Ryouta was a shy boy, although he had needs, and wouldn't hesitate when it came to appease them, even if some of them made him blush.

Already finished with dinner he all but ran upstairs, slamming his door shut after he got inside his room. He took off his boxer-briefs and lifted his nightshirt up to his chest (he hadn't changed his night clothes, too lazy and busy with his research to do it), not bothering with his socks, because he was desperate for release. He climbed into bed and crawled on all fours to the headboard, he reached for his nightstand's top drawer where he kept the lube and condoms well-hidden at the bottom.

And with just a fleeting second thought about what he was about to do, he poured lube into his palm and brought it to his dick, stroking it really slow, dragging it out. He stopped and applied more lube, but this time to the fingers of his other hand. He reached behind himself, and he shivered when he lightly brushed his entrance and tracing the inside of his thighs, he teased himself delicately. He hissed at the sensation the cold liquid produces, he first caressed his sensitive perineum, and that sent a spark of electricity up his spine. Then he finally moved his fingers towards his hole, softly circling it with his tips and spreading the lube. He bit his bottom lip when he inserted the first finger, it stung just for a second, because he was used to it by now, and after his hole loosens Ryouta pushes further in, then he pulls out and repeats the motion over and over.

Soon one finger wasn't enough, so Ryouta pulled it out to pour more lube into his fingers, and after another little twinge of pain, the blond had up his ass two fingers. He jerked when the tips of his fingers graze his prostrate, and it was good that he got distracted with the ministrations he was giving his ass that he let go of his dick, otherwise he wouldn't last long. He tried not to rub the sensitive gland too much, because he liked to tease himself, and delay his orgasm till he couldn't take it anymore. Just like Aominecchi did.

And dear lord if thinking about his boyfriend teasing him didn't excite him even more. The thought of Aominecchi fingering him while whispering dirty words of what he would do to Ryouta had him hurrying and shoving the third finger in. He was now making louder noises, the desire had turned him wanton, and he no longer cared about the lewd sight he probably was. Spread on all fours in his bed, butt high up in the air, begging to be ravished, with his face pressed in his pillow and drool dripping from his open mouth, whimpering and moaning.

"Ahn~ Aominecchi~" he was close, and he wanted to come. So he took his dick in his hand and gave it a hard tug, it leaked precome on his sheets and he groaned. He was desperate for his boyfriend's huge member, he wanted to be fucked by the other teen so bad, Aominecchi was rough, and Ryouta loved that. For now though, he'll be sated just coming to his fantasy, and to get there he now was playing with his prostate, he hit it as much as he could, and jerked his dick at the same rhythm.

He remembered how his boyfriend tugged at his nipples while he pounded into him to push him over the edge, and at that thought he was feeling his walls tighten around his fingers and a final thrust to his hole and a harsh tug to his cock had him coming, screaming his boyfriend's name, arching his back. He collapsed on his bed taking out his fingers after a while and he whimpered when he accidentally touched his still sensitive member.

Then he nodded off, exhausted by the strenuous activity, and still thinking about his perfect boyfriend.

~~~ (U •́ .̫ •̀ U) ~~~

Two hours later, after waking up from a replenishing nap, Ryouta had decided to launch his plan into action. And he thought the best way to ask his friends is trough Facebook. After taking a shower he sat in front of his computer, he logged in and created a new post.

Kise Ryouta: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Hey everyone, let's go on a camping trip to the woods, I saw it on a TV show and I thought why not? It will be lots of fun

He waited for a response and after 10 minutes, unexpectedly is Kagamicchi who replied first.

Kagami Taiga: Oh, that sounds like a great idea Kise, I like camping

Apparently the blond was wrong, and the redhead did like camping, maybe the others will also-

Aomine Daiki: You've gotta be kidding, what a stupid idea

Just as he thought, the blue haired teen won't go down without fighting back, but Ryouta won't cede either.

Kise Ryouta: \(^▽^@)ノBut Aominecchi, wouldn't it be fun going all together?

Aomine Daiki: No, it wouldn't. I have a hard enough time putting up with your annoying shit already. Now a camping trip, what a joke.

Now, that was harsher than Ryouta expected. It stung a bit.

Kise Ryouta: But Aominecchi! (*´・v・)

Aomine Daiki: No means no Kise. I'm relaxing and I don't wanna deal with your annoying self right now

"Mou! What a brute! Baka!" exclaimed aloud the blond, sticking his tongue out at the screen of his computer.

Kise Ryouta: So mean! ( `^´)ノ

And then Kurokocchi joined.

Kuroko Tetsuya: I must agree with Aomine-kun Kise-kun, your ideas to get us all together again are always troublesome and annoying.

Kagami Taiga: That was harsh Kuroko

Even if Kurokocchi and Aominecchi were mean to him, he at least had Kagamicchi to defend him, something he never imagined possible.

Kise Ryouta: \(O)/ You too Kurokocchi?! Geez, so mean! No one wants to tag along?

Kagami Taiga: I wanna go, it's been so long since I last went camping, way before I came to Japan

An angel had fallen from the sky, seriously, the next time he met up with Kagamicchi he was going to tackle him to the ground and kiss him hard (in the cheek obviously).

Kise Ryouta: Really?! Thank you Kagamicchi, You're the best! ( ˘ ³˘)

Midorima Shintarou: Don't encourage him Kagami, that only makes him a more annoying pest. And I refuse to spend more than a day in the same place as such a pest.

And that did really hurt, Midorimacchi could be so cruel sometimes, it felt awful to see him referring to Ryouta as an annoying pest, but he refused to let it get to him too much and instead chose to act angry.

Kise Ryouta: Midorimacchi! If you don't wanna come with us just say so, don't insult me! ٩(๑`^´๑)۶

Murasakibara Atsushi: But it's the truth Kise-chin, you always make us do bothersome things

It had quickly escalated out of control, because they were been too rough with him, and he just wanted to have an excuse to see them and spend time together.

Kise Ryouta: Mou! (`^´) you four aren't invited anymore!

Akashi Seijuurou: What about me Ryouta?

Kise Ryouta: Akashicchi! You wanna come with us?! O(≧∇≦)O

He couldn't believe it, the most unexpected people wanted to actually go, to have Akashicchi agreeing was-

Akashi Seijuurou: No, Your idea is ridiculous. I just didn't like being the only miracle who didn't get to tell you how annoying you are

And with that, Ryouta felt his heart break. The screen was getting blurry, and he realized it was due to the tears that had started gathering in his eyes, not the fake crocodile ones he was used to shed. This was serious, he had to stop before the crying began, because once he started he could go for hours. It was rare for Ryouta to cry seriously, he had promised not to show his weak and vulnerable self to others, and if he cried now it would be the worst. So he steeled himself and tried to put up a façade.

Kise Ryouta: You're so mean! And here I thought we could spend a great time as friends once again (´°ω°`)

Maybe they'll realize they're taking it too far, and they'll stop calling him annoy-

Aomine Daiki: See, that's why we think you're annoying

"Aominecchi~" He won't cry.

Kise Ryouta: Stop it with the 'annoying annoying'!

Kuroko Tetsuya: You are indeed annoying Kise-kun

"Noo~" They had to notice he's hurting.

Kise Ryouta: Stop it! (╥﹏╥)

Murasakibara Atsushi: Shut up already Kise-chin, so annoying

Midorima Shintarou: Can't you do something about that annoying personality of yours?

He couldn't help it. Fat tears started to roll down his cheeks, he was sobbing hard trying in vain to stop, and he rubbed his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt "D-don't cry Ryou, hic."

Kise Ryouta: Stop it!

Akashi Seijuurou: Ryouta, I command you to stop this nonsense right now, your annoying self is giving me a headache.

Kagami Taiga: Guys, leave it alone already, you're going too far. What if you hurt Kise?

Ryouta completely broke, he didn't bother to keep reading. He couldn't even feel grateful that Kagamicchi had once again come to his rescue, because it was hurting him more to know that the redhead was more sensible to his feelings than his longtime friends were. Maybe Ryouta was wrong, and the whole friends thing was just a wistful wish of his.

He shuttled his laptop, not wanting to hurt himself further, he took his cellphone, wallet and keys, and ran out of his house. Not really knowing where he was going, the only thought in his head was to leave, to escape from the horror his idea had unleashed, and also from his stupid big and empty house, where there were no parents to protect him, nor sisters to comfort him.

~~~ (U •́ .̫ •̀ U) ~~~

He didn't know how, but he had reached the train station. Now he had a destination in mind. He was still crying, and at some other time, he would have been concerned about all the looks he was getting from strangers that stared at his teary face when he passed by them crying, sobbing like a little boy. But he didn't care, not when he was in need of a comforting and warm presence.

He was contemplating if he should have let Takaocchi know what happened, but he didn't want to bring him trouble, he'd probably argue with Midorimacchi and… "no, no, no, don't think about them Ryouta!"

His options were limited, but with determination he got into the train that would take him to Kasamatsu-senpai's dorm.

Once seated inside the train, Ryouta decided that they all needed to know how close to hating them he was, so he sent a massive group text, and then turned off his phone.