Chapter 2: Revenge is Bittersweet

My first trip to the world above was quite an eye opener. Persia had already become a great empire, and Egypt was rising from the sands to compete. Territory and trading routes were crucial to the growth of each nation. So, of course there were conflicts to prove which ruler possessed the largest set of balls. I had essentially been ruling hell for 1,500 years, give or take, by the time I came topside. My "husband" had a knack for theatrics, but I ran the day to day operation for almost two millennia. As I mingled with the human race I found the company of men repulsive, and the fact that they were always the defacto rulers disgusted me even further. I suppose the Dear John letter from my loving husband had peppered my taste for his gender further then I was willing to admit at the time. It was time to stir things on Earth up a bit, and set a woman upon the throne of a major power.

In a puff of blue smoke I arrived in Cairo. The markets bustled with humans selling their wares. Women selling produce, their bodies, their pride, and the men drinking all the profits further drove my quest to set a woman on the throne. I strolled through the crowded streets, gazing at the stalls, and listening intently for information on how best to get close the pharaoh. Thutmoses II had been ruling for ten years by the time I arrived, and the rumors filling the air in the market was that he was looking for another wife. He had to marry his sister Hatshepsut in order to secure the throne, but instead of her being the pharaoh the crown went to him. I was going to make sure that changed, and the information I was gathering in the market was going to help me do just that.

I awoke the next morning in the body of one the daughter's of a wealthy merchant. The pharaoh had been in negotiations with her father in order to wed her, but Iset wanted nothing to do with him. She was in love with a peddler from another territory, but this morning I took over. After going through her morning routine with her handmaidens, I walked out to great her father. I bowed before him, and laid my head in his lap. With a single tear streaking my cheek that I couldn't control I began to speak, "Father, I know of your desire for me to marry the pharaoh, and I know how difficult I have been regarding this matter. For that I apologize, and I have resigned myself to the fact that I am destined to be a minor wife of the pharaoh." I looked into the stunned eyes of Iset's father, "As of today, I will no longer fight you on this."

I took a long deep breath as I waited for her father's response, "My darling Iset, I know this is a difficult decision for you. I cannot tell you have relieved I am that you have finally come around, but I have to say that your change of heart is quite a surprise."

A weak smile crept across my lips, I closed my eyes slightly, and laid my head back into his lap, "Father, I know that this is what is best for my future. My heart is heavy with this decision, I cannot lie, but I know that you only want what is best for me. As I looked down the road of my life's path, two choices, two paths, only one path revealed a future worth living. Love grows and dies, but only the power of the pharaoh can protect me until the end of my days."

I knew as I he ran his hand across my hair that I had convinced him to give his only daughter to the pharaoh, the most powerful man in Egypt. "My darling, thank you for finally seeing things my way. I know that your heart is heavy, but please understand that I am giving you to him so that you will always have the best of everything at your beckon call. You may never grow to love him, but always love your sister wives. They are the ones who will guide your hand through this, and help heal your heart. I only do this because I love you."

I looked into his dark eyes, and saw the pain this choice was causing him. He knew the future she faced within the walls of the capital, and what abuse she might have to suffer through if the pharaoh was as cruel as the rumors made him out to be. He had no idea his daughter was watching everything from the back seat of her life, begging and pleading with us both not to do this to her. I knew that what I had just sealed might be a fate for her worse than death, but my pursuit of a made up revenge was worth more to me then she did. After all she was just a human, a pawn of God and the devil himself. Now she would become my pawn in a game she had no desire to play.

I could feel her resign herself to my control as her father sent for one of the pharaoh's messengers. He kissed to the top of my/her head, and whispered, "I'm sorry, and I love you." As he helped me to my feet, I smiled weakly as hot tears streaked my face. I nodded slightly, and went into Iset's room to pack her things. Her father was barking orders to the servants to ensure that everything was perfect for when the pharaoh arrived to gather his new bride. His voice was shaky yet he spoke with strong purpose, "Sweep those floors. The pharaoh must not gather a speck of dust on his garments in this house."

Iset's mother had died in childbirth, and left her father to raise her alone. He did the best he could with the help of her nanny, and the myriad of other servants in the house, but she always held the last piece of his heart. Once I walked out the door on the pharaoh's arm, he died of a heart attack knowing he had let his late wife down by marrying Iset off for money instead of love.

My move to place myself in close proximity of the pharaoh had a price for Iset, her father, and for me. However, this was the only way to ensure that a woman was the next pharaoh on the throne of Egypt.