Hi guys! I usually don't do author notes but today I will because earlier this week I had collaborated with Lizlen to make this story, meaning it'll be ten times better than if I did this story on my own. I hope you enjoy it 3

"I've had enough!" Callis screeched as she ran her fingers through her hair. It was an everyday ritual. Callis would lose something and almost like a reflex, she'd blame her daughter for the unfortunate event. "You tell me where my money is or you'll regret even stepping into this house!" Agatha shrugged for the sixth time. She could feel her throat shaking as she avoided eye contact. Her mother had just recently barged into the living room and threatening to choke her with a whisk. "You don't?" This was more of a chuckle than a hiss, but as she repeated those words it was vice versa.

"Then how did you magically get this?" Agatha gasped as her mother snatched a tenner out of her pocket. "I-I have a job!" Agatha growled as she attempted to steal the money back. Since the start of summer, Agatha had taken up a job at Nuxa Barista since her mother wasn't providing. It's been nearly three months. She failed though since her mother squeezed it into her pocket. "You rotten thief!" She muttered, walking up the stairs. Callis threw Agatha's door open, her eyes scanning the room.

"What are you doing?" Agatha questioned, pushing past her mother. Callis ignored her daughter, grabbing her drawer and rummaging through it. "If you're not going to give me my money, I'm going to get it myself!" Agatha grimaced, she could feel the tension between her mother and herself. Agatha had gotten used to how horrible her mother was, but she'd rather live with her than go to a foster home. "But it's not yours!" She screamed, catching her vase before it fell on the ground.

Her room wasn't that much, it was big enough for her anyway. She had dark blue wallpaper and a small sleigh bed with black sheets. Her mother bought that because it hid all the stains. Agatha hated living there, but she couldn't say anything about it or they'd take her away and rid her of freedom.

"I knew it!" Callis sighed, using her palm to hit Agatha at her temple. Callis' aim wasn't good, but she hits hard. Falling to the ground, Agatha yelped. Pushing herself back up, she turned to snatch her money back, but her mother had already left. Agatha growled, holding the handle as she attempted to pull it open.

"Damn..." Agatha hissed as she realized she had just broken the handle. If her mother found out, she'd be in for a lot. Throwing it onto the floor, she tried to push the door open only to realize she had locked herself in. She looked down at her watch, cursing again. She was going to be late for work… again.

Agatha turned to face the window. The window to the ground wasn't that far away, she could make it out alive. Agatha sighed before pushing the window open. She really needed the money, she had to make at least forty pounds to be able to get a new door knob. She grabbed the rope from underneath her bed, tying it onto the handle on her bed. She threw it out the window and followed it down. She imagined it as a cool bungee jump from the window like people in movies, but it failed and she ended up sprawled upon grass with a bloody nose and gashed forehead.

She stayed there for a while, recapping the last two minutes and how stupid she had been. "Bloody 'ell, Aggie! Get off my property!" Callis yelled from inside. Agatha pushed herself up, so fast it defied science and leaped. She wasn't thinking straight, she had just left. Climbing over a fence, she fell down with another big bang.

"Tedros, she's back!" Hayden called as he kicked his football back into his arms. Hayden, Tedros' younger brother, was always in the back garden and luckily for him, he was always able to see Agatha's 'stunts'. He had blond hair and blue eyes, just like Tedros. The only difference between them was four years.

"Tell Kimberly I'm not interested." He mumbled as he walked out of his house and into the garden. Tedros was a well-known boy according to girls with a high rating. Sometimes girls would even show up at his house asking for a ride to school and at the end of the day asking for help with homework even though he knew nothing of it. Tedros and Agatha weren't close friends. He had moved this year to start the New Year. Hayden was like a mini Tedros, with the same hair, the same smile, and the same wardrobe code. This was always because Hayden thought Tedros was a ladies man and wanted to be exactly like him.

"Agatha?" Tedros questioned, watching her get up. "She fell off of her roof!" Hayden chuckled, amused. Tedros cocked an eyebrow, yet a hint of seriousness was found. "What?" She questioned, wiping her nose. "I was doing a stunt." Hayden laughed, enjoying every bit. "I don't think she's asking for your number..." Tedros ignored his brother, examining Agatha once again. "What are you doing here?" He questioned. She furrowed her eyebrows, giving a smug smile.

"No 'are you alright?' Or 'turn a right to get to my bathroom.'?" Tedros managed to form a smile, bowing before Agatha. "Sorry m'lady. I forgot my manners..." Agatha scoffed, rolling her eyes. Time was ticking and she was pretty sure she'd be late for work. Tedros wouldn't let her leave without answers. "It's almost every day I forget you live here..." Hayden kicked his ball again, not amused anymore. "Well you're lucky then because you'd be in deep sh-" Tedros nudged his brother, rolling his eyes. "He's right."

"I'm sorry mum, I'll be good next time," There was silence between them. "I've got to go, I'm late for work…honestly." Agatha started sprinting through their yard. Lucky for her, her job was less than five hundred meters away. She came into her job gasping but on time. "Hey…" Agatha said bent over and wheezing from sprinting.

"Thank God your here, Agatha! The afternoon rush is going to start, and I need you to work the register. Do you mind waiting a few tables as well?" Clarissa Dovey, Agatha's boss and owner of Nuxa Barista, said to Agatha as soon as she got in. Agatha nodded while going to grab her apron. Since Callis was always hitting Agatha, she was never at the house. She loved Nuxa Barista; it was her home away from home. The walls were painted a soft brown, and they were lined with pictures of the baristas with the customers. It was always nice and warm in the store which made it comforting to customers on a chilly day like today. There were tables for people waiting for their coffee and lunch. The coolest thing about the store is that it played music from local bands. There was even a rumor that the famous band Cinderella only got famous because a music producer heard them while getting his coffee at Nuxa Barista. Agatha loved it here. She always had. She literally got the job here because she was always here and helping out. She was always happy to be here; Nuxa Barista was her ray of sunshine form the darkness that was her home.

"Hey! What can I get you?" She asked the customer ready to write down his order on the cup she had in her hand.

"Can I get a grande, quad, nonfat, one pump, extra whip, mocha with extra chocolate sauce?" Agatha immediately looked up. There was only one person in this world that orders that. "Tedros, do you have to ruin my job?! You know we have to make this right? Why couldn't you order something simple like a tall coffee with two sugars or a better yet a regular mocha?"

"I'm going to keep ordering it until you get it right."

"Why don't you go to some other coffee shop than?" Agatha said annoyed. "I like it here. It's nice. Even my messed up coffee tastes good." He said smiling. In truth, he loved messing with Agatha. She got his order right every time, but he told her she didn't every single time."If you miraculously get it right this time, I will give you 50 pounds." Tedros held up the bill just to prove his point. Agatha's eyes widened, and she smiled.

"Alright, you just wait, Tedros! This is going to be the best drink you've ever had in your life!"

"We'll see, Agatha. We will see."

"Could you stop with your flirting? We have more than one customer." Hester, Nuxa Barista's head barista, shouted from the expresso machine. "Hey Hester, can I make this drink while you man the register?" Hester shrugged. "I guess that's okay, but these drinks better taste good!" Agatha rolled up her sleeves and got to work. Once she was done, she shook up the can of whip cream and chocolate sauce. She then skillfully finished Tedros' coffee. She walked over to his table and brought it to him. She set it down and crossed her arm waiting for his reaction. Tedious took a sip and smiled. It was perfect.

"I guess you earned it. It's delicious." Tedros gave her the fifty pounds that he promised. Agatha was feeling pretty good about herself. Tedros didn't complain about his coffee, and she managed to get no complaints from any other customer during the afternoon rush. That is until she came in. Sophie, the witch. The most popular, prettiest, and meanest girl in town who just happened to hate Agatha for no apparent reason.

"Hester, can you please take the register?" Agatha pleaded as she saw Sophie come in. "Talk to the witch? Yeah…no. I can spit in her coffee for you though." Agatha grimaced. "You know she'll know if you spit in her coffee. She's the witch." Hester paled. "Yeah, I forgot. I promise I'll get her order right." Hester said determined to save Agatha from Sophie's torment.

"Hello Aggie! Can I get decaf soy latte with an extra shot of expresso and cream at forty-nine degrees Celsius? Agatha winced at the nickname. "Ugh, yeah, Sophie. You said forty-nine degrees Celsius, right?"

"Mhm, I like my coffee hot. You understand, right?" Sophie said with a fake smile that showed off all of her teeth. Hester, hearing the order, gulped. Agatha looked behind Sophie to see that there were no customers left. "Hester, do you want some help on this order?" Hester nodded her head.

"Do you have a thermometer?!" Agatha whispered once Sophie was out of ear-shot. "No! Who brings a thermometer to work?!" Hester screeched quietly."Maybe Clarissa has one. I'm going to go ask her." Agatha quickly ran off to find her boss. On her way, Agatha ran past Sophie who was heading toward Tedros' table.

"Hi Tedros! Do you mind if I sit here? There doesn't seem to be anywhere else to sit." Tedros who was listening to music and reading a book looked up at Sophie.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" Tedros said taking out one of his earbuds. "I was just asking if I could sit here with you. The place is so busy!" Tedros laughed. "Are you sure it's busy? Because there is no one else here besides you and me…" Sophie's cheeks turned red. She wasn't used to guys not taking up her offer on … well, anything really.

"Yeah, you got me. I just saw you sitting here alone, and I was concerned about you. Plus, I hate sitting alone…" Sophie said while pretending to be shy. Tedros smiled. "Yeah? Well, I guess I have to let you sit here then." Sophie gave Tedros her man-eating smile. Agatha saw Tedros smiling at Sophie as she came back to the kitchen with the thermometer she got from Clarissa.

"I hope Tedros isn't believing her crap. She's a monster." Hester shook Agatha by the shoulders.

"WHO CARES?! Did you get the thermometer?!" Agatha nodded and stuck it in the drink.

It was 40 degrees C*.

"Dude! We have to add some hot water or something! She's going to know!"

So how did you like the story? We'll try and update every Sunday. I thought questions would be a great way to start the first chapter…

How do you feel about Hayden?

How do you feel about another modern twist on yet another story?

What about Tedros? How do you feel about his given personality?