Ah ha, finally the second chapter to this story is here! Gosh, I have little inspiration for this story yet so much at the same time… oh well!
Scott = Phone Guy
Nathan = Purple Guy
Human designs (descriptions and visuals) belong to Pole-bear and Fnaf belongs to Scott Cawthon.
Nathan was silent as he looked up from his application form. He wasn't impressed, nor was he unimpressed. It was just another school, which did the same boring things. He had transferred so many times, and hadn't been expelled once. He knew how this worked. You go in, say hello, pretend that there's one person you like more than everyone else, and then go again. There really was no point in making any friends, he'd only miss them, and that would only ever hold him back.
"I wonder who the lucky one's gonna be this school," Nathan muttered, before walking into the school.
The first stop was the principle's office. Nathan, when he entered, took a seat in front of the Principle, whom he had heard was called Marionette.
"Welcome, Nathan," Principle Marionette said, looking at Nathan through her neat bangs, almost as if inspecting him.
"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Nathan said slowly, shaking hands with her.
"I am Principle Marionette," the principle said. "It's unusual to have a pure human here, I must say."
"Is it?" Nathan asked flatly. Principle Marionette stood up, and called a student to get some other students. She then turned to Nathan.
"I have heard a lot about you, Mr. Jordans," Principle Marionette said, beginning to walk around her office. "And I expect a lot from you. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Principle Marionette," Nathan said. The way Principle Marionette spoke was stern, controlling and firm, yet almost…musical. As if she sang instead of talked. The student came back in, four other students following and lining up against the wall.
"Mr. jordans, these are a few of your classmates," Principle Marionette said, gesturing to each one as she introduced them. "Fritz Smith, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Mike Schmidt and Scott Green."
"Nice to meet you," Fritz said.
"I look forward to getting to know you," Jeremy greeted.
"This is so exciting, I love new students~!" Mike said happily, clapping his hands together a little. Scott said nothing, instead nodding his head to Nathan, who showed no emotion. More people to avoid missing. The five boys made their way out of the office, thinking about the rest of the day.
"What do we have now?" asked Mike as he and the other guards walked down the hall, or in Mike's case, bounced.
"Games," Jeremy sighed. "You're literally in your games kit and you're asking me. Are you getting a laugh from this?" Mike let out possibly his fifteenth 'whoop'.
"Games with the toys," Scott suddenly said. All four of the others stopped. Scott calmly walked forward about a metre before noticing. He turned around. "What? Something wrong?"
"You didn't tell us we had games with the toys!" Fritz moaned. "You never tell us things until the last second…"
"Force of habit," Scott shrugged, and walked on.
"Why are we having games with the year below us?" Mike asked.
"We're learning a sport with them, next year they'll be learning it on their own. Every other year, the class below us goes to games with us. Quick, think of your best sports."
"Probably track!" Mike said.
"Tennis," Jeremy said next.
"I like swimming," Fritz answered.
"Basketball," Scott replied to his own question. All four looked at Nathan, who hadn't said anything, expectantly.
"What?" Nathan asked.
"What's your favourite sport?" Fritz asked. Nathan shrugged.
"Ice-skating, I guess. Skating in general."
"I wish I could skate," Jeremy sighed. "I think they just finished the new rink here. Where'd you learn?"
"Why do you care? I'm not staying here long," Nathan said roughly, urging Mike to find shelter in Jeremy.
"I've heard about your apparent liking to moving schools a lot," Scott said suddenly. Nathan 'humph'ed, looking away.
"Is it perhaps because you believe that having friends will tie you down?" Nathan stopped.
"Yeah," Nathan said calmly. "Yeah, that's the reason."
"Why do you think Principle Marionette asked us to guide you on your first day?" Scott asked, and the four others formed a neat hemisphere around Nathan.
"We all study hard, for our own subjects in which we specialise in," Fritz pointed out.
"General languages!" Mike put his two pennies in.
"ICT," Fritz said.
"Mathematics," Jeremy said languidly.
"And science," Scott said, finishing off his little speech. "Shall we continue?"
The boys went out to the field, where they were met by not only their usual coach, but another person as well. A few minibuses were sitting next to them.
"Alright boys," Coach said. "All we have to do is wait for the '9th graders' and we'll be ready to get moving."
"What are we doing Coach?" Mike asked. The coach was quiet for a moment before a smirk crossed his face.
"Who here can skate?" he asked. Immediately the boys all looked at Nathan, who had blushed a little, urging everyone else to look at Nathan in confusion. The coach guessed what it meant, after all, he had been working at the school for 8 odd years, what else had he to learn?
"Ah," he said. "Our transfer here. Great. Anyone else?" The whole class shuffled nervously, and Coach raised his eyebrows in confusion. Last year, nearly all of the class was able to skate. A sudden shout from across the field distracted everyone, for which Nathan was very grateful.
"Sorry sir!" Bon shouted as he and the rest of his class jogged up to him. "We were kept back by traffic in the halls."
"What happened?"
"There was a mix-up of classrooms or something," Teddy gasped between breaths.
"Right then," Coach said. "Everyone into the minibuses, half and half. Then we'll decide on partners!"
The older students, standing beside their younger student partners, eventually stood nervously at the entrance of the ice rink. Nathan, who was paired up with Bon, rolled his eyes and pulled Bon to the other entrance.
"What are you doing?" Bon asked as Nathan put one skate on the rink, slipping a little, but soon finding a grip, with help from the trusty wall.
"Doing what we came here to do," Nathan said, as he began to skate in a clockwise circle. Soon Mike whooped, and pulled Teddy, his partner, onto the rink as well.
"Mike," Teddy sighed as Mike immediately keeled over backwards. "Mike."
Soon everyone else was skating, some slowly, and some were getting used to it, beginning to go in confident circles around the rink. Nathan stood outside the rink, just watching. He didn't notice when Bon came and stood next to him.
"Hey," Bon said. "You're really great at skating, you know."
"Thanks," Nathan said, once again rather flatly.
"Why do you always transfer?" Bon asked, though it was more out of wanting to compare. Perhaps he could convince his parents to let him go to Garden Prep. "Have you been to Garden Prep?"
"Yeah," Nathan said. "I got a scholarship."
"Did you like it?"
"As much as I liked any school," Nathan eventually replied, shrugging his shoulders.
"Do you like this school?"
Nathan hesitated. Before he could think up an answer, Mike came skating up to them.
"We're done for today," Mike gasped. He began pulling Nathan to the benches to get the skates off.
"You were really good today, Nate," Mike sighed, as they watched everyone else talk, laugh, or whatever. "Can I call you that?"
"Sure," Nathan said.
"So, where are you planning to go next?" Mike asked.
"I don't move that quickly," Nathan said, smirking. He only had to look around to know what he wanted to do. "I think I'll stay here."
"Really?" Mike asked happily. Nathan cast him a sideways glance.
"Sure," Nathan grinned. "I've already been to every other school I can go to. And besides, I like this school."