Chapter 5:

"What are we going to do?" Zach glimpsed at his friend as he drove them home. "Do you think we should get in contact with Shannon's parents?"

Josh's knuckles turned white as his grip intensified on the steering wheel. "No, if we try that then Freddy will go after us. Let's face it we can't help her. She doesn't want our her help"

"So what? We just cut all ties with her?"

"Yeah, we have to look after ourselves now"

Zach sighed sadly and turned to look out the window. Perhaps his friend was right, Shannon was a lost cause. It still disturbed him how she could actually be in love with that monster? They had known her for the last several months, they thought they had grown close to her. But did they really know her at all?

And what if that monster shared those feelings for her too? If that was the case, then what was the point of being her friend anymore?

x x x

The raging fire from one of the furnaces illuminated Freddy's scarred face as he stared pensively at the flickering flames. For the last few hours he considered and mused over the demons suggestion of getting in contact with 'them' again. How many years had it been? Over eight years since they had betrayed him again? What were they up to now? What had changed in their life?

He growled, why should he fucking care? All he wanted was their help to resolve this problem he was going through. Then he would cut all ties with them. Perhaps even cut them up a bit, watch them bleed to death…

The corner of his lips curled up into a devious smirk.

He had to work his charm though. Persuade them to help him.

Firstly, it would take a lot of his power to transfer into their dreams. Central City was at least fifteen to twenty miles away. Nevertheless, he had to do this. Even try and reason with them to help him. He snorted in disbelief. Why would they want to help him? Look at what he had did to them? Trying to kill them? They saw their old memories, discovered their true heritage and what really happened in their childhood. They hated him now for what he had done and well he shared the same feeling of loathing towards them for what they did.

Have you made your decision Krueger?

"Don't fucking rush me!" he snapped.

It's closer to night time. Nearly time for your little stalker to visit you again!

Freddy flinched, uneasy at this. It was a chance he had to take. His patience was wearing thin. He had to try something didn't he? He closed his eyes and snarled. "Ugh, okay! Let's do it. I'll go and pay my little princess a visit!"

Central City…

Youth Shelter.


A pen noted down observations on the next blank page of a patient's file. The tip of the pen scrawled neatly across the line, then stopped. The person holding the silver pen leaned back in their seat and with their left hand they took off their black thin framed glasses and threw them onto the table. Their dark chocolate brown hair was tied back in a loose bun, with a few tresses trailing down the sides of their aged face. Maggie Burroughs may have been forty five now, but she still looked good for her age. A few wrinkles had lightly traced her forehead. Other than that if you took a quick glance at her, you would have thought she was still in her late thirties.

She stretched her long arms above her weary head, rolling her shoulders and she groaned as she felt a small twinge along her upper back across the ridge of her right shoulder blade. Being crouched over her case files for the last few hours was never good for her back. She definitely had to do some of those stretching exercises Gavin told her to loosen her muscles.

A warm smile touched her lips as she pulled her gaze towards the picture of her and her husband Gavin Wilson on their wedding day. It had been two years since they wed and nearly six years since they began to date. He was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Especially over the last eight years. Through meeting him she had become focused on her life, on her future and not her past.

A year after they had began dating she had discovered her adoptive mother had developed breast cancer and within six months she had passed away. Without Gavin at her side she would have fallen apart, but he was there every step of the way. He was her rock, someone to lean on and talk to. Throughout the late nights, through her grief he was there for her. She knew then that he was the one for her.

The last several years had been good for them both. And hopefully in the next year or two they would have something else to look forward to.

Maggie looked up from her notes as the door to her office creaked opened. The congenial, smiling face of her good friend and work colleague Doc greeted her. It was coming up to his retirement. Just under a month away. Though that didn't stop him from being lax in his work. "Hey Doc" she smiled.

"I thought you would be home. It's past 5.30pm" Doc glanced at the clock on the far wall.

She nodded at her file. "I've to finish this up for Kelly. I was meant to do it last night, but I was busy talking to young Matthew's parents before he left the Shelter"

"So, that's him finally away?"

Maggie leaned back in her chair and gave a sigh. "Well, hopefully he'll not run away again. It's like an endless circle with him. Runs away, comes here and I counsel him again. Believing that I've finally talked some sense into him. But a few weeks after going home he's back again!"

"At least you're here for him" Doc interlocked his hands across his chest as he sat across from her.

"Sometimes I think it's the parents that need the counselling and not their kids!" Maggie stated simply.

Doc laughed, nodding in agreement. "You could be right!"

She rose to her feet and walked over to a small coffee machine on a small table tucked in the corner of the room. Her hands took two mugs and began to pour out coffee for them both. "So, what are your retirement plans? Have you decided on Washington DC yet?"

"Yeah, I've made my decision. I've phoned the Sleep Disorder Clinic and accepted the position. It's only part time though" Doc took a mug of coffee from her. "You know how much I'm interested in sleep disorders and dreams…" he trailed off, seeing the nervous expression on her face. Even after all these years she still hated talking about anything to do with dreams. He quickly changed the subject. "How are you and Gavin?"

She moved back to her chair, "We're good thanks!"

He glimpsed at the photograph of them both. "Are you still trying? Any luck?"

"Yeah, we're still trying. We have an appointment in two weeks time with a Doctor. I mean it's been a year since we've decided that this was what we wanted and…" her eyes lowered to her hands that clasped her mug of coffee. She sniffled softly. "I keep thinking there's something wrong with me"

"Maggie, don't think like that. I'm sure it will happen. Be positive" Doc reassured.

She raised her mug to her lips and sipped at it tentatively, "Yeah. I know"

"You know when I get settled in Washington, you both must come down for a few days. It would be good for both you to get a break. Take some time off from your work"

Her lips curled upwards into a cheery smile, delighted at this suggestion. "Thanks. We'd really like that"

He downed the rest of his coffee. "I'm about to head home here. You want a lift?"

"Yeah" she then looked at her case file, gathering it together and shoved it into her brief case. "I'll meet you at your car, just need to say to Kelly that I'll give him the report in the morning instead"

He nodded, leaving her to switch off her computer and gather her purse and black suit jacket. Gripping her black strapped hand bag and brown brief case she exited the room, closing the door behind her. Even though she was married she still used her previous surname of Burroughs in her professional occupation in the Shelter. As for everything else in her life she used Wilson her married name. When her mother died after her battle with cancer she found out through her mother's solicitors that her mother's home was passed onto her in the will. Within a few months of coming to terms with her mother's death she terminated her tenancy with her private landlord and left her small apartment, moving into the home she grew up in.

"Thank you for the lift home Doc" Maggie looked out the passenger window at her home on Riverdale Avenue. "I really think I should buy myself a car. Seeing as I won't be able to rely on your driving me home soon!"

Doc chuckled lightly. "That would be a good idea!"

She smirked. "I'll see you in the morning. Bye"

He waved her goodbye as she strolled up the lane to her home. A navy Honda Civic was parked in the driveway, it belonged to Gavin and she knew that he was probably making dinner. It was a habit of his to make sure that dinner was set out for them both. His hours in work differed from hers, starting earlier than her at 8am and finishing at 4.30pm. Depending on whatever court cases he had to attend or what clients he had to represent. He was on very good money as lawyer. He made sure that she wanted for nothing.

She entered into the large front hall of her home and she could faintly smell the sweet aroma of steak sizzling from the kitchen. Strolling into the large spacious living room to her left she threw her briefcase and bag on the taupe coloured sofa and discarded her jacket. She hooked the jacket on a tall coat stand in the hall, before venturing through the dining room towards the cream tiled kitchen.

There was a square counter in the middle with a bottle of white wine ready to be opened and two wine glasses. At the cooker Gavin stood with his back to her, dressed in his black trousers, white shirt and what seemed to be a navy apron wrapped around his waist. He whistled merrily to himself as he stirred the ingredients of a beef stir fry in a large grey pan.

As though he had sensed her presence he turned around and grinned at her. His big green eyes widening in exhilaration at seeing her. "Hey babe, how was your day?"

She walked up to him and ran her right hand through his black hair, kissing him firmly on his lips. At being nearly 6'2 in height Maggie had to raise slightly on her tip-toes. "It was good. It's even better now that I've seen you"

"Aw, you're too kind" He stepped back and nodded at his apron.

She looked down and laughed boisterously at the words imprinted on the front.

Is it hot in here?

Oh, wait. It's just me!

"Where did you get that?" she asked.

"I bought it on my lunch break. I've had my eye on it for the last few weeks!" Gavin winked at her.

Maggie smiled and kissed him again. "I'll set the table"

"No, just get yourself a glass of wine and relax! Dinner will be ready in ten minutes"

"Thanks. Love you" She spun away towards the counter, grabbing the bottle and poured out a glass for herself. "Was there any messages on the answering machine?"

"Yeah, I think Tracey phone you"

"Really?" Maggie gasped, smiling broadly. It had been several months since she had spoken to her old patient. The young woman's life had changed drastically over the last several years. Moving into a stable foster home, graduating from High School and going to college. Meeting and falling in love with Corey Masterson. Now, they were engaged and ready to embark on a whole new life together in Chicago.

"I'm going to phone her" Maggie wandered back to the living room towards the cordless phone from coffee table. Her fingers deftly moved over the numbers, dialling Tracey's contact number. After the fifth ring it was answered.

"Hello? Tracey?"

There was a small cry of glee on the end of the line. "Ah, Maggie! How are you? Did you get my message?"

"Gavin said you left a message on our machine. How are you?" Maggie smiled

"I'm good. Actually I wanted to speak to you because I have some news!" Tracey's voice was tainted with giddiness.

Maggie slowly sat on the sofa and took a sip of her wine, "What is it?"

Tracey took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant!"

The smile on Maggie's face curled downwards into a frown. Pregnant? Tracey was expecting a baby? Oh god, was she envious? Could she be jealous that Tracey was pregnant and she wasn't? The last year or so both her and Gavin had been trying to hard for a baby. How long had Tracey had been? Wait, was she actually trying? She broke into a smile, forcing her voice to sound elated for her young friend. "Oh Tracey, that's brilliant news! I didn't know you were trying!"

"We weren't! It just happened, it was a surprise to us both!"

"How far gone are you?" Maggie asked.

"About twelve weeks. We're going for our first scan next week!"

As much as was happy for Tracey, deep down inside Maggie was devastated. Why could that not happen to her and Gavin? Why could she not be bestowed with the gift of a baby? Maybe it wasn't meant to be. "That's good. I'm really happy for you!"

"I'm sure it will happen for you and Gavin soon. Just keep trying"

"Yeah" Maggie lazily wiped a tear from her face, "What will happen to the wedding?"

"We're putting it back a year. It will give us more time to save though too" There was a muffled voice in the background. "Ah shit! I've got to go here, I've company. Corey's parents are over for dinner. I'll phone you tomorrow that okay?"

Maggie took another sip of her wine, "Yeah, you take care. Have fun with the in-laws!"

"Fuck, I'll try!" Tracey laughed. "Bye Maggie"

"Bye" Maggie whispered. The dial tone sounded in her ear after Tracey had hung up, then several seconds went by until she placed the phone back on the receiver in the corner of the room.

"Mags, dinner is ready!"

She snatched the wine glass from the table, downing it in one gulp and then walked drearily into the dining room. Her despondent mood suddenly lifted at the sight of at candle lit table all set out for her. Two cream candles were positioned in two silver candle holders. A single red rose was placed in a tall thin white vase.

Gavin sat at the top of the table with her seat to his right. A few minutes went past before he broke the silence. "So, how's Tracey?" he unfolded a napkin, placing it across his lap.

"She's good" Maggie chewed a mouthful of her stir fry. "Um, she's pregnant. Twelve weeks"

"Really?" Gavin grinned broadly. "That's lovely news!"

Maggie nodded, avoiding his gaze. She couldn't allow him to see the tears that were brimming in her brown eyes.

"Are you okay?" He saw the disappointed look on her face. "I know that we've been trying and-"

"Is there something wrong with me?" she sobbed softly. "Perhaps I can't have any children"

"There is nothing wrong with you! We've that appointment soon. They'll help us. I'm sure they will" he reassured her. "You always hear women in their mid to late forties having children. It will happen for us!"

Maggie slumped back in her chair and snatched a white napkin to dab at her tears. "You know how much I want a baby. Maybe we should consider IVF treatment too"

"What about adopting?" Gavin offered another suggestion.

She froze and glared at him. Adoption? It was something she never contemplated. In a way she didn't want anyone else baby. She wanted her own, something that she created herself. "I'm not sure"

"Look, we'll see the Doctor and discuss what he can do for us both" Gavin reached over to grasp her hand. "Anyway, it's certainly been fun trying the last year. Hasn't it? We should you know give it another go later?" he gave her a cunning smirk.

Maggie's lip curled upwards and she chuckled, throwing her napkin at him playfully. "You're insatiable, you know that?"

"Well, so are you!"

She blushed and poured the remaining wine into their glasses. "How about we have an early night?"

"Early?" Gavin looked at his watch on his left wrist. "It's only 7pm!"

"And…?" she flashed him a sultry smile, then hopped off her seat to climb onto his lap. He cupped his hands on her firm ass.

He grinned at her as she lowered her smiling lips to his…


Maggie lay sprawled in Gavin's arm on their bed. Their bed clothes were draped across their naked, sweaty bodies. She turned her head up to stare at his panting face, his lips were arched upwards into a contented grin. "You have fun?"

"Yeah" he kissed her forehead. "You?"

"Yes, it was amazing"

"I know. I'm just great!" he quipped. "

She rolled her eyes and jokingly slapped his bare hairy chest. "Now, you know I don't like show offs!"

He hugged her tightly. "I think you secretly do and that's why you married me!"

Again she rolled her eyes. "Possibly" her mouth slowly opened as she stifled a yawn.

"Ohh, I've worn you out!" he teased.

"I guess you have" she smirked against his chest, "Night"

He lightly trailed his right hand up and down her bare arm, and within minutes she had drifted into a deep slumber.

A bright yellow flash illuminated the darkened bedroom through the thin slits of the

Cream vertical blinds. The blustering wind howled outside the house, causing Maggie to stir awake. She sat up groggily and smacked her dry lips, then switched on the side lamp next to the bed. It brightened the room and her gaze fell upon the scattering of her and Gavin's clothes that were strewn across the bedroom floor. Pushing the covers from her naked frame she skittered towards a large chest of drawers, pulling out the bottom drawer to fetch a long knee length light blue nightdress and pulled it on.

A deep rumble echoed outside and she sluggishly made her way out of the bedroom, downstairs and into the kitchen. She grabbed a tall glass from the counter and poured herself some water. As she sipped it slowly she heard a set of footsteps echoing down the stairs. She wandered into the hallway and began to apologise. "Sorry if I woke you…"

Her voice faltered off as a small figure stood at the entrance to the living room. It was a little girl, no more than five years old.

Maggie went rigid, staring at the girl in shock. The dark blond, perhaps light brown hair was tied back in ribbons. It couldn't be. This wasn't happening. Snapping her eyes closed Maggie muttered incoherent words to herself and then slowly allowed them to open.

A startled gasp came from her as she found herself standing in the middle of an old basement. Somewhere she had desperately fought so hard to forget.

She faced the door to the secret room in her childhood home on Elm Street.

"This can't be happening" she whispered hoarsely. Her eyes suddenly lowered to her attire, the old familiar pink dress adorned her body, with the white collar and two white buttons down the middle of her chest. White socks were pulled up to her knees, black painted shoes were on her feet. Her brown hair was tied back in two pigtails with those candy red ribbons.

The door to the room scraped opened and she took a defensive step back, then spun around and saw a darkened corridor to her right. Fuck it, she was getting out of here. If this was a twisted flashback of that time in her life, then why the fuck was it happening now?

Her shoes pounded on the concrete as she ran blindly down the darkness. Soon the concrete made way for a metal catwalk and she skidded to a halt as she heard the deep metallic rumblings of boilers and furnaces. Oh, this was more than a fucking flashback.

Her hands clenched into tight fists as she came to a spiralling staircase, and began to descend to the lower level. A layer of steam greeted her and she peered through the mist as a silhouette appeared at the bottom of the corridor. Their lean frame stood against he backdrop of a wall of flames.


Maggie flinched and jerked back, shaking her head in terror as she heard his gritty voice. It was the same as all those years ago when he sung her real name.

"Hello, Katherine…"

Maggie twisted away to run down an adjacent corridor, panting and whimpering with fear. How could he back? She had stopped him eight years ago. Destroyed him, heard those creatures, those demons fleeing his body. Her head whipped over her left shoulder and her eyes widened at the sight of him chasing her.

Using every ounce of her energy she picked up her pace. Turning into another passageway she passed by several opened furnaces that contained crushed bones and burnt remains of children and teenagers.

Maggie gagged at the sight and then shrieked as a body flung themselves onto her back. She collapsed to the ground and twisted around, aiming punch after punch at Freddy who dodged and duck her blows. He swiftly gripped her hands with his gloved and burnt hand, slamming them down on the hard metal floor of one of the main boiler rooms then grasped them both with his scarred hand. His eyes roamed over her shaking, sweat drenched face and noticed that her hair several inches longer than before. At last she had grown out of that stupid fucking hairstyle. Shaking his head he sat up a little as he straddled her waist.

Maggie gulped, "This isn't real! You're dead. I s-stopped you!"

Freddy gave her a vicious snarl. "You mean you blew me up, you little bitch!"

Her eyes avoided his and her body stiff as he brought the tips of his metal talons to her face, tracing her jaw lightly then applied pressure. The blade cutting skin lightly and drawing a small line of blood. "Why the hell are you back? To kill me?"

His lips twitched and his drew his bladed claw back. The urge to drive his knives into her chest and rip her heart from her cadaver was too strong. But he had to resist, he needed her to get rid of that crazy ass bitch Shannon. "No…" a strained whisper came from him. "You see princess, I need your help"

x x x

Please review! Thank you for your reviews so far!

I will hopefully start chapter 23 of Fear the Nightmare this evening. :)