Disclaimer: I do not own Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Krueger or any of the other characters involved. I only own my own OC - Shannon Murphy

Summary: Freddy has a problem. An obsessive girl won't stop entering his dream world. She won't stop stalking him. Despite killing her friends and trying to kill her, she keeps coming back. Declaring her undying love for him. What's a dream killer to do?

Genre: Horror/Humour.

Rating: M - for language, violence.

Title: Bad Romance.

Author's Note: This is a humour story. I am not a fan of Freddy/OC romance stories - to be honest, I despise them. I just don't see how anyone - a canon character or an original character could fall in love with Freddy. Also, in my view Freddy does not have a caring bone in his body. He doesn't have capacity to love anyone. Okay, he may have loved Loretta when he was alive. But in the end he killed her.

Okay, so that's my rant over. Lol.

This chapter is very short. Just wanted to post it and see if I get any/much interest in the story. If people would be interested n reading more.

Chapter 1

To say Freddy Krueger pissed off was an understatement. He was nearing the end of his tether. For the last month his patience had been tested by a meddlesome bitch named Shannon Murphy. She was just seventeen years old and about six months ago had moved into his old house on 1428 Elm Street.

For a few month she didn't know the history about the house or his legend in the town. He could feel her presence in his old home, but when she finally found out through her friends in school about who he was. That was when his troubles began. At first he visited her dreams, twisting them into nightmares. Trying to conjure up fear from her. It worked for a week or two.

Then one night she changed. She was no longer afraid of him. Oh, he tried to hurt the bitch. But it was as though she had cast some spell over him. No matter how he tried to hurt her, any wounds he caused she would make them vanish.

Whatever hex she had put on him was something he was tirelessly trying to break. He had been on a killing spree, claiming several souls in the last two weeks and so hopefully soon he would have enough strength to break this spell she had over him. And whenever he did break the spell then he would gut that bitch's heart out.

If that wasn't bad, she had tried to talk to him as though they were fucking friends. Stating that she had seen a few old pictures of him from when he was alive and that she found him strangely attractive and that she felt sorry for him. For what the town did to him. Taking away his daughter.

How dare she try and sympathise with him? He didn't want her pity! He didn't want anything to do with her.

He wanted her dead.

Oh, she knew who he was when he was alive. A merciless child killer and molester.

She had found out several old news paper articles about him. But that didn't stop her from coming back into is dream world.

It was like she was obsessed.

Obsessed with him.

Why could she not take no for an answer?

He had even entered her friends dreams demanding that they tell the bitch to keep out of his dream world. But they were at a lost to why their friend was acting this way. They too believed she was crazy for having these feelings for a dead child killer.

He had tried relentlessly to explore her mind, to find out why she was behaving this way towards him. Perhaps she was really was a fucking nutcase. Despite several attempts to ravage her mind for answers he was enraged to find out that she had cast another spell. Managing to close him out of the dark depths of her subconscious.

He knew that if he didn't find out a way to stop her or kill her, then he would crack. He would rather spend an eternity in Hell being tortured by Pinhead and his cenobites that to endure another night of this little bitch entering his world to stalk him, trying to talk to him as though they were best friends. Her pathetic attempts to appeal to him, to try and seduce him were contemptible. Why the fuck would anyone be interested in him? Did they not realise that he didn't care about anyone? Love? He hated the word!

Freddy snarled as he turned away from the burning furnace in the boiler room. His bladed claw flexed angrily at his side as he sensed that bitch's presence enter his domain. Closing his eyes he thought back to when his troubles began, the first night that her attitude towards him changed…