Hello and welcome to my fic. This is also my first fic so I ask when/if pointing out error please don't be harsh. I would gladly accept your criticism but please don't go overboard. I have to warn you though mistakes will be made as I am not perfect. As for the story, it will go as follows in terms of arcs; Arc of my Creation, Wave, Chunin Exams, Konoha Crush, Search for Tsunade, Arc of my Creation, Arc of my Creation, Sasuke Retrieval Mission. And after that there will be a big drama. This will not be an AU but it will be like the CANON in certain aspects. Enjoy.
Disclaimer; All content of 'Naruto' and 'Naruto Shippuden' belongs to Masashi Kishimoto…Lucky Bastard.
Chapter 001; A New Beginning.
Beep Beep Beep
Naruto Uzumaki groaned as he sat up. He used his right hand and smashed his toad shaped alarm clock that was blinking the time in its neon orange lights. He let out a sigh as he saw the time. 6:30.
He got off his bed and stretched. He then looked around his messy room and smiled. Today was the day. Ladies and gentlemen, today wasn't any random day, no, today was the day Naruto Uzumaki took his training seriously.
Not more than six hours ago he had defeated a Chunin from stealing a scroll that belonged to the Hokage. Konoha's Forbidden Scroll filled with thousand on top of thousands of Jutsu, all either 'S' classed, 'A' classed or 'B' classed Kinjutsu that were powerful and most likely deadly.
Naruto had had a long talk with the Sandaime Hokage yesterday and through some long discussion the Sandaime Hokage had convinced Naruto to eat healthier. (Read: Forced).
They also had a long argument over what Naruto wore. The Hokage had explained that orange could have gotten him killed during a mission. And when all else failed, Hiruzen told Naruto he would ban orange from Konoha. (Read: Threatened).
Then there was the fact that Naruto had no training in anything whatsoever. The only thing he was good in was stealth, due to his limitless hours upon hours of out running and hiding from ANBU after pulling pranks.
Naruto grumbled as he remembered why he had to wake up at this Kami forsaken hour. He grumbled and took out one of his rusty and dull kunai. Using the dull edge he pried open a loose floorboard.
Once the floorboard was discarded he took out a box that was underneath. The box was twelve inches in length, six inches in width and eight inches in height.
It had a lock on it. Naruto got up and ran into his bathroom. He removed the top of the toilet where a key was hidden next to the pump. He smirked as he took the key and placed the top back on.
He then went back to the chest and slipped the key in. It opened with a click. Inside the chest was some money, some cup ramen, medical supplies and surprisingly clothes…that weren't orange.
He took everything out and placed it onto his bed. He went into the kitchen and brought back out some newly purchased ramen and placed it into the box. He locked it back and placed it back within the floorboard. He took a hammer and some nails and minutes later the floorboard was back to its normal leverage, mostly.
He took of his jumpsuit and went into the shower. Ten minutes later he came back out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He quickly brushed his teeth and went back into his room.
Once in his room he slipped on his boxers, which was orange with green toads on it. He slipped on the clothes he had in the box and wrapped some bandages around him.
The clothes consisted of a black onesie that was tight but not too tight as to look like those green freaks of nature he had seen. It was slightly baggy. It also had a hoodie which obstructed his features well. His blonde hair, blue eyes and three whisker marks per cheek were not seen. The bandages were wrapped around both of his shins, on his right thigh where a kunai and Shiruken pouch was. There were also bandages around his forearms. A white Konohagakure leaf symbol was on his chest while the Uzumaki clan insignia was on both his left shoulder while a strange insignia was on his right shoulder.
The sign on his right shoulder was a black line in a horizontal direction, it had a black line in the middle facing vertically. On either end of the horizontal line was strange symbols seemingly repelling each other. The Senju clan insignia. Unfortunately or Fortunately how you look at it…Naruto knew not what it was.
He shrugged it off and decided to as the Hokage about it when he went. He slipped on his black Shinobi sandals and his blue clothed headband deciding to change it to black later on.
He then slipped the money in his pocket and left via the window, but not before leaving some Shadow Clones to clean up the place. Today was going to be a long day. He just knew it.
Hokage's Office; Hokage Tower
He pushed open the Hokage's double doors without even knocking rinsed the Old Man engrossed in reading his perverted orange book. That's when he got a malicious idea. And it was perfect seeing as Hiruzen hadn't sensed his entry.
'Sexy Jutsu.' He thought and in a small cloud of smoke a new figure stood there. This was a girl…no, a young woman, she was about the age of sixteen, had size 'DD' size breasts and was naked, her innocence and assets protected by floating clouds of smoke.
"Hokage-sama." She breathed out in a seductive tone. Hiruzen just glanced at her and was immediately KO'ed with blood pouring down her nose like the falls at Takigakure.
Minutes later Hiruzen woke up with a groan. He opened an eye to see Naruto reading his book. Hiruzen snatched the book out of his hand and glared at the young boy.
"This is not for children you age." Hiruzen stated as he placed the book away. Naruto sighed and reclined in his seat as he placed his hands behind his head.
"What's this sign on the clothes you gave me." Naruto said indicating to his shoulder. It was the truth, Hiruzen had given him the clothes when he was eight stating that he could only wear it when he became a Shinobi.
"Did anyone notice?" Hiruzen asked not even answering his question. When Naruto shook his head he continued. "Good, I don't want the village to know just yet." Hiruzen explained.
"What is it Old Man!?"
"Your clan insignia." Hiruzen said with a sigh. "You are from two Shinobi clans, the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan." He explained and smirked at Naruto's gaping face.
"T-Two Shinobi clans?" He asked and Hiruzen nodded. "Am I the last of both?"
Hiruzen's face fell as this was a question he wanted to avoid. Come on, would you want to tell an orphan that his only known living relative once nothing to do with him.
"No." Hiruzen said and Naruto jumped in his seat pumping his fist in the air. He then went on to ask question on top of question getting Hiruzen irritated. "Enough."
The silence that filled the room after that was deafening. Naruto looked at Hiruzen with shock written all over his face as he saw a lone tear escape the Hokage's eyes.
"Sorry." Naruto apologized. "Can you please tell me about them?"
"Sure." Hiruzen said with a small smile. "There are a few Uzumaki's scattered across the Elemental Nations, and there is one Senju alive." He stated and Naruto was listening with rapt attention.
"One more Senju?" He muttered under his breath. "Where is he?"
Hiruzen sighed. "She wants nothing to do with you?" Hiruzen said and watched as Naruto's face fell. He then noticed Naruto was cry and walked over to him. "She has a good reason." He said placing a hand on his shoulder.
"What is it?"
"Do you remember the Yondaime Hokage?" Hiruzen asked and received a nod from Naruto. "She was his mother, she blamed you for killing him because he risked his life to seal the Nine Tails in you…but, that wasn't all." Hiruzen said and Naruto turned to him his eyes red from crying. "Your mother was like a daughter to her."
Those words stopped Naruto's tears dead in their tracks as his wide blue (and red) eyes stared up at his grandfather figure. Shock evident in his features.
"M-My m-m-mother?" He stuttered and Hiruzen nodded as he went back to his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a picture of a busty blonde woman and a red haired woman with a round face and long hair. He handed it to Naruto.
"The red head is your mother; Kushina Uzumaki, the woman is Tsunade Senju, they were like mother and daughter, but…" He said making Naruto look at him. "Your mother was the previous Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails and during childbirth the seal that keeps the Fox at bay weakened severely, your father tried desperately to hold it back but he failed resulting in the Yondaime risking his life."
"So." He said making Hiruzen inspect him closer. "She blames me for being born?" He asked and watched as Hiruzen nodded glumly making Naruto smirk which shocked the shit out of Hiruzen.
"What are you smirking about?"
"I'll just have to prove to her that I wasn't a mistake and that I'll live up to be Kaa-chan's and Tou-san's legacy." He said with a grin as he fist pumped into the air.
Hiruzen smiled and thanked Kami that Naruto didn't ask who his father was…
"Who was my father?"
Hiruzen's face turned from one of happiness to one of sadness immediately. "I am not at liberty to tell you, however, I will make it known that you are the last member of one of Konoha's founding clans in the village." He said and Naruto's jaw dropped.
"Look old man, I'll be back, I have a lot of studying to do, Indont know anything about either of my clans, and I'm going to find out everything I can about my mother and Tsunade-san 'Ttebayo!" He exclaimed as he turned around and froze in his tracks.
"What is it?"
"I don't think I have enough money to buy what I need." He said and deflated to which Hiruzen chuckled.
"Just go, I transferred quarter of the Senju clan's money into your account while you have all of your mothers money." Hiruzen said and Naruto's mood returned to eccentric.
"By the way, I'll be back to find out what I can about my mother from you." He said with narrowed eyes as he left through the window.
Hiruzen chuckled and hoped Naruto would never leave via the window again. He did NOT want another coming of Kushina or Jiraiya. Oh, the pain, it would definitely kill him.
He sighed once again as he assembled some ANBU to gather the council in two hours. He then pulled back out his Icha Icha book on began reading, perverted giggles follows suit soon afterwards.
Library; Konohagakure
Naruto entered the library with his and waved to the library. It was funny how the librarian was one of the only few people who actually didn't want to rip his guts out.
She flashed him a smile then noticed the Senju logo and called him over.
"Yes?" He asked.
"I see Hokage-sama told you about your clan." She said shocking Naruto. "Before you ask, I knew as I was good friends with your mother and father." She said and Naruto perked up at that.
"Can you tell me about my father please, the Old Man only told me about my mother?" He begged and the woman drew in a breath and patted Naruto on his head.
"Sorry Naruto-kun, no can do, Hiruzen-sama would have my head." She told him. He pouted. "Go and get what you need, I'll personally check you out." She urged. He pouted but nodded and dashed to go search the library.
Ten minutes later he returned with eleven books. Two on Chakra control, One on the elements of Ninjutsu, two on the History of Konoha, one on the History of the Uzumaki clan, one on the Senju clan, one on the basics of a ninja, one on how to properly throw weapons, the last two were on Fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu. In the talk the previous night/morning the Hokage had practically ordered him to buy these as it was in relation to one of his clans.
The librarian sighed and checked up on the books.
"Would you like to buy or rent them?" She asked and Naruto's jaw dropped.
"I can buy buy books from the library?" He asked and she sighed.
"Once it isn't on the history of Shinobi's themselves." She said with a shrug.
"Give me a minute." He said and disappeared into the back of the library. He came back out with a smaller orange covered book. She saw the book and glared at it. Naruto chuckled nervously as she ring him up, all the while glaring at him. She sealed all of the contents in a scroll and let out a long drawn sigh.
"If Kushina finds out that I let her son buy that perverted filth she'd kill me." She muttered under ur breath but Naruto heard her and wondered how dangerous his mother was. He waved good bye and left.
Ninja Store; Konohagakure
Naruto entered the ninja store to see a young girl with two buns in her head, she had on a link Chinese style shirt and treen ninja pants. Naruto walked up and touched her shoulder.
"Excuse?" He said meekly hoping she wouldn't kick him out of the store. She turned around to face him and smiled.
"Kawai!" She exclaimed touching his whisker marks making him blush. She restrained herself from tackling him and playing with his whisker marks and cleared her throat with an embarrassed blushed.
"Hi I'm Tenten, what can I do you for?" She asked with stars in her eyes.
"I was wondering if I could buy some ninja equipment." He answered and she nodded happily.
"Sure, you can buy anything once you have the money for it, so what would you like?" She asked.
"Can I have an order of two thousand white kunai, I want them slightly shorter than the others with red wrappings around the handle, two thousand six bladed shiruken, some paper bombs, smoke bombs, flash bombs, some Chakra weights, a hundred meters in Chakra wire and I would also like some clothes." He answered.
She eyes him up and down. "What's with the weird kunai and shiruken?"
"I was just thinking of something different, I want to be like the Yondaime!" He exclaimed.
"Well, you can have everything now and return for the weapons later, but you will need to tell me what kind of clothes you want." She explained and he nodded in understanding.
He explained in fine detail what kind of clothes he wanted and the two clan signs on the shoulders. He paid for it up front and left with everything except the clothes and weapons as the weapons needed to be made and the clothes needed the insignias sewn on.
She placed everything else in a scroll and told him to return in two days to which he nodded. As soon as he walked he bumped into an ANBU who told him Hiruzen requested his prescence. He nodded and the ANBU placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder and disappeared with him.
Earlier; Konohagakure Council Room
Hiruzen smiled as the last of his council arrived and on time at that. He cleared his throat as he eyes each and everyone of them carefully. All of them paid their full attention.
To the left of the table was the clan heads of the following clans; Hyuuga, Inuzuka, Aburame, Yamanaka, Amimichi, Nara and the empty spot for the Senju and Uchiha. To his right were eight civilians that made up the civilian council and at the other end of the table was his long time rival and two old teammates.
"You were all summoned here for a reason." Hiruzen stated.
"What's the reason?" A civilian asked making everyone sweat drop like literally. Was he that stupid.
"The reason is to discuss the future of the Senju clan." He said and all heads shot to him. He inwardly smirked at the shocked face on Danzo.
"Do tell." Danzo responded almost instantly.
"We have had the second heir for the Senju clan among us for twelve years." He said shocking them further. "Due to his parents request his heritage was kept secret until recently, and before you decide to do anything in order to stop me from making my decision, I will personally deal with you."
All of them shuddered at that but out of all of them only one man had it all figured it out as he let out a chuckled. All heads turned to him; Shikaku Nara.
"What's wrong Shikaku?" His friend; Choza Akimichi asked.
"It's troublesome." He said making everyone groan at his laziness. "It's been right under our noses since the beginning, I'm surprised no one else figured it out." He said and Hiruzen smirked slightly.
"Who is it?" Danzo asked only to be met with a chuckle from Hiruzen.
"Maa, Maa Danzo, he'll be here shortly, I sent an ANBU for him." Hiruzen said.
Danzo leaned back in his chair and sighed.
"Fine then."
"I have already made the necessary arrangements, he will be moved into the Senju Compound and have access to one quarter of the Senju clan funds as he is not the first heir." He said.
The other nodded.
"So he's a good Shinobi, we should have our best Jonin train him alongside Sasuke." Mebuki said and was shocked at the cold chuckle Hiruzen let out. They turned to him.
"When he gets here we'll make our decision." Hiruzen said and the others nodded.
Five minutes later there was a Shunshin and an ANBU appeared with a figure that made everyone's eyes (except Shikaku's) grow wide.
"Ladies and gentlemen." Hiruzen began with a chuckled. "I present to you; Naruto Uzumaki Senju."