
By Spunky0ne


Byakuya returns from the royal realm and is met with the news that Kuchiki Tetsuya died defending the hidden Kuchiki women and children. As Renji comforts Byakuya amidst the devastating loss, love blossoms between the two. But just as Byakuya resolves to put the past behind him, Aizen Sousuke's escape from Muken reveals a shocking secret. With Renji, Rukia, Ichigo and Grimmjow at his side, Byakuya searches for answers to what really happened to his half-blood cousin. Aizen/Tetsuya, Byakuya/Renji, Ichigo/Grimmjow...mpreg...Warning...references to non-con sex (non-graphic).


Chapter 1: Rain

Thunder rumbled as a smudged and battered looking Byakuya touched down on the entry ramp at the base of the still thawing spirit realm. Flanked on one side by the equally damaged Rukia and Renji, and on the other side by Ichigo and Grimmjow, he headed for the tenchurren waiting to return the group to Soul Society.

"I don't know if I'm looking forward to this or not looking forward to it," Renji sighed wearily, "On the one hand, it's good to go home, but on the other, there's going to be a hell of a lot of cleanup to do."

"Well," said Rukia, wiping away several droplets of rain that had leaked into her eyes, "at least we all have a shelter to go to, where there will be food and a warm place to sleep."

"Yes," Byakuya agreed, "Word reached me just before we ascended with the other taichous and fukutaichous to face Ywach that Tetsuya was successful in evacuating our elders, women and children into the protected compound during the first attack."

"Which means that he and the family were safe within the compound when the Seireitei was sent into the shadows," Rukia deduced.

"The Seireitei was returned from the shadows several hours ago," Renji added, "so Tetsuya should be waiting for us at the compound."

"Yes," Byakuya agreed, a rare smile touching his lips, "it will be good to see my cousin again...and to honor him for his efforts in the war."

"That's right," Rukia said, looking pleased, "the elders will have no choice but to acknowledge his worth to the clan now."

"They'd better," Ichigo insisted, his powerful reiatsu flaring softly, "I think this war has taught us that we're all capable of working together."

He glanced at the blue haired man stalking along at his side.

"Even us former enemies, ne Grimmjow?" he added, smirking.

"What are you talking about, Kurosaki?" the sexta espada snickered teasingly, "We're still enemies. We were just not attacking each other while we had a common enemy. When we get back, I'm going home."

He scowled as he remembered suddenly the sorry state Hueco Mundo had been in just prior to his leaving.

"Well, maybe after some food and rest. I don't know about you, but it seems like they rushed us out of here awful quickly. They could have at least said thanks for the help and fed us or something. But what do we get? Basic first aid and a tenchurren ride home, eh? That's some gratitude..."

"Hey, the royal realm was damaged worse than the Seireitei," Renji reminded him, "cause the worst of the fighting took place there. I'm glad we don't have to clean that up along with everything else. Besides, once you get a taste of Matsuko's cooking, you're gonna forget about going back to your home in the desert."

"That good, eh?" Grimmjow said, his stomach rumbling only slightly less notably than the weather.

"Oh yeah," Renji sighed happily, "Taichou's staff is the best."

"I sent word ahead that we were on our way," Byakuya informed the others, "so we should be able to have a warm bath and hot food as soon as we arrive."

"Sounds good to me," Renji said approvingly, "Thanks for inviting us to come along, Taichou."

"We are all weary from battle," Byakuya said as they entered the tenchurren and took their places, "And we will be tasked with rebuilding as the dust settles and things begin to return to normal."

"I don't know how any dust is gonna settle with all of this rain turning it into drippy mud," Ichigo joked, "but thanks for the hospitality, Byakuya."

Byakuya turned a surprisingly warm grey eye on the newly identified Shiba heir.

"It is you who I should be thanking for keeping your promise to protect what we could not. You and your friends suffered greatly in your efforts to defeat the quincy king."

"Well, we couldn't have done it without everyone else who came up and fought the elite sternritters," Ichigo reminded him, "We all worked together to protect the Seireitei. And as much of a mess as it is, we can clean up and rebuild. As long as we're all still alive, we've got good reason to be thankful."

"Yes," Byakuya agreed, glancing in Rukia and Renji's direction, "I am grateful we've all survived."

The group quieted as the tenchurren rumbled to life, then a moment later, was launched through an opening beneath it, and sent hurtling back down towards the returned Seireitei beneath it. Those within the speeding craft found themselves instantly grateful for the strong restraints that kept them glued to their seats, despite the shocking forces that their rapid descent caused. Grimmjow hissed and Renji paled and looked sick for a moment as they all adjusted to the jarring motion.

"Th-thank goodness we're going so fast this won't take too long!" Rukia shouted over the noise within the quaking craft.

"I think it's gonna shake my damned teeth out!" Ichigo laughed.

The tenchurren barreled downward, plummeting from the heights of the royal realm, then slowing up suddenly as it neared the ground. The ones within gasped at the resounding jolt as they were forcibly slowed, then dropped roughly onto the landing pad.

"Damn!" Grimmjow snapped, rubbing the back of his neck, "You'd think those assholes who have everything up there and are supposed to be so smart would figure out a way to get us back down without shaking our brains out of our heads!"

"Well, at least we're in one piece," Renji laughed nervously, unlocking his restraints and moving to Byakuya's side as they prepared to disembark.

The others freed themselves and joined Byakuya by the door, then Byakuya touched the control to open the doors and allow them to exit the craft. They moved onto the ramp and filed out onto the landing pad, flinching slightly at the pelting of even harder rain. The others heard Byakuya make a sound of surprise and stopped in front of the group of aged men and women who stood ahead of them, waiting to greet them.

"Who are those guys?" Grimmjow hissed into Ichigo's ear.

"I dunno," Ichigo answered, "but they look like they're probably Byakuya's relatives."

"I'm surprised Tetsuya isn't with him," Rukia observed, "although it would be like him to stay back to protect the ones in the compound. I heard that there were still some quincies in the area. It's still dangerous here."

The others went silent and followed Byakuya to where the gathered relatives waited.

"Byakuya-sama," the oldest of the group said solemnly, "we are glad that you have returned to us. If you and your comrades will come with us, we will take you into the family compound and see you are made comfortable."

"Thank you, Nori," Byakuya said gratefully, his dark eyes sweeping over the group, "but will you tell me, where is Tetsuya? Did he stay back to protect the family?"

Byakuya's insides clenched anxiously as the cloaked elders in the group exchanged glances and the head elder's expression radiated deep sadness.

"I am sorry that your cousin is not able to join us in greeting you," Nori said in a low, slightly shaking voice that sent a chill down Byakuya's spine, "Regrettably, Kuchiki Tetsuya laid down his life, protecting the family."

"What?" Byakuya breathed, going pale and staring disbelievingly at the group, "But I received word that Tetsuya had gotten everyone into the shelter! He...!"

"He did defend us as we entered the shelter," Nori explained, his head bowing, "But he remained outside with a small force, defending the barrier, and when we were returned from the shadows, we discovered that his group had fallen, defending the barrier from some remaining quincies who meant to attack us as we emerged."

"Oh no!" Rukia gasped, grabbing Renji's sleeve as tears filled her eyes, "Tetsuya!"

"Nori, was my cousin's body recovered?" Byakuya asked shakily, "And what of Arashi?"

"I am very sorry, Byakuya-sama," Nori apologized, "You will see when we arrive. The entire fighting area was devastated by their battle. When we emerged, there were no bodies left to find. They were completely burned away."

"N-no!" Rukia sobbed into Renji's shoulder as the redhead held her tightly and fought of his own tears.

Behind them, Grimmjow noticed the devastated look on Ichigo's face and touched his arm lightly.

"He was your friend too?" he asked softly.

"Y-yeah," Ichigo managed, choking on the word, "he was."

"If you will come with us, we will escort you back to the compound," Nori said to the silent and ghostly white Byakuya.

Byakuya stood silently, as though he hadn't heard.

"Byakuya-sama?" Nori queried worriedly.

Byakuya remained still and speechless as the reality fell over him. Beside him, Renji turned the inconsolable Rukia over to Ichigo, then approached Byakuya, touching his arm and looking into his tormented eyes.

"We should go with them, Taichou," he said gently, "We're all cold and wet. We should get in, out of the rain and warm up."

Byakuya said nothing, but moved with Renji as the redhead slipped an arm around him and nudged him forward.

"I'm really sorry, Taichou," Renji said sadly as the group moved in the direction of the compound, "I loved Tetsuya too. I think we're all really going to miss him."

"Yes," Byakuya whispered, a tear escaping his eye and joining the rain that was sliding down his pale face, "thank you, Renji."


Deep in the bowels of the Central 46 prison, Aizen Sousuke seethed silently within his bonds. His reiatsu flickered ominously beneath the myriad of seals that held it confined close around him. His chest still burned with the memory of his brief time out in the light and air.

I should have known that bastard, Kyouraku, meant to torture me with just a hint of what I was missing. He knew that just that one brief touch of the outside would leave me hungering painfully for more. I think he teases me, hoping I will go mad. He is a most unlikable person...

He breathed in the fetid air, aching inwardly as he remembered that even the smoky air in the damaged Seireitei smelled better. His eyes still throbbed with straining to see, having been teased with the sights and sounds of the world outside the prison, for just that short time.

I understand now how such a thing undoes even a strong mind very quickly, he noted, but I won't let myself go mad. After all, there will likely be other chances to escape. I will make it my life's goal to get out of this place now and return Kyouraku's cruelty with some cruelty of my own.

That man is going to pay...

He paused in his heavy thoughts as some kind of little sound reached him...a soft, sobbing gasp from somewhere in the darkness around him.

I sometimes forget I am not completely alone down here. And they did bring someone in recently. They left the person bound somewhere near here. I suppose it is that person coming to and realizing just where he or she is. For someone not transcendent like me, that discovery is devastating.

I can almost feel sorry.

His thoughts were disturbed by the sound of a door opening, then slow footsteps that moved past him and into the darkness beyond him before stopping nearby. The man cleared his throat softly, then Aizen heard the sound of some of the bonds being released, then another desperate sob.

"There now, Cousin," the man's voice said mockingly, "we can talk."

"What have you done?" the prisoner cried furiously, struggling, "Where am I? Where have you taken me? Is this Itamigiri?"

"Is it Itamigiri?" the other man repeated, "Why, Cousin? Did you miss that place so much? Would you like me to remind you of our days together there?"

"Don't touch me!" the prisoner howled, struggling harder.

Aizen's ears picked up the sound of the impact of a stinging slap and the prisoner gasped and cried out in pain.

"You would do well to remember that you don't have any control here, Cousin!" the other man hissed, "He isn't here to protect you anymore."

"He survives!" the prisoner insisted, "and when he returns, he is going to...!"

"I wouldn't get too excited and hopeful about him coming to rescue you. In fact, Byakuya returned to the Seireitei today, and he was met by the elders and informed of your heroic death protecting the family!"

"Wh-what?" the prisoner gasped, "You're crazy! You can't do this! Let me up, Oro..."

The prisoner's voice was cut off as another stinging slap was delivered to him.

"Don't you dare speak my name, you half-blood trash!" the other man said scathingly, "I would kill you if you could die, but we both know what a strange thing happened when I ran you through the heart with my sword. I don't know how you did it, you disgusting little toad, but I will figure it out and I will end your life, sooner or later."

He paused for a moment, and Aizen could hear the sound of the other prisoner's harsh, pained breathing.

"Maybe, while you wait for me to kill you, we can relive some old memories, ne?"

"Don't you dare touch me!" the prisoner raged, renewing his struggle against his bonds, "Get off of me!"

Aizen sighed disapprovingly at the sounds of distress and pain that followed.

I am relieved that the guards in this place are all aware that my reiatsu is dangerous, even contained around me, or I might have faced such treatment. I wonder what manner of creature this is that they would bring him down here to confine him. That other man mentioned Byakuya. This is a relative then? And he is being hidden from Byakuya by a cousin? Intriguing. This is one of the reasons I always rather despised the nobles as a group. They really are awful.

But this means that whoever this an unauthorized 'guest' of the prison.

He felt a hopeful flicker inside at the thought.

So then...maybe there is some potential here.

He listened as the sounds of the nearby assault faded and the other prisoner's bonds slid back into place.

"Enjoy your stay here, Cousin," the aggressor spat, giving the prisoner and final, brutal slap before walking away and exiting.

Aizen listened to the labored breaths and soft sniffing of the injured man in the darkness near him, pondering the possibilities.

But first, I need to make contact.

His mouth bound as thoroughly as the rest of him, he was forced to use his reiatsu to sound his thoughts.

"Greetings," he said quietly, "Would you tell me your name?"

"Who are you?" the prisoner gasped, "I can't see anything! Where are we?"

"Before I tell you that, I want you to tell me who you are that your own family would plot against you and secretly imprison you behind Byakuya's back."

"You know my cousin?" the young man asked uncertainly.

"Yes," Aizen answered, "but I'm not sure if I know you. Who are you?"

"I am Kuchiki Tetsuya," the young man answered, "My father and Byakuya-sama's were first cousins."

"Kuchiki Tetsuya?" Aizen mused, "You are...Byakuya's bodyguard?"

"Yes," Tetsuya answered.

"But it seems that you don't have the approval of all of the family, ne?"

"No," Tetsuya agreed, "I am a half-blood. My father was a Kuchiki and my mother a peasant from the mid-Rukongai. We were imprisoned in the illegal noble's prison, Itamigiri..."

"Until Byakuya led a rescue effort when he was a teen, and heir to the clan leadership. I remember," Aizen interjected.

"You do?" Tetsuya said hopefully.

"Yes. I was a fukutaichou at the time and was acquainted with him. I was impressed with his ability to pull off such a daring thing at such a young age."

"My cousin has my undying gratitude for coming to my rescue before," Tetsuya said, an edge of regret in his voice.

"But I don't think you can expect he will come for you this time, Tetsuya," Aizen reasoned, "It sounds like that man has convinced Byakuya you are dead."

"I think so," Tetsuya said worriedly, "This will devastate my cousin, and if they moved against me, he could be in danger!"

"I think you need to be more worried about your own fate," Aizen suggested, "It sounds like as soon as your cousin finds out what trick you used to escape death when he stabbed you, he will be back to kill you. You don't have long, I imagine, to figure out how to escape. I am willing to help you, but right now, I am as trapped as you are."

"But where are we? Who are you exactly?" Tetsuya asked.

"I think I'll keep that to myself for now," Aizen said, smirking beneath his bonds, "Suffice it to say, I am someone who understands all too well the treachery of some of the noble sons. Like you, they have interfered in my life and like you, I want to get out of this prison."

"But what prison is this? And why won't you tell me your name?" Tetsuya insisted, "I can't offer you help escaping if you won't tell me anything about yourself. How do I know you won't kill me after we get out of here?"

"You don't know that, I am afraid," Aizen answered honestly, " I have no way out without you, I will do what I can to help you, as your bonds are probably more vulnerable than mine. And if I help you escape, could you not return the favor by helping me? I promise you, I want no trouble here. I only wish to escape and live a peaceful life on my own."

He paused for a moment, letting the young man absorb the request.

"Tetsuya, you do want to get out of here alive and back to Byakuya, don't you?"


"And you must do so before your cousin returns and carries through on his threat to kill you."


"Then, it is in your best interests and mine to work together. Let us put our minds to that."

Tetsuya considered quietly for a moment.

"Very well," he said finally, "Where do we begin?"

"Hmm," Aizen said, thinking, "I want you to start by telling me everything you can about your abilities. I can't use any of mine, but maybe we can find something you can use, ne? Start from the beginning. Tell me everything you can do."