
Gari Salvatore, 19;

District One Mentor

Gari sat quietly and calmly on the seat cushions, watching carefully as the boy from Seven crushes the girl from Ten's neck with his bare hands. The boy peered up and licked his lips, and taunted Hero as if he knows he's already won. ''Final two,'' Gari whispered to himself, observing carefully.

A picture of Parvati, the one he had to mentor, flashed in his mind and got him to reminisce. He couldn't care less whether she died or not, he was just disappointed in how she went out. Killed by her own District Partner, killed with such a low score, and that being his first tribute to mentor. What a shame, a sad tale of a first partnership.

He's completely over it.

''Gari, look!'' Reese tapped on Gari's shoulder. When Gari ascended his head and stared forward, what he saw shocked him. The boy from Seven has a knife stuck in his chest, and Hero has just pushed him away, allowing the boy to slide off of the Pyramid and free-fall through the never-ending sky.

A giant boulder in the sky descended and crumbled, showing that District One had taken the Victory Crown this year. The Seven in the sky began tumbling to the ground and following after the boy from Seven.


The cannon sounded and small pebbles smashed against the boy from Seven's face. After that, the frames switched to the boy from One, who stared down at him with teary eyes. The boy from One – the latest Victor – fell to his knees and pressed the tip of the throwing knife against his face, wiping away the bloody tears that escaped his eyelids.

When they announced Hero's Victory, it's like Gari's world has just been turned upside down. His eyes widened, and a strong force knocked the wind out of him. It's like he was blind in a tree during his time in the Arena, waiting for game to wander by. He dozed off and fell ten feet to the ground, landing on his back.

It was as if the impact had knocked every wisp of air from his lungs, and he sat there struggling to inhale, to exhale, to do anything. He felt rough, terrible. Gari began to struggle like he's forgotten everything. Forgotten how to breathe, how to speak, totally stunned at what he's watching on T.V.

Gari didn't know how to feel or what to do at this current moment. All he knew was that an automatic hovercraft would be waiting for him outside. There's a beat in Gari's heart that's telling him to get up, but he struggles to meet the needs. The President would be upset if Gari didn't hurry up, but his body just won't help him move.

Gari's fellow Mentor Reese turns and stares at him. There's a huge grin on her face, just showing her status and how well of a Mentor she is. ''That's two in a row, sweetie,'' Reese stated. The look on Reese's face was cocky, which contrasts from the disappointed, amazed, yet shocked look on Gari's face.

''YES!'' Priscille jumped up and squealed. The joy lit up on the Escort's face as she hopped up and down. The thoughts running through Gari's head were very complicated, not only showing his amazement, but also showing his defeat. How he told Hero he was a one of a kind that nobody understood, someone who would never win.

Gari feels like such a fool now. He might as well be put behind a jail cell with face paint on to make him look like a clown, with children and adults pointing and laughing at his hypocrisy. Priscelle slowly walked up to Gari and placed her soft, gentle palms on his shoulder.

Gari, being the brute he is, pushed her kind gesture away and barked at her. The anger flooded the room before anything else happens, and Gari was already on his way up the elevator. Reese was following right after, jogging her way to the elevator. The two of them stood there together, completely opposite looks on each other's faces.

Despite their dispute and arguments, they loved each other dearly. Gari only got set back because of the emotions rising up his body. He even let out an unwanted chuckle, something nobody thought he would do. Luckily, only Reese was here to see – to see the sweet side of him that only she ever received after his Games and before.

When the elevator doors opened, Reese took a hold of Gari's hand and stepped out with their fingers locked together, like a mother and son would do. ''You know you love him,'' Reese whispered in Gari's ear, giggling when Gari furrowed his eyebrows.

The two of them began to laugh together, letting their amusement and rough complexity take the better of them. Maybe this was a cruel joke on Gari, but in the end, it was whatever. There is nothing that will allow this to change, because in a couple of days, there will be a massive party with strobe lights and streakers to celebrate the Victory of Hero Kane, and this would continue until the Capitol burned to the ground.

Hero, someone that Gari never thought he would like, has forced a smile on the Victor's face. ''Oh, cheer up, Gari!'' Gari couldn't cheer up, though, because today was a special day to him. This was the day that Gari's father, a wealthy, well-off man, walked out of his life, leaving him and his mother to starve and cry and spend their days out in the streets. Reese just realized Gari's backstory revolved around this day by the expression on his face, and quickly changed her expression to one of forgiveness-seeking.

So this rough image, the cocky, unhesitating killer from District One kept his face stony cold and firm. The funny thing is, why does Gari show this hatred and suspense towards Hero. Hero has the same appearance of his father, which brings back memories of Hell, and seeing the boy win... What a cruel way to start off the new year.

The beginning of a new era has started, and Gari knows it. Nothing will ever be the same.

''I'll frown if I want to,'' he says. A small tear trickled down his cheek.

Hero Kane, 17;

District One Victor

Hero sat on his knees for a couple of short moments, trying to disguise the pain that he was feeling his abdomen. The entire area of his stomach was boiling hot with a burning sensation that just wouldn't go away. There's no immunity to how he was feeling right now, and Hero knew it. Despite Orion's cannon booming a while ago, he just couldn't help but not get over the terrible sadness that he felt.

His eyes began to flutter, like he was running out of time. But just as Hero fell to the floor, his hands clutched tighter at his stomach; squeezing, doing the best he could to reduce the pain. Fortunately, a hovercract came diving straight through the forcefield of the Arena, and entered into the Pyramid that Hero lied down on.

Quickly, a leather rope with a metal claw shot out of the hovercraft and picked Hero up by his tainted Arena Outfit. He's calmly lifted up into the air, allowing the blood that's dripping from his shirt to soak freely. Hero is quickly appointed to, with Capitol Medicine Staff workers quickly attained to his broken body.

His eyes began to dim, slowly decreasing to end such a long and rough day. He had seen mutilation, he had seen mutts, he had seen death, he had seen everything a person would wish they never had to experience in their entire life. But what he's seen is now stuck in his head forever. Even the image of his two dear allies, who he cherished deeply, repeat over and over again.

Even so, he doesn't allow it to destroy him. Both Reese and Gari turned to look at Hero when he let out a grunt, both carefully inspecting how deep his wounds were. Blood continues to push out of his body, but he keeps a look of hope on his face, showing that he hasn't given up yet. Every Victor goes through this, they all escape with some type of nasty and disorderly wound.

Even Gari has faced that circumstance, but he dared not to bring it up. ''Why are you smiling?'' Gari questioned, almost furiously. ''You're on the brink of death, yet you maintain such a happy composure. That stupid grin is still on your face, despite your cherished friends being dead. Doesn't that hurt you in any way?''

Reese attacked Gari for his words, yelled meaningful things about respect and friendship and loyalty – things that Hero has shown throughout his one week in Hell. Despite the battles and difficult circumstances he's had to go through, especially the one with his own District Partner, he has still managed to look on the brighter side of things.

How he can remain so optimistic is what everyone questions. And despite his emotions leaking, and the numb shot softening the pain of the stitches going in and out of his abdomen, he stays calm and doesn't falter.

''What a gift he has,'' Reese commented. ''Only if everybody else in this world could be as happy as you, then maybe some of these situations wouldn't be occurring.''

''I agree,'' Gari responded.

And that's all Hero needed to hear before he dazed off into a deep sleep. He might have a concussion, he might not wake up for a while, but he still has his spirit – and that's more than anybody could ever ask for.

Addison Chevel, 20;

Capitol Interviewer

Addison stared in the mirror as she brushed up on her looks. The paint brush that she dripped in mascara is placed on the bags of her eyes to give her a perfect appeal. She looked in the mirror again, rested her chin on her fist as she leaned in closer to peck a cheeky kiss that stained the mirror in blood red lipstick.

''Hey, Gari!'' Addison smiled, spinning around in her chair to face the Victor. Gari smiled at her, then approached casually. Addison looked back and chuckled as the marked lipstick on the mirror is centered right on Gari's appearance. ''Looking cute, as usual. Nothing more, nothing less.''

''You're gonna make Hero look good,'' Gari responds to her introductory sentence. Addison turned back to Gari and gave him a questioning look. It's almost as if a large question mark hovered over her head, but Gari repeated himself to make it clear. ''You will make Hero look good in the eyes of Capitol. Nothing more, nothing less.''

Looking up, Addison startled backward as Gari stood directly in front of her, and flashed her hand to her side. She wanted to say something, but she relented doing so. Arguing with Gari wouldn't be a smart decision, but agreeing with him isn't something that she will guarantee.

She knows what she's been instructed to do, and that's to interview the current Victor like she's done for the past three years of her life. Since seventeen – young, yeah – she's been doing her job, whether it ended up making the tributes look good or bad. Yet, it doesn't matter to her. At the end of the day, she completed her assignment and made bank her own way.

Tapping her restless hand on her upper thigh, Addison crossed her legs together and pursed her lips. ''What do I get if I do make him look good?'' She asked, a little bit wistfully. Unfortunately, those were the wrong choice of words. Gari, with a deep sigh, grabbed a hold of Addison's well-nurished hair, and pulled as hard as he could.

''You'll get to keep your life,'' he warned. Biting down hard on her tongue, Addison nodded her head before she said something that she'd eventually end up regretting in the long-run. She wasn't worried, no. She had no reason to be worried, as long as she did what she was told – like she had done her entire life. Unfortunately.

Right now, all she had to do was focus on not only making herself look presentable, but also Hero. So, as Gari left and the sweat beaded down her neck and into her tight outfit, she sighed and finished up. When she got up, she practiced walking in her ten inch heels and strutted across the room, measuring her posture, composure, and representation.

The minutiae that all of the Districts found meaningless had always been a huge part of Capitol fashion, and only those who have lived most of their lives in the great city itself would know that. After fixing up her hair, Addison listened for her buzzer to go off, indicating that it's time to introduce Hero and begin the Capitol Interview of the century.

But before she left, she paused for a brief moment, taken aback by what Gari had told her just a few moments ago. Addison had always been one to listen to her superiors, but there were times when she'd wished that at least some – one – person treated her with decency and respect. Something that not even an Interviewer like her received.

Letting out a pent-up breathe, Addison began to twirl her hair with just a right amount of flourish to get herself ready to walk out into the crowd and meet the pairs of thousands of eyes. As Addison walked out, the crowd all stood up in an uproar of excitement and readiness. Maybe the audience was where the respect that she had always craved for was held.

Under the fluorescent light, Addison's entire body shined, specifically her golden blonde hair. Her nerves began to take the better of her as Gari's words continued to replicate in her mind. And after all of the applaud, on this loud afternoon in the Capitol, Addison grabbed a microphone with tremulous fingers, but spoke out confidently.

''Welcome, Capitol, to your Victor's Interview!'' With a semi-forced nod, Addison pumped her hands into the air and the Capitol soon followed, letting out another barrage of cheers. The screaming and cheering and hooting is so loud that it felt as if an earthquake was attacking the Capitol, shaking the Interview Stadium with a trembling force.

''Now, here's the moment you've all been waiting for,'' she mentioned, now starting the show off with a bang – the only bang. ''Introducing the Victor of the One Hundred Seventy-Fifth Annual Hunger Games, Hero Kane!''

While everyone else cheered for the boy who scored a 8, Addison thought about the boy who scored a 10. She sometimes wished that Hero was killed at the earliest possible convenience, that all of that luck he had during the Games didn't come. Everybody understands that he won because of who his allies were, because of how much their storyline gave the Capitol an interest, and because of how likable he was.

But everyone knows the real goal of the Hunger Games – to please the Capitol, and to gain a Victor that will be remembered for years. Now, not to say that Addison doesn't believe Hero won't be remembered, but she always thought that Orion would have been the better choice. But when she saw his face in the sky, and after remembering that she was voting for him throughout the entire journey, it made her feel so disgusted.

The sympathy that she felt for some of these tributes was sympathy that she'd never shown to anyone besides family, but now she can really say that she's sorry. She shakes her head, though. In a twisted way, she actually hoped that they all died and didn't have to go through the suffering that everyone in Panem – even some Capitolites – had to deal with.

What a shame.

But when Hero sat down, Addison forgot about all of her thoughts and began speaking. She leaned closely towards Hero, watched as his cheeks turned a shade of flushed red because of his weakness when it comes to women, and laughed as she she asked, ''How do you feel, Hero? What's it feel like to win, to gain a second chance at life and enjoy what you've missed out on the first time around?''

Hero thought for a moment, pondering over what he's just been asked, when he grows a little emotional. His voice faltered, and Addison rolled her eyes, but a tingly feeling hits her deep in the heart, and she felt pity for the boy.

''I'm happy, yeah, being alive and all, but it's too early to talk about how I honestly feel,'' he stated. ''It's always been difficult, living and all. Sometimes it feels to me as if Isha and Asyrin and Parvati and the rest of them are just hanging with me, all of the friends that I've gotten to know. I appreciate the second opportunity at life, but if I'm being honest with you, I don't see what I'm living for...''

''What do you mean about that?'' Addison questioned. Hero relaxed his shoulders for a second and stared straight at Addison. Addison now flexed one eyebrow and anticipated Hero's answer.

''I mean that there's no point in living – I have no family still left alive, no friends, no nothing. What's the point of life if you're filled with an empty void that you know can't be filled?''

''W-Well, the Capitol is your family, Hero! We're also your friends, isn't that right?'' Addison called out, now making the Capitol go back to cheering. They all stayed quiet and somewhat ashamed at first, but with Addison's smart thinking, like always, it's helped her majorly. ''We all love you and think of you as our very own child. You're the Capitol Jokester, our ace!''

''And I appreciate that, but I guess—''

''But it's not just us, Hero. Everyone around the entire country loves you, especially the family members of those you left behind! Do you remember what Isha and Asyrin told you?: Don't let their deaths be for nothing – Isha has a daughter and Asyrin wants to be remembered, do you not want to help them out?''

The childish Victor sprang up out of his seat and stares up wide-eyed, remembering his promise. ''Yes, I do! It's actually not that bad, after all,'' he concurred. ''Life might be difficult from here on out, but I know that I can make it through with some help and motivation. And I know just how to achieve that.''

''Oh, really? And how are you gonna do that?''

''Well, I can't spoil it, can I?'' Hero said, and Addison leaned back against her chair. ''But seriously, you'll all see soon enough.'' Just when she thought he was done, Hero got up and said that he has a special gift for her. He took out a cute bow tie that was glamorized with crystals all over it, and places it on her head.

When she's about to thank him, Hero presses a button and water starts spraying downward like a waterfall, dripping from Addison's head down to her chin, then to her legs and down her stiletto heels. Addison jumped up, gasped, but then smiled cheekily. ''H-Hero, that w-was great!'' She lied. ''I see that you h-haven't l-l-let your sp-spirit fade.''

The air is cold and the night is young. The entire nation is bright and filled with lights, especially the Capitol streets and citizens outside with candles. But with nearly everything she's set her mind to, Addison forgot what has just happened and moved on.

''So, anyway, I think that's enough of an interview for now. If you don't mind, the Capitol and I would really appreciate if you watched a recap of your Games with us,'' Addison said, patting down on her seat for Hero to come sit down next to her. He huffs and puffs, then gets up and trudges toward her seat, and sits down uncomfortably.

Without a warning, she started the video and the entire Capitol went ecstatic. She noticed Hero gnawing on his bottom lip nervously, and kindly, she took him by the hand and reassured that everything would be alright, despite her dislike for him.

The entire audience gasped when they saw the girl from Eight, Candice, stab her own District Partner and kill him, then start booing. Killing your own District Partner is something that's disgraceful and looked down upon, unless it's a pity kill, which gave Hero the leverage.

Addison spotted that Hero winced at the corner of her eyes, just as Orion killed Carter and tossed his organs away, then pretended to be kind and thoughtful. Unfortunately, neither of them knew of his true demeanor and fell for his game, but he still didn't come out alive.

She tapped her feet against the tile, letting anxiety get over her, but she noticed how enthusiastic the Capitol was because of this interview.

One of the Capitolites in the audience grew way too excited for his own good and yelled, ''Turn on the holoscreen!'' Addison, obeying the request, flipped the holoscreen option just as soon as Orion threw his axe at the girl from Three's back, causing her to become paralyzed and fall to the floor. He slammed her own spear through her head as a mark of dominance, an act that showed he wasn't one to be reckoned with.

The audience, and even Addison, all groaned when they remembered how much of an amazing fight it would have been if either Orion and Asyrin or Isha collided in a fight. It's a shame that they didn't, but in the end, this year's Games were a success for the entire Nation, and Demetri Calderon did not upset Panem. This year's Games was another successful one to add to Demetri's list.

In fact, everyone was quite impressed. With no mutt kills, the Capitol enjoyed all tribute-on-tribute violence, which was something that they had never seen before.

They all hoped for a success the following year, but not all things come to fruition. They should know that.

More time passed by and everyone's eyes are glued to the screen, all of them paying close attention the first kill that their Victor made. With the girl from One recumbent on the floor and with deep holes in her body, everyone cheered as they watched Hero pierce her neck with his knife.

Addison cheered silently, then twisted her neck to catch a glimpse of Hero. The boy sat quietly, not even staring at the screen. More time passed by and the fight between the boy from Two and the girl from Eight played, the most bloody fight of this year's Games. After the gruesome beheading, after the boy from One's eyes widened increasingly, the final fights were shown.

Asyrin's death, Isha's fall, Eudora's unwilling sacrifice, Mickaela's determination, and Orion's underpowered confidence. And finally, the blood-stained hands of Hero as the camera zoomed out of the screen, and the video ended.

Hero squinted his eyes, trying to smother the image of the dying bodies. Addison felt a fading feeling in her stomach, something that screamed pity for the boy that she didn't like. But peoples' feelings tend to change over time, and she knew that the boy was going through something that nobody she knew would ever have to feel.

The pain of suffering, loss, and angst.

She prayed he would be restrengthened.

Hero Kane, 17;

District One Victor

The Victory Tour had stopped at District Two, with Hero finishing his heart-felt speech. Standing on the pedestal are Isha's family, a mother and father who don't show much of anything. And then there's an adult male with a child in his hands – probably Klaus and Colette, the people Isha told Hero about.

Images of Isha click in Hero's mind, and he quickly distinguished the similarities between the little girl and Isha. The male continued to stare hard at Hero, not with grieving eyes, but with... protective eyes?

Hero sighed and looked up, watching the clouds passing in front of the sun. Isha's voice rang in his mind, pleading for him to take Colette and bring her into a life that she would prosper in, not in one where she had no idea what her reason in life was for. So Hero, being the person who stayed true to his words, stepped away from the stage and into the Justice Building.

He slid to the floor, pressed his hands against his face, and cried. Remembering that there was nobody on Asyrin's family pedestal, he though of a way to make sure that the boy who was supposed to be Victor those Games was remembered. A statue. Not just one, but multiple.

''Hey!'' Gari muttered. ''Get up, you should be happy! Look at you, you're a Victor now, and you can go back home!'' Gari picked Hero up and pushed him in the chest, showing an act of amusement as another Victor has been brought back to District One. Although Gari never liked Hero, he didn't have a problem with another Victor from home. ''You're on a new level! Embrace that change to your life!''

''Gari, do you have the holographic watch? I need to call the President.'' Hero said.

''Yeah, but what for?'' Gari questioned. Sudden realization came to his head, and he began to groan. Gari knew that Hero was going to stick with what he had promised, by taking Colette and making sure that Asyrin was someone that District Two would always praise. ''You're going through with this?! Think about the alternative, forget about them!''

''The alternative is me going back to District One and forgetting about what I promised them,'' Hero stood up. Gari had the watch on his wrist, and Hero took hold of it. Without resistance, Gari let go of the watch and gave in to Hero's wishes. ''And I can't do that. I can't forget about either of them, or their words. They'll always be in my mind and haunt me, Gari, don't you understand? I guess you probably don't. You've never shown any sign of compassion.''

Minutes have passed and Hero has begged President Bengel over and over again to let him stay in District Two. After many failed attempts to reason with the President, Hero began to lose confidence and realized that he might not be able to do what he had promised to. Until...

''Wait, sir!'' Hero shouted. ''What if I went on a one-year break and stayed away from District One and let Gari and Reese take over. I could stay in District Two as a project or something, and we could say that I would return in time, and that would cause an uproar for the District? Imagine how shocked the Capitol would be, and imagine the reactions that District One would have once seeing me! Please, let it happen!''

President Bengel knew that it was a smart idea to get the crowd riled up for the upcoming Hunger Games next year, but he did not want to look like he could be played and associated with easily. But despite his fake tendencies, he agreed with Hero and let the plan slide, allowing him to carry on with his promises.

Some time went by after Gari and Reese left District Two without Hero, and now Hero Kane was all alone. Yes, there were countless pedestrians just roaming the streets of District Two, but nobody that he actually knew who would welcome him into their custody. After all, this was a strange and new experiencing site for the boy.

It took only weeks for Hero Kane to gain custody of Colette – but it did not come without troubles. When Hero contacted Klaus and the Levine family household, everyone there was against him taking the child away. There was conflict, an entire family yelling at him and demanding him that he leave, but Hero was a Victor.

He couldn't just be pushed around like that.

He did not want to use force to get Colette, so he did not. He contacted the President again, stating that he had a right to take Colette away. The little girl deserved to know where she came from, and everyone around knew that the current people she was surrounded by would never – ever – tell her the truth. Isha would always be a stranger to the girl if something wasn't done.

In the end, Hero was handed the child due to the Peacekeepers raided the home of the Levine's. Klaus was visiting Isha's parents at the time, trying to plan a way to keep that childish Victor away from them, but he knew time was up when the doors busted open. The little girl was so confused, being taken away from her Father and grandparents. She didn't understand why she was being given to someone who was such a stranger to her.

Sure, Hero was a familiar face on television, but she didn't know him. Hero's heart began to melt, and regret was bulging into becoming a common theme in his life. Regret with killing his District Partner, regret with being the one to live, and just a bit of regret when it came to taking away and innocent child from her past life.

But he knew it was the right thing to do. The girl that he was in love with had died wanting this, wanting the child that was forcefully taken away from her to be taken back from her unsupporting parents, and the undeserving, never-married father of Colette.

Hero and Colette had their difficulties over the past months. Colette would always thrash and yell, be disrespectful towards him, but only because of the new environment. Despite her being taken for the better, she still didn't appreciate him. Hero told Colette about Isha, about her being her mother and that Klaus took her away.


She ran up to her room, crying. Hero gave it some time, trying to figure out what to do. But then he stopped, not trying force it too much. The next day, when Colette exited from her room, Hero laid out a well-made breakfast for her and asked her to sit down next to him.

He breathed silently, trying to hold in the on-the-verge tears from spilling out of his eyes. He began to speak, telling her about all the stories that Isha would tell Hero about during their time in the Arena together. When they left Asyrin, when she told him everything, Hero let Colette know. And then he began comparing their similarities, how they both were strong and independent women who wanted to do big things in life.

Colette couldn't believe it. She knew that it was true, and that all the pieces filled in together perfectly like a puzzle, but she just didn't want to believe that she was taken away and not even given the right to know who her Mother was. Every time she asked, Klaus would always say, ''I'll tell you later,'' but now she knows.

Colette sheds her tears before Hero does, but seeing her cry made him cry instantly. The two held onto each other and sniffled together, but Hero knew that he had to stay strong – not only for her, but for Isha and Asyrin and himself.

Time started passing by, and the two began to grow on each other. Colette would never call Hero her real Father, but she would always call him some cheeky nickname and play with him. He would tickle her, take her to school, laugh with her, and despite picking her up late from whatever event that she had, he would always be that true Father Figure that she always needed.

She even aided him when it came to building Asyrin's statues. In the cemetery, she instructed that he and Isha would have monumental statues above their graves. Hero liked her idea, and so they were allowed to construct it. Together. Although it took some time and it was hard, the both of them worked hard to get it done. Oh, you thought I meant the statues above their graves? No, I meant the ones inside of their home!

In the living room, Isha's frame and Asyrin's cocky smile were there. Most people would think of it as weird, but Colette, despite not knowing Asyrin, enjoyed both of them being somewhere close to her. And what made her even more happy was that Hero was also right by her side, teaching her new things each and every single day.

But one morning, being the incredibly smart girl that she was, Colette snuck out of her home early to go pay the constructed monuments of Asyrin and Isha a visit. She didn't know Asyrin fairly well, but she still tried to understand how he felt in life.

She stood in front of their graves, staring mostly at Isha's. A hand grabs her shoulder and she instantly knows who it is. ''How'd I know you'd be here?'' Hero asked.

''Because you know me, doofus!'' Colette jokes. Time goes by and the both of them are now laughing. She jumped onto Hero's back and forced him to start marching like a pony. Hero picked up speed and the both of them enjoyed the moment, both feeling happy and proud of their relationship. But Hero, being clumsy, as usual, tripped over a rock and face planted into the ground, with Colette getting a nice, cushioning landing.

''You're such a clumsy fool!''

''I know...''

Colette slid closer to him and placed her hands around his head, then placed her forehead on his, stared him right in the eye, and smiled warmly at him.

''But you're my clumsy fool.''

Asyrin and Isha

Asyrin Katchet and Isha Levine, both fallen tributes, stared down at their beautiful friend. Neither of the two knew where they were, but the golden gates and everlasting sunlight made it seem like Heaven. Surprising, isn't it? Being there, both killers, but they were both forced into something that they weren't exactly proud to participate in.

Not unless you count the former Asyrin. But with that little bit of change, it was enough to turn his entire life and faith around. Even if it was only for mere seconds. Time wasn't what mattered the most, it was his heart. And although Asyrin might still be the cocky, charming, back-talking boy he is, he's looked into a different light and made his way out of his former... activities?

Damn. Asyrin thought. Look at those statues of – whoa, who the hell is that? Is that... me? He chuckled to himself, thinking of the sarcastic questions he just asked. Isha turned her head to stare at him, and rolled her eyes. ''What?'' Asyrin asked, bending over, closer to her. ''Are you mad that you didn't get statues of you built around the main points of District Two just like me?''

''No,'' Isha smacked him. ''I rolled my eyes at you because of how arrogant and cocky you are. Not everything is about you, you know? Look at how far Colette and Hero have gone.''

''Oh, come on!'' Asyrin wrapped his arm around Isha's throat and placed her in a choke hold. He patted her head softly and called out in laughter. ''Don't be so stalkerish right now. They're both doing well with each other, I don't think you should still be watching over them. I think they can take the lead from here.''

''Sure,'' Isha groaned, trying to break free of Asyrin's grip. Elbowing him in the stomach, she breaks free and trips Asyrin, letting him fall front-view into the puffy, golden clouds. She held him down with her left arm gripping his ankle, and her right arm holding his face down. ''But they're always gonna need us with them.''

''You're so uptight, y'know,'' Asyrin drawled. Laughing to himself, he began to think of all the experiences that they had in the before life. And even now, in Heaven, both him and Isha are still arguing and shoving one another down the other's throat. Some people would call it cute, others would call it unnerving, but the both of them call it a newfound friendship. ''Still the same Isha, even after I taught your ass a lesson.''

''Please, you killed me while I was facing Hero and not giving you any attention. You act like you could do that to me while I'm focused and prepared.''

''Uh, I could! You're nothing compared to me, Isha. You're still boring and useless when it comes down to it,'' Asyrin battled his way out of Isha's grip and flipped her over, now being the one in control over a dominant fight. ''But isn't that who you are, Isha?''

''Hey, look!''

''What?'' Asyrin became easily distracted, which gave Isha the advantage over him. Asyrin lacked defense, like usual, always being the main person on offense. It was always attack, attack, attack to him, and look where it got him – though he's dead, he did end up in a better place.

''Now look at you,'' Isha taunted the boy. She leaned in closer and snickered, let go and then shot her hand down to help him up. He gracefully took her hand and was hoisted up. The two of them stared at each other for what seemed like minutes on end, but eventually they both placed a hand around the other's shoulder and laughed it off. ''Maybe you're right, they might not need us anymore, but we'll always be there for them.''

''You'll always be there for them. I'm not an emotional, hopeless romantic like you who's desperately looking for love in people back down on Earth.''


Asyrin gave in after much persistence from Isha, and the two of them turned around one more time. They spotted Hero and Colette playing a game of Cat and Mouse on the Capitol Train back to District One. Hero threw an object at a window and caused it to break, which alarmed the searching form of Colette. She managed to make it into the area where Hero was hiding, but now began to freak out.

Hero popped up from under the four-cornered bed and scared the young girl. She began to pat his nose and told him to never scare her like that again. Without so much of a sound, Asyrin and Isha both smiled down at the two of them. The both of them placed their hands out, and shot a small signal down.

Colette and Hero are both speaking at the same time, and Hero is desperately apologizing. Just as he finished and Colette began to respond, the both of them whipped around in the same direction. Something had made a sound. Could it have possibly been Isha and Asyrin sending them a message? Colette marched out of the room and tried to look past it, but Hero caught a glimpse.

Hero winced after hearing a nice popping sound, and happiness suddenly filled his body. Overwhelmed with joy, he walked out of the room and shut the door behind him closed. Outside, with Colette, the two of them watched television together and joked.

They both looked out the window together, and with a thankful smile, Hero pointed out to the sun. ''You see up there? Just know that there will always be people guiding you throughout your adventures in life, and remember that they'll never let you go.''

The two looked back up and Asyrin and Isha met eyes. ''For them?'' Asyrin asked.

''For them,'' Isha responded.

The two wrapped their fingers around each other's, and etched towards one another. Together, they walked off, happily knowing that their wishes were granted and that their jobs were completed. Maybe it wasn't over yet. Maybe they'd have to come back and look down on Hero and guide him throughout another journey. But, for now, it was over.

Together, they walked calmly towards the golden gates and entered. Their new lives were something that they could never let go of.

But their past lives were something that they would never forget.

Especially not the time when they got a Second Chance, and their entire lives brightened, turned around, and changed for the better.


A/N: Hey! So this epilogue is like, two months overdue, but at least it's here and done. So this story was a blast for me, I loved writing each and every single tribute. I'm happy with the ending, and I think that the rest of you are as well. There's not really much for me to say besides excuse the writing here. I'm not the best at third person, but I wanted to try my hand at it, and, well, I just stuck with it, despite me not really feeling confident in it.

I summarized mostly everything because I didn't want this finale to end up being extra long, but I don't think any of you will mind. But in the end, everyone gets a happy, fairy-tale like ending and it all ends up okay. Yeah, it's Panem, nothing is ever really okay, but for some people, it can be. (And this is a fanfiction, so suck it) So yeah, that's all for now. I'd like to thank everyone who submitted and read this story, especially those who stuck with me all the way until the end. Y'all are amazing.

I have another story that I was gonna announce, but I think most of you already know so there's no reason to do so. That's irrelevant right now, so yeah, I just hope that you all enjoyed the ending. I really wanted to touch on some more things, but I decided that this was enough and that I was glad with how it ended up. So, once again, thanks for all of you who read. Hope you all have a wonderful day/night/evening/whatever, and that's the end of Second Chance. I guess I'll see you guys later, huh? But before I go, I'd like you guys to answer some questions, if it isn't too much of a struggle?

Did you like the outcome of the story?

Did you enjoy the story overall?

Favorite tribute throughout the entire story

Favorite moment?

Favorite part of this final chapter?

So yeah, that's all for now. Actually, I guess that's all for this story. It was a fun ride, but it's not over. There's always another part to every story, whether it's your imagination or a clear ending. And sometimes, some stories finish with a clear ending if you catch my drift ;) But for now, it's done and over with. So, for one last time...

Bye! ^-^