Finding someone worth waking up

Is better than to find someone

You know that's already



Gari Salvatore, 19;

Victor of the One Hundred Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games

Today is the day. The day that the President of Panem, Milo Bengel, announces the Quarter Quell. I've been excited for this year, I really have been. I was looking forward to volunteering this year because of how much I wanted to win a quell, but then I realized that last year was my last year, so I finally took the chance that the academy gave me, and I won. I won it. Easily, way too easily.

The competition during my games was nothing but a mere joke. You'd think that careers would put up a fight, but they didn't. I killed my entire career alliance. Psh! Formidable opponents my butt. What type of careers die before the final ten tributes remain?

I sit on a rolling chair and put my feet up on the President's desk as I watch the recaps of my games. These were by far the Capitol's favorite games. I mean, come on! I was a genius during these games. I came out with fifteen kills. I'm pretty sure that's a record.

I watch as the camera is zooming in on me stabbing the boy from Two in the back of the skull, instantly killing him. His partner runs back towards the watery surface we were in and I hear her feet crushing down against the twigs left on the floor. I roll Jayo's body into the water and turn around clutching my machete while staring at Sabian.

She looks stunned, she's crying. Running with full force she swings her rapier at me. Easily ducking, I shove my machete straight into her stomach and pull it out without hesitation. Her face is later cut completely open with my machete drained in blood. It was just too simple, you know?

Their faces showed up on the third night of the games. After that it was smooth sailing. Killing my District partner was a breeze. She was unintelligent and only her beauty had her surviving for so long. The tributes from Four though... They were something else. I had taken first watch during that night when I hovered over the boy and slammed his own tomahawk down onto his neck.

His partner watched, arrow poised and ready to be shot at me. I remember feeling nervous at that point. I had eight kills by then, and sweat was strolling down my face. She spun around me aiming straight at my temple until I forcefully swung the tomahawk at her neck decapitating her with no problem whatsoever. The only bad side was she shot the arrow in my left shoulder which I couldn't use for the rest of those games.

It wasn't really all that bad, though. I had won because of my charms, my personality, and my skill. My good looks played a huge factor in my role of winning these games. It was just way too simple. I mean, I had everything that the president wanted. I was a sure factor to win those games.

I remember the final five coming to an end. Each and everyone of those kills were mine. I mean, the couple from Nine were simple. Once I killed the boy, the girl broke down and was easily choked to death with my bare hands. It felt so good, you don't even know.

After them, the two remaining tributes had teamed up on me. It was as if neither of them saw the atlatl that I threw. It landed straight into the girl from Seven's chest and she died. Mouth wide open and her eyes. Oh my Panem, they were just a blast to watch as the life drained from them.

The boy from Ten was no different. All you had to do was put him in a choke hold and have him die of shortened breath. I'm telling you, my Games were one to remember. It was just effortless, you know? I'm glad I won though because my District was on a huge Victor drought. I mean, we didn't have a Victor for thirty damn years. Thirty!

District Two already had nine Victors by then and Four had Five. District Seven even passed us and are now currently at thirty Victors. Dead and Alive.

I quickly turn the television off and remove my feet from the table. I watch as the President begins to announce this years Quarter Quell. Even I have no idea what it's gonna be, and I'm his favorite Victor by far. He turns his head and nods at me as I watch. He takes a deep breath and slowly walks up to his podium in front of thousands.

''As you all know,'' he begins. ''Every twenty-five years we have a special occasion in the Hunger Games called the Quarter Quell. This year marks the one hundred seventy-fifth anniversary of the Hunger Games.''

I watch as he goes on about previous quarter quells. He has an interesting way of putting them into his perspective. I just can't help but snicker at his speaking tone and how serious he is about this. Trust me, if I was ever President I wouldn't be as serious as this old hag. He's only Forty, but he's still old. Older than I am, at least.

''For the twenty-fifth games we had the District's choose the tributes that they wanted to participate to show them that whatever they do, they couldn't stop what was happening. This proved to be the ultimate betrayal for the tributes who were reaped, unfortunately for them.''

I don't remember seeing those games. I have to go back and watch the recaps of that. I remember hearing that the way the Victor won was a very unique way. It's really getting to me.

''For the fiftieth games, we had double the amount of tributes chosen to participate in these games. This had the largest amount of tributes dead at the bloodbath with the count of eighteen tributes.''

Haymitch from Twelve won those games. He wasn't all that. I mean, I'm way better than him and others know that as well. Plus there's a big difference between us: He's dead and I'm alive. Hah, that poor fool from Twelve. Look at his District now. Ever since that rebellious girl died, they've had no Victors for years to come. I think all of their Victors are old hags who need to get off that life support. What was her name? Katnip? Kantmiss? Who cares? She was nothing more than an irrelevant scrub.

The president continues on the quarter quells and how Cashmere won the seventy-fifth games against Enobaria. I remember watching those games. Cashmere was fierce and I always knew she was stronger than Gloss. He was a pathetic Victor in my opinion, dying right in front of his sister. What a way to go, buddy.

President Bengel finally reaches this years Quarter Quell. He unfolds the beautiful, pure white envelope encrusted with a gold stone on the edge of it. He slowly opens it up and takes the paper out of it. I lean forward as I watch him pull it and begin to read what's inside.

''Now we honor our seventh Quarter Quell on the one hundred seventy-fifth anniversary of the Hunger Games to remind the rebels that even the ones that they lost first are never safe and will not overcome the Capitol just because they are asleep. The male and female tributes from these games will be reaped from a pool of existing tributes who have died first in the Games.''

My eyes widen in shock. Wow, that's a surprising turn of events. And I'm gonna have to mentor the first deaths from One? That shouldn't seem to hard. I mean, you're looking at the greatest Victor alive after all. This is gonna be interesting.

I feel two soft hands massage my shoulders. I can tell easily that they're the President's daughter's hands rubbing my shoulders. She smells like cherry and I can't help but admire her. She whispers into my ear and I can't help but chuckle at the thought.

The President walks back in and she quickly lets go. I smile up at him and he gives me a huge hug. I know damn well that I'm his favorite Victor. There's no doubt about it. I'm just that amazing. It'll be fun to train these fallen tributes, and I'm gonna have a blast. Oh, I can't wait until they're reaped. This is going to be one fun Games.

I'm dying to see what they can do with my help.

A/N: Welcome to my second SYOT, guys! Glad you all read this and I hope that you enjoyed this prologue. I'm going to make these games a series, so after this will be the one hundred seventy-sixth. I'm really excited for this story and I really hope that people submit. It would be amazing to get the chance of writing your tributes, and receiving them. I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

The rules will be up on my profile. Everything you need to know will be there, including the form. So, there are no volunteers for these games since they are dead tributes being revived. Not any dead tributes, the first deaths of the games. Including Careers, it's not impossible for them to die. You all already know that. All I have to say is please read the rules before submitting, at least skim them and make sure you understand. It makes it a whole lot easier, and you all know that as well.

Thanks for taking your time to read this! I hope that you will all submit and I'm really interesting into seeing your tributes. Please follow, favorite, review, and submit! I'd love to know all of your opinions, so please let me know. See you all later into the story. Have fun reading and submitting!