I really am, but I don't really use this site any more…

I've started using another site, and it's a lot easier to update. It's a lot easier to upload new stories, and it's just easier period.

It's called: Quotev

It's completely FREE and you don't need an account to read the stories…

I'm sorry, but my stories are going to be moved over to there… So, if you want to read these stories still that's where they'll be.

I'm sorry for the long wait, I had to make sure it was a good enough site for something like this.

Thank you if you understand, and if you're mad at me you have EVERY right to be. But, I'm still going to write these stories, just on another site.

They'll be under the name of Eliza, and the profile picture is the same. And, the stories are going to have the same name/title.

The only thing that will be put up here, are going to be VERY graphic chapters that I can't put up on Quotev.

You're friend,

Nytiri 3

I'm still VERY SORRY