I'm gonna list this. This is too much to type, and each person and thing have a specific placement and stuff. I just hope you've enjoyed this story.

Star Fire: Star went on to be an undercover agent in other countries similar to Panem. She is an advocator for democracy, and is outspoken about her distaste for the games. She lives a modest life, and marries a man that she met while on her travels in the Australian Version of Panem. They have a daughter.

Chanel Lourd: Chanel is the Vice President of Panem. She initially was skeptical to take it because Presidents have "too much responsibility." She works closely with the President, and she is the face of the United Districts of Panem. She isn't married, and doesn't want to be. A man would only hold her down. Chanel also reconnected with her mother after she found out about her past. Her mother and father remarried after a messy divorce, and she was able to finally get what she always really wanted. A family.

Alecto Snow: Without Calliope there to mess up life, she went back to her time as President of Panem still. She stepped down from the Presidency, but before she did that she abolished the Hunger Games forever. She was careful to make sure the baby didn't meet anyone she wasn't supposed to that would affect Chanel's future being as she is a direct descendant of the child.

Addison and Granite Hockley: As you can tell by their names they're obviously married. Addison gave birth to a baby boy 6 months after returning to her time period. They named him Ryder Vixon. They're a very happy family.

Brandon Meadows: Brandon grew up with Addison and Granite constantly in his life. Though he doesn't remember their grand adventure, they remember it. He's very fond of them, and him and Ryder are best friends.

Rachel Callowgwey: Rachel became President of the United States of Panem. She was voted in a month after the invasion took place. She married a man, and they are currently expecting a little girl. She plans on naming her Marissa.

It's weird wrapping up this story with a complete. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you haven't already read At Wits End, please do so! I think you'd really enjoy it.

What did you think of their outcomes?

What did you think of the story?

Favorite character?

Least Favorite Character?

Favorite moment?

This is the end of my series. Stay tuned, because At Wits End is part 1 of 3.

Keep it classy,
