
"Fuck.." Pearl repeated, louder, more confident. She started walking back and forth, raising her arms with each word. "Fuck.. shit, fuck, fuck, shit, fuck shit!" The normally pristine gem let out a line of swears that Amethyst couldn't even believe were coming out of her mouth. When she finally finished, Pearl was breathing heavily, her back to Amethyst has her fists were thrown down. Her normally slicked back, peach colored hair was actually disheveled, little strands of it standing out.

Amethyst just stared, eyes wide and mouth agape. She couldn't believe what she just saw.. Did she make Pearl that mad..?

"P..? I.." Amethyst couldn't think of what she wanted to say. If Pearl was so incredibly enraged that she was actually brought to swearing, was the purple gem at fault?

"I'm sorry, okay..?" Amethyst was so hesitant. She didn't even move from her seat. She was terrified.. terrified that Pearl's outburst meant that she hated the smaller gem. "I.. I didn't mean to make you mad, I just.. I don't want you to think like you're worthless.. you're not. You really aren't.."

"I know.." When Pearl had caught her breath, even though she didn't actually need to, she stood up straight. She brought her hands up to fix her hair, then turned around. Her face was just a mess. She had stopped crying, but tears streaks could be counted in the double digits, even her eyes were red. Amethyst immediately stopped talking, not wanting to do anything that might throw Pearl off the deep end.

"And.. I'm fine." Pearl smiled, the most genuine smile that Amethyst had ever seen. Even Pearl's eyes showed her happiness. But.. wasn't Pearl just angry a second ago?

Amethyst having seen Pearl's new expression, she felt more comfortable with standing and running toward her girlfriend.

"Oh P, I'm so sorry.. I didn't.. I didn't mean.." She had always wanted to hear Pearl swear, just once, but not like that. She reached up, cupping the pristine gem's face in her hands as she wiped away her stray tears with her thumbs.

"I'm fine, Amethyst. Really!" Pearl giggled as the smaller gem wiped away her tears, her only regret being that she scared Amethyst so badly. Really, she needed to thank the smaller gem.. She didn't realize that Amethyst was so alone, with no one to care for, whereas Pearl was surrounded, but created and treated as a drone. The two were truly polar opposites.. Pearl raised her hands to grasp Amethyst's holding them between herself and the purple gem.

"I'm sorry.." Pearl spoke as she looked in her girlfriend's eyes, regretting that she had ever even questioned her own worth. "I should not have said what I did.. Not the stuff about me, at least.." She chuckled at this, a light blush on her face. "The swearing.. felt pretty good, to be honest.."

Amethyst laughed as well, gently squeezing Pearl's hands.

"Yeah, well.. it usually does." She thought for a moment, a question on her lips. "So.. you know I love you, right? I've loved you for such a long time, P.."

"Yes.. yes I know that now." Pearl couldn't have been more blind. She was so busy chasing Rose that she didn't even consider the possibility of anyone else ever seeing her as a romantic partner. She didn't ever think that anyone could have seen her as a true friend. She didn't think, and that was her problem. Pearl is her own gem, not a drone. She was free to think for herself, to feel for herself.

"I'm sorry that I questioned you.." Pearl started, averting her gaze for just a brief second of regret before looking back into the purple gem's eyes. "I was being stupid.. I thought that no one would ever be able to actually.. love me because of who I am. I didn't take your origin into consideration, and I said some things that hurt you. I'm sorry.."

"It's alright, Sweet P.." Amethyst was relieved.. As long as Pearl knew how much worth she held, that was just perfect.

"It's not, though.." Pearl continued, surprising Amethyst. "You love me.. I understand that now. You have so much affection for me, and I've done so little to return your feelings."

"Pearl, you don't need to force yours-"

"I'm not forcing myself into anything." Pearl spoke with such authority, such conviction. Amethyst stayed quiet, letting her girlfriend speak. The taller gem bent down so that she would be on eye level with the purple gem, freeing a hand from Amethyst's to cup her cheek.

"Amethyst.. I love you."

And just like that, Pearl and Amethyst were the happiest they could ever be. The smaller gem jumped in Pearl's arms and their lips locked together. Standing, Pearl holding Amethyst in the air as the purple gem wrapped her arms and legs around the taller one, the only sound heard was of the couple's lips and their laughter. Soon, their gems began to glow, and their bodies began to shine. The couple transformed into separate lights which seemed to dance, slowly coming into one.

Opal sighed as she stood, alone in Amethyst's room, but not quite. The fusion hugged herself, her other two arms non-existent. The giant woman began to dance, laughing all the way as she did so. The rest of the night was peaceful for the couple, and nothing, literally nothing could ruin this moment for them.

Pearl stood in front of Garnet in the living room, her hand clasping at her arm with a look of desperation on her face.

"Garnet, do you think.. does Amethyst.. Does she hate me?"

Garnet stayed quiet, her eyes closed behind her visor. Behind her eyes, she saw a laughing Opal come through the doorway of the temple, only to split and reform as Pearl and Amethyst, the latter being held in the taller gem's arms. With a wide smile on both of their faces, they looked at Garnet, who was standing alone in the living room, as Steven was still asleep upstairs.

"Well.. does she..?"

Garnet smirked, which went unnoticed by the pristine gem, who's gaze was averted.

"No, Amethyst does not hate you. Do you feel better?"

Author's Notes: I'll admit, this ending is definitely cliché, but I couldn't think of any other way to end this story. xD This is the end of the "Does She Hate Me?" series. I had originally planned to make a sequel to this called "She Loves Me!" but I felt like that would draw out this story longer than it needed to be. I do plan on continuing with a brand new story that takes place after this series has ended, where Pearl and Amethyst are a stable couple. Thank you all so much for sticking with me from the beginning to the end of this series. I can't express in words how much this means to me, and I'm so glad that this has gotten some sort of viewer popularity at all. I sincerely hope you enjoyed what I've written, and I hope you enjoy what's coming in the future. As always, so long for now.