Maggie was six months old when Robin and Regina got married. It was a small ceremony, that's all the couple wanted. They were content just being together. After the wedding Snow took the children for the week while Robin and Regina honeymooned in Italy. They both felt incredibly guilty for enjoying it so much. When they got home they showered their children and family with gifts.
"So Mrs. Locksley….our first night home as a married couple." Robin smiles after Regina finishes reading Roland his story. "Whatever will we do?"
"Honestly?" She asks. "I just want to sleep."
"This is why I love you." Robin smiles. The couple climb into bed, wrapped in each other's arms. Before either fall asleep, they get a bit of surprised. A cloud of white that hadn't came from Regina appears. When the magic is gone, Maggie is lying peacefully between her parents.
"I think this is her way of saying she missed us." Robin chuckles. Regina, however, is teary. "What is it love?"
"She used light magic." Regina's voice is so full of pride. "My special girl." She leans over and places a kiss on her baby's head.
"She's brilliant." Robin agrees. "Just like her mommy."
It had been a week since Maggie had first displayed her power. Regina hadn't been able to get her daughter to repeat her actions, even when she was watching 24/7. When Regina returns to work she worries she'll miss it, but she knows she can't wait forever. Maggie was stubborn like her mother and would repeat her actions when she was ready.
Regina was in a meeting with Emma, Snow and David. They were discussing some town business. Not much had happened in the recent months, but they wanted to be prepared for when-if it did. They were seated around the desk when suddenly, the white cloud appears again. When Regina's looks down her baby is smiling up at her.
"Maggie! My darling you did it." Regina coos lifting her daughter up and kissing her chubby baby cheek.
"Did-did she?" David asks in shock.
"Yes she did. Didn't you? Yes you did." Regina is grinning from ear-to-ear.
"Uhm, Regina, you might want to let Granny know that Maggie is safe….she probably isn't used to...well this." Emma suggests.
Regina chuckles before reaching for her phone. Granny had been frantic and Regina apologized for the worry. She assured Granny that Maggie was safe, and that she would be staying with her mother. It was clear that Maggie needed some mommy time or she wouldn't have poofed herself here.
"When did she start doing that?" Snow asks once Regina hangs up the phone.
"The night we got back." Regina explains. "We were just about asleep when she landed between Robin and I. It seems that she only uses her magic when she wants her parents."
"More like her mother." They all look up to see an amused looking Robin.
"Really Maggie? Six months old and you're already a Mama's girl." Robin teases, crossing the room and kissing the top of his daughter's head.
"You're in for it man." David jokes. "Two against one."
"Hey, I have Roland and Henry on my side." Robin replies. Regina chuckles.
"Yes until it thunders or they want food." She reminds him. They all laugh. Robin lifts Maggie into his arms and cuddles her close.
"You are so smart, little regal." He says proudly.
Henry would always be Regina's little prince and she had began to call Roland her little night when they were trapped in the enchanted forest. Now that she had a daughter, she called her little regal, which caught on with nearly everyone.
"Okay, my turn." Snow says taking her God daughter slash step sister. "Hello my sweet baby namesake."
"Hey, she's my namesake too." Emma reminds her mother. "Right, Maggie?"
"Middle names don't count." Snow teases.
"Neither do cursed names." Emma shoots back.
"Okay, no fighting over my daughter." Regina intervenes. Maggie smiles at her mother from a few seats over. Before she can use magic again, Regina take her baby back. She didn't want Maggie to use her magic for everything, though she would never get sick of seeing her daughter use light magic.
"I swear she looks more and more like Regina everytime I see her." David comments.
"That she does." Robin agree with a smile. Maggie cuddles closer to her mother, fighting to keep her eyes open. "Someone needs a nap. Shall we lay her in the play pen?"
"No, she's fine here, right Maggie?" Regina answers looking down at the nearly-sleeping child.
"You are going to spoil her." Snow laughs. "But that's okay, she deserves it."
Henry and Roland also loved to spend time with their sister. Maggie would always have two protectors whether she wanted them or not. The two boys held her as much as they could and were constantly playing peek-a-boo and reading her stories. It was hard to remember a time before they'd had this new addition.
"Mama, when will Maggie be able to talk?" Roland asks one night as he watches his little sister play with her baby toys.
"Well it depend, sweetie, probably in a few months." Regina replies.
"I wonder what her first word will be." Henry smiles.
"Mama." Robin chuckles. "Maybe Dada."
"What was mine?" Henry asks.
"No." Regina says and they all chuckle.
"Roland's was Dada, so I suppose it would only be fair if Maggie said Mama first." Robin says. "But, if Emma gets her way that's what Maggie will say first."
"If she says Emma before Mama I will personally throttle your other mother, Henry." Regina jokes. Henry laughs,
"I'll pass that on." He says. Maggie manages to squirm her way over to Henry, wanting him to pick her up. He lifts her into her lap.
"I think she's hungry." Roland says as Maggie begins to suck on her hand.
"She could be teething." Regina says. "Which will not be fun. I hate seeing baby's teeth, they're always in pain."
"Can we give her medicine? Like when my tummy hurts?" Roland asks.
"Do they have medicine for that? For babies?" Robin adds.
"Yes, and it will be our new best friend. That and teething rings. We got some from Snow before Maggie was born. We better find them." Regina answers.
"Maggie, you're growing up too fast." Henry sighs.
It was true. Regina felt like her baby growing faster than she could have imagined. She wasn't ready for her baby to get bigger. Robin senses her feelings and drapes an arm around her. He felt it too. Their little Regal was becoming a big girl.