A/N: Heyo guys, still remember me? Yes? No? Doesn't matter. I'm gonna try my hand on regular school life just to honor a friend's request. Reviews, Favorites and Follows are truly appreciated.

Well let's get on with the show.

The rain hammered down on the cement. A lone girl tried to hurry through the rain. Her red hair was slightly wet and the sides of her uniform was in the same state because of the rain. The umbrella above her head struggled to get out of her hands. Nishikino Maki cursed the rain although this proved to be a mistake for the rain, or more precisely, the God of Rain seemed to have grown angry as the droplets felt more like bullets as when it comes into contact with her skin, it hurt her.

Suddenly, there was a more powerful gust of wind causing the umbrella to fly from her grasp. She stopped now, completely wet by the rain. She turned around and tried to reach for her flying umbrella. The roar of thunder was just in time with the sudden honk of the horn of a car passing through. Her eyes widened as the headlights came into view but it quickly shut as she knew that she was going to be hit and there's nothing she can do about it but to wait for the impact.

She fell, body hitting the pavement below her… but it didn't hurt as much as she thought. She opened her eyes… to find that she wasn't hurt at all. It took a while to process as she slowly stood up and turned around…

To see that another has taken her place. A young male teen was lying down on the street, blood staining his hair. The rain quickly washed away the fresh blood seeping through his wound. Her instincts quickly acted on itself and she ran to the teen to check him over. The owner of the car phoned for an ambulance and it seemed like the Nishikino family was the one to answer the call.

Maki knew that he was unconscious as he didn't groan or anything. The blunt trauma must've been too much for him. But anyways, her concern was the bleeding. She found that it was in the head so she quickly tried to cover it with her handkerchief. The blood soaked the piece of cloth quickly indicating that he was bleeding pretty badly.

The driver quickly asked if she needed any aid but she declined. The driver was a young man, most likely hurrying back from work. She didn't blame him really. It was raining and no one could see anything three feet from them. Even if he was going slowly, which he should've been, he would've still hit him with enough force to hurt her. He apologized over and over and even offered to pay for her "friend's" hospitalization. She declined this since it would be free anyway and just told him to sit down in the car and wait for the police to come. It would be hard to win in court against something like this.

The sound of the ambulance coming nearer invaded her senses. It cut through the sound of the hammering rain so it was easy to hear. It stopped near the teen and Maki before the two climbed inside with the help of two other nurses. The driver was left in his car as the police came to take him away. Poor guy.

The ride to the hospital was painfully quiet. Besides the sound of the cardiometer beeping and the ambulance's sound. Her eyes gazed over his form. He had dark brown hair that was swept to the left and had a normal build for a normal male student. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully, his face neutral, devoid of any emotions. He wasn't as pale as she expected so that was good. He wore a dark blue blazer over a white shirt and wore dark blue slacks. An emblem was embedded on the left breast pocket of the blazer. It was a circle with the letters 'AG'. It seemed familiar to her somehow, like she had seen it somewhere… or from someone.

The ambulance finally arrived and she was rushed in. She disembarked the vehicle and headed inside. The sight of her entering caught the attention of some of the employees though. Either because of her red hair, her amethyst eyes or the air that she carried around her, they immediately knew who she was. Nishikino Maki, the daughter of their beloved President. A nurse quickly tended to her, asking if there was anything she needed.

"I want that person to have free care here." Maki stated, gesturing to the unconscious body being wheeled into the Ermergency Room. "He saved my life; it is the least I can do for him. Also, tell me once he is conscious. I would like to thank him personally." She then stole a glance outside. "And tell my mother to pick me up. I'm afraid I can't travel in this weather lest I want the same thing to happen again." She said.

"Yes ma'am." The nurse replied. "Although, would you want to get a check-up ma'am? We're not sure if you got hurt in the process…"

The red head shook her head. "No need." She knew her body well and none of them felt broken. Bruised but that was way better than being broken and those were on places that would rarely be seen whenever she sings on stage. "I'll wait here." She said. The nurse nodded and quickly scampered to the phone to talk to Mrs. Nishikino.

Maki sat down and observed the happenings inside the hospital. This has been a normal sight for her, especially nowadays with her parents taking her to the hospital to know what the business that would be passed down to her looks like and how it operates. Everyone was working diligently, nothing less from the employees handpicked by the Nishikino family of course.

"Ne, Maki-chan~ Can we please not go here anymore? The colors are too… too bland for me…" Right, those were the words of her friend who loathed going to the hospital. He claimed that everything was bland when it was here. Like the colors were dimming everytime they were here.

"But you have to. Your condition needs to be checked up on regularly and we're still studying your case of synesthesia." Was her response. Her friend quickly deflated and just shrugged. Ah, the memories when they were young.

She was quickly snapped by to reality when the door opened to reveal her mother standing there, an umbrella at hand. "Let's go Maki-chan." She said. The redhead stood up from her seat and headed over to her mother. Wow, she was fast.

The next day wasn't so different than the other days. She went to school and was immediately shocked when she was inquired about the past happenings. It seems Muse was informed of her near-death experience.

"Maki-chan!" Rin exclaimed before tackling her into a hug, rubbing her face on hers making the 'Ice Queen' blush in pure embarrasment.

"R-Rin! Get off me!" Maki exclaimed, pushing the cat-girl away from her. The latter obliged to it though as she hopped off of her.

Hanayo caught up with her friend. "Maki-chan… I'm glad you're alright. We heard that you got hit by a car." She said.

"What?" Maki asked. "I didn't get hit by a car. Someone… someone pushed me out of the way…" She admitted.

"Eh?" Rin looked at Hanayo as if sharing a secret and silent conversation with each other and Maki didn't mind not being a part of it. "Well, that's great then nya~! At least we don't have to worry about you!"

"At least you're safe." Hanayo said with a smile. "Let's get to classes then." She continued and the two nodded and they all headed to their classroom.

The day went by relatively normal. Apparently, only Rin and Hanayo were the only ones who heard the news but of course, they felt obliged to at least tell it to the others. Something like that shouldn't be kept a secret right?

"... And that's what happened." Maki finalized with her arms crossed. Everyone's attention was on her the whole time she relayed her story.

"Uwaa! Good thing you're alright Maki-chan!" Honoka exclaimed as she attempted to tackle her into a hug much like Rin earlier but the redhead knew what was about to happen and dodged immediately letting their leader fall to the ground. "That's mean Maki-chan!" Honoka said as she stood up, rubbing her head but seemingly unharmed.

"That's why you should be more careful Mrs. Tsundere!" Nico exclaimed, finding the new insult she had come up with to be better than everything she had thought of before.

Maki glared at Nico but knew that petite third year was right until Nozomi interjected. "Even if she was careful, it would have happened sometime later. It was in your fate."

"To be hit by a car?" Eri asked her best friend, seemingly finding this to be unlikely or even impossible.

Nozomi shook her head. "To be saved by a young man." She replied.

Maki rolled her eyes. She was never one to believe in any of those. "That's impossible. It was merely a chance coincidence. Should I have been more careful or if it wasn't raining then I think it wouldn't have happened."

Nozomi smiled at her. "It seems you still don't believe my fortunes but oh well." It doesn't really matter much nowadays. In the end, most do believe her.

"Well anyway, we should continue with the practice yes?" Umi suggested, knowing that the topic has come to a close. Maki was safe and that was all that matters. Although the person who saved her was still in an unsure condition.

"RIght, let's go!" Honoka exclaimed, regaining her original bubbliness.

And so Muse started their usual practice. Nothing in the atmosphere was strained. They were concerned for Maki at first but the latter didn't show any signs of being hurt so they continued like it was nothing.

Suddenly, Maki's phone rung and she paused her practice to pick it up. She looked at the caller's ID and noticed that it was the hospital calling her. She quickly picked up.


"Ah, Ms. Nishikino. The one who saved you has woken up an hour before. It seems he hasn't gotten seriously injured and we just had to stitch up the scar on his head and put a cast on his right leg. Although we won't be dispatching him tomorrow since we will observe if he can stand by then." The one on the other side explained.

"Ah good. I'll head there after practice. Please relay that to my mother and father as well." Maki said.

"It will be done ma'am."

She then hung up the phone and returned to her groupmates who were waiting for her. "Was it the hospital Maki?" Eri asked as the redhead returned.

"Yes. It seems the man was fine. Now I can rest easy knowing that the person who saved my life isn't dead." Maki said with a sigh, the weight on her heart had now disappeared into nothingness.

"Alright then. Maybe you should go ahead and thank your saviour Maki. There's nothing much left to do after all, just a few more polishing of the steps." The blonde said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "You got the steps after all so you can go."

Maki looked at the quarter Russian before nodding. "If you say so then I'll go."

"Take care Maki-chan. Say thanks to him for us nya!" Rin exclaimed as she and the others waved goodbye to the redhead. Of course they had to say thanks as well since they just saved an important person to them.

And so Maki departed to the hospital in her school uniform. She would need to visit anyway so it would be efficient for her to do this. She wondered who the teen really was. Well she would get her questions answered after they meet anyway.