Hey everyone! This crazy drabble is my attempt at summarizing the equally crazy, beautiful love of Rumpelstiltskin and Belle. An impossible task, really, but I can try, and have fun doing it! Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
Disclaimer : I own nothing, and just so you know, I don't have any money you can sue for.
Rating ;K+
Words :1,113
Strange girl
It's the first thing he observes about her. Where any other noble (anyone with sense, really) would have let him walk away (it's not the princess's job to worry about these things), she makes her own choice, makes her own deal (with a beast, no less) to go with him, not a thought for herself, only other's good in mind. Ironic, really, says she decides her own fate, then chooses one which puts her in another's thrall. Seems she will always be someone's prize, whatever her choice. Walks away with him with barely a backwards glance, though he can tell she's afraid.
Brave little thing
Brave, yes, but foolish. He is a monster, after all. Everyone knows you should fear the Dark One (with good reason, too) .This princess, apparently, has not learnt that lesson. It is a novelty, her fearlessness, it intrigues him. He tries to scare her, at first (a monster has to think of his image, after all) . But she is never more than startled, sometimes she is just exasperated, or amused (by the Dark One). She never seems to stay away, though, so he gives up (maybe he doesn't want to, anymore?)
Clumsy, clumsy
She didn't believe him, did she? Even he, whatever he had done, had never hurt a child. And if she thinks him that much of a monster and can still be brave, he marvels at her. What does she expect him to do, over something not even really her fault? He was not lying,it was just a cup. Or at least,it used to be.
Curious girl
Even as she walks away with him, he searches her eyes for fear but cannot find it. There is curiosity instead. Blue eyes alight, head cocked to the side. It gets her into trouble, more often than not. He can't really bring himself to mind, until she hurts herself. He tries to warn her. Doesn't do much good.
A ray of light
He realizes it as he catches her in front of the now-open window (and who exactly is she, who dares to flood the Dark Castle with light?). She belongs here, this girl, hair lit by the sun, sapphire eyes like faceted gems in the light. No matter how he keeps her caged (he is selfish, he knows) ,the light knows its own, draws her close. And he watches from the dark (he belongs there,after all ). and he keeps away, because his darkness will always chase away light (it did before, and he is still trying to fix that)
Stubborn girl!
Why, why couldn't she leave his buisness well enough alone! That man had tried to steal from him! He had every right to punish him, just as he pleased. How dare his maid let him escape. She thinks, the naive girl, that the man is honorable, noble. He will teach her otherwise, soon enough. She'll know that the world doesn't have her goodness. And if it is true that anyone else in her position would not have lived to argue with him, he doesn't give too much thought to the matter
Smart woman
She corrects him, once. It is an idle mistake, but the extent of her knowledge amazes him, even if it is insignificant compared to his own. He has three centuries on her, yet she matches him, quip for quip. It has been a long time since he has met anyone but flatterers and fools. A welcome distraction, a breath of fresh air.
A bookworm
She loves books, loves the tales and the knowledge, the worlds between the pages. He sees her so lost, and even he has the heart not to to interrupt her. He has taken everything from her, but even he will not take away her only escape.
Odd creature
He enters the throne room with a show. A word and a smile from him silences the room, strikes fear in their hearts. She could see how scaly skin and dirty claws might make one afraid. The most powerful man in all the realms. Yet, so..child-like in his delight, the way his hands never stilled. even as she sensed the power just below the surface. She can go, if that is what he wants, but he will get more than he bargained for. She will make sure of that.
Funny imp
In the war room she would have laughed had she not feared offending him. That is what surprises her the most. However morbid, he has a sense of humor, He seems surprised when she laughs. Like no-one has laughed with him for a long time, and he relishes the feeling. It makes her heart ache for him.
A mystery
He wears his magic like armor, showing the world only the worst of himself. She has always seen past fake smiles and honeyed words (she is a noble), but he shows only the worst of himself. He has too many layers to count, each tougher than the last, yet she wishes to peel them away, one by one, and see what he so ferociously guards. She loves puzzles, and just there, she sees something more. The awkward pauses, hints of kindness (behind her back, of course) she sees, and she wonders...
Lonely man
What use is magic , if it cannot maintain a castle? She can see he wishes for company, but is too stubborn (afraid?) to ask it. She doesn't mind ; she doesn't need to be asked. She enjoys his company, however he might think otherwise.
She all but gives her life into his hands, he never raises a hand to her in anger. She can calm him with a few words, when he is not too angry. He spared that man, whatever he says. It proves what she already knows, even if he refuses to believe it himself.
No wonder they fall in love...
This is my first fan fiction, and English is not my first language. Could you tell? What did you think? PLEASE REVIEW!
P.S ; Any prompts for one-shots in the Dark Castle would be welcome. Rating K-T.