Ratchet tapped his fingers on his desk as his teacher spoke. He sighed in boredom. "I already know all of this." He thought to himself as he forced his optics not to shutter as he felt the need to recharge. The teacher quit talking and turned around to her class. "Okay, now that you all know about the jobs out there, and what is required, I want all of you to write about what you want to be when you're older." The femme said with a chipper tone, and a smile on her face.

"Not like there's many options for us anyways.." He said to himself as he picked up his things, putting them in his subspace as the bell to go home rang. "Oh, and remember, it's due tomorrow!" The teacher yelled as her students rushed out of the classroom, chattering amongst themselves.

"Uggg… What is the point of this, I don't even know what to write about…." Ratchet sighed as he walked down the long hallways to the exit of the Education Teaching Facility. "Hey, Ratchet! Wait up!" Yelled a familiar voice, followed by a pitter patter of metallic footsteps as the protoform ran towards him.

Ratchet smiled as Wheeljack ran to the right side of him. "Hey, Wheeljack, how was your class today?" Ratchet asked as the two began to walk in unison. Wheeljack scratched the back of his helm, his fingers tracing bumps, and old busts that healed. "In all honesty….I don't know, kinda dozed off after the science teacher brought up something about safety measures for the fiftieth time this Deca-Cycle." Ratchet giggled as the two walked out of the large building.

"What about you, Ratch?" Wheeljack asked,cocking his helm to the side. "Nothing much, just got this stupid assignment I have to work on." The two slowed down at a fork in their path. "Well that sucks."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Wheeljack began turning to the left. "Well see ya Ratch, good luck with your homework!" The little protoform ran off, presumably going home.

Ratchet sighed as he turned in the opposite direction, and began walking. He was at the apartment building in no time, and was soon scurrying up the stair, and running to his and Rugan's apartment room, opening, and closing the door as he went inside. He threw himself onto their couch, snuggling up with a throw pillow as he turned on their TV, turning it to the Protoform Channel. Ratchet yawned as he watched, falling into recharge a few minutes after watching the beloved characters on screen.

Rugan opens the door as quietly as he could, as to not wake his creation on their couch. He smiled at he closed the door behind him, looking upon the fragile body that was intertwined with the many pillows on the couch. He silently walked over to him, and picked him up gently, causing Ratchet to squirm into a more comfortable position in his Sire's arms. He unshuttered his optics as he looked up at Rugon.

"Hi, sire.." Ratchet said quietly as he yawned, his arms and legs outstretched as he did so, only to find their way back to their resting place afterwards. Rugon smiles as he snuggled Ratchet closer to his chest plate, walking into their berth room, before sitting on the edge of the berth, rocking Ratchet as he hummed a tune familiar to Ratchet. Rugan gently lay Ratchet on the bed beside him, getting up to go to the living room area as somebot knocked on their door. "Be back in a minute, buddy." Ratchet's sire said to him as he left the room, Ratchet curling into a ball as though he were a small mechling.

Ratchet suddenly jolted awake as a loud bang rang throughout the apartment, followed by fast paced ped-steps inside, near the bedroom door. The small protoform quietly hopped off the berth, hiding underneath it, practically shaking in fright. The door creaked open as a large bot walked inside, and began walking around, searching around the room hastily. After a minute of searching he stopped, leaving the room as he searched the rest of the "house". Ratchet curled into himself, silently crying as he quivered in fear listening to the bot's footsteps. This continued for half an hour before the bot, not satisfied hurried out of the place, out of the building completely.

Ratchet looked out from his hiding place, slowly crawling out before standing up and making his way to the door. "Sire…?" He opened the door, looking into the next room, seeing the legs of his sire. He ran as fast as he could over to him, crying harder then before seeing Rugan, spewing energon from his chest piece on the floor. "SIRE!" Ratchet began shaking Rugan, trying to wake him up. After a minute of trying Ratchet ran to the com-link syncher (basically a phone for bots that can't use their own com-link) and dialed the emergency line sequence. "Hello, this is emergency services, what is your emergency?" Ratchet held the com-link syncher to his audio sensors, hands quivering as he did so. "Someb-bot came i-into our h-h-home, and no-ow sires on the f-floor, and h-he's leaking, and I d-don't know w-what to do…" Ratchet said, barely able to make sentences through his constant stream of tears. "It's okay honey, just tell me your address, and emergency services will be there as soon as possible." The dispatcher said, her voice having a hint of worry in it. Ratchet told her their address as he sank down their wall as he waited for emergency services.

The emergency sequence operator continued talking to him as the time slowly passed, Ratchet soon finding it easier to ignore her and her constant stream of questions meant to calm him down, only feeling him with more terror the more time went by. After a few moment, Ratchet sat down the sequencer, standing up, and shuffling his feet over to Rugan, laying ontop of his leaking chest piece, wrapping his arms around the large bot, weeping with his faceplate snuggled into his sire..

(Thanks for reading, and reviews are appreciated. Sorry this took a while to make, both of my stories are going to take longer to upload because of school projects, and all that jazz, anyways, hope you enjoyed. I do not own Transformers.)