This is a short drabble thing; I got so inspired by otpprompts on tumblr! Also the admin of the fabulous NeonClan is the fabulous Emerald Flashes :)

Prompt: Imagine Person A is your child. Now imagine Person B coming to you to ask if they can marry Person A. How well can you contain your inevitable squee of joy?

Poke Snail sat in a dark room, with only an old, hot pink reading lamp for light. Sure enough, she was flipping the pages of a manga again, this time a Soul Eater volume.

She smiled and laughed at all of the shipping feelsy moments, but there was one pairing that wasn't present enough, that just happened to be her OTP: JacKim. Poke started to go on a long mental rant about KimOx and how terrible the ship was and all the evidence that JacKim was canon.

Suddenly, the yellow door creaked open, and a familiar pink-haired girl popped her head in.

"Kim!" Poke shouted out excitedly, jumping up and towards her precious child. "How was your mission with Jackie?" she inquired, resisting the urge to post a line of winky faces on the FFn forum NeonClan.

"Hi Mom..." Kim said, blushing a crimson scarlet. "The mission went great, and Jackie got a few more souls today. But... I wanted to ask you something..." she trailed off, hesitating.

Poke's heart stopped beating, and she waited, breathless in anticipation. "Go on!" she encouraged.

"Can I marry Jackie?"

The entire planet exploded and shattered into a million pieces from Poke's ecstatic fangirling screeches.