A/N: This is based on mykkila09's "Someday" series, and she has given me permission to write this. You need to read that series first. In this AU story, one Ranger is so gutted by breaking Kimberly's trust that he relinquishes his spot as a Ranger, then turns to a pair of unlikely sources to try to help get his friendship back. The first part is a quick scene from Chapter 5 of Someday (which takes place after King for a Day), then the rest is AU. I'll see how this goes, and if reviews are good, I'll continue with this story.

A/N 2: Nothing is mine.

Chapter 1 – A Gutsy Decision

January 1997

Angel Grove, CA

Adam Park stopped pacing and leaned against the railing. 'Tommy had every right to go off on us. We never should've treated Kimberly like that. And now, because of it, I lost her trust and her friendship. I was so stupid. Why didn't I call her? Even as I read that letter I knew that it didn't sound like Kim.' He sighed. 'Why did I decide that being a ranger was more important than being a friend? Just because Tommy was our leader and we needed him to lead the team, that didn't give me the right to treat Kim like that. And to let it go on for so long…I doubt Kim will ever forgive us for the way we treated her. I can only hope.' He looked up at the sky, letting out a sad smile when he saw the stars twinkling brightly. He frowned as he thought on Tommy said that Kim helped him. 'He said that she used her ninjetti powers, but how? We lost them and she gave hers up to Kat. So how did she get them back? Does that mean we got ours back as well?' he shook his head. 'While it would be nice to find out, I'm not going to risk it until I'm absolutely sure what happened.' He sighed again. 'I can only hope I get a chance to apologize to Kim. I hope she forgives me.'

Later that night, as Adam tossed and turned in bed, he thought further on the matter. He didn't know what the various thoughts were of his splintered team and quite frankly at the moment, he didn't want to know. For him, this one cut as deep as any of the other members of his team.

It was Kimberly (and Tommy) who had been there for him after the whole Mirror of Regret saga, which had re-opened old wounds from his previous life. Adam Park had been bullied as a child, which had, at times, had him contemplating doing some very dark things. Moving to Angel Grove, becoming a Power Ranger and being with this group had brought him salvation from his previous life.

And now all of it was gone.

His thoughts then shifted once again, to a nightmare that he'd hoped was behind him. It wasn't a nightmare of a previous event…well, it was, in a way but it was a nightmare that involved one person and one person only…one person he hoped, and maybe he thought, was out of his life forever.


Ah, Scorpina, the femme fatale "witch" who had tricked the rookie and nearly destroyed Adam in his first day on the job just over two years ago. He had to admit, even though he cared nothing for the cunning femme fatale, she'd done a good job almost breaking him that day.

She'd done such a good job in almost breaking him that Adam had nightmares for two weeks straight after that, and it was Kimberly who had been there for him. Kimberly had been Scorpina's biggest rival, so no one knew how deadly she could be more than the now-former Ranger. Because of Kimberly, he thought Scorpina was out of his life forever.

Now that protection was gone, and he was wrong.

Come to think of it, after the way he'd treated his former friend, was he really any better than that witch?

Adam then thought back to what Tommy had said, and he was pretty sure that Tommy had been speaking his mind when he said this even though he was under a spell,

'You people don't deserve to be Rangers just for the way you treat your so-called friends.'

That one had cut really deep, but he had to admit, it was pretty much on the money. Silently, he decided to file that away for future consideration before sleep claimed him.

Three Weeks Later, February 1997

Saturday mornings were supposed to be fun, but this day was anything but fun for Adam.

As he trudged into his bathroom to take his shower to begin the day, he was sore from head to toe. He'd been on the job for two years, but this had been possibly the most brutal battle he'd ever been involved in.

One thing was clear to him, the team wasn't as in sync as it usually was. That was perfectly clear when the Rangers had fought Rita's monster Impursonator 24 hours ago…twice. Nothing the Rangers had tried worked…nothing. Impursonator had survived every attack the Zeo Rangers had tried and she along with Cog Changer had pushed the team to its very limit. That wouldn't have happened two years ago.

Girls could fight, Adam knew, and the next time he saw Kimberly she'd probably give him a black eye after what he'd done. But that purse should have easily been discarded and the team couldn't even do that.

In addition, things were becoming much harder for Adam during battles; he was having a much harder time focusing during fights and sooner or later, he was going to become a liability.

He was fortunate that his parents, Sung-Yoo and Marlon were out of town on business that weekend because he had made a decision. He was not going to be a liability, whether anyone considered him his friends or not. In essence, he knew his time as a Ranger had, for now at least, come to an end.

Thus, history was about to change as Adam grabbed his communicator, pushed a button and disappeared in a flash of light.

Power Chamber, a few moments later

"Hold still, Tommy, you need some ice on that leg," Alpha 5 said as he applied an ice pack on Tommy's left leg; Tommy had slightly twisted his left ankle during yesterday's events and would be ginger for a few days. "You took a pretty nasty fall when the Zeo Megazord hit the ground yesterday."

"Yeah, I can't believe Rita made a good monster that almost beat us…or is it us that's the problem?" Tommy wondered. Before he could say anything more, a green flash appeared in the Power Chamber, startling them all.

"Aye-yi-yi, Adam what are you doing here?" Alpha 5 said. "We thought you all might enjoy your Saturday after that tough battle yesterday!"

"Uh, not so much, Alpha," Adam said, briefly sparing a glance at Tommy who seemed surprised as well, before turning back to his mentor and summoning his Zeonizers.

Tommy looked at Adam in surprise and thought, 'No way. He's not going to do what I think he's about to, is he?'

"Zordon, I've made a decision, an important one. I'm glad that Tommy's at least here for this. Zordon, I'm relinquishing my Powers and duties as a Power Ranger effective immediately," Adam said as he took off his Zeonizers and laid them on the control panel.

"Aye-yi-yi, Adam, you can't! I know you guys aren't at your peak right now, but we'd be short a Ranger and Gasket is increasing his attacks!" Alpha wailed.

"I'm sorry Alpha, but there is no other choice," Adam said. "It's just too much for me to bear anymore and I feel like a liability these days. The team needs someone it can count on and I think I know who my replacement will be. Being a Ranger is never more important than being a friend to someone, and if I can't be a friend then I don't deserve the Power either."

"We almost lost that battle yesterday to a purse and I know it's a team effort but in many ways I feel responsible for almost losing that fight yesterday. This is way worse than the identity stuff, way worse than escalating a battle and way worse than using your powers for personal gain," Adam added. "The team needs a bit of new blood and so I think the honorable thing for me to do is step away and seek some help. I know I haven't broken any of the three rules, per se, but this isn't about what rules I have or haven't broken."

"Adam, please, man," Tommy said, still in shock by Adam's declaration. "I know we've had our differences lately, but man, we need you out there. You are far from a liability."

Deep inside though, Tommy knew he was talking out of his ass. Deep inside, he agreed with Adam completely and was disappointed that more of the Rangers hadn't turned in their Powers as well.

"No, Tommy, you were right all along when you said we don't deserve to hold the Power," Adam said. "I doubt anyone will agree to relinquish the Power like I'm doing, but I feel it's the right thing to do. If I can't treat my own friends the way they should be treated then there's no way I should be out there."

"Tommy, the way I treated Kimberly…was no better than the way Scorpina treated me over two years ago," Adam said, which shook Tommy to the core. Tommy hadn't been in the park the day the Scorpina fiasco happened, but he and Kimberly had worked intensively with Adam to help him after that. He thought that Adam was past that phase…clearly that was not the case. "If I can't treat someone who helped me get past those nightmares better, then clearly I can't help this team anymore."

"Not to mention, both Tommy and Kimberly got me help after the Mirror of Regret situation. I felt like an easy target when I came on the team, and both of them got me through that. And this is how I repay them? No, I can't be out there if I can't hold up my end of the deal," Adam finished.

Zordon looked on in shock, as this was unprecedented for his Earth Rangers. Very rarely if at all had one of his Rangers stepped away voluntarily, and certainly not for circumstances like this.

A very sad smile crossed Zordon's face, but there was no doubt he was proud of Tommy's now former second-in-command; he'd taken charge of a bad situation that he'd put himself in and was obviously going to do his best to work his way out of it.

"Adam, I'd like to say I'm mad at you, but I'm really not. I'd like to have you out there for sure as we're better with you, but I was just talking out of my butt and I think you know that. I kind of wish you'd have waited until we get rid of Gasket, but I see where you're coming from," Tommy said. "We're still not the best of friends and may never be but you gained a lot of respect from me today. This is a very gutsy, courageous and honorable move. Have you told Tanya or anyone else?"

"No, I just made the decision this morning although it's been on my mind," Adam said. "Ideally, I'd like to have the entire team here with me, but when you make a decision and know it's the right choice, you just have to run with it. One thing I learned from holding the Ninjetti Powers for the first time is that you don't have to be a Ranger to have power. It's what's inside you that matters."

"That's correct…that's how Kimberly saved me from Gasket's control," Tommy said. "That is the heart of the Great Power and if nothing else, you understand that aspect."

"And there's one more thing to add to that; power comes from the mind, not the body," Alpha added, to which Adam nodded.

"It sounds like you're at peace with your decision. This had to be a difficult decision for you, but I do believe you have made the right decision," Zordon said. "I very much wish you good luck on reclaiming your relationships with this entire group. You have been one of my toughest and smartest warriors, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The road for you is about to be long and arduous, but if you believe, anything is possible."

"The one thing I'm concerned about, man, is that I'm concerned you're going to do something you're going to regret until the end of time," Tommy said. "I think you need professional help."

"Yeah, and who do I go to? I can't just go to a professional shrink for this one," Adam said.

"Have you met Sam Trueheart, my brother's father?" Tommy said. "I think he would like to meet at least one of my teammates. I'm sure he knows about what's happened to our group."

"Glad you mentioned him," Adam said. "If you take me to Sam for help, would your brother be willing to take my place on the team and keep everyone in line?"

"That would be a fair exchange. David takes your spot on the team, for help getting past your demons," Tommy said. "David's been itching for this chance, and I know he could keep everyone in line. I'd be happy to take you to see Sam; I don't trust any professional shrink, not with our duties and Sam it seems can see everything."

"Zordon, Alpha, you've been great to me and I owe you two and Tommy everything for giving me the chance. Having a chance to be great is all I've ever asked for and you gave me that chance. My heart will always be with all of you," Adam said as tears pricked his eyes. "I know this is just the first step back but maybe, just maybe, some day. Just please promise me one thing, all of you."

"What's that?" Zordon said.

"Please grant me that I can come here as a place of shelter if Rita, Zedd or the Machine Empire try to come after me during this time. The last thing I need is for them to come after me now after I've just given up my powers."

"I will always be indebted to you for your service and you will always have this building to come to if you need it," Zordon said. "Adam Christopher Park, may the Power protect you always."

Later that night

Though the group wasn't as close as they once were, news of what happened with the Power still traveled like wildfire, especially when it was big news like today.

By nightfall, every Earth Ranger past or present knew of the shocking events which had taken place in the Power Chamber earlier that day. Over the course of the day, Kat and Rocky had pleaded with Adam to reverse his decision, but he stood firmly behind his decision. Tanya had been much more understanding, and decided to spend as much time with him as she could so they were spending the night with Tanya and her family.

Currently, Tommy was on a three-way call with Kimberly and Aisha, who were both shocked at what happened.

"And he did it just like that? It just happened?" Kimberly asked. "That would explain the loss and sadness Aisha and I briefly felt this morning, but why? Why did he do it and why would I feel some sort of sympathy towards him?"

"I think he knew in his heart it was his time to leave. I doubt the others will take the hint, and everyone's got different opinions, but I think the Impursonator battle yesterday did it for him," Tommy said. "I think he's been brooding for a few weeks but yesterday was the tipping point. Kim, I'm telling you I gained a lot of respect for him as a man today. It takes a lot of guts to make that decision even when it's the right one. I was struck by one thing he said right before he left."

"And that was?" Kimberly said over the phone.

"That you don't have to be a Power Ranger to have powers; it's what's inside you that matters," Tommy said, "that even as civilians we can still make a difference."

"The lesson of the Great Power," Kimberly breathed out. Maybe, perhaps, the Frog was worth saving. "How come my so-called big brother hasn't realized this yet?"

"From what you two have told me about Jason, he tries to be too much of a macho man sometimes," Aisha said. She couldn't see Kimberly but knew Kim was rolling her eyes and nodding at that comment. "He's a good leader but may try to hang on too long because he's a bit too much of a macho man. I'd like Rocky to follow Adam's lead but there's no chance of that happening."

"Yeah, Rocky already has pleaded with Adam to come back but it's falling on deaf ears," Tommy said. "Rocky's too macho as well and too much of a class clown to truly understand what he did."

"Adam always did have a good heart, and always did want to do the right thing but has had the hardest luck that I can ever remember. I've known him way longer than you have, Kim," Aisha added. "The Mirror of Regret saga that he went through, I was there when some of those things happened to him when he was growing up and if it hadn't been for Rocky and I he'd have done something pretty dark."

"I think he thought he was doing the right thing where you were concerned Kim, but unfortunately for him that wasn't the case," Tommy finished.

"I hope he seeks help, if nothing else," Kimberly said. "No matter what happened to me, I would never want to see anyone else hurt themselves more than necessary."

"I've told you about Sam Trueheart, right Kim?" Tommy asked. When Kimberly concurred, Tommy said, "That's who I'm taking him to. Sam just always seems to know everything and I think can help him. In repayment, David will take Adam's place on the team effective Monday. Adam and I already called David and he's already agreed to do it."

"That's a good place for him to go, I think; out of town, away from everything, and maybe he can start to get everything straightened out," Kimberly said. "I'm still in shock guys, of all the people that I thought might regret their decision enough to hang it up, I seriously didn't think it would be Adam. I didn't think any of them would but I thought there was no chance it would be him."

"You thought it might be Jason, right?" Aisha said.

"Yeah, he could have given the Powers back to Trey or whatever his name is. Isn't he feeling weaker these days, Tommy?" Kimberly said.

"Yeah, from the vibe I'm getting he's wearing out with every battle that's taking place," Tommy said, then suddenly paused. "Girls, I have to end this call here, Mom's calling me for dinner."

"Tell Adam I wish him luck in getting help and give Tanya my regards," Aisha said.

"Later, Handsome," Kimberly said as Tommy ended the call, and sighed as he went downstairs to eat dinner.

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