Hermione sat opposite Harry at Gryffindor table. Harry had already begun his lunch, whilst Hermione had only just sat down.

Harry glanced to the space beside her. "Where's Malfoy," he commented airily.

Hermione gave a sheepish smile. "He wanted to take a quick walk."

Harry frowned. "What does he want to do that for? Hasn't he been outside all morning?" He looked back to Hermione. "How did that go, by the way?"

She blinked in surprise. "What?"

"The Quidditch."

"Oh," she sighed in relief. "Yeah; that was brilliant."

Harry stared over towards her. "I never thought I'd hear myself say this," he muttered, "But Malfoy has finally done something right."

Hermione laughed.

Harry's attention was abruptly caught; Hermione followed his gaze towards the entrance of the Great Hall.

Draco Malfoy sauntered confidently past the two grand doors, strolling through with a broad grin plastered to his face.

"He's in a good mood," Harry whispered.

The blonde continued with his assertive stride until he reached Harry and Hermione.

"Potter," he exclaimed brightly. "You look positively saintly today! And terribly worse for wear; I'm surprised the Weaselette has suffered with you for so long." He took his seat beside Hermione. "Nevertheless, we can't all stay mad at you, Scar head. I mean, I'd love to – I really would insult you all day, given the chance – but… isn't it just a bloody brilliant day today?"

Hermione rose her eyebrows and supressed her laughter; Harry looked dazed, as if having been hit by a hex.

Draco turned to face Hermione. "Granger! A pleasant surprise." He returned his gaze to Harry. "Wonderful day to play Quidditch, Potter. Played a fair game or two with Hermione here, myself. I tell you what, soon she'll be joining the team, the rate she's going. Brilliant stuff. Great weather for it, too."

Harry nodded warily. He went to interrupt, "Malfoy…?"

"I love Saturdays," Draco interjected brightly. He swung his gaze back to Hermione. His hand disappeared to grasp her own from under the table – unnoticed by that of Harry, or even others at the table. "What do you think, Granger?"

"Saturdays… well, even I have to admit, they're pretty brilliant," she said with a smirk.

"Exactly," Draco nodded in enthusiastic agreement, his smug grin far from wavering.


Draco strode out from the Great Hall, Hermione alongside him – the pair having excused themselves from Harry to study. Draco's gaze repeatedly caught snippets of her as they walked; he couldn't control the grin on his face.

The corridor they entered was sparse of people – both students and professors. Draco caught sight of a classroom door slightly ajar to one side, and quickly an idea arose.

His fingers laced around Hermione's wrist as he dashed into the abandoned classroom, pulling the door closed once they were both inside.

"Draco, what are you -?!"

He cut her off, pulling her into his arms and kissing her softly.

Draco broke away, his eyes glittering mischievously. "I had to," he confessed, with a light laugh. "I needed to know it wasn't a fluke."

Hermione rose her eyebrows. "Wasn't a fluke? Why couldn't you just ask, Draco?"

He shrugged. "Got more out of this," he muttered, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards.

Hermione blinked in surprised amusement.

"Anyway," Draco continued, after clearing his throat, "I wanted to ask you something."

"Could it not be asked in our common room," she questioned with a grin.

Draco pouted. "Granger, stop asking difficult questions and making logical points," he mumbled, yet spoken more with a loving whine than in annoyance.

She laughed. "Ask away," she gestured towards him.

He rose his eyebrows, the sudden prospect of his question finally hitting him, somewhat. "Hermione," he began, unsure of his words. "I haven't, liked you as a friend for very long – and neither have you liked me in return. But – and I suppose I must admit, it is thanks to you – past rivalry has been pushed aside, and I think I can't be exaggerating to say that this is thus a changing point in my life. Things have been difficult," he said, voice darkening at the thoughts rapidly swirling through his mind, "To be honest I never expected there would be much hope for me. Clearly you helped bring back my ego," he grinned. "Anyway, that wasn't my point: what I'm trying to say, is…" he frowned. "Granger; thanks."

Hermione rose her eyebrows. "No problem," she replied finally with a smile. "But it wasn't all down to me, you know. You could have easily ignored me."

"Well, Hermione – whilst my younger self would have been reluctant to admit this: I sincerely doubt I could have done. You see, at the time…" His hand rose to scratch nervously at the back of his neck. "I don't think I'd have had the effort to keep a hold of stubborn ignorance against anyone, even you. Hermione – you've become pretty important to me during the course of this year so far… but, I don't think, I'm quite up to giving a description of what happened during that time. For now, at least."

Hermione sighed, but gave an understanding nod. "Okay, Draco."

He frowned again. "Anyway, that wasn't even what I was planning to say." He paused to organise his thoughts, then turned his gaze directly to her. "You are my best friend, Hermione. It's not like I really have anyone else. And what happened, earlier today…" He watched as her expression dropped to a twinge of worry from the way he'd worded it. His eyebrows lifted; he brought a hand to hold one side of her face, his thumb brushing her cheek. "Hey, I'm not saying anything against it, Granger. I made the move, after all." Hermione brightened, eyes glittering and a smile perking up her features as a light blush tinted her cheeks. "No, I was merely wondering if you'd like to go out with me."

The blatancy of his statement stunned her slightly, even though she'd guessed his question was going to head in this direction. She grinned, studying his genuinely hopeful expression.

"You're a surprisingly sincere character, Draco," she commented.

"I certainly haven't always been, but I suppose one could say that; yes," he nodded. He went on with a smirk, "I'm also naturally charming. And clearly talented with both my intellect and pure skills. Known for my gift at Seeker, as well. Not just that…"

"Draco, you really don't need to brag about yourself to make me agree to your question," Hermione said, biting back a laugh.

He quirked an eyebrow. "Bragging? My dear Granger, I was stating factual evidence merely to create conversation whilst you came to your own decision." He grinned. "But, of course, I helped you to decide with my useful information, right?"

She shook her head in amusement. "Draco, I already made my decision, you dunce." He blinked in surprise; she took the opportunity to lean forward and kiss his cheek. "Why would I say no, you idiot," Hermione beamed.

Draco slipped into his room later that evening. Albeit having no reason to, he glanced around before pulling out his wand. He straightened his shoulders and narrowed his eyes towards the wand in his grip, before taking a deep breath.

His eyed fluttered shut as he began sifting for thoughts, for memories, for possibilities. His mind pointed him immediately to that of her. A smile lifted subconsciously across his face. He kept his thoughts directed at her. Hermione Granger.

He pictured her, fragments of memories piecing themselves together to display her before him.

His wand arm raised slightly.

He considered the overwhelming awe of her presence, and re-imagined as his lips met with hers.

His hand guided his wand in delicate, coordinated flicks.

He thought of being able to take her to the dance, to hold her in his arms and prove to everyone that she was now his. He grinned at the thought of being treated to everyone's surprise.

His lips parted.

"Expecto Patronum."

Swirls of great silver began to take form as the incantation enveloped the room. Draco beamed.

A/N - I had originally planned for this to be longer, but I think it works better like this (and I don't want it to be dragged out). It may not be my best pieces, but I'm chuffed I managed to complete it - and of course, I'm thankful for all the reviews!
I'll most likely be writing plenty of other things, so don't you guys worry ;)

Phew! This was very interesting to do, as it was my first long, multi-chapter fic, which I have learnt from by making and I look forward to future ones!

Thanks for reading x