I tried to make it funny, probably failed though... anyway, a slight continuation as requested
"Three Sword Style…"
Nami shook her head. "Wait why did we just catapult Shachi over there?" She knew why they sent Zoro; the man had the aura around him screaming 'back the fuck off, I need to break something and it might end up being you'.
"When Shachi suffers an allergic reaction, he starts to get a little crazy." Penguin was looking down at his now pink jumpsuit.
"Sorry, Bro…" Franky's shoulders slumped.
"Well, it's not like you knew." Law said. He looked down at the trembling Straw Hat beside him. "Luffy?"
The teen looked at them with a grin. "I have a great idea!"
Over on the Marine ships, the sailors were scrambling trying to defend against the wrath of the swordsman and crazed engineer. Several were muttering curses at their captain for attacking both Straw Hat and Heart pirates.
"Luffy, grab Shachi and throw him back to Penguin!"
"Got it!"
Both Captains landed on the deck of the ship spearing the attack. The Marines scrambled away, some fainted without Luffy using haki. The teen grabbed the Heart Pirate in mid-rampage and tossed him back toward the Sunny. He then headed over to the next ship while Law moved the opposite side. Just as the few Marines who were still conscious were about to breathe a sigh of relief, Franky's bulky form landed.
"OW! This here is the BF Pinkifier Mach 1! She's SUPER going to help you Marines show your support!" He struck a pose while at the same time blinding them with his nipple lights.
"Support for what?!"
"You'll see…"
And after much chaos, the pirates had every Marine tied up, and splattered in pink. "Boobies make us smile :)" was painted across each sail along with the Heart and Straw Hat Jolly Rogers on the deck and sides of the ship. Nami was currently turning the ships around to push them back toward the port they had come from.
"We took all the valuables and extra sails they had. It'll only take them a few hours to get back." Robin informed Luffy.
"Shishishi, awesome!" He waved at the Marines sailing away. "How's Shachi?"
"Fine. Still trying to tear his arm off though." Law sighed and looked over at his crew mate trying to scratch at the rash on his arms.
Franky had come back up with a special dye remover he had made. "It's going to take a while but we'll get all out eventually."
Law ended up tranquilizing Shachi, and Zoro got so drunk that he volunteered to help clean.
"Well, I call today a success." Luffy laughed as the sun began to set. He swiped Law's hat off his head and put his straw hat on him. "We should do this again."
Law adjusted the foreign hat on his head. "Sure, next year…"
Coby watched some of the Marine recruits train, fond memories coming back to him. Helmeppo came up and dropped a newspaper in his lap. "Look what Luffy did." Coby blinked and then began to flip through it. He couldn't help but smile.
"I've heard of this tradition. But I think they went a little over board."
"That's just how he does things, I guess." Helmeppo laughed and smiled along with his friend.
Princess Vivi was seen with splashes of pink in her attire for the rest of the month, Drum Island had more pink snow than usual, and throughout many other places in the world pink showed up more often for the rest of the month.
Garp sat down next to Sengoku in a pink shirt that he wore once a week for the month of October. He was handed a rice cracker while the former Fleet Admiral stared at paper. "That Grandson of yours…" Garp just laughed. "Pirates promoting awareness for cancer, what is this world coming to?"
"It's a new era, Sengoku, all we can do is watch. I have faith in him though, whatever he decides to do."