Chapter Four

Henry's POV

Pan had been gone for a while, we had just concluded a round of target practice, before he left. He said some pirates were trying to steal something, and he had to stop it.

He had soon arrived back at the camp. A girl now with him. Her cheek scorched, by looks if it; it looked painful. She sat on the wooden log, cupping her face, to me it didn't matter that she was burnt, to me she still looked beautiful.

I walked over to her, she quickly covered herself back up. She is scared, just like earlier when Greg and Tamara captured me.

"Hey... I'm Henry what's your name?" I say gently.

"I'm Winter..." she whispered.

Her voice is uneasy, whatever these pirates did I will avenge Winter.

Winter looks at me and looks down.

"Do you know where we are?" she whispered to me.

I nodded.

"I think Pan, said we were in Neverland..." I say with a smile.

"Well I'm glad that you told me... I was afraid I was going to be a lost girl forever." She says touching my hand with a small smile.

Pan's POV

"All is going to plan right Felix?" I ask him looking at Henry and Winter,

"Of course Pan, you should be able to bring her back as soon as the eclipse comes." Felix says with a smirk.

"Good, all we need to do is keep them away... and then I will have her back." Pan says simply.

General POV

"What do you mean you failed her Killian?" Emma says softly.

"A few years ago, before I came to your world Swan. I was sailing with my shipmates. No one had passed by our ship, which had put most of us in a bad mood. Then a light swarmed around the ship, I made it our mission to catch that light. Turns out it was a fairy named Zarina, she could manipulate fairy dust, and we got hooked. We betrayed her later." He says softly.

"What does this have to do with Winter exactly?" Regina says impatiently.

"Zarina is her mother, she was abandoned by her as a child. " Hook says looking down.

"Anything else that Zarina might have said about Winter that could be useful.

"Nothing." Hook says simply.

"Well dearies what's our next move... we can't just barge into Pan's camp. After all we don't know where that is" Rumple says with a teasing smile.

"For now, we rest we have a long night ahead of us." Emma says.

-Flashback Six Years Ago- (The Enchanted Forest) (I've been waiting to do this flashback)

A young man and woman, with a child at their side, are smiling and happy as they walk home.

"Alecsander you better find plenty of wood with Winter, so I can cook this meal I have planned. She needs to grow big and strong. Our angel of light." the woman says.

The woman's scarlet red hair glinted in the sun. She had turned away from her current life as a fairy, but she was able to keep her talent.

"Of course Z, I have the best wood hunter" Alecsander says ruffling his daughter's red hair.

"After Nature game?" Winter begged.

Overtime Winter and Alecsander gathered enough wood, to create a gigantic fire, and Alecsander was winning the current round of Nature.

Winter hadn't been really focusing on the game, the excitement that was heard from the other villages in the kingdom was luring her in like a siren's' song.

"How about we stop by and get a gift for your mother. We will get something to eat, and be back before its night." He says. (It is approximately two hours til dusk, in case you want a time approximation)

Winter's eyes went big and she nodded quickly.

Winter and Alecsander had never been happier, sharing a father and daughter dance and winning games galore. (I'm assuming that there are simple guess the pebble games)

The two of them held their riches smiling in delight, when a glint of silver caught her eye. She pulled her father close, it was a simple pendant with a silver horse with ruby eyes.

"Wonderful eye my darling." Alecsander says making stride to the booth. He scooped Winter into his arms and positioned her onto his shoulders.

"Good sir how much for the pendant?" Alecsander says.

"Twenty Five gold pieces." The merchant said with an ominously dark smile.

Alecsander handed him the pieces, and in return was given the necklace. "Thank you good sir." He says.

As Alecsander and Winter walked out of the view of the village, the Queen's carriage came into sight.

"I am looking for a thief, one who has stolen a valuable necklace from me two nights ago, anyone who knows of his or her whereabouts will be rewarded handsomely." Regina says making herself heard as she exited her coach.

The merchant from earlier approached the queen.

"The thief, and his daughter showed up a few minutes ago, they tried to sell me the necklace, they went due west your majesty." He bowed.

"Good, and for your honesty..." She smirked. She tossed him a medium sized diamond.

Regina ordered the coach and the knights to be ready.

Regina had managed to catch up with the thief, and cut him off.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Alecsander says angrily.

"You have stolen something valuable to the Queen!" Alecsander says angrily.

"You have stolen something valuable to the Queen!" A knight snarled at Alecsander.

"Easy now, give him a chance to explain." Regina says with a slight smirk.

"Your majesty, I would never steal, I have a wife and child. We had stepped foot in the village only hoping to participate in the festivities. I bought the pendant as a gift for my wife." He says defensively.

"Interesting." Regina says her lips forming a cold smile.

"Do you normally give your wife a betrothal necklace?" She shouted angrily.

Regina showed everyone, now revealing the second charm on the necklace, a silver circle, saying simply. For our special day Love, Daniel

"Your majesty... I never..." He started.

"SILENCE!" She ordered.

"Since you tried to steal from me I should take something of yours." Regina says.

Within seconds the knights grabbed Winter, and their queen reached for the girl's heart. The heart had a mysterious silver glow. Which almost shocked the queen on impact.

Well then, since I can't take her heart…" Regina says with a smirk.

The knights grabbed Alecsander, and Regina ripped out his heart before turning it to ash.

Winter let out a scream, loud and mighty.

Regina hopped back into the carriage, leaving Winter alone with her father's lifeless corpse.

The knights followed after their Queen.

Within seconds Winter dragged Zarina to Alecsander.

Zarina looked at her daughter, tears in her eyes, followed by anger and rage. She ripped off her own pendant, which contained a silver powder.

"You are not an angel of light you're an angel of Death!" She spat.

Meanwhile, following the festival, the merchant was packing up. When no one was looking, the men who once stood was no more, a black shadow was what remained. The shadow floated into the night sky and soon landed on an island.

The day that he had been waiting centuries for was soon coming, the Heart of the Truest Believer and the Heart of the Truest Faith would soon meet. He now needed to be patient. He was going to need to need a new form in order to get The Reviver on his side.

In seconds, he concentrated on his new form. Staring into the ocean, it was complete.

He marveled at his new creation, it had soft white hair, a jagged scar on his face. He was tall like before.

He reached for the pointed stick to his left side, and formed a staff with the rock to his right.

He went through millions of names for this fake form of his, until he found one that he liked. Felix. He'd lead the Reviver to his destiny, even if he had to trick him to do it.

So…. I know that the weird thing Felix=Shadow, thing but bear with me I think it was a good idea. We have now learned a huge chunk of Winter's past. Henry and Winter have officially met. Now it's up to you, you can shoot me a PM if you want more of Winter's past or if you want Pan's? Also let me know if you guys want more Winter and Henry action! Alright I don't own Once Upon a Time