
Disclaimber: I don't own Once Upon a Time, just Winter Bennett my OC.

Summary: Season Three! AU! A new girl appears in Neverland, with a dark past and a with an even darker potential, who can save her? Perhaps the son of the Savior?

Pan is not Rumple's Father, just an evil kid!

Chapter One

-Six months earlier-

The calm, cool air brushed across the island. The girl awoke to the loud chirping of the birds. Her lips were chapped to the mix of saltwater and exposure to the sun.

Slowly, she got to her feet her bright scarlet red hair tumbling out of her once comfortable braid. She soon felt it, the glass shard that been protruding out of her leg. Getting it out would be no problem, however stopping the bleeding would be nearly impossible without the proper tourniquet.

She hobbled weakly into the deep forests of the island, this was the first time she actually felt vulnerable.

He had sensed her coming on his island. He didn't need the boys' help, she was a girl, who in his mind showed a lot of potential. It was now a matter of opportunity, he could enlist her now and destroy her later. But there was something else inside of her was it sorrow, remorse or was it regret. The boy smirked to himself, as a new plan came together.

He disappeared into a pale green smoke, the girl's trust and the heart of the truest believer would be his.

She had continued to walk applying smallest amount of pressure on her leg.

Come on Winter, you've dealt with harder problems than this. You can take care of this shard of glass.

"You know that's not very wise... applying pressure to a wound. I mean if you want to make it more painful for yourself. "The boy says from behind Winter.

Winter turns around pulling out her dagger from her boot. And pins Peter to the tree.

"Who are you? And where am I?" Winter says trying not to show a pained expression on her face.

"Easy, put down the dagger. And I'll answer your questions. "He says.

Slowly she puts down the blade, her one defense against the potential threat.

"Now we're on Neverland, it's my island, and I'm Peter Pan." he says.

Winter nodded slowly putting together the pieces of the story. She slowly nodded, when she winced in agony. Her face twisted slightly.

"You're in pain?" he says. His voice was full of concern, the last time she heard a concerned voice like that it was Calen's.

"It's nothing, honest, just a minor injury." Winter says trying to force a small smile.

Peter chuckled,

"I admire your attempt to be brave, you never told me your name. "Peter says giving Winter a small smile.

"I'm Winter... Winter Bennett" She says wincing slightly.

"Well Winter, I could heal you, and you could stay here." He says softly. His hand glowed softly removing the shard of glass from her leg. An additional blue powder crept out of his fingers.

Her eyes faintly glowed blue, and she smiled.

"Thank you, I've never had someone care for me so much before." She whispered softly.

"Of course, let me introduce you to my friends, the Lost boys" He says.

Storybrooke (six months later)

Henry sat at Granny's eating his usual sandwich and a hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon. It was currently very quiet in the diner. The silence was both unsettling and settling at the same time. Everyone was currently working on a way, to help his mom with becoming a better person, instead of being known as an Evil Queen.

"Henry Mills?" a male voice says.

Henry looked up, it was the voice of Greg Mendell, he didn't know him very well but he knew not to trust him.

"You're coming with us. "The woman who was standing beside Greg says. She had pulled out a gun from her pocket.

Henry's eyes went wide slightly.

"Now don't struggle, we don't want this to be messy. "Greg calmly. The calmness was unsettling to Henry. Henry scanned the diner looking for an escape route to get away from them.

Henry got up and was instantly pulled back down by Tamara.

"Come on now Henry, you have an appointment with the Home office. "Greg said calmly while Tamara zip tied his wrists together.

Henry walked hesitantly nearby his captors hoping that both his moms would find him.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked. His voice wasn't full of confidence, but it also wasn't full of fear either.

"How many times do we have to say it; The Home Office. "Tamara says.

"Henry!" Emma yelled once they reached the diner.

"Damnit! They took him, I'm so sorry Swan" Hook says with a sad look on his face.

Before Emma could even reply to Hook, Regina slapped Hook angrily.

"Because of you both my beans and my son are gone! Now you want to apologize for something that is completely and utterly your fault! Where are they taking him?!" Regina says.

"Regina calm down, if they have the beans they're going to be making a portal." Snow says softly.

"The dock!" David exclaims loudly.

"Let's go!" Emma says.

"You're not going without us are you Ms. Swan? "Rumple says with a teasing smile.

He looked down at his hand, which was intertwined with Belle's.

"Belle, you should stay..."he says softly.

"I'm not leaving your side not now not ever. "Belle says. She was serious on the decision.

"I hate to interrupt your very interesting conversation but my son!" Regina says angrily.

Rumple kissed Belle's cheek softly and followed beside the group of heroes.

The Docks

As they were about to catch up with Greg, Henry and Tamara, they had thrown the bean into water and jumped in.

"Henry!" Emma yelled.

And he was gone in a puff of green smoke.

"Where are they taking him?" Regina says

"Neverland." Hook says simply.


"He won't be happy with you" a voice says teasingly.

"Just because Pan accepts you doesn't mean we have to" the taller boy says bitterly.

"Oh, doesn't it. You know it is you his responsible for finding the heart, I just have to get rid of the people who stand in his way." The girl says angrily.

"Just stay out of my way!" He says.

"Now, now Felix, you know you're always Pan's favorite lost boy" She teased.

"I'm just his favorite girl in general, and we have to get the heart. Greg and Tamara are waiting "She smiled evilly. The blue of her eyes shimmered.

So this is my first Once Upon a Time story, hopefully between me and sky we hope that you enjoy the story! Thanks for reading, just read and review!