So, it's been over a year for this one, sorry about that. I was having a bit of writers block with it. After stepping away from it for a little bit though, I was able to refocus on how I wanted the chapter to turn out. Sorry if I scared anyone with that short Hiatus I put on this story. I do not own Yugioh, or any of the songs I used in this story. Enjoy!

Chapter 18

Yugi flicked the CD player onto Reloaded by theIDEA. Then he turned it up, and faced Yami. Yami frowned, and shifted from one foot to the other. Poor thing looked so out of place, Yugi almost felt sorry for him, but it was he who wanted to do this.

"Hit me," Yugi ordered.

Yami's eyes got so round, and he shook his head so much it made him look like a bobble head.

"Come on, Yami, hit me."

"No, I can't."

"Yeah, I'm well aware. But you need to. Come, just punch my hand."

"But it's already hurt. I don't want to hurt it more."

"Trust me, as pitiful as your punching skills are, you won't."

"I don't have pitiful punching skills!"

"Oh yeah? Prove it. Hit my hand."


"Urgh!" Yugi yelled in frustration. "What're you so damn afraid of?! I need to test your strength skills, Yami. Something I can't do if you won't even take a swing at me."

"You'll hit me if I hit you."

"Huh? What?"

"Atem told me that the bean bag up here was a substitute for me," Yami muttered toeing the ground as he avoided looking at him. "He said I really upset you with my hurtful words. Also, that if I really wanted to learn self-defense to just ask my Dad to teach me. He didn't think it was the best idea to learn from you anymore."

"Alright, sit down," Yugi sighed. When Yami refused, Yugi walked up to him, forced him down. Grabbing a stool, Yugi sat down as well, his hands clasped in front of him.

"Are you going to hit me again?"

"No. Just let me think. I've never met another that didn't want to knock me out. You're definitely a first."

"Your brothers wanted to knock you out?"

"Of course, I had a foul tongue, and was very disrespectful. They were the first ones that did, and the last. An older kid taught me how to fight back. My brothers found out, and taught me something that shaped the way I fought. Protect the weak, and punish the strong. Our happy little family was broken up shortly after. Maybe it was fate that I was taught to fight in the previous home. In the next, the older boys were abusing the younger girls. It was terrible."

"So, this is how you teach to defend huh?" Atem asked coming into the room.

Yugi smirked, before looking up at him. An idea suddenly came into his mind. Yami refused to fight for himself, but would he fight to protect someone else? He would he protect Atem?


"Come here," Yugi said standing up and walking over to one the support beams in the weight room. "Stand with your back to the pole."


"Yami was raised like the little lamb that I claim him to be. However, with the right motivation, even lambs can become rams for a small moment in their lives."

"Um, alright," Atem said and put his back to the pole.

"Now, put your hands behind the pole, and let your wrists make contact with one another."

"Is this designed to cause me pain?"

"No, just make you uncomfortable," Yugi replied taking some rope off of one of the hooks on the wall. Atem couldn't see what he was doing, but obeyed him a little cautiously. Yugi quirked an eyebrow, way too easy. He tied his wrists together. Then quickly bound his chest back to pole, when he started to struggle.

"What're you doing?!"

"Listen, I'm going to pretend to hit you, and you will act like you're in pain, or I will hit you for real, got it?" Yugi whispered in his ear quickly.

Atem nodded once to show that he understood. Yugi patted his face, grinning before turning to Yami. Yami was still sitting where Yugi had forced him to, watching with that oh-so-cute look of confusion.

"Damn, that look of his does too many things to me."

"I'll bet. So glad I'm not affected." Yugi picked up some bandages off of the ground, and started to wrap them around his hands. "So, Yami, here's how this is going to work. You're going to come at me full force, and if you don't, I will hit Atem."

"Hey! You just said that seeing me tied up should be enough to get his blood boiling."

"Yeah, I lied." Damn, Atem was a good actor. It made him wonder if that was the field he was planning in going in as soon as he graduated.

"That's not fair! You can't attack my boyfriend just because I'm too scared attack you."

"I agree with, Yami!"

"I had no doubts that you would. Now come, Yami, hit my hand!"

"No! You'll hit me back!"

"I don't need to now that Atem's here," Yugi replied ramming his fist into the latter's abdomen. Atem coughed spittle into his face. "Don't criticize my teaching techniques again."


Yugi turned back to Yami, wiping the spit off his face, "Hit me, Yami!"

"No! It's wrong to hit others!"

"Urgh!" Yugi turned to Atem, who gasped in pain as his fist barely brushed his abdomen this time. He'd been expecting to be hit. Yugi wasn't planning on hitting him anymore tonight though.

"Do you like this?" Yugi asked grabbing Atem's hair, and pulling his head back to show a look of pure pain on his face. "Do you get off seeing your boyfriend in pain?"

"No," Yami whined tears shining in his eyes.

"Then do something about it! Show me the ram that lies within you!"

"No." Yami dropped to his knees, his hands covering his mouth.

Yugi yelled in aggravation, and punched the pole above Atem's head. Atem stared at his hand, fear the most evident thing in his eyes. That was right, they'd never seen his anger spin out of control. Sighing, he let his blunt nails drag over the thin white paint on the pole. Then he untied Atem, and let him drop. Enough, Yami wasn't going to attack him, and attacking Atem had the opposite effect on him than what Yugi wanted.

"Pathetic," Yugi whispered as Yami crawled over to Atem. His hand barely brushed his hair when he pulled it away as if he'd been burned, as he looked up at Yugi. "Not even man enough to protect those you care about. You're not a lamb at all, Yami. You act like a timid little girl. You're wasting my time."

Yugi turned to leave, and was barreled over from behind. He rolled with the one who had attacked him on the ground a couple of times, before pinning them down to the ground. Yami was the one he was pinning down. Interesting. He just found Yami's button, which was what he'd been looking for in the first place.

"I'm gonna bash your head in!" Yami screamed at him.

Yugi just laughed. That was just too cute. Yami…bashing his head in…oh, too good. Apparently Atem thought so too.

"Yami, you can't even hold him down. How're you going to bash his head in?"

"I'll use a bat."

"Looks like you might have to commit a crime so you can keep your property safe, oh Possessive one."

"Shut up."

"So, girly, are you ready to fight me now?" Yugi taunted.

The reaction from Yami was instant as he grappled at Yugi's bandaged hands, and swung his legs as he tried to dislodge him. Oh yeah, that was definitely Yami's button to push. It almost made him wonder why. Almost.

"Yugi, enough. Yes, you found something that makes him go a little crazy, but don't push it."

"Why not? I want to see the girly girl bash my head in."

"I'm serious, knock it off. You don't even know why that's his crazy button."

"So is the gi-mmf!"

Atem had jumped to his feet and clapped a hand on his mouth while dragging him off of Yami. He let go of Yugi as Yami jumped to his feet. Yugi held up his hands with a wicked smirk on his face as Yami took wild swings at him. None of the punches hit his hands, or any part of him really, Yugi was able to dodge all of them with ease. He looked more like a gorilla on a rampage than the cute little lamb they all knew.

"Come on, Yami, control that rage and hit my hand," Yugi demanded. "Hit it!"

"I don't want to hit your hand! I want to hit your temple!"

"So do it! If you can I mean. We all know how pathetically weak you are. I'll actually be surprised if you can land a blow to any part of my body in your blind rage." Yugi looked over Yami's shoulder to see Atem leaning against the wall looking bored. "So, tell me Possessive one, why is that his trigger word?"

"Don't!" Yami shouted whirling around to face him too. "He'll think less of me."

"Uh, Yami, he already does," Atem said looking uncomfortable. "He thinks less of us all."

"No, I meant more than he does already."


"You do realize that it'll come out eventually, right?" Yugi asked sneaking up behind him and whispering into his ear. A slight tremor went down Yami's spine. Damn, this kid was super sensitive.

"Look, when we were in Middle School some kids from High School, I think they were Sophomores or something, attacked him. They forced him into girl clothes, and posted them all over the school, and town, alright? Are you happy now?"

"And where are they now?"

"I don't know. Some College?"

"Which one?"

"Does it matter?"

Yugi swiped Yami to the side as he stalked towards Atem. "Yes, it does."

"What're you going to do? Beat them up?"

"Of course not. I'm going to shove them in drag, and then put them on display for all to see."

"On display? On display where?"

"In a display case, naturally. Where else do you put things on display?"

"Can't you just not pick a fight with someone?" Atem asked in an aggravated voice.

"Well, did they receive any repercussions from their actions?"

"Yeah, a few days' suspension."

"Anything else?"

"No. Wasn't that enough?"

"A slap on the wrist. They'll do it again. After all, they got away with it the first time didn't they? What a joke."

"They got suspended, Yugi! How is that a slap on the wrist?"

"Until you've been in serious trouble, you'll have no idea what that term means."

"I have been in serious trouble!"

"Really? Name one time."

"I spilled your past to the school, and am now being forced to go to that stupid activities committee thing every week."

"Atem, that was a warning. Not a slap on the wrist. I let them give you a warning, mostly because I needed your speed on the team, but also because I knew you wouldn't do it again."

"Pfft, you got that right."

"If you ever want to get into some serious trouble though, you should get together with my brothers and me. We'll show you what real trouble looks like. In fact, we should do that! This weekend. Yeah! Let's turn the town upside down!"

"Uh, I'm not sure if that's such a good idea. My Father might have a fit. He holds me doubly accountable for holding up the law, you know."

"Heh, who said we were going to tear up this town? I've been dying to check out my brother's new place anyway."

"No thanks," Atem said quickly grabbing Yami's hand and yanking him into his side. "So, ever since that day we've been keeping Yami safe in a nice little protective circle."

"Perhaps a little too safe? If anyone needs that bubble popped, it's Yami."

"Stay away from my boyfriend, Mutou."

"I don't want him, Kodai," Yugi spat out heading towards the door. "Still, though, I really think we should disperse whatever fairytale land he's been allowed to live in for all this time. It's not going to help him in the real world."

Yugi left the workout room, making an immediate decision that he was going to do it. He was going to see the Twins, and Kitty Kat this weekend. Yes, leaving town would be technically breaking his parole, but he'd be breaking it in a far larger way in April. Still, the Judge that gave that order was no longer in power. Nah, he had a comfy jail cell to call his home now.

The rest of the week passed by in a relatively normal fashion. The only difference was Kodai Sr. blowing up at him after Yugi strolled into his office and told him of his plans for that weekend. In all honesty, he should've been happy that Yugi took the time to inform him instead of just doing it, and telling him after the fact mattered.

"I was just letting you know so you wouldn't start combing the woods for me," Yugi scoffed his hand on the door.

"So, we're just going to Cochran, checking out your brother's new home, and then coming back, right?"

"That's what I said, Chief."

"Why tell me? Why not Penny?"

"Tch, don't be arrogant, she already knows. My teammates saw to that. Bunch of gossipers."

"And she has no issue with your plans?"

"Of course she does. She just isn't trying to stop them because my mind is made up on the matter."

"I can always put you in a holding cell all weekend long."

"Don't worry, I know how to pick a lock."

"Just…don't get arrested, okay?"

"I make no guarantees," Yugi replied with a wicked grin and then left the room.

Chief Kodai slumped into his chair, forehead hitting the desk, as he banged his fist softly against the papers on it. Yugi shook his head at the behavior as he walked out of the precinct, there had probably been a lot of muttering accompanying the beating of his fist upon the desk. Yugi just didn't care enough to stick around and find out what it was.

"Mutou! Mutou!" Yugi paused, and turned around. "Just don't involve our children, okay?"

Yugi gave him a rare smile, shaking his head, "no worries there, no one wants to come."


"See ya! I've gotta get to work," Yugi said ignoring his surprise and walking out of the precinct.

What he had told the Chief had been mostly truth. No one who had a good brain wanted to come. One guess as to who still did. Yugi wasn't taking him though, not without at least one of the others, preferably the possessive one.

"Hey Sampson!" Yugi called out as soon as he walked through the door.

"You're late!" he said back poking his head out of the back.

"Yeah, I had to stop by Kodai Sr.'s workplace to let him know I was skipping town this weekend. Which reminds me, I need a day or two off."

Sampson sighed as he rolled his eyes. "You do realize that if this were a big corporation, this kind of notice would never be acceptable, right?"

"Lucky for me it isn't then, huh?"

"Whatever, do what you want. In the meantime, stack those CDs over there, and I'll turn on this new artist that I came across today. NF. Ever heard of him?"

"Nope! Put him in, and we'll only hope he's good enough to please me."

"Pfft!" Sampson put a hand over his mouth as he tried his best to reel in his laughter.

This was why Yugi didn't mind hanging around his boss, he was easy to amuse. Just make a suggestive comment, and the guy fell over himself with laughter. That was also probably why most called him a perv, but Yugi knew he was straight as a shooting gun. He'd seen enough woman coming and going from this place over the years to prove it. Most of them had been wearing the same disheveled clothes from the day before.

Sampson put the CD into the player, and Yugi got started on his work as the door opened behind them.

"You little liar!" Atem's voice shouted as the first bit of the track came on. "You know as well as I do that Yami wants to go."

"He can want all he wants. He's not going."

"Uh, what?" Atem sounded confused, "You're not going to drag him along anyway?"

Yugi sighed, turning to face him, "no, I'm not. The last thing I need to worry about is our little lamb getting trashed by other people."


"Oh, don't take it like that. You know very well what I mean."

"And if he tries to come anyway, how're you going to stop him?"

"That's not my job. It's yours. You're his Dom, perhaps you need to tighten his leash."

"His what?" Atem asked.

"Why do I even bother trying to communicate with you guys?" Yugi sighed.

"What's a Dom?"

"Clearly not you. Which is weird, cause I could've sworn you were."

"Look, I'll figure out what that means later. Just…if Yami starts to follow you tomorrow, send him back home. I don't really care if he looks like a kicked dog with his tail in between his legs. Just send him home."

"You got it, oh Possessive One," Yugi said giving him a flourishing bow.

Atem rolled his eyes, nodded at Sam, and then left.

"So the music?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, play it!" Yugi said excitedly. He turned to the shelf, and then turned back to Sam. "You know, I think you might be growing on them."

"Well, that's not good. That means they'll be in here more often."

Yugi laughed, and went back to stacking the shelves as Sam pressed play on the CD Player. Yugi tried to tune into the songs, but actually ended up tuning them out as he worked. At least until one came on that peaked his entire interest.

Yeah, I ain't sleeping lately
I ain't sleeping lately
Yes I know that I'm the only person that can change me
Maybe, that's why I ain't changing
That's why I ain't changing
I got too much on my mind I guess I don't know how to face it

I just don't know how to face it
I don't know how to face it, yeah
I don't know how to face it
I don't know how to face it
I don't know how to face it, how to face it

Yugi paused in a stack of Taylor Swift as he turned to the player. Sam noticed immediately, and turned it up slightly without even glancing in his direction. Must have been the lack of hearing plastic case being stacked on plastic case. Or perhaps the small curses when he realized that there was another of the one CD and now had to rearrange an entire row of CDs just to make it fit.

Don't know how to face it
Let's go back to basics
Yes say what you mean, do what you say, but man I hate this
I just don't know what I'm chasing, don't know what I'm chasing
Yes, somebody told me
Life is something you don't wanna play with
But I just keep on playing like life is just a playground
I go through this mood swings
Watch everything slide down
I look at myself and I ask me what the goal is
Yeah tell me what your goal is
I'm just so lost in emotions, I don't even notice
I just slipping to a place and I don't think straight
Devil in my ear tryna tell me everything's great
And in a year I realize I'm in the same place
Running in the same race same pace

Don't know how to face it
Let's go back to basics
Think about the words you 'bout say before you say it
Sin is bittersweet I taste it, bittersweet I taste it
Get that sickness out my mouth
I feel like my train is derailing
I can feel it
Yo these words are only words until they actions
Words until they actions strive on empty satisfactions
Yeah the fact is I don't know, fact is I don't know
Yeah I get on these stages say that I put on a show
But yeah that show it don't mean nothing
If I don't live my lyrics, if they don't feel the spirit in my songs
Then they don't hear it
Homie yeah that don't mean nothing
This ain't all about appearance
Everything starts with the man in the mirror

"Hm, that was a good one," Yugi muttered as he went back to stacking CDs. He cursed a few moments later when he saw another Reba McEntire CD on the bottom of stack. S and M those letters were nowhere near one another in the alphabet. What the hell?

"So, is this one a keeper?"

"Yeah, we can keep him. Does he have any more CDs besides the one?"

"Yes, he has three in total, so far, and some guy sold all of them to me. Something about how he didn't think Rap and Religion should go together. Personally, I think he's wrong."

"How so?"

"You can't judge on how someone decides to show their religious beliefs. If this Nate feels closer to God by rapping than more power to him. Besides that, this rapper is definitely a different colored stick from the rest of them. Not once, in any of his tracks do I hear him bashing women in the way that most artists of this genre do. Actually, in one he bashes the rappers that bash women."

"That is unique, but isn't that like putting a bullseye on his chest?"

"Maybe, but I really don't think he cares. He sings about what matters to him, and by doing so, the rest of the world. I've actually found myself connecting to him on several songs already. That's why I thought you'd like them. I thought, maybe Yugi will connect too."

"So, what's that song called? The one where he bashes other rappers?"


"Ooo, can we listen to it?"

"That would be going out of order."


"No, you know how I do this we start at the beginning and work our way to the end."

"Yeah, I know all about your rules."

"Hm, just listen for the one called Paralyzed. I think you'll like that one too."

"Sure, if you say so."

Yugi half listened to the CD until the one called Paralyzed came on. He immediately felt the need to tune it out as soon as the lyrics started to play over in his head. He should like this one? More like unlike it. Motivated made him feel more passion.

When did I become so numb?
When did I lose myself?
All the words that leave my tongue
Feel like they came from someone else

I'm paralyzed
Where are my feelings?
I no longer feel things
I know I should
I'm paralyzed
Where is the real me?
I'm lost and it kills me - inside
I'm paralyzed

When did I become so cold?
When did I become ashamed? (ooh)
Where's the person that I know?
They must have left
They must have left
With all my faith

I'm paralyzed
Where are my feelings?
I no longer feel things
I know I should
I'm paralyzed
Where is the real me?
I'm lost and it kills me - inside
I'm paralyzed

I'm paralyzed
I'm scared to live but I'm scared to die
And if life is pain then I buried mine a long time ago
But it's still alive
And it's taking over me - where am I?
I wanna feel something, I'm numb inside
But I feel nothing, I wonder why
I'm on the race of life and time passes by
I sit back and I watch it, hands in my pockets
Waves come crashing over me but I just watch 'em
I just watch 'em
I'm under water but I feel like I'm on top of it
I'm at the bottom and I don't know what the problem is
I'm in a box
But I'm the one who locked me in
Suffocating and I'm running out of oxygen

I'm paralyzed
Where are my feelings?
I no longer feel things
I know I should
I'm paralyzed
Where is the real me?
I'm lost and it kills me - inside
I'm paralyzed

I'm paralyzed (Yeah, I'm just so paralyzed)
Where are my feelings? (Yeah, I'm just so paralyzed)
I no longer feel things (I have no feelings)
I know I should (Oh. How come I'm not moving? Why aren't I moving? Ay yeah)
I'm paralyzed
Where is the real me? (Where is the real me? Where is the real me?)
I'm lost and it kills me - inside (I'm paralyzed, I'm paralyzed)
I'm paralyzed (I'm paralyzed)

"This is the real me, Sam, and he's not going anywhere."

"Yes, I know, but what wasn't the part I thought you could relate to."

"Oh yeah? Than what?"

"The last verse before the chorus."

"The one where he's talking about being underwater, but also on top of it?"

"Yep, that's the one."

"I'm not suffocating, Sam. I'm move freely, with no restraints."

"Hmph, well just listen to the last one, and then we'll move onto Therapy Session."


"It's the name of the Album. Therapy Session."

"Ah. Okay."

Yugi started to stack the CDs again, as the last song played, and then Sam switched out the CD for the next one. Yugi cursed as he came across the next CD in his hand. Toby Keith. What the hell was he doing mixed up with Keith Urban? Okay, yes, there was a common name there, but it was just… ugh. This had 'I did this on purpose to frustrate you because you were late' written all over it. Yugi gave Sam an exasperated look, and he just shot a look back at him. It clearly said 'don't be late'. Yugi shook his head, and just focused on the music as he went through the CDs he'd been given, and started to re-sort them, before trying to stack them again.

Yeah, I gotta say like a month ago
I was talking to fans
And one of them pulled me aside and said
"We never met but I swear that you know who I am
I been through a lot
I don't know how to express it to people
Don't think that I can but I got that mansion CD on rotation
That's real for me Nate, you do not understand"
It's crazy for me
Kids hit me up, say they slitting they wrists on the daily
This music is more than you think
Don't book me for just entertainment, it's entertaining
Hearing these parents, they telling their kids
My music is violent, you gotta be kidding me
I guess that your definition of violence and mine
Is something that we look at differently
How do you picture me, huh?
Want me to smile, you want me to laugh?
You want me to walk in the stage with a smile on my face
When I'm mad and put on a mask, for real though
I mean, what you expect from me?
I'm tryna do this respectfully
They say that life is a race
I know my problems'll probably catch up eventually
I do my best to be calm
How you gon' write me and tell me you slaughter my family?
That's just a glimpse to the stuff that get sent to me
These are the parts of my life they don't ever see, woo
I am aware it's aggressive
I am not here for acceptance
I don't know what you expect here
But what you expect when you walk in a therapy session, huh?

Therapy, therapy session
Therapy, therapy session

This girl at the show looked me in the face
And told me her life's full of drama
Said her dad is abusive
Apparently he likes to beat on her mama
I got so angry inside
I wanted to tell her to give me his number
But what you gon' do with it right?
You gon' hit him up then he'll start hitting her harder
That's real
These kids, they come to my shows
With tears in their eyes
Imagine someone looking at you
And saying your music's the reason that they are alive
Sometimes, I don't know how to handle it
This type of life isn't glamorous
This ain't an act for the cameras
You see me walk on these stages but have no idea what I'm dealing with after it
I put it all in the open
This is the way that I cope with all my emotion
I'm taking pictures with thousands of people
But honestly, I feel like nobody knows me
I'm trying to deal with depression
I'm trying to deal with the pressure
How you gon' tell me my music does not have a message
When I'm looking out at this crowd full of people I know I affected?
Ah, I got some things in my life, I know I should let 'em go
Let me jot it down, let me take a mental note
I put it all in this microphone, think about that for a minute
What is the point of this song, I'm just venting but what you expect from a therapy session, huh?

Therapy, therapy session
Therapy, therapy session

What you think about me
That doesn't worry me
I know I handle some things immaturely
I know that I need to grow in maturity
I ain't gon' walk on these stages in front of these people
And act like I live my life perfectly
That doesn't work for me
Christian is not the definition of a perfect me, woo
I ain't the type to be quiet
I ain't gon' sit here in silence
If I wouldn't say what I say to your face
Then I promise you I wouldn't say it in private
I am not lying
People go off on my page and I'm trying to quit the replying
But this is ridiculous
I'm passionate man, I really mean what I'm writing
You want me to keep it 100? Okay, I'll keep it 100
I see a whole lot of talking on socials
But honestly, I don't see nothing in public
I kinda love it, yeah
"Why don't you write us some happy raps?
That would be awesome
All your music is moody and dark, Nate"
Don't get me started
You wanna know what it's like if you met me in person?
Listen to my verses
This music is not just for people
Who sit in the pews and pray at the churches
I won't reject it
I don't expect everyone to respect it
I don't expect you to get my perspective
What you expect from a therapy session?

I mean, I think sometimes people they confuse what I'm doing
I write about life, I write about things that I'm actually dealing with
Something that I'm actually experiencing, this is real for me
Like this is something that personally helps me as well
I'm not confused about who gave me the gift
God gave me the gift and he gave me the ability to, to do this
And he also gave me this as an outlet
And that's what music is for me
When I feel something, whether it's anger
Um, it's a passion about something, or frustration
Like this is where I go, this is, this is, that's the whole nfrealmusic thing man
This is real for me, I need this, this is a therapy for me

Yugi had stopped sorting, stacking, and just sat there as those last words kept playing over and over again in his head. This is a therapy for me. That's what running was for him. Therapy. What living in the wild had been. Therapy, for him. That source had been ripped from him though. Soon though, soon he'd be right back out there again. Still attending school, but healthy again. He'd be healthy again. Yugi shook himself, and started to sort again.

The rest of the CD passed in a blur as Yugi kept up a rhythm of sorting and stacking. The music becoming nothing more than background noise. Something that was there to keep him busy. It was only when a hand tapped his shoulder did he snap out of his stupor. The CDs fell from his hands as he slammed his hand against the person's throat, and the person against the shelves. He wasn't even thinking about it as it happened, simply a reaction.

"Yugi! Yugi! Let her go! Let her go!" someone was shouting.

Yugi looked towards the person to see Sam. "Let her go!" he said again.

Yugi looked back at the person he was holding against the merchandise. He blinked before letting her go. She slid to the ground, coughing and hacking. As soon as she got her breath back though, she was demanding that he be fired or she was going to sue his store.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but I can't fire him," Sam said cautiously. "Besides, there was sign on the door when you came in saying 'don't touch the employees, or you might get hurt or worse.' So, you can try to sue me if you want to, but I can just argue that you ignored my sign. Probably thought it was joke, but anyone who knows Mutou in this town knows that it's no joke when you touch him."

"Yeah, well, my Daddy's a cop and he's not going to like this!" she bragged pointing to her neck where a bruise was already starting to form.

"No, probably not, but Chief Kodai is actually the one who made me put that sign up in my shop. So, good luck with your argument."

"Well, if he knew you were hiring some sort of deranged psychopath then why didn't he tell you to fire him instead?"

"What's your surname?"

"Jensen. Are you going to answer my question?"

"Nope!" Sam said cheerfully before going into the backroom.

Yugi chuckled, before turning back to his work. He almost wanted to rub it into her face more and ask her if she needed help finding something. But Sam had told him that first day to never help the customers, just leave that to him. He just wanted Yugi to file, stack, sort, and price the CDs. In other words simple tasks that wouldn't get him into any trouble.

"Aren't you going to at least ask if I need any help?" the girl asked in a snooty voice.

Yugi looked at her as he continued to pick up the CDs he'd dropped, and re-sort the stack he knocked over. He shook his head, and re-focused on the task at hand. He saw the hand out of the corner of his eye before it even reached him. He didn't grab her this time, just put up his arm, stopping her mid-swing, and then pushing back. She stumbled in her three inch heels, before screaming and stomping her foot. Yugi rolled his eyes, stupid stuck up Princess.

"Now what's going on?" Sam asked coming back into the room.

"He pushed me!"

"After she tried to slap me," Yugi muttered.

"And he won't help me."

"Because that's not in his job description. Chief Kodai was very clear, Yugi could keep this job, but only if he had no contact with the customers. Which is when I asked him what if they came up to him? Hence the sign on the door."

"That's a joke! Everyone knows that the track team is in and out of here all the time and interact with him lots of times. So, what makes them so special, huh?"

"They're not as stupid as they used to be?" Yugi supplied.

"That's debatable," Sam muttered.

Yugi laughed as the bell behind them dinged, and an angry man came into the store.

"Ah! Officer Jensen, so glad you could join us!"

"Daddy! That boy there attacked me, and the owner of the store won't do anything about it. He won't fire him."

"How did she touch him? You were unclear on the phone."

"Yugi was in the zone as he sorted and stacked CDs when your daughter tapped his shoulder startling him. He just dropped what he was doing and slammed her by her throat against the merch. There is a sign clear as day on the door saying not to touch the employees or you could be hurt or worse. Courtesy of your Chief."

"Yeah, I know. A disclaimer he called it. But if this is what he does when just startled, is it really safe to keep him employed here?"

"Yes. I trust him, and he works well. Besides, he needs this job. I'm not really sure about what he's planning to do with the money he's making here, but I don't think that matters. He's going to do it regardless."

"Perhaps he should be done for the day then?"

"Perhaps you should leave, and take your daughter with you."

"You're not even going to write him up are you?"

"I have no reason to. Is it my fault that your kid thought that that sign was a joke? You work at the precinct. If you don't know his history, then maybe you should talk to your boss and then you'll know why he doesn't like to be touched."

"Maybe if everyone in this godforsaken town didn't treat him like he was some sort of prodigy he wouldn't feel like he had the right to act like one." With those words he grabbed his daughter's hand and left the store.

Yugi blinked, prodigy huh? He didn't get why the Officer had used that word, but whatever. He turned back to his work, and just tried to focus on what he was doing. It was silent, with only the music playing, as he worked. He knew he'd put Sam in a difficult position, and he wouldn't blame him if he did fire him. Sam wouldn't though. He was the type of person who stuck to his values, and always kept those he considered friends close.

Yugi continued to stack even after it got dark. He just sorted and stacked. Even after Sam told him to stop, and go home, he just kept going. In the end Sam called Penny because he didn't know what else to do.

"Yugi," Penny called softly out to him, "do you want to take a walk with me and talk about it?"

Yugi looked over at her, before nodding and finally put the CDs down. Yugi walked out with her, grabbing his bag and jacket on the way out. He told Sam he'd see him on Tuesday. Though, he wasn't even sure if that was the truth or not.

Yugi was silent as they walked the first block before it all came spilling out. Everything that had happened at work today. Penny said nothing just listened until he was finished. Once he was she motioned for them to sit down on a bench nearby.

"Yugi, I want you to look at me and listen."

Yugi gulped before doing so.

"This is not your fault. The Chief did have Sampson put up sign that warned people not to touch you, or even interact with you. Yes, your teammates do interact with you, but they also know your boundaries and most of them try to stay on the good side of them. That girl, Sophia Jensen is in the wrong. According to her friends, who were taping and watching the interaction outside the shop, she had been dared to touch you anyway, despite the sign. If anyone should be punished it is them. They deliberately ignored the safety precaution put in place for their protection.

"Yes, Sampson has been put in a difficult position through your actions, but he doesn't care about them. He only cares about your reaction to the incident, and the poor one you seemed to have. He's really worried about you, Yugi, we all are."

"But what if her family sues Sampson? It'll be all my fault."

"They're going to have to put through a good case first, and even though the video was taken down by Officer Jensen, it was still shared with over 100,000 people already. Would you like to see some of the comments?"


"Okay. Would you like to go home?"

"I don't have one at the moment."

"Would you like to go back to the Temps?"

"I…no. No, I don't."

"My place?"


"The Director's?"

"I…yeah, yeah, let's go there. I want to go there."

"Okay, come on."

Yugi walked into the Orphanage, and a few people did a double take, before going on their way. Walking into the room with the other male teenagers they all looked up at him as he made his way across the room to sit on the bed against the back wall.

"What she did was sick, you know," one of them said.

"You think so?" Yugi asked back without even looking up.

"Everyone with even half a brain knows not to touch you. You'll either lash out, or get sick."

"Yeah, you probably shouldn't have grabbed her by her throat, Runner, but anyone can see its pure instinct that you were reacting off of," another added.

"How bad do you think it's going to be tomorrow?" Yugi asked.

"We really don't know. There was so many comments on the video before it was taken down. Those who know you were in your favor, but outsiders were demanding that you be punished or locked up for your actions. Something about being a danger to the natural order of society, one person said."

Yugi couldn't help it, he started to laugh. They had no idea. He looked up at them finally. They all nodded, showing their support. Yugi may not get along with people very often, but at least these guys knew what it was like to fight for survival. Just like him.

"Thanks, I needed that."

"Oh geez, the world is ending, Clown."

"Why do you say that, Suck Up?"

"He said thanks, to us. There is simply no other explanation other than the world coming to an end."

"You're both off your rockers. It's clear that the world has already ended, and now we, the four of us are merely the sole survivors."

"Ah, Pushover has a very good point. Perhaps that is the reason," Clown said nodding.

Yugi rolled his eyes at them before flopping down on the bed, and staring up at the ceiling. They would refer to themselves with the nicknames he gave them.

Yugi didn't sleep that night, just looked at the ceiling. When it was time to rise in the morning he left before even the Director could come in and flip them off their beds. That was just a normal wake up call, nothing to be concerned about.

Climbing into his bedroom window, Yugi changed clothes before heading to school. He'd never been wary about going to school before, but he was today. A shadow stepped into place next to him.

"I'm sorry about what my daughter and her friends did."

"Whatever. It's already done. But fair warning, if anyone comes up to me today, I might just lay'em out."

"I'll let the Chief know." Officer Jensen walked away.

Victim one came up sooner than he thought they would. They started to yell something at him about how he was a sick bastard for laying a hand on a girl like that, and not even feeling the need to apologize for it. That was as far as he got in his little spiel though before Yugi took him out. And then of course his friends tried to jump in, and had their asses handed to them as well.

Atem came to stand next to him as he stood up, and dusted some dirt off his shirt. "Wow, have you actually been pulling your punches with me?"

"Maybe a little," Yugi shrugged.

"Doesn't feel like it, but looking at these four, that could actually be true."

"Damn, think we should call an ambulance," Akeifa said giving off a low whistle.

"Only if you want them to be able to walk again," Yugi said before stepping over them, and continuing on to school.

"The finisher, that's what Umeda and Akiha called him right?"

"Yeah, come on."

"Right, you guys go on ahead, I'm going to call an ambulance."

"Hey, Sergeant, think we could maybe keep the violence down to a minimum today?" Atem asked.


"You're just adding fuel to that video. You know that right?"

"Should I care?"

"Uh, yes?"

"I don't."

"They want to judge, they can go right ahead. But don't expect me to hold back."

"Fine, then allow us to do that instead."

"You try holding me back and you'll get caught in the crossfire."

"No, holding them back. We'll hold them back as well as we can. That's what friends are for, right? Being there for one another?"

"We're not friends, Kodai."

"Whatever you say, Mutou."

No one came near him for the rest of the day. Between his track team, those who knew him at the orphanage, and even some of his classmates that he didn't even know the names of, they never even got close. He had more…allies in this world than he knew about. Yugi was floored.

[Time skip]

"No, Yami! You're not coming! Go home!" Yugi shouted turning on him and pointing in the opposite direction.

"But you offered. Don't you remember? You asked who wanted to come. I do! I want to come. So I'm going!" Yami looked so proud of himself.

Yami had been following Yugi since he first stepped out of the temp home. Yugi had thus been arguing with him as he continued to walk to the bus station, but none of his arguments were working. He especially didn't like having his words thrown back into his face. For the fifth time now.

Yugi growled, pulled at his hair, and ran his hands down his face. Geez this kid was so frustrating. If Yugi didn't give a shit he would let the kid continue to follow him all the way to his destination. However, this was the lamb, something needed to be done, and since he refused to go home on his own, there was only one option left. Yugi stalked towards Yami, who started to back up, just not quickly enough. Yugi ducked, seized Yami around the waist, hoisted him over his shoulder, and started to walk back towards the subs.

"Hey! Put me down! Put me down!"

"Yami, this is the second time I've been forced to cart you around. I am so not pleased."

"Second? No it's not! I don't remember this!"

"That's right, you were out cold the first time," Yugi muttered like he talking more to himself than Yami.

"Put me down, Yugi!"

"Nope! I'm making a demonstration of you."


"Mmm, I'm showing all of Domino how easy it is for anyone to come up, and carry one of you off."

"It is not easy to carry me off!"

"Oh, really? And what do we call this exactly?"


"Huh?" Yugi turned around at the sound of his name. Ah, there he was, just the person Yugi was looking for. Wow, did he look angry though. "Hey, Kodai, catch!" Yugi said as soon as he was within hearing distance as he chucked Yami off his shoulder, and straight into Atem's arms.

Atem barely caught Yami without falling himself at the sudden weight propelled into his arms. Yami was already complaining about the mistreatment he'd been forced to endure, but from the look Kodai was aiming at him it was going in one ear and out the other.


"Where were you going with my boyfriend?"

"Actually, I was taking him back home," Yugi shrugged like it was obvious. "I thought I told you to tighten his leash. He was trailing after me like a lost duck the moment I left the Freshalls."

"Yami...," Atem said in a warning tone as his eyes fixed a heavy glare onto the young man in his arms.

"He offered! He asked if we wanted to come, and I want to go!"

"I told you no. Everyone told you no. Hell, he even said no."

Yugi raised an eyebrow, as Kodai pointed at him. He merely shrugged and started to walk off. His job was done. The little lamb had been returned to the safety of others who would make sure that he didn't trail after him. Time to catch the next bus back.

By the time Yugi got on the bus he already had 17 texts on the cell phone that the Freshalls shoved on him that morning. Scrolling through them he found that most of them were texts saying thank you for not taking Yami with him. How the hell did half of these people even get his number? Speaking of, what was his number? He didn't even know it. Some numbers had already been cataloged into it though. Scratch that, every person that the Freshalls knew was cataloged into his phone. What a pain in the ass.

Yugi found the Do Not Disturb button in the setting fairly easily, and activated. Having one's pocket buzz every two seconds was not fun. Yugi may not be attracted to either sex, but he was still a man, and with the phone being in his front pocket so close to…nope, no, he was not putting up with that. He supposed he could've turned the sound on, but did he really want it making noise every time he got a text? No, that would be even more annoying.

Yugi rode the bus until he got to Cochran, and then got off. Yugi took the phone out of his pocket and, told Google to direct him to the local orphanage. Man, that lady was helpful, she gave him the fastest route on foot. Maybe this was why they'd really given him the phone. He turned off the Do Not Disturb button, and was hit with an onslaught of 50 texts, and 20 missed calls. Maybe he should just chuck it into the nearest available trash can?

He responded only to the female's texts, and left everyone else unanswered. He'd tell them he was fine in person. Yugi put the phone away and headed in the direction of the orphanage. As he was nearing it, he heard a familiar frantic voice, and a large amount of noisy men. Yugi turned the corner to see flashes of red amongst a big group of guys his own age. There was only one person he knew of that had hair that exact shade of red.

"Please, I don't want any trouble, I just want to get to my brother's as quickly as possible."

"What a coincidence, we don't want any trouble either. But I'm sure your brother can wait for another half hour while we all go to a local club to have some fun."

A hand reach out to touch her hair, as Yugi incapacitated some of the bigger guys in the back, quickly and quietly. He even lowered them to the ground so they wouldn't make any noise. This is what a sneak attack really was, quiet. After taking care of the biggest threats, Yugi pushed his way through the smaller crowd.

"Please, really, just leave me alone."

"You should do what the lady says," Yugi said, "and leave her alone."

All of them turned to face him as he came to stand next to the red head, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Shrimp?" the red head questioned her eyes wide as she stared up at him.

"Hey, Serenity. Are these annoying little boys bothering you?"

"And who are you?" the one who Yugi figured was the leader asked. He turned to look at him, and was actually surprised that he recognized him. The only question he had now was when he got out of the clink?

"Runner. Remember me, pavement kisser?"

He took two steps back, earning confused looks out of the others, before answering. "You're supposed to be dead."

"Yes, that does seem to be the rumor going around. Are you disappointed that I'm not?"

"When'd you move back?"

"Actually, I'm visiting. Aren't you so lucky?"

"Let's go," he said turning to the others.

"Are you kidding me? He's some skinny ass short white boy, and you're turning tail just because he called you a pavement kisser?"

"Heh, that's right, you weren't around when he was last time. You don't mess with Runner, every street smart person knows that. Engrave it into your brains. Don't mess with him, or he'll break you."

"Tch, he can try," one of the others said throwing a punch at him.

Yugi kicked him in the chest, sending him flying back without even moving from his spot. Putting his leg back down, he dared with his eyes alone for anyone else to take their shot at him. Two actually tried. Yugi slid Serenity behind him, and collared the first guy, spinning him to take his comrades punch in the face. Yugi dropped the unconscious man, and punched the other one twice in the gut, before kicking his legs out from under him, allowing his head to crack against the cement. He groaned in pain holding his middle on the ground. Yugi stepped out of his defensive position to face the ten that were left.

"Anyone else?"

Yugi knew there wouldn't be. The three he took out were new to him, the others had previous experience with his fighting skills. Most damage with little effort exerted by him.

"No, I think the message is clear," a guy said from the back as he hoisted one of the larger guys over his shoulders in a fireman's hold. "Runner hasn't lost his touch."

"Aren't you going to do something?" the one moaning on the ground asked.

"Boss told you to leave it. Limp your own way home," another said rousing another from the ground.

"All three of you can," the man in charge said.

"When'd you get out?" Yugi asked pulling Serenity to stand in front of him, both of his hands on her shoulders.

"Six months ago."

"And already trying to get back in, huh?"

"Fuck off, Runner, and take the red head with you."

Yugi shrugged before steering Serenity away.

"Aaargh!" a shout sounded behind him. He shoved Serenity to the ground, and used a roundhouse kick on the idiot charging him from behind in the head. It was the one who had been moaning on the ground before. Now he was in even more pain, but still not out. Hmph, tough kid.

Yugi looked up at pavement kisser, and he looked like he'd like nothing more than to kick him in the head too. He pulled Serenity up, checking her for injuries and finding her clean of them. Yugi looked once more at the small mess he made, before ushering her down the street again.

"Hey, Runner!" someone shouted behind him. He turned back, raising an eyebrow. "When did you become okay with touching people?"

"Splits, right?"

The man in question paled considerably. Yep, that was splits, and it looked like he still hadn't forgotten the pain that came with that little nickname.

"I'm not sure, but it's been easier lately. Only with a certain type of person though. Defenseless little lambs. Anyone else, and I'll still clock them if they get within ten feet of my face."

"Or make you jump, right?" another asked.

Yugi looked off to the side, biting his lip, just how many people saw that piece of shit video?

"Girl deserved it, Slump," P.K. said. "Anyone who knows Runner knows not to touch him, especially in a surprise attack."

"She tapped his shoulder."

"The sign said not to touch the employees!" someone else jumped in.

"So, if you saw the video, why did you think I was dead?" Yugi asked pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

P.K. shrugged, before going back to defend his honor. Even here, where he'd kicked all of these guys assess dozens of times, they were defending him. Him and his actions on that viral video. Yugi shook his head, he was terribly confused. What the heck was happening to him? Why did he even care? Yugi started to walk again, pushing Serenity down the road.

When they reached the orphanage, Jou was pacing on the front steps. The minute he saw his little sister, he gave a cry of joy and leaped off the steps to get to her. He pulled up short at seeing him behind her though.


"Hey, Kitty-Kat."

"What're you doing here?"

"Well, I was planning on coming to visit anyway, but now I'm just…confused."

"About what?"

"Have you seen it?"

"Yeah, we saw it. There's a whole horde of people out there that wants your head on a spit. Then there's another horde out there that wants that girl and her friends to be trialed for cyberbullying and harassment. It's a mess, Yug."

"Hey, Shrimp, you want to come in?" one of the Twins asked from the doorway of the orphanage.

"Yeah, I would actually."

"Just be on your guard. I don't think the Head of the orphanage ever forgave you for running off like that. Nearly got her fired, ya know?"

"People don't like me, Twin, I'm used to it."

"Hey, where's your team?"

"Left them in Domino. Though, Lamb wanted to see you."

"That's nice. But nobody really wants to play babysitter but Jou right now," the other Twin said as he shut the door behind them.

"Hm, yeah, the possessive boyfriend has him collared right now, after I tossed him at him."

"You tossed Sennen at Kodai?"

"He managed to catch him, and keep his balance. I was mildly impressed."

"Uh, were you carrying him or something?" Jou asked.

"Would you rather I had held his hand instead? Carrying him was far easier than dragging him along."

His brothers just stared at him like he'd grown a second head. Then Jou reached out and smacked Seth on the ass. The latter jumped up, howling furiously with many cuss words spewing from his mouth.

"Seto, this isn't a dream. Yugi really did say that he just carried someone."

"Carted them around like a dead deer on my shoulder would be more accurate as he yelled to the high heavens about putting him down."

"And the reason you couldn't pinch yourself was because…?" Seth asked glaring at Jou.

"Hurting you is more fun?"

"Why you little!" Seth reached out to lock him in a headlock but was interrupted by the Head of the house.

"What is going on down here?!" she yelled stopping in the middle of the steps at the sight of Yugi.

"Uh, hi?" Yugi tried to disperse the awkward heavy air that had settled around them.

"I think you just made things worse, Shrimp."

Yugi shrugged, there was nothing he could really do short of apologizing to her. That was something Yugi would never do. This woman ruined his life. He'd never apologize to running out on her.

"If there isn't an apology-"

"And why the fuck should I ever apologize to you?" Yugi asked cutting her off.

"You nearly ruined my life!"

"I suppose that makes us almost even then. Because you did a pretty fine job of screwing up mine."

"You will apologize to-"

"Fuck you, bitch. I don't owe you a damn thing."

"How about I call Domino Police?"

"Be my guest. They know I'm here. Told the Chief myself. He just told me not to let my team tag along, and he was fine with it. Oh, and not to get arrested either."

"I can make that last bit a reality."

"Can you now?"

"Yes, they value my word very highly around here, as I'm sure you remember."

"Do they really still do that though? You know I did run away and elude them for three years. Right in your own backyard too." Yugi's eyes flashed dangerously on this last part.

She screamed, no words, just an endless high pitched screech as she marched down the stairs to get up in his grill. "I want you and your foul attitude out of here!"

"Make me."

She slapped him across the face. Yugi didn't raise a hand back though. He just turned to face her again. Staring at her in a superior way. She slapped him again, and again, and again. Yugi didn't say or do anything to retaliate though. This was the type of person she was. This monster was who she was. He would never be broken though, least of all by her. Yugi simply took a step forwards after the tenth or so slap. She stumbled backwards throwing her hands up in defense.

Yugi scoffed, "don't flatter yourself, bitch. You're not even worth it." He brushed past her taking the steps two at a time, before taking a left near the top and disappearing out of sight.

"Huh, he's got a good memory," Seth said swinging Serenity up onto his back, and the four took off after him.

Yugi turned into the door at the end of the hall, and sat down on one of the beds. It had a picture of Mokuba between the two, so either Seth's or Seto's. Yugi brushed his thumb over the cute happy face in the picture, it was hard to believe it had been five years since the incident.

Almost three months to the day since he'd run off Mokuba was caught in the cross fire between two rival gangs. He'd been in the care of some random home, and Seto and Seth hadn't been in the same one with him. They'd been split up. He'd snuck out to try and go find them, but two blocks from his temp home, and open fire was unleashed between two gangs. Mokuba was lucky to still be alive as riddled as his body was with bullets. And of course, as is the usual case, no one saw anything. However, there was an anonymous call to the 911 emergency system proclaiming an innocent had been hit by multiple bullets on 96th St and Court Rd. If Seth, Mokuba, and Seto had all been in the same home that would've never happened.

Yugi looked away from the photo as someone dropped down onto the bed next to him. Seto's bed then. "I'd ask if you're reminiscing about the good times while looking at that old photo, but no one remembers the good times when they look at it anymore."

"So, what're you confused about?" Jou asked as sat down on a bed adjacent to the Twins. Seth sat down on his bed, and Serenity hopped off the bed, and went over to Jou's. She wrapped her arms around Jou, and put her head on his shoulder. Jou wrapped an arm around her back in an almost unconscious way.

"The current situation in my life?" Yugi said, though it came out more like a question.

"I thought it was pretty straight forwards. The girl attacked you, and you attacked back." A voice said from the back of the room. Yugi turned towards it to see an old face staring back him.

"Green Eyes?"

"Hey, kid, I see you're still using the nickname thing. Names still make you feel too close to people?"

Yugi huffed and turned back around. Otogi, also known to a few people as Green Eyes, got up and came over to sit by Seth. He was the one who taught them all how to fight. Question though, if memory served him, he should be in his twenties somewhere, so what was he still doing here?

"I can already see it in your eyes. I'm getting a license to take over the running of this Orphanage. That's why I'm still here. I'm going to be the new Head of this house. I've also made a vow to never split up families. It does more damage than good." Otogi looked at the picture of Mokuba with a sad look, and Seto switched it to face away from them.

"Right, but no, that's not why I'm confused. I feel no guilt over my actions, except for putting Sampson in the difficult position he's now facing. No, what has me confused is everyone else's actions. I mean my team, some of the guys from the Domino Orphanage, and a couple more guys from my classes put a 360 degree wall between me and any more would be attackers. I mean after the initial four or five it took out on the way to school." Yugi paused, he was still shocked by the loyalty displayed. He saw Jou's brows scrunch together in anger, and rushed to explain why. "And it wasn't to protect them from me, but to protect me from them. I just…I haven't had to deal with that kind of loyalty since I was…well, 10 or 11. Since I was around you guys. It's making me re-look at the way I'm treating them."

"Sounds like you made some good friends over there," Otogi said with a small smile.

"Don't even joke. I don't do that friend crap."

"Do they?" Serenity asked.


Seto, Seth, and Jou cracked up laughing, remembering Sennen's exuberant behavior. He was the one who was determined the most to have a friendship with him. It seemed, to them, like he'd succeeded, even if the one he was trying to be friends with didn't know it yet.

"Yug, just give it up," Jou said, "they're your friends. Or at least good acquaintances. You can't keep denying it forever. I mean, even though you were taught to punish the strong and protect the weak, I've never seen you jump to attention so quickly as when that little lamb got lost on the Southside before."

"You care about them," Seth added. "Somehow, they worked their way into the stone rock heart of yours and made an impression. I mean, why else would you take the time to even put up with them? Yeah, they may be from nice cushy homes, and idiots most of the times, but you still look after them like an older brother would."

"Also, you actually told us their surnames when we asked you to," Seto put out there. "You've never made that exception for anyone. You've always scoffed and reintroduced them by their nicknames. You've made friends. And it's clear you can rely on them if you need to."

"You're saying I should trust them?" Yugi asked leaning away, and turning his head to the side.

"No, but you should let them know they can rely on you too if they need to."

"That sounds like trusting someone to me."

"Nah, just an ally."

Yugi smirked, that was his exact thought the next day after the video had gone up. He had a lot of allies. "I can…I can try that. I mean, Penny has me trying so many other new things already, so why not this too?"

"What kind of new things?" Otogi asked.

"Uh, here, this list of things," Yugi said pulling the list out of his back pocket and handing it to him.

Otogi took a single of sweep of it with his eyes, before looking back up at it. "Actually plan on showing up for the talent show?"

"Nope! I only had to try out."

"Ha ha ha, that's the Shrimp we all know! This Penny is really going to regret not being more specific."

"Her problem, not mine. Hey, do you think the Head of house would mind if I stayed the night?"

"Yes," they all answered.

"But, hey, we haven't cared about what she says or does for ages now. Why change that now?" Jou asked in a grumpy voice.

"Indeed," Yugi nodded before asking Otogi if he wanted to spar.

Otogi just grinned, and stood up asking him if now was a good time. Yugi helped to move the beds out of the way, before they both took their stances and going at it. Old rules still applied three hits on the other declared the winner. Unless one of them was knocked out, then the winner was decided just by that.

However, before either one could even make a move on the other there was a knock on the door. Seth frowned, knocking was an uncommon thing around here, so why was someone doing it? He got up and answered the door to see two guys in police uniforms standing outside the door.

"What do you punks want?"

"Just delivering a message," the younger of the two said, "Mutou, if you could please text Mira every hour that would be appreciated. Chief Kodai says he's tired of her calling every two minutes asking if anyone has heard from you recently. Also, try not to attack anyone without their given consent, okay?"

Yugi rolled his eyes before fishing out his phone, and texting Mira to stop being such a worry wort. He was fine so just chill! The two left as he was doing this. Before Seth closed the door there was an indignant screech from downstairs, followed by yelling. Seth shook his head, and shut the door. Kodai hadn't sent them, she had called them. They had called Kodai, who had asked for a message to be delivered, and now that it was they were leaving without so much as a single pair of handcuffs attached to pale wrists in hand.

Yugi threw his phone on the bed next to Serenity, and turned back to the activity at hand. Otogi grinned, and the two went at it. It was a fight Yugi lost, but he didn't mind losing to his teacher. Everyone else, it was a problem, Otogi, never.

"Uh, hey, someone named Male just texted you and said to not be so rude. What should I tell him back?" Serenity asked.

"Anything you want Sweetie," Yugi said with a broad grin as he wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Okay!" she texted him back. It took all of two seconds for him to reply. "He's asking who this is and where's Runner?"

Yugi just laughed, telling her to tell him whatever her little heart desired. And while she was at it, why didn't she go ahead and answer all his other texts for him.

Her grin grew bigger, and she started to text back everyone. He phone didn't stop buzzing for the rest of the day.

[Time skip]

Yugi stood up on the bleachers, swinging his arms back and forth as his team chatted quietly amongst themselves in front of him. Most of the heat from the video had died down over the weekend. No one had even tried to approach him today. He may as well get this over with.

"Uh, Atem, Yami, Marik, Akeifa, Jason, and Mahad, listen up for a moment."

All six in question turned to him. Yugi couldn't really read the expression on their faces but it didn't matter he needed to get this out before he couldn't anymore.

"Right, so I want to thank you for having my back last week, and if you ever need to rely on me you can. Kay! Let's go run!" Yugi turned, jumped off the bleachers, and took off. That was so embarrassing, but he said he would try. He didn't even notice that none of them were following him, but instead staring after him as they just stood there.

"Who was that?" Atem asked first after he turned the corner.

"No idea, but clearly Mutou is in danger," Akeifa said. "It's the only logical explanation to that imposter's little speech just now. We need to find him."

"Let's split up into groups of two and look for him," Jason suggested. "All the usual spots first, and then the rest of town."

"Agreed," Marik said, and they split up without even thinking about it and ran off in three separate directions. Yami and Atem, Akeifa and Jason, and Marik and Mahad.

Yugi came back onto the track field ten minutes after they'd all taken off to see why they hadn't followed him. No one was there. What the heck? Why had they all ditched the practice? Was it something he had said? Had he offended someone? Hm, well, he figured they'd show back up here eventually so until then he'd just run around on the track lines.

Okay, were there any questions that no one remembers asking? Angel-the-Hedge, no it is not. Guest, uh, yeah, I guess he is an aromantic. And that's it. Thanks for sticking with me guys. Hope this chapter wasn't too jumpy in Yugi's personality for you. So, Thank you to everyone who has/are favorited/following this story. Also, thanks to everyone who reviewed Guest and User alike. Please review! Midnight ;p