Hello all, sorry this update was slow in coming; I had school stuff to deal with. Concerning the matter of Aura's ability to heal, I feel it can only speed up the processes the body can do on its own: the body can mend its own cuts but an outside source is needed to inflate a lung or reset a bone. Also, bone mending takes a very long amount of time normally, so even if Aura could shorten that time considerably, I can't imagine it completely eliminating the recovery time. Also, please do correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we've ever seen a character experience a serious injury on the show as that would give a nice bit of context.

Chapter 4

Jaune slowly drifted back into consciousness, his vision blurring into focus as he cracked his eyes open, having them adjust to the light in the room. He felt rather comfortable, and when his eyes had adjusted, noticed a clean white ceiling and sheets on his body, so he guessed he was in some sort of medical facility. He was about to rub the crust from his eyes when he felt a dull pain from his chest and left arm. He turned his head to see a sling binding his arm to his chest. He did so with only his right arm as he peered around the room. There was a small table to his right with a glass of water on it. After rubbing his eyes he took a drink from the water, finding it still had ice in it so it must have been placed recently. After he placed the drink down, he jumped in his seat as a voice came from his left.

"I'm glad to see you awake and well Mr. Arc. You put up quite the show two days ago, and it would have been devastating to lose such a promising hunter so early in his life." Turning to face the man, Jaune saw Professor Ozpin taking a sip from his ever present coffee mug.

"P-Professor! Um-well, thanks, I guess." He scratched the back of his head with his free hand. Ozpin lowered his cup to speak again.

"Unfortunately you did miss the initiation ceremony, but I think you'll be pleased to know you have been put into the leadership of team Juniper, or JNPR. The Ren and Nora fellows you met before your final stand and of course you partner Pyrrha are all in your team. I must say, your propensity for tactical thinking I've not seen in these halls for at least two decades." Ozpin then stood up and did a small toast to Jaune with his mug. "I expect big things from you, Mr. Arc." Before Jaune could respond, partially from the shock of receiving the team lead and partially from Professor Ozpin's praise, he left the room. In his place entered a balled man with a black goatee and a doctor's coat. He had a clipboard and a pen in his hands and a stethoscope dangled from his neck. A playful grin was etched on his face.

"Ah, Mr. Arc, it seems you're recovering quite nicely. You had us worried for the first couple of hours there. Fluids were filling your chest cavity and you're left lung had collapsed in addition to a fractured rib. You're left radius and ulna were both broken as well, the latter was poking out of your skin I might add, and you were showing signs of shock when you got into my clinic. Nevertheless, we were able to fix your organs all up good as new." He stopped to scratch his goatee with his pen. "It should take five to ten days for your bones to heal so I do suggest taking it easy until then. Any questions?" Jaune took a moment to absorb all the new information.

"Uh, well, no sir. Thanks for the help doctor..."

"Felix. Doctor Medicus Felix. Was a pleasure saving your life, and I do hope I never have to see you again!" He gave a hearty chuckle at his own joke. "Now I do believe you have some visitors, so I'll leave you to it. Oh! And one last thing, you're cleared to leave whenever you're ready. Do get plenty of rest though, your aura works best when its allowed to do its job after all." With that he exited the room and three familiar faces entered in his stead.

"Yay! Fearless leader is better!" Nora sprinted into the room and made to leap onto Jaune with a hug of death but Ren was there to hold her back. Behind him Pyrrha stood; she had a warm smile on her face. Ren gave Jaunt a thumb up and a nod while Pyrrha got in front of group.

"It seems you returned the favor after my aura was depleted. You performed admirably during the following engagement." Her smile turned to a smirk. "Your sword work could use some work however."

"Ya, I guess I could learn a thing or two… Oh, the doc said I could go so whenever you all are ready." Nora became elated. She grabbed his free hand and tried to pull him out.

"Oh! We can show you our dorm then we can go eat then Ren can make some pancakes for desert; Ren makes the best pancakes!" At the mention of food Jaune's stomach made an impression of an Ursa. Pyrrha gave a small chuckle.

"I guess we could get lunch first, it is twelve after all."

The four had a little bit of small talk as they walked to the cafeteria; Nora was glad to give her rendition of Jaune's fight with the Alpha Beowulf. By the end of it Ren had corrected her about eight times.

Once they entered the cafeteria and had procured some food, today it was burgers, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren lead their leader to their seat, right between teams CRDL and RWBY. Upon noticing the new arrivals, the two teams gave Jaune a small round of applause, a girl that Jaune vaguely recalled as Ruby's sister giving a "Whoop!" Jaune's face had grown a few shades redder by the end of it.

"Jaune! My man! Nice to see you well." Cardin motioned to have Jaune sit next to him. He plopped down his tray and took a seat before Cardin continued. "That was a fine, fine piece of work with that Grimm back there, saved my hide to boot!" Sky, who was on Cardin's left, partially stood up and slammed his hands on the table.

"Dude! I didn't catch it the first time on account of being preoccupied, but they released video footage of the initiation. You freakin' choke slammed an Alpha Beowulf and exploded its face in!" Jaune was thoroughly crimson by this point so he just gave a small, "Thanks," before starting on his burger. Cardin wasn't having any of it though.

"No need to be so modest man. You definitely deserved the leadership spot after what you showed out there."



A spike of guilt went through Jaune's mind, recalling how he faked his way into Beacon. It didn't last long as Pyrrha, who had sat down in between Jaune and a black haired girl Jaune couldn't recall meeting, spoke up. "After you passed out most of the other Beowulves broke and ran, probably because they lost their leader. A few didn't get the memo, and we had to act fast to make sure they didn't surround you, but it was a simple act. Though I was unconscious at the start, from what our classmates have told us your taking charge of the situation was what salvaged what really could have been a disastrous situation. I would estimate that at least five packs formed up for that attack from the footage." Jaune scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I couldn't have done it without these guys over here, he motioned towards CRDL, and Ren and Nora; they're the ones that really held the line, I was just in the back trying to look useful." Dove, who was across from Cardin, took this moment to join the conversation.

"Man, if trying to look useful for you is killing a Beowulf with serious injuries with a sword and then killing an Alpha Beowulf with serious injuries without a sword, then I'm afraid of what "actually useful" for you is." CRDL and NPR shared a laugh while Jaune was trying and failing to maintain his composure. Suddenly, a claxon signaled the end of lunch. As everyone was leaving, Cardin took the opportunity to get next to Jaune in the crowd. Jaune was busy following Pyrrha so he didn't notice Cardin until they were a good distance away from the cafeteria.

"Hey, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me. You saved me back there, and a Winchester always pays his debts." Before Jaune could get a reply in he'd broken off to his own dorm. Jaune just stood there awkwardly for a moment, letting everything that had just happened in the past hour sink in. Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder, which he soon found out belonged to Pyrrha.

"Come on Jaune, classes don't start until tomorrow so you should have plenty of time to get situated in our dorm. It's just a few more rooms down." It was then Jaune noticed team RWBY was accompanying them. Ruby perked up when their eyes met. She zipped over to him and wore a beaming smile on her face when she addressed him.

"Jaune! I'm glad you're better. That was pretty cool what you did." She was going to say something else when her sister joined the conversation.

"Ya, nice job vomit-boy, but you better watch yourself. Punching things is my job." She aggressively pointed to herself with her thumbs for emphasis. Jaune looked like he was going to piss himself, and Ruby looked like she was readying to stay her sister's wrath. "Pfft, lighten up people, it was a joke." She crossed her arms and Jaune sighed in relief.

"Thanks for the compliments, but really, it wasn't much, and sorry for cutting this short but, in spite of spending more than a day passed out, I am rather tired right now; a nap would do me good." Ruby and Yang said their good byes and JNPR entered their dorm. Jaun saw his luggage and sword sitting on a bed.

"I went ahead and put your stuff on your bed. Ren and Nora's are to the left and mine's to the right. Bathroom is to the left and-" Jaune had elected to not take a shower despite not having washed since before the initiation and had collapsed onto his bed, his stuff haphazardly tossed to the side. Pyrrha smiled at his sleeping form before opening her scroll to review their schedule.

Hoo boy, did writer's block hit during this chapter. These scenes did not want to be written, let me tell you. Anyway, so Cardin and CRDL are all bros with Jaune and he got to experience being man of the hour after his stint at the infirmary. Also couldn't resist that GoT reference. My version of CRDL will most likely go very ooc, but perhaps that okay since there's not much character to get out of in the first place. Also, some reviews would be nice; things like telling me what works and what doesn't would be greatly appreciated.