The general's lust
chapter 31
Even with his new form, MegaDarknessBagramon continued to smirk. "Pathetic fools. Two can play at this game." MegaDarknessBagramon stated. "Terra Infusion!" He then exclaimed, absorbing the area around him until he matched Shoutmon X7 F's size. "I shall turn you to flaming wreckage!" MegaDarknessBagramon stated, unleashing a devastating blast that tore through and destroyed everything in its path.
But upon striking Shoutmon X7 F, a barrier of light appeared and stopped any harm from afflicting him.
"It's gonna take more than that to take me out." Spoke the mass fusion, before reeling his arm back and slammed it into the tyrant's gut, knocking him down.
"Annoying brat." DarknessBagramon said as he got back to his feet. "I'll show you and all those foolish enough to ally with you that I am the most powerful Digimon in existence!" He then bellowed, creating a barrier of darkness around his form, which burst and pushed Shoutmon X7 F back, knocking him off guard and allowing DarknessBagramon to then strike with a right hook to Shoutmon X7 F's face, causing him to fall. "I will ensure you and all those others are deleted for eternity with no way to come back!" The dark being stated, pressing his foot down and hard upon Shoutmon X7 F's chest, making him groan out in pain.
And the groans turned to agonized cries as DarknessBagramon pressed his skeletal hand against Shoutmon X7 F's chest, before the tips of his fingers began to sink through his armor and into his being.
"Mega God of Death Snatcher!" DarknessBagramon yelled as his claws sunk deeper, further increasing Shoutmon X7 F's screaming, horrifying Taiki and the others as DarknessBagramon began to slowly pull his arm back, pulling out Shoutmon X7 F's soul and revealing it to be composed of all the Digimon Shoutmon had fused with, while in the core of the soul was Shoutmon's.
"Shoutmon!" Cried out Taiki with wide eyes as he was close to running down on pure instinct, but knew it wouldn't make much difference.
Struggling against DarknessBagramon just made him smirk. "Can you feel it Shoutmon, that is the feeling of true defeat. Soon your soul will be torn from your body, as will the souls of all the Digimon that dared to defy me. That's when you, along with all those that spoke of such ridiculous ideals such as friendship will be destroyed and added to my ever growing power."
"It's not... ridiculous." The real Shoutmon groaned out within the countless souls that made X7 F, while trying to keep feeling in his body as he tried bringing his X7 F body up. "You should go... look in a mirror... if you wanna see something ridiculous."
"Your words mean nothing to me." DarknessBagramon said back, applying pressure around the soul of X7 F, which made all the Digimon part of it groan from the pain.
However, they all refused to give up and continued to show their belief in Shoutmon, as each spirit was encircled in a light red aura, which was sent into Shoutmon X7 F's mic.
"What the? Taiki, what's going on?" Akari asked her friend.
"The Digimon, they all refuse to let Bagramon win and are giving more power to Shoutmon." Taiki replied.
"That's right." Shoutmon said, gaining control over X7 F again as he brought his mic up and exclaimed as X7 F. "And now to show you that power. Double Flare Buster!"
Unleashing all the power within his mic, it blasted DarknessBagramon in a powerful stream of red light, knocking him back a great distance and ceasing his grasp over the combined souls of the countless Digimon all siding with Shoutmon and Xros Heart.
"Man, that hurt." Shoutmon X7 F groaned as he stood once again, while holding his chest. "But that should prove to you that we all share the same dream, to see you defeated." He told DarknessBagramon.
"All your attacks are nothing compared to mine!" DarknessBagramon stated, looking over at Taiki and the others as he then said. "And your friendship is a weakness, not a strength. It will lead to your destruction. Eternal Darkmare!" Eternal Darkmare then exclaimed, releasing a stream of dark energy that tore through the ground, destroying everything in its path as it headed at the last surviving humans.
"Incoming!" Cried Zenjirou in panic, watching as the devastating attack tore at him, Taiki and the others.
"No!" Shoutmon X7 F yelled, acting as fast as he could and leapt before his friends, causing him to cry out as the darkness struck him in the back.
"Shoutmon!" Taiki cried out, seeing and feeling the pain of not only Shoutmon, but all the Digimon risking their lives to keep him protected.
"Taiki..." Groaned the fused Digimon as he continued to try and keep the humans covered at the cost of his own being.
Disgusted, Nene said. "Talk about low. Bagra attacked us because he knew Shoutmon would get in the way."
"No kidding. And Bagra still believes he deserves to be called a king." Kiriha replied, agreeing with Nene.
"He won't be." Yuu then said, causing the Xros Heart team, including Shoutmon X7 F to look at the blonde, who then added. "Because Shoutmon has something Bagramon never had and never will, heart."
With Yuu's words, not only were Taiki, Kiriha, Nene, Akari and Zenjirou inspired, but Shoutmon X7 F was as well, to which he suddenly rose and dispelled the darkness with a swing of his mic.
MegaDarknessBagramon went wide eyed while Shoutmon X7 F stood ready. "Impossible! I have conquered both worlds and have the power of darkness itself at my command. How can you continue to fight?" He questioned.
"I fight because I have heart and friendship on my side." Shoutmon X7 F replied as he then explained. "You say those are weaknesses, but you couldn't be more wrong. They are what keep me fighting, they give me a reason to fight and a reason to stop you. You rely on yourself, using others, even your own brother to do your dirty work. You're the weak one here."
"Be silent!" MegaDarknessBagramon yelled, angered by Shoutmon X7 F's statement and used his Eternal Darkmare attack for a second time, only to watch as it hit Shoutmon X7 F, but did nothing. "What!?"
"It's just like Shoutmon said, our friendship gives him the strength to fight." Taiki said to his friends, withdrawing his Xros Loader as he then added. "And that gave me an idea."
Smiling, Kiriha withdrew his Xros Loader. "I think I know where this is going, and you can count me in." He said, holding up his Xros Loader alongside Taiki, followed by Nene, Yuu, Akari and Zenjirou.
"Us too." Akari added, just as the Xros Loader she had received from Examon and WarGreymon began to glow with a light orange aura, while Kiriha's glowed blue, Nene's pink, Yuu's yellow, Zenjirou blue and Taiki's a powerful red, making the five announce. "Digivolve!"
Releasing the energy within each of their Xros Loaders, the five auras turned into beams of light that struck Shoutmon X7 F's back, before his form was encircled in a light of pure gold.
MegaDarknessBagramon tried blocking out the light while seeing the light slowly grow bigger. "What is this?" He questioned.
"Showing you how friendship will be they key to your defeat. Shoutmon and all the Digimon we made friends with are giving it everything to stop you, now we are too." Taiki replied, continuing to push himself as his power was absorbed into Shoutmon X7 F. "As we speak, every Digimon that makes up Shoutmon X7 F is Digivolving to their highest form in order to increase his strength and decrease your chances of winning."
"Taiki's right." Shoutmon X7 F spoke up, getting MegaDarknessBagramon's attention. "I can feel it. I can feel their strength." He said, looking at his hands, while inside the core of X7 F, Shoutmon looked and saw he had Digivolved to OmniShoutmon, while around him, all the Digimon were reaching their highest levels, including Greymon who Digivolved to ZekeGreymon, Lunamon who Digivolved to Dianamon, while Digimon such as Ballistamon and Lilithmon achieved their Digifused forms on their own accord, which included BalliBeastmon, and Lilithmon: Songstress Mode.
"Let's see if you like this!" Shoutmon X7 F then yelled in a mighty tone, charging at MegaDarknessBagramon as he drew out a blade of pure light energy and plunged it right through the Digimon of darknesses' chest, shocking him that he had been defeated.
"My vision..." MegaDarknessBagramon groaned out as he fell to his knees and questioned. "How could I have failed...?"
"That's not enough when you're on the wrong side of justice. Now your Data will return to the Digital World, where it belongs." Shoutmon X7 F said in reply as MegaDarknessBagramon's body broke into countless Data particles, causing X7 F to say on behalf on all those who had given him such power. "But make no mistake. If you rise again, we will be there to defeat you."
With MegaDarknessBagramon now gone and his evil vanquished, the world returned to normal, to which the darkness in the sky faded, while all the humans MegaDarknessBagramon had turned to stone then turned back to normal and looked around, confused as to what had just happened.
And with their job done, a massive portal to the Digital World opened up, to which all the Digimon of the various Zones and Lands floated up and returned back to the Digital World, to their homes, while the Fusion Fighters and their Digimon stayed and waved goodbye.
"More Digimon than I thought I would ever see, but Damemon wasn't one of them." Yuu then said, causing Taiki and the others to look at him in worry, only for Yuu to then smile and say. "I won't give up though. I figure his Data was regenerated as well, but wound up some place else."
"Good guess." Taiki said in reply.
"Alright. I guess that's the end of this ride." Shoutmon, back to his old self then said, before he added. "But now I've got a ton of work to do, rebuilding the Digital World. And after that..."
"You'll be Digimon King." Taiki said as he held out his hand, which made Shoutmon smile as he shook it and replied happily. "Yeah, and I owe it all to you. Thanks Taiki, you're the best friend a Digimon could ever have."
"And the best lover." Lilithmon added as she wrapped her arms around Taiki from behind, while making sure her breasts pressed against his back, just to tease him a little.
However, instead of making Taiki blush, Lilithmon noticed a small look of sadness on the boy's face, making her ask. "Taiki, is everything ok?"
"I just realized that now Bagra has been defeated, what will happen to you?" Taiki asked, a question that had come to him the second he realized Shoutmon and the others would soon be returning to the Digital World as well.
Lilithmon opened her mouth to reply before going speechless since he did raise a fair point, while a solemn expression appeared on Rosemon's face as she looked over at Kiriha and asked. "Will we return to the Digital World too?"
With the question unanswered, Lilithmon held Taiki closer to her, not wanting to let him go, actions Rosemon mimicked as she wrapped her arms around Kiriha.
"Perhaps there might be a way for you two to stay." Spoke up Wisemon, causing everyone to look at him, while Lilithmon and Rosemon's faces were filled with hope.
"And how is that?" Lilithmon asked, knowing that amongst all in Xros Heart, Wisemon was the most insightful, and if anybody could solve their problem it was him.
"Well, if your datas were modified, it would be possible for your forms to change into full on human ones and still keep your abilities intact."
Upon hearing such news, Lilithmon and Rosemon's faces lit up, before both Digimon slowly broke away from their partners and approached Wisemon, where Rosemon asked. "And how do we do that?"
"Well if I take some time to scan both of you, I might be able to fasten up something." Wisemon explained in reply, earning a nod from both female Digimon.
"Do it." Both said, not taking a second to decline a chance to remain with those they loved.
"Well there's a problem with that. We need to be in the Digital World for it to work. So for now, we need to go back." Wisemon replied, making the smiles on Lilithmon and Rosemon's faces fade.
But trusting him, Lilithmon turned and walked up to Taiki.
"I will return, I promise." She said, giving Taiki a final loving kiss.
"And I promised I would remain by your side, so please wait for me." Rosemon told Kiriha, kissing him as well.
Both men blushed, but then wrapped their arms around the Digimon they had fallen for and kissed them back while seeing the scene made the others look away.
And while Taiki and Kiriha were giving their girls a final kiss, Shoutmon glanced at Lunamon, who looked back at Shoutmon and smiled.
"Shoutmon, I am so proud of you." She said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "You did it. You actually became the Digimon King."
"Well I had a lot of help." He smiled, hugging her back and looking over Lunamon's shoulder to see all the other Digimon of team Xros Heart, all smiling and all proud to have assisted in making Shoutmon's dream a reality.
"And you'll get the same amount of help fixing up the Digital World." Ballistamon spoke up, making Dorulumon nod in reply, smile and ask. "Where should we start off, my king?"
"Let's start off where the Sweets Zone used to be." Starmon suggested.
"No. The Jungle Zone." A Pitmon retorted.
"Not that place, too many bugs. Let's try where the Mountain Land resides." Another Pitmon suggested.
"How about we start back home and work our way up to the Sky Zone?" A third asked.
"Well wherever it is, you can count me in as well." Yuu then said, surprising everyone.
Walking over to her little brother, Nene asked, her tone a mixture of confusion and concern. "Yuu, what are you talking about? We just got home, why do you want to go back to the Digital World all of a sudden?"
"To help fix it. I wanna do all I can to help it be repaired and livable, and I wanna try and find Damemon, if I can." Yuu replied, only for Nene to tear up a little, hold her brother close and say. "But Yuu, I just got you back. I don't want you to go away again."
"It'll be alright Nene." Shoutmon said as he placed his hand on her back, making her look at Shoutmon and saw the honesty on his smiling face. "I'll help keep an eye on him, I promise." He then added.
Knowing Shoutmon was one to stick with his promises, Nene smiled back at him, nodded, before she turned back and faced Yuu. "Alright. Go back to the Digital World and do the best job you can."
"I will, sis." Yuu replied as he smiled back at Nene, before he gave his sister a hug, who smiled and hugged Yuu back.
"Good luck Yuu." Taiki said as he approached the pair, causing the Amano siblings to break from their embrace, smile at Taiki, where Yuu then said as he took Taiki's hand and shook it. "Thank you Taiki, for everything."
Glad to see the siblings smiling again, but knowing they had a fair amount of work ahead of them, Shoutmon, after summoning his mic, and with his newfound power created a portal to the Digital World.
"Alright guys, time to head back." He then called out, earning a nod from Yuu, while the other Digimon members of Xros Heart began to march into the portal, smiling and waving their final farewells to Taiki and the others.
And as the last of the Digimon left, leaving only Shoutmon, Lunamon, Yuu, Lilithmon and Rosemon, both women broke from their lover's embrace and approached the portal, where they smiled and waved alongside Yuu as the three entered the portal, which left Shoutmon and Lunamon, to which Shoutmon smiled and gave a thumbs up to his friends before he and Lunamon entered the portal too and ventured back to the Digital World.
And with all the Digimon heading through the Digital Space and heading back home, the portal closed, leaving the five humans staring and smiling ahead, just as the sun was setting, while Taiki placed his left hand on his chest, not only proud of Shoutmon and all he had done, but through his bond with Lilithmon, knew that she would one day return.
True to his word and with the help of his friends and all the Digimon that now saw him as the rightful King of the Digital World, Shoutmon had restored the Digital World to its days before Breakdramon and the Bagra's attacks upon it, not only making it whole, but also restoring the peace through it.
During so, Shoutmon and Lunamon grew even closer to where he decided to make her his queen and held a grand wedding, using his new title to declare them as husband and wife in a beautiful and elegant celebration, something that flattered her and she made it clear how much it meant to her during their honeymoon, leaving Yuu in charge as they consummated their relationship.
And after two glorious weeks, staying at Shoutmon's old home in the Forest Zone, making the promise to Lunamon a castle worthy of her would be her home, the pair returned with Yuu and the others to continue fixing up the final few areas, to which the others noticed changes in Lunamon's appearance, which included her dress being replaced with one similar in design to her old one, but red in color, while a ring with a red gem set in the centre adorned her ring finger, further showing her love, devotion and respect toward the Digimon she loved.
And while glad for the couple, Lilithmon couldn't help but feel some sadness from being away from Taiki for so long, up to the point there were many nights she would either stare up at the night's sky, thinking of him or would dream about him, even if it was something as innocent as them holding each other closely, but being Lilithmon, most were more erotic, making her long for Taiki that much more.
But luckily for her, it didn't last forever.
As the Digimon continued to pull their weight in fixing up the Digital World, Shoutmon had noticed that even though Yuu was doing all he could to help, there were times when it was obvious the boy was homesick, to which Shoutmon made his decision, thanked Yuu for all his help, created a portal back to the Real World and allowed the blond to return home, back to his friends and family.
And it was on that day that Wisemon, after spending countless days to keep his promise, found a way to return Lilithmon and Rosemon back to the human world as well. He created a set of bracelets that would allow Rosemon and Lilithmon's bodies to return to the human world, but they would need time for their Data to gather up until they could reach their Mega forms again, so when it happened, they ended up in their Rookie forms, Ivymon and BlackGatomon.
But returning to Koto and reuniting with Kiriha and Taiki, neither cared how the girls looked, they were just glad to see them, evident when the plant Digimon and the cat-like Digimon were both embraced and kissed by their lovers.
With Kiriha and Ivymon, after being reunited and despite Taiki's generous nature, offering them to stay with him, Kiriha declined and moved to America where he became a high paying supervisor of his dad's company and would eventually come to be the CEO with Ivymon becoming Rosemon again, only her rose helmet vanished, revealing all her face and a set of beautiful azure colored eyes, where Rosemon managed to fit in with humans pretty quick and even got a job as Kiriha's assistant. She figured she had served as his partner in the Digital World, why not serve him in the Real World?
As Kiriha and Rosemon were happy together, Taiki and Lilithmon felt the same emotions as time went on.
Though Lilithmon started off as BlackGatomon, not only could she feel Taiki's love for her remain as strong as ever, but Taiki's mother, upon seeing the feline once again, was more than happy to let her stay with them.
But being in a feline form, Houko wanted to make sure if BlackGatomon ran away for any reason, she could be returned and known she already had an owner, to which she had purchased a purple collar that had the location of where BlackGatomon lived, her name, now going by Laura and the words 'Property of Taiki Kudo' on one side of the medallion hanging around the collar, which made Laura blush at the thought of Taiki being her Master and owning her.
And considering her alias was now his cat, this gave them more time and chances to spend together and even have some fun, which helped them expand their list of kinks. And due to the size difference, she was turned into a moaning mess each time, often left on her stomach and panting after Taiki had 'claimed' her.
While loving the role of being a subservient feline to her Master, like Ivymon, BlackGatomon eventually returned to her form as Lilithmon, only she had lost her bat-like wings, as well as her robe and black leather ensemble, leaving her completely naked, except for the cat collar that remained around her neck, which she kept on for the first few hours and spent those hours within Taiki's bedroom, letting him do to her whatever he desired.
And as it turned out, before she took her final form, as BlackGatomon she ended up laying a Dig-Egg, which was resting under some bed sheets, filling her heart with joy, knowing she had bore and given birth to Taiki's child.
And while both wondered what kind of Digimon would hatch from such a Digi-Egg, both knew their love would support it and that the Digimon resting within would grow into a being as wonderful as their parents, Taiki Kudo and Laura Kudo.