Disclaimer: I will be continuing this story since people are still reading it and the contest that I did before the first person to review will get an answer to their question. This chapter won't be that long so don't get your hopes up and is told in 1st pov. I hope you enjoy it though. ;)

Chapter 8: I am not dead, I'm alive!

I feel the throbbing of my head and I groan in pain as I try to sit up. I slowly open my amber eyes and stare at my surroundings. I am laying amoung debris and rumble of what once appeared to be a battle field. That's right I'm in the army! I wonder how long have I been unconscious for and where exactly am I.

I couldn't remember what had cause me to be in such a state. I thought about what was my last mission before I was render unconscious, but I couldn't remember. Suddenly her face popped into my mind and I knew I had to return home to Japan. I had to let her know that I was still in this world I haven't yet crossed over to the afterlife.

For she would always be mine and would never let anyone else have her. I devilishly smirked for I could not wait to see the look on her face when she saw me. I wondered would she rejoice to see that I am still here or would she curse the kami for allowing her predator to still hunt her. She was my prey to devour and I was her owner nothing had changed that. For I had broken her long ago and no could ever repair the damage that I purposely caused.

But what if she had found another in his absence? What if she had children with this said person? Would I allow her to be happy with someone else, can even image her with someone else?

''No, she will alway be mine and I will always be a part of her. My dear sweet sweet wife, Kagero!''