Sins of a Goddess

Finding time to write is never easy especially when you are lazy; doing it when you've been struck with the flu is just downright impossible. Well Mallow's back to write another Oh My Goddess fic but this one's gonna be a little different then my other two. For one it's going to be longer but it's going to star more of another of my favorite characters, Peorth. I've always liked Peorth (she's always been ranked up there almost as high as Belldandy) and I wondered what would happen if she had her "chance" with Keiichi well I think this story would probably be a possible scenario. Don't get me wrong though I do still love the Belldandy/Keiichi coupling the best.

I don't own Oh My Goddess it belongs to Kosuke Fujishima and if I did own it I'd probably be a rich man. ________________________________________________________________________ Prologue


They are funny creatures aren't they?

Long ago the very first Almighty created a creature that would be "modelled after the gods". He created a being that had no special advantage over the other animals, it had no extra claws or wings or fins but it did have one extra advantage. It's own intelligence; humans would be the only creatures on earth that could have thoughts that would rival the gods. They were left alone to carve their own destinies but somewhere the gods would always be watching them.

Where has that path taken them? True they have invented many glorious things but it all has come with a price. They have damaged their own earth and sometimes even permanently destroy places that mother earth took years to create in just a few minutes. They lie and cheat each other due to their personal corruption. Finally they are enjoying the taking of another life. It pains my heart to see how one can take another life and not even feel the slightest bit remorseful about it, what's worse is that several claim they can justify they own bloodshed in the name of their gods.

Slowly over the years the gods have turned their backs on their own creation don't blame them either, what they have become breaks my heart to the point I almost turned my back on them too.

Then I remember him.

I could never forget him and I'll never will, he is the light shining in the darkness and every time I look at him I realize that all humans can't be that bad. He has given me a sense of belief that there is hope for these creatures and as long as he continues to live I'll always watch over him but I can never be with him.

Sadly his heart already belongs to someone else and I cannot interfere with that so as long as he is happy I'll be happy for him, but still it's nice to dream of what our lives could have been like if he had chosen me.

Keiichi my love, what would have things been like?