Papyrus wasn't exactly sure what to make of his situation.
He was finally in the human's world, a dream that all the monsters had, but he couldn't even enjoy it. All his friends were gone, all the humans were gone, with the exception of a few, and it seems like the Child that had enslaved him plan on messing with the world, forever. Nothing was scarce from her wrath, and though it seems to him that she wasn't a complete monster, the fact that there was nothing left of what was suppose to be a nice world...
It says everything Papyrus couldn't.
Looking around his new room, he couldn't help but think it was rather small. And dull. There was nothing in this room Papyrus liked, and his car bed was nowhere to be seen.
He missed his car bed.
In fact, Papyrus missed everything that he had when he was Underground. He missed his toy collection, his car bed, the tall sink, his friends, Undyne, and...his brother.
There was an ache in Papyrus's chest cavity, subconsciously placing one of his boney hands over where the ache supposedly was. Sans never saw it coming, he had his back turned for one minute, and BAM! Insta-shot from behind. He remembered how Sans's smile was completely wiped away from his face, pupils shrunk into nothingness, and then he was gone before either of the brothers could say a word. He remember seeing her standing there, with a wicked smile on her face, looking straight at Papyrus with a You're Next message in her eyes, before walking away from him, leaving him to wonder.
He had wondered if what she'd done was a cruel joke, if she really hadn't meant to be friends with them at all, and Papyrus couldn't help but blame himself for Sans's fatal moment. He was always told he was too-trusting, too kind-hearted, and that in itself was something he had to fix. Papyrus never believed it, because he always saw the good in everyone, until today...
Today, his foolishness cost him his brother, his friends, and everything he knew and held onto with love.
Love. He was starting to hate that word.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Um, mister Papyrus sir? The mistress wants to see you." A voice spoke from behind the door, soft and meek. When Papyrus open the door, a human girl stared up at him, eyes shining with kindness and maybe even a bit shy. She kind of reminded Papyrus of Alphys, for some reason. Maybe it was the glasses.
"LEAD THE WAY, HUMAN." He said and with a nod, the girl began walking down the long hallway. It was quiet between the two, and Papyrus thought, since he was living here, maybe he could make a friend. "SO, HUH, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE? IF YOU DON'T MIND ME ASKING."
"Oh, uh, not that long, I suppose. It's only been a few weeks since the murder of my parents." She whispered, looking down at the carpet. Papyrus sputtered in disbelief.
"Young girl or not, the mistress is really evil, down to her core. She'd tried attacking a grown man once and manage to give him head trauma. I-I think this was before she went missing." She said. Papyrus couldn't believe what he was hearing. Just how evil was this Child? "I-in any case, since her return, everyone's been too afraid to do anything about her. I-I guess it's because they know what's going to happen to them should they interfere."
"Oh, it's Kyla. N-nice to meet you." She said, pushing up her glasses as they stopped by a very large door. "Well, this is it. S-see you around, maybe." With that, Kyla left, running away in the opposite direction of the door. Papyrus watched her go, before taking a deep breath, and open the door. There, she sat on the throne, seemingly bored as she casually threw the knife in her hand up and down.
The same knife she'd used to kill all the monsters and humans.
"UM, YES YOUR MAJESTY?" He said, causing her to giggle. How can something so cute be so evil? He thought, taking in the Child's gleaming red eyes.
"Please, no need to be so formal. Mistress is fine." She said, and before Papyrus could correct himself, she interrupted him. "Papyrus, how would you feel joining in the army I'm making?"
"A-ARMY?" Papyrus winced. He didn't know much about the human's world, but wouldn't the army be the same as the Royal Guards Undyne created? If that was the case, then there was no harm in joining, is there?
"Yes," She said, the smile on her face widen just a bit more. "Army. Essentially, I'm going to be sending you and few others out on a routine, checking every house here for any survivors, and for anyone who's name is not on the list, I want them dead. Well, it's not like the army, but you'll still be a soldier at my bidding."
Well...that didn't sound like the Royal Guards at all.
"A-AND IF I REFUSE?" He questioned, albeit nervously. The smile disappeared from her face, and there was a dangerous, darker red, glint in her eyes as she took in the words he was saying.
"Then I guess a punishment would be in order. But, I know that wouldn't be necessary, because you always follow orders, don't you Papyrus? Even if you don't like them." She said, a smile on her face once more. Papyrus couldn't help but stare at her, a part of him really wanting to say no, but...
A punishment didn't sound very nice.
Papyrus twiddle his fingers, unsure of the answer. Just as he was about give her an answer, she gave him a half-heartedly slap on his back, giggling once more.
"Don't worry! You don't have to answer right away, but I do expect something before dinner! See ya later Papyrus." With that, the Child began to walk out of the room, leaving the door wide open so when Papyrus felt like it, he could leave and close the door.
The ache before tugged, and again, Papyrus placed a hand on his chest.
What was he going to do now?