This is my first shizaya fanfic, please be nice.
This place is so interesting.
He mused, standing above the city below, glistening with the movement of life.
When was the last time something boring happened? Yesterday? The day before? Last week? Last month? Last year?
He couldn't remember.
But his wicked smile never faded. Getting to his feet, he slipped his hands into the warm pockets of his coat, letting out a cold giggle.
These pawns, these lives, these people. He loved them. He loved them all. He loved them all so much that they could all just die. He loved everything about them: the love, the hate, the conflict, trust, distrust. Everything that made them human he loved.
But there was one who was different.
There was one that he wished would drop dead.
One that won't do as he expects. One that won't do what he wants. One that he wished would drop off the face of the earth. A monster that he wished would just die already.
After all, what's the point of having a pawn if you can't move it the way you want?
And as he stood atop a large concrete building that overlooked the city below. The monster stood behind him, filthily panting, showing signs that he ran all the way here.
Slowly, he craned his head behind him to stare at the beast; he instantly noticed the street sign post in the monster's right hand, bent in many angles. Then an idea formed in his head, what if he played with him instead? A secret grin appeared on his face
"It's been a while hasn't it, Shizu-chan," he faced the monster, ever close to the edge.
"Not long enough," the beast growled, his expression just as fierce as ever. "Now get the hell out of Ikebukuro!" he practically roared.
"Oh, such fierce words you're using," he cooed. He found it amusing to tease him; the expressions he makes were so funny that it sent chills down his spine.
And so, the game began.
"Shall we play a game? Shizu-chan," a devilish grin spread across his face, eyes glinting.
"What?" he seemed confused, it made his smile tug upwards even further with amusement. "Are you crazy, Izaya?"
"Of course not," Izaya said, playfully. "I simply wish to play a game. I have been curious as to what would happen if I suddenly disappeared."
"Are you kidding me?" He scoffed, "I wouldn't care. In fact, it'd save me a lot of trouble."
For an instant and only an instant, Izaya's smile faded, not liking that answer, but the smile came back as soon as he dropped it. "Oh? But I wonder what kind of expression you would make if I suddenly disappeared before your eyes, I'm really curious about it," he shrugged.
He remained silent, wondering where this conversation was going.
He backed towards the edge, never turning away from Shizuo, "the game is simple, give me your best face Shizu-chan," Izaya waved a finger in the air, "and if it's good enough, you win." He pulled his other hand from his pocket, and held out both arms wide, "so, shall we begin?"
Slowly, he leaned back.
And in that second, Shizuo instantly knew what Izaya was doing and his expression changed to one of shock and fear, even a hint of sorrow. For once, Shizuo had done as the raven had wanted. He closed his eyes, smiling.
At first, he thought he hit the ground without pain, he register his body. He couldn't think straight either. He was wondering if he was alive or dead. But as his mind pondered, a strong force gripped his wrist, pulling him upwards.
He thought that maybe it was an angel coming to take him away, up towards that place in the sky.
But all he felt was the cold rush of the night air and the hard surface of concrete as he hit the roof. He hadn't died, and there was no angel taking him away. His eyes opened, registering the blacken sky, he laid spread out, wondering what happened.
"Are you insane!" a roaring voice bellowed.
Izaya turned his attention towards the voice, Shizuo stood there, fists clenched into tighter balls, pure rage splayed across his face, but his eyes shown concern. He then straightened up, pointing towards Izaya. "From now on, you're no longer allowed to go towards the edge of a building without my permission, got it!"
He sat up, looking at Shizuo confused.
"Only I'm allowed to kill you! Got it! Not anyone else, not even you!" he snapped, "you hearing me!"
He didn't move. Izaya was still contemplating why Shizuo had saved him. Seeing his expression change for him was enough. But why let him live if he hates him so much?
Due to Izaya's silence, Shizuo pulled a cigarette to his mouth, lighting the end and breathing in the smoke before exhaling and letting the cigarette hang in his mouth.
"Dammit!" he growled, breaking the cigarette and tossing it to the ground. "I'm outta here." Shizuo began to walk, stepping past Izaya. But without thinking, a force gripped his pants, halting his movements. Shizuo glared down at the hand that gripped his pants. "What is it now?"
Izaya balled up, head down.
"Let go," he said, it wasn't ordering nor demanding. It was just cold words the way he said it. But Izaya didn't listen to them. Instead, he tightened his grip. "Let me go! Ya damn flea!"
"Don't go," Izaya whispered. He didn't want to be alone at the moment. Not right now.
"I can't hear you when you whisper," Shizuo grunted, scratching the side of his head.
"Don't go," Izaya said softly, loud enough for Shizuo to hear. "Please, don't leave me alone."
Pathetic! That's what he thought, that's what Izaya was right now, pathetic. He thought that as he clanged to his most hated person, desperately trying to keep him by his side. But pathetic must be what Shizuo was thinking, Izaya told himself. Yes, that was how to describe him now.
"Ugh fine!" Shizuo grumbled. Suddenly, arms swooped down and encircled around Izaya, pulling him into the air with a surprise gasp. His hand instantly gripped the vest tightly as his surprised eyes looked at the deep black. Izaya felt the strong arms surrounding him as they carried him away; they felt safe and comforting as he relaxed into them. "I'll leave you at Shinra's place."
Izaya suddenly tensed at the comment that suddenly left his mouth. No! He began to tremble. Right now he felt a lot safer with Shizuo. He knew Celty would be there, and he knew nothing bad will come of staying at Shinra's place. But he couldn't handle it. "No," he whispered.
Shizuo looked down at the fearful expression the man in his arms had, questioning the look he had. He seemed so vulnerable right now, like a frightened kitten staring at the jaws of a lion. It seemed a little off putting to Shizuo, because he had never seen this side of Izaya and didn't know how to deal with it.
Then Izaya buried his face into Shizuo's shoulder, gripping his clothing a little tighter. "I don't want that," he said slowly.
"Fine," Shizuo sighed, "what's with you today?"
Yes, that would be true, what's with me. What's wrong with me? Izaya relaxed again, staring up at Shizuo's face. They had made it to the ground floor. Izaya wasn't sure what he was staring at, Shizuo's expression seemed calm, almost surreal against the darkness. And without thinking . . .
"Hmm?" Shizuo grunted in reply.
Izaya brought his hand up, touching Shizuo's cheek and bringing his face towards his own before planting his lips against his. Shizuo's eyes widen, a stunned expression played on his face as his cheek heated up a little. Izaya smiled as he pulled away, so innocent.
Due to the sudden kiss, Shizuo had stopped mid-walk. Izaya was expecting him to drop him right then and there, walk out and never look back. But Shizuo was frozen stiff; he never lost his stunned look. But he composed himself and began to walk outside.
Smiling gently, Izaya rested his head against Shizuo's shoulder, his steps gently rocking him to sleep, happy that Shizuo didn't abandon him.
The next thing Izaya knew was that Shizuo had plonked him down on a double bed. The mattress was a little hard, but at least the pillow was soft, the blankets felt warm. And Shizuo's scent was surrounding him.
Everything smelt like Shizuo. Izaya shifted to get comfortable, tossing left then right then back again. The smell will not leave him. Although he didn't mind the scent, this made it a little difficult to go to sleep.
"Will you sit still?" a voice warned in a deadly tone.
Izaya froze; he turned over to see Shizuo lying next to him. His eyes closed and his expression peaceful. He was so close to Izaya to, not even a foot away from him. Without thinking again or meaning to.
Izaya leaned in and kissed him.
Shizuo pushed him away instantly and turned over, standing. "Screw this, I'm sleeping out the couch," he scratched the side of his head. "What's with you today?" he muttered, walking out.
Izaya waited, grabbing the pillow Shizuo had been sleeping on and hugging it close to his chest, breathing in the warm scent that still remained. He waited, five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty, all the way to an hour later when he was sure Shizuo was asleep.
Izaya tiptoed his way out of the dark bedroom, into the living room where his eyes fell on the sleeping man, a blanket resting on him as he laid on his back, an arm above his head as his expression was even more peaceful.
Slowly and quietly, Izaya made his way towards the blonde, reaching down to pull the blanket up as he crawled on top of the man, careful not to wake him, as she shifted to get into a comfortable position laying on Shizuo. He placed the blanket back down on them and rested his head against Shizuo's chest, hearing him breath gently, the sound of his hear beat became that of a lullaby that Izaya couldn't but fall asleep to.
And with that, the sweet darkness encased him.
Please let me know what you think of it, it would help me out a lot to know of what I can do for this story.