Alright. So here is the first chapter of the rewrite. When I first posted the AN saying that I wanted to rewrite this story, I had not written a single word. My plan was to finish this chapter and start editing the next and start the rough draft of the third draft. Yeah, that did NOT happen. I figured that had made you guys all excited, but made you wait long enough. I do not have a word of chapter two written, but I have been thinking about it, so I kind of know what is going to happen.

Unfortunately for you all, my writing process is kind of lengthy especially since I am working 63 hours a week currently and the holidays are fast approaching. I will try my best to get the second chap. up before Christmas, but I make no promises.

Okay, that's enough of that. Without further ado, I give you:


On a late November afternoon, in Lima, Ohio, a young girl struggled to walk home while carrying grocery bags. The girl was short and thin, her hair was brown and went to her shoulders, she had brown eyes, and her nose was slightly larger than the average. Her name was Rachel Berry.

Rachel was eleven years old. She had been raised by two men, and that made her an easy target for bullies. She also didn't have many friends, and her dads hadn't really been home since she had turned eight, so she spent a lot of her time by herself. She loved anything having to do with performing: singing, dancing, and acting. She especially enjoyed musicals.

The eleven-year-old finally arrived home and struggled slightly to open the door. Once she was in, Rachel got to work on putting her frozen meals away and then started her homework. After an hour, the brunette decided it was time for dinner; she put a frozen macaroni and cheese meal in the microwave. As she ate, she finished her homework, then moved to the living room to watch T.V. Rachel fell asleep on the couch watching her favorite movie, Funny Girl.

Just before 12:45, both of the Berry men arrived home and found their daughter asleep on the couch. They turned to each other; the taller man, Hiram, spoke.

"That will make things easier." The other man, LeRoy, nodded, moved to the kitchen, grabbed the box of trash bags, and both moved upstairs.

A few hours away, in Akron, Ohio, at the same time Rachel was arriving home, so was the Corcoran-July family. The family was a large one, consisting of six people; Shelby Corcoran, a brunette of average height, she had brown eyes, and a larger than average nose. Cassandra July was a blonde, slightly taller than Shelby, she had green eyes and a dancer's body. These were the mothers, they had both been Broadway actresses, but when Shelby's father got ill, they moved their children from NYC to Ohio. They had four children. Quinn, a fourteen-year-old blonde with hazel eyes, and she was average height. Katherine, or Kitty, a seven-year-old with blonde hair, hazel eyes, and was shorter than the average girl her age. And finally, the twins, five-year-olds Ryder and Marley, both were brunette and tall. Ryder had brown eyes while Marley had blue.

"Alright," Shelby sighed as she opened the door to the home, "I'm going to start dinner. Quinn, start your homework. Kitty, get going on your reading. Ry, Mar, you two are going to help Mommy with the dishes." Quinn made her way up the stairs with her backpack, Kitty grabbed a book from her bag, and went to the library. Everyone else went to the kitchen.

The family enjoyed tacos for dinner, after, Quinn went back to her room to finish her homework, Kitty did the dishes while the twins played and the mothers graded tests and papers. When the family moved to Akron, Shelby and Cassandra got jobs at Shelby's old high school. Shelby taught English while Cassandra taught Dance, and after school, they coached the number one glee club in the country, Vocal Adrenaline.

At eight-thirty, the family got ready for bed and met up in the library. Every night, they would sit down together before bed, and one of the mothers would read. Cassandra read the final two chapters of "The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh" before the younger three were sent to bed. An hour after, Quinn was asleep as well, and the mothers weren't far behind her.

'Ding-dong...ding-dong...' Cassie picked her head up off the pillow and waited a moment, but when she didn't hear anything, she laid back down, 'Ding-dong...'

"What the hell?" the blonde mumbled before shaking her wife, "Shell. Shelby, did you hear the doorbell?"

"What?" Shelby asked, "I didn't hear anything. Go back to sleep," Cassie laid back down; 'Ding-dong,' Shelby sat up, "Was that the doorbell?" Cassie sat back up. 'Ding-dong.'

"I knew it!" 'ding-dong...ding-dong...ding-dong...' We've gotta go answer it before they woke up the kids."

"I'll go," Shelby gave her wife a kiss and made her way out of the room. In the hall, Shelby ran into Quinn rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Mama?" the blonde asked, "Who's ringing the doorbell? It's three o'clock in the morning."

"I'm going to figure it out Quinnie," Shelby replied, "Go back to bed." She sent the girl off with a kiss on the top of the head. 'Ding-dong... ding-dong-ding-dong... ding-dong-ding-dong ding-dong.' The mother rolled her eyes, turned on the light over the stairs and headed down; she turned on the porch light and opened the front door. There, standing in front of her was a short, small brunette with tears in her brown eyes and running down her face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Shelby asked, "Are you lost, Sweetheart?"

"I... I, I don't know," the girl sobbed, "My dads, just dropped me off here," she held up an envelope, "They said to give you this."

"Okay, okay," Shelby took the envelope, "Here, why don't you come in and calm down," she guided the girl to the living room, "I'm going to figure this out." Shelby sat down across from the girl and opened the envelope, she found a letter addressed to her inside.


This is your daughter. Her name is Rachel Barbra Berry, and she is eleven years old. She is in the seventh grade at Lima Middle School. We do not know much about Rachel; we have had a hard time bonding with her for some time now.

For the past few years, we have not been the parents that Rachel deserves, so we have decided that it would be best if you were to have her. We know that you have a family of your own, but we hope that Rachel will transition well. We hope that everything goes well with you and Rachel and that you understand that we don't feel the connection that we should with our daughter.


LeRoy and Hiram Berry.

Shelby became furious as she read through the letter. Of course, she was thrilled to know that the pre-teen across from her was the daughter that she had given up nearly twelve years prior. But it upset her that Rachel was crying because the men that Shelby had trusted her with had left her on a stranger's porch in the middle of the night. Shelby calmed herself before speaking.

"Hey, Pumpkin? I need you to calm down a bit. You think you can try?" Rachel nodded, and Shelby took hold of one of the girl's hands and held it to her own chest, "Try and match my breathing. Good. That's it; there we go." Shelby smiled at her once her breathing had become normal. "I have to go make a call, will you be okay?" Rachel nodded, "Okay." Shelby went to the kitchen and called the police. She went back to the living room with a cup of water in her hands. She gave the water to her daughter and returned to her seat.

"Thank you," Rachel said, "My name is Rachel by the way, Rachel Berry." Shelby smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Rachel," she leaned on her elbows that rested on her thighs, "Do you know who I am?" the younger girl shook her head, "My name is Shelby Corcoran. I-"

"Wait," Rachel interrupted, "like the Shelby Corcoran? The Broadway star?" The mother chuckled and nodded. It seemed that her daughter shared her love of musicals.

"Yes, that is me. Do you know why your fathers brought you here?" Rachel shook her head, "Pumpkin, I'm your mom. I gave birth to you." Rachel's eyes widened before she started crying. Shelby picked the girl up and sat back down with her daughter in her lap, and comforted her.