Hey guys, remember me? It's been over a month since I last posted a fanfic, it feels like so long, I really need to write more often. You guys should check me out on dA, I post art and stuff every single day and you can get to know me uncomfortably well, because I have no shame on the internet ;p

Well, anyway, this is what you perverts wanted, some hot man on merman action, so here it is. This was extremely awkward for me to write and it probably shows, you better appreciate all the effort that went into writing this!

I was going to post this separately, but I'm lazy so it's just an extra chapter XD Now go enjoy this smut, you filthy animals!


The beach had been deserted all morning. That was to be expected, it wasn't exactly a beach going day after all. A blanket of clouds completely covered the sky, making it seem darker than it really was, and it had been raining on and off.

That didn't stop Eren though, it'd been three long weeks since he'd last seen Levi and he wasn't going to let shitty weather stop him.

The shitty weather worked in their favour though. Since nobody was at the beach, Levi wouldn't have to keep himself hidden, and Eren could be his usual energetic self.

He wasn't feeling particularly energetic right now though. It'd been six months since Eren had released Levi back into the ocean, and they still hadn't figured out how they were going to make things work.

"I was thinking that I could move the aquarium onto a boat, and it'd be, like, the world's largest moving aquarium or something, you know? But if something happened to the boat then... then I'd lose everything I worked so hard for..." Eren sighed sadly, fixing his gaze on the rock he was sitting on, "Then I thought about just moving the aquarium and myself somewhere near here, but then I'd be away from my friends. I'd have to find new employees too and that could take forever, and I really don't want the aquarium to be closed for a long time." He shivered slightly, and pulled his towel a little tighter around himself.

"I could just... abandon my aquarium, or just leave it to my friends, and get a boat, and we could just travel around together." Eren suggested, finally looking up at Levi, only to find he was wearing a somewhat angered expression.

"No." Levi said sternly, "I won't let you give up your aquarium for me."

"But what other options do we have? There's nothing we can do, Levi! I either choose you or the aquarium, and I-I love you so much more, I-" A strangled sob escaped Eren's throat before he could finish, and tears started to roll down his cheeks.

"Oi, stop getting yourself so worked up." Levi said softly, lifting a hand to wipe the tears away. Pretty useless since his hands were wet from the ocean water.

"Sorry." Eren mumbled, using the towel to dry his face, "I just feel so helpless, I wish there was just a simple solution."

"We'll think of something."

"You keep saying that!"

"Eren." The merman said firmly, "Enough of that for now, let's just... talk about something more positive."

"Like?" Eren asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Like how much I love you." Levi hummed, placing his hands on the rock and lifting himself up so he could bump his nose against Eren's.

Eren snorted at that, but he didn't try to hide his smile. He leaned forward a little, so he could connect their lips in a kiss, but they were interrupted before he could.

"Hey, big bro!"

Levi groaned, turning to glare at the younger mermaid, "What is it?"

"Thought you might like to know that I saw some people on the beach." Isabel explained, swimming closer, "The weather seems to be getting a little nicer, so there might be more arriving soon. It might be a good idea to migrate a little further up the beach."

They all turned their heads towards the more sandy parts of the beach, and true to what Isabel had said, there were a few people on the beach. A quick glance at the sky also told them that yes, the weather was also starting to get better.

"I guess I'll meet you at the cave? In a half hour or so?" Levi suggested, turning back to Eren.

"Maybe an hour, I think I wanna grab a bite to eat first, I'm getting hungry. You want anything?" Eren asked, getting to his feet.

Levi just shook his head, and then they parted ways.


The cave was something that Eren had discovered when he'd been exploring the beach, looking for more secluded places to be with Levi. It was hidden away from the main beach area, and to get to it Eren would have to spend about twenty minutes climbing over large rocks and avoiding dozens of rock pools.

When he'd accomplished this task, he entered the cave to find Levi already there, waiting in the deep pool that took up half of the cave floor. Somewhere in the pool, there was a tunnel leading to the ocean just big enough for Levi to get through, so it acted as a private underwater entrance for him. They were lucky they'd found this cave, otherwise Eren and Levi most likely wouldn't be able to see each other when the beach was busy.

"Hey." Eren greeted, moving to sit at the edge of the pool.

"You changed." Levi commented, eyeing Eren's new outfit.

"Um, yeah, I thought it would be a good idea since it's really hot now." The man said, sitting at the edge of the pool and letting his feet hang in the water. Eren had changed from a long sleeved shirt and jeans to a tank top and pair of shorts.

"I like these... clothes? If I remember correctly?" Levi swam a little closer, "I like being able to see your legs." He lifted his hands and placed them on Eren's knees, before slowly sliding them up Eren's body to cup his cheeks. He pulled the man into a quick kiss, then mumbled, "Swim with me," against his lips.

Eren's hands came to rest on Levi's shoulders and leaned in for another quick kiss, "I don't know, I didn't bring-"

"You can swim naked." Levi suggested, before quickly adding, "If you're alright with that, I don't want to force you to do anything."

"No, it's fine, I could do that, just... turn around until I get in the water, please?"

Levi nodded and turned while Eren undressed, only turning back when Eren tapped him on the shoulder. The brunet smirked and used his hands to splash water over the merman, then kicked off of the rocks, darting away from the him.

They swam around for a while, trying to splash each other with water, and by the end of it they were both breathing heavily, but they had smiles on their faces. Now they were just floating in the middle of the pool, Eren had his arms and Levi's neck, and Levi had his arms around Eren's waist. The merman was stopping them from sinking with gentle movements of his tail.

"I love you." Levi said breathlessly, "I love you so much, I-"

"I love you too, Levi." Eren hummed, leaning forward to connect their lips.

The kiss quickly became heated, Levi's hands moved to the man's hips and he swam over to the edge of the pool, pinning Eren to the rocks.

Eren let out a gasp, breaking the kiss. His green eyes settled on Levi's kiss swollen lips, and then moved to his silver eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but Levi cut him off, "Can you get pregnant?"

The man started to choke on his own saliva as his face turned a deep red, "W-what?! No! Of course not!" He stared at Levi with wide eyes, the merman just looked confused.

"Was that a stupid question...?"

He almost looked sad, and Eren immediately felt guilty for his reaction, "What, no! I- Can... can you get pregnant?"

"With another merman I could, but with a human... I'm not sure." Levi explained slowly, watching Eren closely.

"OK, so that means-"

"I can fuck you, but you can't fuck me."

Eren couldn't contain his laugh at that, "Yeah, that's what it means." He grinned, pulling Levi into another kiss.

"So... we're really doing this?" Levi mumbled against the others' lips.

"Yeah, I guess, if you want to... you don't-"

He wasn't given a chance to finish because Levi was kissing him again, his hands moving to grip Eren's hips. Levi smirked into the kiss, his hands slowly moving south to squeeze Eren's ass cheeks. When the brunet parted his lips in a gasp, the merman used the opportunity to slip his tongue past Eren's teeth and slide it against his own.

Levi used his grip on Eren's ass to lift the man out of the water and onto the rocks, then gently pushed him to lie down.

"One second, drying out." Levi muttered, pulling away to dive back into the water. He jumped out a few seconds later and landed on top of Eren.

He immediately began placing kisses to Eren's neck and shoulder, occasionally biting down or sucking on a spot to leave a mark. All Eren could do was gasp out the merman's name and cling to his hair, as Levi's mouth moved lower and lower.

Levi slid back into the water slightly and then grabbed Eren's thighs and lifted them onto his shoulders. He licked his lips at the sight before him, "You look beautiful like this, I don't think I'll ever get tired of this sight."

"Levi..." Eren whined, fidgeting slightly, "This is embarrassing."

"How is it embarrassing?" Levi murmured, before beginning to place light kisses to Eren's inner thighs.

Eren shrugged, his cheeks starting to burn, "It just is."

Levi just hummed and moved a hand to wrap around Eren's dick, causing the man to let out an odd squeaking noise. The merman ignored it and leaned down to flick his tongue across the flushed head.

Eren squeaked again and tugged harshly on Levi's hair. Levi tilted his head up, and was met with the sight of Eren's blushing face, his fist in his mouth to stifle anymore noises.

"It looks like mine." Levi commented.

Eren frowned, moving his fist away from his mouth to ask, "What...?"

"Your dick, it looks like mine." Levi answered, "I wasn't expecting that, your species seems to be more similar to mine than I first thought."

At that, Levi could've sworn Eren's red face actually got darker, "How do you say that so nonchalantly?!" The man cried, "No more comments about anatomy or whatever! Can we just get on with it, please?"

Levi chuckled and pulled Eren into a soft kiss, "If that's what you want." He gripped Eren's hips and pulled him back into the water, then he wriggled around slightly, trying to get Eren in the right position.

When the tip of the merman's dick pressed against Eren's entrance, the brunet froze up, "Wait! I don't suppose you know what preparation is do you?"

Levi gave Eren a blank look, "Some sort of ritual before mating?"

Eren sighed, "Something like that I suppose, just-... stay there and... watch, I guess?"

The man pulled himself out of the water and shuffled over to the bag he'd bought with him. After a few moments of rummaging around inside of it, he pulled out a small bottle of sunscreen lotion.

He squirted some lotion onto his fingers and turned to lay on his back, then slowly began to work himself open. Starting with one finger, then two, and finally three.

Levi watched, looking absolutely fascinated with the act. His hands gripped Eren's thighs tightly, his claws so close to breaking skin. Occasionally he'd flick his tongue out to lick away a bead of precum from the tip of Eren's dick.

When Eren decided he was ready, he pushed Levi back into the water, then climbed in after him. Eren pulled the merman into a kiss as he wrapped his legs around his waist.

Levi's hands squeezed Eren's ass cheeks, and then he was buried deep inside Eren in one thrust.

The younger man cried out at the pleasure, his nails digging into Levi's shoulders and drawing blood, but neither of them seemed to notice.

"You're so tight." Levi breathed, beginning to thrust his hips ever so slightly.

Eren gasped and smirked, "You're so big, Levi, it feels-ah, so good."

Levi cursed and pressed Eren's back into the jagged rocks as his thrusts grew harsher, but Eren didn't seem to mind the new pain, just focused more on the pleasure. He tried to kiss the merman, but they just ended up panting and moaning into each others' mouth.

Levi decided to just mark Eren instead, littering Eren's neck and shoulders with dark bruises. He made sure to leave one or two just under Eren's jaw as well, so he wouldn't be able to hide them and everyone would know he was Levi's.

"Levi, I-I'm close, ah-!" The brunet clutched at the other tighter, arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"Fuck, Eren-" Levi hissed, moving one hand down to stroke Eren as he moved his hips one last time, cumming deep inside of Eren, the younger man following seconds later.

Eren's grip loosened as he tried to regain his energy, now that there was nothing distracting him, he was starting to feel the ache in his back from the rocks. He was also starting to feel quite cold, but he ignored it in favour of holding Levi just a little longer, slowly being lulled to sleep by the merman's quiet humming.


Let me know if you spot any mistakes, I'm extremely tired and probably missed some when editing, also tell me if you like it or something? Idfk.