Second chapter! Just so you know, I usually post one chapter a month. Sometimes two. Never more than that usually. Just thought you would want to know before you read this before it's complete. Here's the second chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Draco was miserable. Professor Flitwick had all the 8th years sit in a corner, so there was a giraffe, an otter, a huge wolf, a porcupine, a stag, and a rabbit stuck in a corner. Because only Hermione had opposable thumbs, he hadn't seen it fair for only her to participate, and made the entire 8th grade year sit out while the rest of the class took notes. Draco would have been glad, but the porcupine was sitting next to him, and he already had several needles stuck into his side. Hermione was perched on the giraffe's head, staring at the board with an intensity that only she could pull off, despite being an otter. Draco paused for a moment.

Hermione Granger was an otter.


Hermione Granger was an otter


He broke into wolfish laughter, scaring everyone in the room. Hermione looked at him weird. That just sent him into another fit. She was an otter. Why an otter? It took him several minutes, but he finally calmed down. Hermione scowled at him. Harry, Luna, and the rest of the class were looking at him as if he had grown another head. He just sat there with a wolfish grin on his face, making several shy away, including that damn porcupine.

After class, it was time for dinner. However, Draco had to go to the medical wing to get the porcupine quills pulled out of his flank. He was not very happy. Hermione came with him, writing on a piece of parchment that she needed to make sure that he didn't steal her book bag. Draco jogged to the medical wing, wincing when the needles shifted. They arrived in a couple of minutes, Hermione hopping on a bed as Madame Pomfrey kneeled beside him, with a muggle contraption that Draco thought were called 'pliers.' She muttered a spell that numbed his side and pulled them out quickly. She disinfected it with a spell and wrapped a bandage around it when it started bleeding.

"Alright. You can go now Mr. Malfoy. Just don't sit next to porcupines in the future." He huffed, and grabbed the book bags. Hermione hopped on his back.

'What am I? A pony?' Shaking away that train of thought, he jogged to the Great Hall.

After dinner, it was time for bed. Draco took Hermione and her book bag up to Gryffindor Tower, then set out for the Dungeons. He was there in no time. It was then that he realized his dilemma.

He can't speak.

How was he supposed to enter, when he couldn't say the password? Hermione probably had the same problem, but Gryffindors were much nicer than Slytherins. He set his book bag down and curled up in a ball. He'd had to wait. He didn't know how long, but he would. He puffed his fur out. It was cold in the Dungeons. He tucked his nose into his tail. Might as well get comfortable.

He didn't remember falling asleep, but he woke up with Filch's cat staring at him. He sprang to his feet so fast, he was surprised when he didn't get whiplash. He backed up. When Mrs. Norris was around, Filch was never far away. He looked around for a place to hide. Filch would offer no mercy. It didn't matter if he was stuck as a wolf for a week or not. When there was no place he could hide, he just flopped down and accepted his fate. It didn't take long for Filch's heavy footsteps to fill the hallway. They rang through the silence, reminding Draco of his impending doom.

"Find any-" Filch stopped when he saw the wolf. Draco tried to hide his face, making himself appear smaller. It didn't work. Not even a little bit. Draco stood up, ready to be led off. Filch didn't disappoint. He grabbed Draco by his ear and dragged him towards the Headmistress' office. Draco was yipping and yelping in pain the whole way. When they reached the giant eagles, Filch said the password and dragged Draco up the steps. He knocked on the door. A very tired and annoyed McGonagall answered the door. When she saw Draco, her gaze hardened and gestured for them to come in.

"What happened?" She asked, angry after having been woken up.

"Malfoy here was out of bed after curfew." McGonagall was glaring at Draco.

"And why was that, Mr. Malfoy?" Draco sighed and tried to talk, but only barked. He couldn't wait until Professor Sprout was done with the antidote. He looked around for something to communicate with, but settled with scratching it into the floor. He knew the Headmistress wouldn't like it, but he had no other choice.


"Well, don't let it happen again. Breakfast will be ready in about 45 minutes, so you don't have to go back. Just stay out of trouble. And Filch, try to be a bit more lenient." Filch grumbled and he and Draco left the office. Draco knew where he'd go until breakfast was ready. He ran out to the lake and splashed in the shallows. He ran in circles and chased little rabbits and mice that hadn't gone back to their homes yet. He chased butterflies, and lost track of time. He chewed on sticks and played with Fang. He didn't even pay attention when students started going to classes. He was startled and somewhat relieved when he found he could talk to Fang. He offered some surprisingly insightful advice. It was only when he noticed that the sun was going down when he realized he was screwed.

Hermione had been worried all day. She had to have Harry carry her book bags on his antlers and she had to ride on his back. He wasn't very fast and it was hard to walk on stone floors in hooves. In other words, Hermione was scared for her life most of the time. Draco hadn't shown up at dinner or at any of their classes. When it was time for Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid at the end of the day, she realized where he was. He and Fang were in Hagrid's pumpkin patch barking at each other. They seemed to be communicating. Had he been there all day? Fang seemed to be doing most of the talking, with Draco nodding his head every once in a while. She was distracted throughout the entire class when they ran in circles and played together. He seemed to be acting more like a wolf, chasing rabbits around. She gasped when she realized something.

They were becoming more like animals everyday. And it had only been one day! How many characteristics would they have from their animals by the time the week was over? She kept grooming herself and she didn't know why. She had been dying to jump into the lake all day. Harry was getting more skittish and jumping at loud noises more. This was a big problem. If Professor Spout didn't get the cure in time, they would be stuck in their animal forms with the mind of an animal for the rest of their lives! A teacher would need to know right away. She jumped off Harry's head and twisted in mid air, catching Hagrid's attention. She grabbed her quill and a piece of parchment and quickly wrote.


Hagrid seemed at a loss at what to do. He turned to Draco, who was currently chasing mice and other small creatures around. Harry seemed to shy away from the big man and Hermione had started to pick at her fur, getting some dirt out of it. He dismissed the class.

"All students are dismissed to dinner unless you are an 8th year! If you're an 8th year, come with me to Madame Pomfrey." Hagrid called to Fang, who trotted over. Draco followed somewhat hesitantly. He had an irrational feeling that he should get away and find a pack. He shook his head. He didn't have a pack! He noticed Luna in the form of a rabbit. He sniffed the air and got into a crouch, needing to chase her. He growled slightly and started creeping up on her. Luna stood on her hind legs and looked around, nose and ears twitching. When she glimpsed Malfoy, she darted.

Draco followed her at full speed. Hagrid saw Draco right before he caught up with Luna. He grabbed his crossbow and was about to fire, however reluctantly, when Draco ground to a full stop. The wolf seemed confused. He cocked his head, and looked at Luna, who was breathing hard, hidden behind Hermione. Draco put his head down and his tail between his legs and followed Hagrid, who still had his crossbow out. He didn't want another incident. When they arrived, Hagrid explained to Madame Pomfrey, who called all the teachers in for a conference. McGonagall put him under the full body bind.

"Petrificus Totalus!" He couldn't move, could barely breath. He went stiff as a board and fell on his side. His eyes were wide as Hagrid picked him up and placed him on one of the beds. The teachers talked for a full half an hour, before a verdict was reached.

"To St. Mungos it is."

It was decided that Hagrid and Professor McGonagall would go with them. Hagrid picked up Draco, Hermione hopped on his shoulder and several other students were sitting on Draco's side, including Luna. It was irritating his injuries from the stupid porcupine, who was sitting on his once again. Draco, was still in a full body bind and was going nuts. He needed to run and hunt, anything! He couldn't even voice his frustrations, just lay there. McGonagall and a couple other teachers helped the remaining students and they were at St. Mungos in no time.

McGonagall had called ahead, so there was already a team of healers waiting for them. A healer grabbed Hermione, who started messing with the woman's hair. A healer directed Hagrid to a room where he set down Draco, before going to deliver the other students in his care to other healers. The man with Draco, introduced himself.

"Hello Draco. My name is Marc and I will be your healer. You're in a full body bind?" When Draco didn't move, Marc nodded and undid the enchantment. Draco sprung up and ran around the room, before hopping back on the bed. Marc laughed.

"Body binds are no fun. Can you talk at all?" Draco shook his head, lifting a paw up. Marc wrote some things down on a notepad.

"Alright. I'm going to look you over."


Hermione was taken away by her healer, watching Hagrid take Draco away. She stared at him until he was out of sight.

"Come on Hermione, let's go to your room." The Healer's name was Amanda and she was really nice. Hermione was perched on her head, grooming once again. She had been grooming for only about a minute when they arrived at the examination room.

"Ok Hermione, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Alright?" She nodded.

"Can you talk at all?" Hermione shook her head.

"About how many otter characteristics have you taken on?" Hermione held up 3 fingers.

"Ok. I'm going to talk to the other healers, and see how they're doing. Don't leave this room, Ok? I'll be back in a couple minutes." As soon as Amanda left the room, the quiet atmosphere of the hospital was shattered by screaming.

I know, I know. I'm evil. But there you go! Chapter two of Patronuses and Potions. This is very abnormal for me to update so quickly, so don't get used to it.