Hello Everyone,

It has certainly been a while since I've posted a story. I've had a lot going on mentally, and have struggled with Writer's Block for a while, but I've been working on this story for sometime. Yes it's a bit of fluff/ AU. It contains mature content, and it's characters are not owned by me. Please give me some honest feedback, and I'll be sure to get back to every single one of you. Please enjoy.

PS. This is a male/male possible MPREG so if you no likey no ready

Chapter 1

Human beings are sexual by nature. Our bodies are built to breed, to thirst for it, and I'm no different…Well maybe a little. I came into sexual alertness when I was but 4 years old. It was a well-kept secret between my twin and me when we'd watch the porn my father used to hide in his room, thinking that we'd never find it, or even understand it. We didn't quite understand it, at first, but we found ways to understand. We'd touch one another in different places trying to create some kind of chemistry like what we'd see in the movies. It was hot. We didn't realize how unnatural our early sexual awareness was until we were much older.

By the time I made it through puberty my mind had become corrupt by sex, but my ironic fear of the unknown, not to mention my realization of my sexuality left me at a disadvantage when it came to actually taking the next step. At 18, in my senior year of high school, you'd think that I'd at least no longer be a virgin with how often I think about sex, but alas my chastity had somehow remained somewhat intact.

But…I wanted it.

I wanted it so bad that I'd barely make it in my room before I'd cum from something so simple as one of my brother's male friends touching my shoulder. As it turns out, my reactions were part of a family secret that had skipped some generations onto me. It heightened my sexual awareness and made me weak to every man I come into contact with.

I remember this one day a few months ago when I had been hanging with my twin and a few of his friends when we decided to play a game of soccer. The adrenaline from the sport usually distracted me from getting turned on, but once it came time to go home, my eyes zeroed in on the fact that some time during the game, a few of the other guys had become shirtless.

The walk home was horrible. Luckily they were already used to my silence so my inner dwellings went unnoticed. Well at least I believed that they did.

That day my twin invited the friends over to hang out. Normally I would cause a fit, but I was so focused on my hard-on to care. Just keeping the blush off of my face took more attention than it should.

When we all entered the house I excused myself to my room. The friction on my member from my basketball shorts had brought me so close to the edge in that 5 minute walk from the park. I said my goodbyes, and turned to head toward the stairs, but before I left I felt a hand strike my butt. I barely heard the words, "good game," pass through his lips as my body was wracked with electricity. That hand…that voice. It only belonged to one person who had such complete and utter power over me that if I stood close enough to him, I turned into a walking orgasm. This guy practically screamed sex, and the fact that I had been teetering on the edge so long made my erection painful beyond measure.

Instinct kicked in quickly, because obviously my brain was not going to work, and I ran up the stairs to my room.

I had barely shut the door, before my legs had turned to jelly and my knees hit the floor. The first quake of my orgasm hit me like a train, literally knocking the breath out of me, leaving my mouth open in a silent scream as I pulled the elastic off of my member. The release of pressure around my member allowed spurts of cum to shoot out of my cock as what little control I had left me. And I bit my hand to muffle the loudest of my moans.

After the shudders ceased, I lay there, ass in the air in the middle of my bedroom moaning at the remaining shocks that ran through my system. I was still hard, though. I guess it's abnormal for most boys, but for me it always took two to three orgasms in order for my erections to whither. That's quite a surprising feat considering how sensitive I really am.

The feeling still carries with me today. Even as our graduation stretches only a mere 3 months ahead I, Kurosaki Ichigo, still haven't found it in me to take the next step and sleep with someone. Part of it is a direct result of my brother's overprotective nature, but a majority of it is a direct result of HIM.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaques Is his name, Shiro's best friend. He is the absolute epitome of sex, and I wasn't the only one who thought so. We'd met him when we were 15, when he transferred to Karakura High School, because of a stalking incident at his school in Tokyo. People of all ages and sexes desired him. Even at 16 he looked 21 and that landed him a modeling contract with one of the hottest modelling agencies, Hueco Mundo. Let's even forget that he's among the top 10 of the continent. Lord only knows why he's still at my school. It's not like he's dumb or anything, he maintains a B average, and is incredibly athletic.

It's that very athleticism that makes me glad that I've been able to avoid taking gym with him all of these years, up until this last quarter of high school. I had been clamoring to find a class to fill up my schedule seeing as I had taken all honors and AP classes all through his first two years, and by the last quarter, I had no choice, but to take gym as an elective, because the study hall had been full.

It's always like this when HE's around. I mean my body gets hot around most men, but not like with HIM. With him, my body feels like liquid fire. I crave his touch about as much as I fear it. He makes me want things that I shouldn't want…sinful things…things that have me coming over…and over…and over again. My entrance tightens every time I see him smile at me, and he makes me want to touch him and to make him touch me all over. But this is something that shouldn't happen…can't happen.

Because we'll never be able to turn back.

Not only is he my brother's best friend, but he's also one of my brother's love interest. On many occasions, I've seen the two sharing looks, and joking around. I'd often see Shiro laying on Grimmjow, and they tend to make out when they're drunk. They haven't told us whether they're going out or not, but seeing them make out like that would give anyone the idea that they are totally feeling each other; literally. This all started a few years ago, a few months after Grimmjow arrived. I had fallen for him at first sight, but he was not Shiro's favorite. To Shiro he was pure competition.

From gym class to sports teams, they would always compete, sometimes to the point where blows were exchanged. Often times I'd spend time patching them both up because they fought so hard they'd end up passing out in a draw. Over time they became closer. Laughing and joking together, and before long they were best friends. There was even a rumor that they had slept together at a party. They had vehemently denied it, but I could always tell when my brother is lying. I was heartbroken. That's probably when I started pulling away.

It took me a year to get back into the grove, and only recently had I begun hanging out with everyone. It wasn't something that I exactly wanted to do, my body just started going when I started going through…the change.

It wasn't some spectacular occurrence, it was just a gradual change. I became like a junkie. My drug of choice...male attention. I need it at least once a day or I have very serious, very REAL pain. It's like blue balls times ten, a kick in the balls times 3, 100 purple nurples times 1000…well you get the point. What's worse is that I don't know anyone else experiencing this, Even Shiro was lucky enough to not have this problem, and he doesn't understand how bad it feels. He's often insensitive, and that's just made me more closed off and lonely. I don't really have friends, and a love life is pretty much a figment of my imagination, and this constant feeling of wanting someone mixed with dread just makes things for me so much harder.

Damn I need release.

I know I'm a bit rusty, and am in dire need of a beta. Please inbox me. I definitely need a fresh pair of eyes. Reviews please ;3