Luke walked to Aggie's house after his shift at the broom shop. Marnie had been visiting her grandmother everyday since the portal opened and as such Luke had since become a very common visitor at her grandmother's house. He pushed open the gate and ran up to the door just as it swung open.

"Hi Luke." Marnie smiled standing in the doorway.

"Hey." He smiled back, seeing Marnie always put him in a good mood.

"Grandma Aggie's busy training Sophie right now so she doesn't have time for visitors."

"That's okay. I wanted to talk to you actually I was wondering..." He stopped mid-sentence as he looked down at Marnie who was wearing the ugliest red and green t-shirt he had ever seen with some weird fat ghost in the middle of it.

"What are you wearing?" Luke questioned losing his train of thought.

"Oh um it's my Christmas sweater my mom got it for me." Marnie laughed. Like that was supposed to explain everything. What was a Christmas anyway? He thought maybe it was an animal but he couldn't figure out why someone would ever make a sweater out of such an ugly animal. However he chose to let the matter drop he was here with a purpose.

"Anyway…" Luke began again "…The pumpkin festival is this weekend and I was wondering if maybe um maybe you wanted to go with…" He stared down at his shoes before finishing "…with me."

Marnie was completely shocked she had only ever been asked out twice and had only ever seriously considered it this time. She stayed silent for a few minutes and Luke taking that silence as a no started trying to save himself the embarrassment of getting reject by the same girl twice.

"Listen it's no big deal, I didn't actually think you would, never mind it was stupid anyway." Luke started to walk away when Marnie grabbed his wrist.

"Saturday night right?" Marnie asked looking down at Luke's hand. Luke moved his hand so that they were now holding hands.

"Yeah." He said rubbing the back of his head with the other hand.

"I'll meet you at the Ice Cream shop around lunch time then." She said

The two of them stood there staring at each other still holding hands until they were interrupted by Grandma Aggie calling Marnie back inside to help with a spell. Both of them started walking away when they realised they were still holding hands.

"You're still holding my hand." Luke stated. The two stared at their hands for a moment before letting go.

"Right well I'll see you tomorrow" Marnie closed the door and started walking back into the kitchen where Her Grandma and Sophie were, so happy she felt like she was flying on a brand new broom.

Sophie and Aggie watched Marnie as she entered the room and started working on her potion her aura seemed to have drastically changed in the four minutes since she went to answer the door.

"What's wrong with Marnie?" Sophie whispered to her Grandmother. Aggie stared at Marnie for a moment before answering Sophie.

"Well I suppose maybe…" She trailed off whispering something about trolls, Ice Shops Potions and Goblins before her face lit up as a realisation of what really happened dawned on her.

"Oh" She squealed jumping up out of her chair. "You have a date! This is wonderful, Charles used to take me to the Pumpkin Festival every year."

"What?" Marnie asked snapped out of her happy daze by Aggie's rantings about who knows what. Aggie walked over to Marnie and examined her for a moment before walking off towards her bedroom.

"Don't worry dear I'll take care of everything. I'll loan you my favorite purple cape and I have some coupon for Jim's Ice cream shop and we will need to do something about that awful sweater you're wearing."

"Grandma." Marnie started cautiously. "Grandma no I can get ready by myself." She started running down the hallway in her grandmother's room to try and stop her.

Luke walked down the lonely dirt road back into town hoping to make it home in time for supper when a realisation hit him and he stopped.

"I HAVE A DATE WITH MARNIE PIPER!" He yelled. "I HAVE A DATE WITH THE HOTTEST GIRL IN HALLOWEENTOWN THIS WEEKEND!" with that being said and done he started walking again nothing could ruin his good mood today.


I have a challenge for anyone who likes my story or didn't like it and thinks they can do better. There are currently only like 7 Luke and Marnie stories on Fanfiction now and I want to try and double the number of Luke and Marnie stories but Halloween so I need other people to write some stories about this couple too.

Disclaimer: I don't own Halloween town. Please review my story and tell me what you think of it. I also have plans to do a second chapter where Luke and Marnie actually go on a date just so you know.