Guess who got a new job?
Guess who got a day off for some kind of religious celebration?
Guess who wrote her hands off?

Running on sunshine – chapter five

we can cut the rule
make these walls go boom
we can do this right here and now

Ellis' old house

For the second time, that week, Addison Montgomery woke up in her queen-sized bed with rain pouring down the sky, drops playing rhythms down the glass of her windows.

She rolled over to check the clock on her bedside table: it was five thirty in the morning. Her shifts was going to start at seven, and if she remembered correctly, Meredith was going in at the same time.


Humming happily, she fell asleep again in the warmth of her bed.

Meredith Grey was not a morning person.

Everyone who knew her knew as well that Meredith Grey was everything but a morning person. Anyway, that morning her alarm went off at 5.30 AM and she got up immediately. She didn't have time to stay in bed, complaining about the long shift she had to work: she was a girl on a mission.

She put on jeans and picked up her keys, passing quietly by the other bedrooms: no sound from Addison's, and Mark's door was ajar. He probably was at work already.

It was fun to have Mark around, she thought getting in the car. He was a nice guy, after all, but she was silently waiting for him to find his own place. Especially after their previous night agreement, she realized with a blush, she couldn't wait until her and Addison were going to have their privacy back.

Meredith drove to the coffee shop and ordered two coffees and two bagels to-go, with fruit salad. While she waited for the food, she glanced around, hoping Addison will be still asleep when she came back home. She couldn't be more grateful about Addison making every first step regarding their relationship, or she wasn't sure she would have realized the obvious things she was feeling. Addison had made numerous kind gestures and now it was the time to do something for her.

"Here you go," said the waitress, pulling Meredith out of her daydreaming.

"Thank you. Have a nice day," she replied and walked out, to her car. In five minutes, she was home again and gladly realized Addison was still asleep.

She slipped off her shoes and went to Addison's room. She knocked softly and in a few seconds Addie's voice called: "Mer?"

Meredith opened the door and walked into the room, Addison's sweet scent invading her nostrils.

"Morning," she murmured. Addison sat up on the bed and patted the space next to her, silently inviting Meredith to do the same.

"I brought breakfast."

"Thanks," Addison grinned. "You should have waited downstairs, I probably look like a monster."

Meredith reached out to softly touch Addison's red, messy hair and whispered: "You look beautiful. Everyone wants you or wants to be like you and you know it."

Addison laughed her off and blushed.

"Here, have a bagel," Meredith told her, handing her the paper bag. "Hope you like salmon. There's one with eggs and cheese, too. Pick the one you prefer."

"I like everything," Addison told her with a smile, biting onto her salmon bagel. "Most of all, I like that you did this for me."

"Thought it would be nice to start our... secret dating thing... with a good breakfast," Meredith replied rambling. She took a sip of her coffee and sighed, listening to the rain. "But you're right, this is nice."

"Our secret dating thing," Addison grinned, and she looked the youngest and the most relaxed Meredith had saw her in the month she had known her.

Meredith leaned down, bringing their faces close, every fiber of her being ready for the kiss. But when Addison realized what was about to happen, she leaned back and put a gentle hand on Meredith's shoulder.

"No, Mer..."

"What?" asked Meredith puzzled. "I thought-"

"No, wait, I want to kiss you. Of course I do, but..."


"Morning breath," Addison mumbled, blushing deeply. "Can we get ready for work, first?"

Meredith got up from her bed, gathering the rest of their breakfast. "Yeah, sure," she shrugged, and she quickly went to her room.

Addison had freaked out. With the morning breath story she had picked up the perfect excuse to back off the PDA.

She changed the rattled shirt she had slept in into a black, low-cut sweater. She put her hair in a high ponytail as she reached for some mascara. Maybe she had misunderstood? They had talked, they had decided that something strong was happening between the two of them and that they were going to stop avoiding the way they felt around each other. And then... they had kissed, and Addison ad put on a movie and Meredith had watched it with her feet in Addison's lap.

You seem to be everything I've always wanted.

"Mer?" Addison voice called from downstairs. "Are you ready? We're gonna be late!"

Why didn't she go to work with her car? She had refused to kiss her but she had waited for her.

"Coming," she said back, annoyed, reaching for her handbag and a leather jacket.

Addison was waiting for her by the door, dressed in a knee-length black dress, her hair down and curly and a red lipstick on.

"I love your hair like that," Meredith told her instinctively.

"You look beautiful," Addison complimented back, caressing Meredith's arm.

"Let's go or we'll be late."

Addison drove her at work in her fancy Audi, the radio playing softly. Meredith sang with it, her voice soft and nice.

Baby you got me like oh
You love when I fall apart
So you can put me together
And thrown me against the wall

Addison smiled at herself: Meredith Grey, neuro god, Head of the Department, a Rhianna fan.

"I love your voice," Addison murmured, resting his right hand on Meredith's thigh.

Seattle Grace Hospital

For Meredith, that morning was really difficult focusing on paperwork. She had said goodbye to Addison in the elevator an hour ago and she was there, analyzing facts from the previous night and that morning, like she did with symptoms while searching for a diagnosis.

A knock at the door, and she immediately straightened her back, slipping into dr. Grey mode.

"Come in!"

"Hey," and Addie's pretty face appeared.

"Hey. Did you forget something?"

"I did," Addison nodded, walking into the room. Instinctively, Meredith got up and before she could say anything else, Addie enveloped her in a hug and she kissed her on the lips.

"Oh," Meredith gasped, her arms immediately holding Addison close, her lips responding to the dance.

Meredith ran the tip of her tongue on Addison's lips, searching for an entrance, and the redhead opened her mouth, her own tongue caressing Meredith's.

They kissed like that for a while, both their heads empty and light. Addison reached up and cupped one of Meredith's breast in her hand, and the blonde moaned.

"I wasn't trying to run," Addison said on Meredith's lips. "I was really ashamed about morning breath."

Meredith panted, her hand absently caressing Addison's hip, tentatively teaching for her butt.

"Maybe we can stop with the grabbing," Addison grinned. "As much as I want to tear this sweater off of your chest."

"Mmh," Meredith moaned, searching for her mouth again, giving her another earth-shattering kiss. "I hope you locked the door," she whispered, pulling off her own sweater.

Addison's breath died in her throat as she admired the view of Meredith's full breasts in a lacy blue bra.

"Wow," Addison said simply, grabbing Meredith's waist and crushing their chests together. But when she attached the blonde's neck the door crushed open and a voice chirped: "Mer!" followed by an immediate "Oh my God!".

Addison turned abruptly and Meredith gasped, hiding her naked torso behind Addison's back.

"Meredith!" Lexie gasped. "Dr. Montgomery!"

"Lexie," Meredith sighed, detaching from Addison.

"Sorry, I know you're both my bosses but... I mean, asking as a sister - what the fuck it's happening between the two of you?!"

Long update is long :)
If someone is still reading this, can I hear your voices? You can even tell me this sucks!