Published: 1-Mar-2016
Characters: Lon'qu, Robin(m)
Setting: modern AU, dumb teenagers
Words: 189
The words slipped out before he could stop them.
"You… Furry…"
"Excuse me?"
The look of affront that crossed Lon'qu's face was so extreme that it made Robin pause, lips twitching as he tried to restrain his amusement. He'd never seen such strong emotion on Lon'qu before.
"Did you just call me—?"
Interrupting the other before he could complete his sentence, Robin quickly shook his head. "I meant that your hair is furry. Not that you are a furry." He explained quickly, now grinning. "Uh—furry isn't the right word though. Maybe fluffy is better?"
Maybe that wasn't the right thing to say.
Chortling so hard at the sight of the fury on Lon'qu's face, Robin couldn't help but ask him, "Why are you so furry-ous?"
—and he reacted too slowly to defend himself from the bag that assaulted his stomach and the arm that wrapped around his neck to pull him under Lon'qu's arm and in direct range of the knuckle that now began to dig itself into his scalp.
Even as Robin screamed and cried out for mercy, he couldn't help but think: so worth it.