Celine Minos(Head Game Maker)

After two years of near constant micromanaging you'd think I'd be used to Tyranna sticking her nose into my business and while for the most part I've learned to take it in stride this latest stunt of hers is entirely unacceptable, hell it puts the very integrity of the games in question.

"I'm not asking if you want to do it Centaura, I'm flat out telling you to do it, you will make this happen. Do I make myself clear?"

"I'm not saying I can't do it, ma'am."

"Then what exactly are you saying? Because it sure as hell isn't 'I'll get it done' now is it?"

I can see it's going to take her a moment to formulate a response and while her delay is infuriating I'd honestly expect nothing less from Tyranna's niece. That's the only reason I tolerate her ineptitude and sass because the President told me to, the fact that she's grossly unqualified to be Head Mutt Designer never seems to have entered into the equation when Tyranna appointed her to my staff. Now I'm stuck with a very talented but very cocky sixteen-year-old who knows that in the end my punishing her is out of the question and as Tyranna's hand-picked heir she's all but untouchable. If the games flop solely because of the mutts however both her position and mine become much less secure, it's driving that point home that's the problem, to her the consequences aren't real, not yet at least.

"Well, do you plan on answering me or are you just going to sit there and look stupid?!"

"Ma'am I can make the mutts work, but you need to understand that they're going to have to have corporeal forum otherwise interaction with the tributes is entirely out of the question."

"So you're saying it can be done?"

"Yes, but not in the ambient, Omnipresent way you were asking for. Projecting like that is easy we do it all the time but to have the kind of independent control of their areas the mutts have to have a physical forum. Otherwise, we'd be entirely dependent on Game Maker adjustments for interaction and environmental manipulation."

"It's not perfect….But I'd much rather have as little direct manipulation as possible. Very well that'll suffice, how soon will you have them up and running?"

"They're ready for the most part all we need to do is fine tune the manipulation mechanics and they'll be good to go, so maybe a week tops."

"Then you have a go to complete the project, just keep me up to date. The President wants to do a walk through at least ten days in advance of the Games so we only have twelve days to get everything in order."

"They'll be done long before her walk through ma'am, I guarantee that."

"Excellent, now if there's nothing else I still need to talk with the arena team before my meeting."

"No ma'am I have everything I need."

"Then you're dismissed, and please send the others in on your way out."

She exits with a practiced grace and a few seconds later the hurried footsteps of my arena team drown out the almost military-like precision of her heals. It takes my five new guests an eternity to find a seat and in the end one of them ends up standing due to the lack of chairs. I give them a few seconds to compose themselves before I start the meeting, time almost certainly not in our favor.

"We'll need to keep this short because I have a meeting in twenty minutes with the President so do your best to keep your answers short. Now let's start with the Terra area shall we?"

"Thank you, ma'am, at present we're about seventy-eight percent done with the implementation process. Our most conservative estimate puts us at six days to completion."

"Fantastic, and how are the Ventus areas coming along?"

"We've got all the major components in place, but we won't be fully operational until Terra finishes so we can fine tune everything."

"How long will that take after Terra's done?"

"Only a few hours ma'am, the components are installed with the main Terraformations."

"Good to hear, let's do Ignis next."

"Our formations are fully installed and much like Ventus we're just waiting for Terra to catch up to finalize the project."

"I assume your finalization will take about as long as the others?"

"Yes, once Terra is complete we'll need around five or so hours to finish up."

"Get me a solid number by the end of the day….Aqua go."

"We're fully installed and tested ma'am, all systems are operational."

"You're not waiting on Terra like the others?"

"No Terra's installed in the areas we border and any fine tuning will be on their side, not ours."

"Excellent people I'm truly pleased with your progress, but what about the Convergence site?"

"It's almost done ma'am, the major structures are in place, but I can't fine tune the environment until Terra finishes up."

"Fantastic, good work all of you. Terra you'll need to redouble your efforts to ensure we have adequate time to adjust for any problems especially for the mutt interactions before the Presidents walk through. That's scheduled for twelve days from now so I expect everything to be in place within the next six, any questions?"

We sit in silence for a few seconds before I offer them a curt nod and a simple hand dismissal as I start to gather my things. I only have about ten minutes until Tyranna expects me and if past meetings are any indication she'll want to start about five minutes early. I take a quick look around my office and scan for anything important I may have missed and once I'm confident I'm leaving nothing behind I quickly close the door and start off at a near jog for the Presidential Offices on the far side of the building, and for the first time in my three years I'll have exclusively good news to deliver. Tyranna's not going to know how to react to this.

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to my 3rd Hunger Games SYOT 'The World in Balance: The 102nd Hunger Games' and as you can see we're in store for one hell of an amazing ride :) Now this story will follow the same format as far as introducing tributes as my last two in the I'll only be doing 1 Pre Reaping Chapter, 1 Reaping, 1 Justice Center, 1 Train Ride, 1 Remake Center, and 1 Tribute Parade with 2 districts per chapter. After that point tributes will be paired at random for plot sake or just because they fit with the other tributes.

The tribute forum is on my profile and in accordance with site rules I'll only be accepting submissions via PM and while this is not a first come first serve story if you take the time to submit a tribute I'll do everything I can to get them into the story and remember the more detailed you are with your tribute the more I can tailor them to your vision so please be detailed. Also ALL information on the forum is required, even the newly added Celebrity Look Alike :)

That's all there is for the rules so please submit, have fun, and let's enjoy this journey together :D